Beispiel #1
	def makeClusters(self, tccList):
		self.addedList = []
		self.clusters = []
		#Create Clusters
		connectionsDict = compare.makeConnectionsDict(tccList)
		for tcc in tccList:
			self.createClusters(connectionsDict, tcc, "top")
		for cluster in self.clusters:
			cluster = cg.sortTccList(cluster)
Beispiel #2

#Start Timer
timer = cg.cgTimer()

#Get list of mature tccs
conf = cgConfig.returnConfDict()
finalMirFileName = '/u/home8/gxxiao/chrisgre/projects/PipeRuns/LanderHuman/out/LanderHuman-s3k8b17.ALL.FINAL.mirs.tsv'
finalMirFileName = conf['resultsRaw']
matureTccs = compare.tccFileToList(finalMirFileName, 1) # list of all mature micro in tcc
print 'List getting', timer.split()

#make connections dict
matureConnections = compare.makeConnectionsDict(matureTccs)
print 'Make connections:', timer.split()

#Now have to define Clusters...
clusters = []
addedList = []

#I don't think python passes by reference? also I think this function is in the middle because it uses a global variable :P
def createClusters(item = None, mode = None):
	if item in addedList:
		return 0
	elif mode == "top":
		addedList.append(item) ##creates new cluster with the item already stored in it
		for connectedItem in matureConnections[item]:
def defineClusters(cName = None):
	#Start Timer
	timer = cg.cgTimer()
	#Get list of mature tccs
	conf = cgConfig.getConfig(cName) #passed or default
	finalMirFileName = conf.conf['resultsRaw']
	matureTccs = compare.tccFileToList(finalMirFileName, 1) # list of all mature micro in tcc
	print 'List getting', timer.split()
	#make connections dict
	matureConnections = compare.makeConnectionsDict(matureTccs)
	print 'Make connections:', timer.split()
	#Now have to define Clusters...
	clusters = []
	addedList = []
	#I don't think python passes by reference? also I think this function is in the middle because it uses a global variable :P
	def createClusters(item = None, mode = None):
		if item in addedList:
			return 0
		elif mode == "top":
			addedList.append(item) ##creates new cluster with the item already stored in it
			for connectedItem in matureConnections[item]:
				createClusters(connectedItem, "neighbor")
		elif mode == "neighbor":
			clusters[-1].append(item) #add this item to the last cluster created
			for connectedItem in matureConnections[item]:
				createClusters(connectedItem, "neighbor")
	for tcc in matureTccs:
		createClusters(tcc, "top")
	print 'Make Clusters', timer.split()
	#Sort Clusters.
	sortedClusters = []
	for cluster in clusters:
	print 'Sort Clusters:', timer.split()
	#Output sorted cluster file
	clusterFileName = conf.conf['sortedClusters']
	clusterFile = open(clusterFileName, 'w')
	for cluster in sortedClusters:
		for hit in cluster:
			clusterFile.write('%s,' % hit)
	#re-create sortedClusters list:
	clusterFileName = ''
	clusterFile = open(clusterFileName, 'r')
	sortedClusters = []
	for line in clusterFile:
		line = line.strip()[0:-1] #take off last comma ;P
		for hit in (line.strip().split(',')):
	print 'Store intermediate data:', timer.split()
	#output hitsAround file
	outputFile = open(conf.conf['hitsPerFrame'], 'w')
	frameLength = 200
	frameShift = 1
	for cluster in sortedClusters:
		#grab first and last coordinate from cluster, for each cluster deduce how many theoretical microRNAs were in hitScope
		clusterChrom = cluster[0].split(":")[0]
		clusterStrand = cluster[0].split(":")[1]
		firstCoord = int(cluster[0].split(":")[2])
		#print cluster[-1]
		lastCoord = int(cluster[-1].split(":")[3])
		startCoord = firstCoord
		while startCoord < lastCoord:
			#count how many hits there are in this range
			rangeStart = startCoord - (frameLength/2)
			rangeEnd = startCoord + (frameLength/2)
			rangeTcc = '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (clusterChrom, clusterStrand, rangeStart, rangeEnd)
			overlappedList = compare.compareTwoTcc([rangeTcc], cluster, 2)
			hitCount = len(overlappedList) 
			outputFile.write('%s\t%s\n' % (rangeTcc, hitCount))
			startCoord = startCoord + frameShift #check overlap with range
	print 'Output Hits per Frame:', timer.split()
	print 'Overall Time:',
def defineClusters(cName=None):
    #Start Timer
    timer = cg.cgTimer()

    #Get list of mature tccs
    conf = cgConfig.getConfig(cName)  #passed or default
    finalMirFileName = conf.conf['resultsRaw']
    matureTccs = compare.tccFileToList(finalMirFileName,
                                       1)  # list of all mature micro in tcc
    print 'List getting', timer.split()

    #make connections dict
    matureConnections = compare.makeConnectionsDict(matureTccs)
    print 'Make connections:', timer.split()

    #Now have to define Clusters...
    clusters = []
    addedList = []

    #I don't think python passes by reference? also I think this function is in the middle because it uses a global variable :P
    def createClusters(item=None, mode=None):

        if item in addedList:
            return 0
        elif mode == "top":
                item)  ##creates new cluster with the item already stored in it
            for connectedItem in matureConnections[item]:
                createClusters(connectedItem, "neighbor")
        elif mode == "neighbor":
                item)  #add this item to the last cluster created
            for connectedItem in matureConnections[item]:
                createClusters(connectedItem, "neighbor")

    for tcc in matureTccs:
        createClusters(tcc, "top")

    print 'Make Clusters', timer.split()

    #Sort Clusters.
    sortedClusters = []

    for cluster in clusters:

    print 'Sort Clusters:', timer.split()

    #Output sorted cluster file
    clusterFileName = conf.conf['sortedClusters']
    clusterFile = open(clusterFileName, 'w')
    for cluster in sortedClusters:
        for hit in cluster:
            clusterFile.write('%s,' % hit)
	#re-create sortedClusters list:
	clusterFileName = ''
	clusterFile = open(clusterFileName, 'r')
	sortedClusters = []
	for line in clusterFile:
		line = line.strip()[0:-1] #take off last comma ;P
		for hit in (line.strip().split(',')):

    print 'Store intermediate data:', timer.split()

    #output hitsAround file
    outputFile = open(conf.conf['hitsPerFrame'], 'w')

    frameLength = 200
    frameShift = 1
    for cluster in sortedClusters:
        #grab first and last coordinate from cluster, for each cluster deduce how many theoretical microRNAs were in hitScope
        clusterChrom = cluster[0].split(":")[0]
        clusterStrand = cluster[0].split(":")[1]
        firstCoord = int(cluster[0].split(":")[2])
        #print cluster[-1]
        lastCoord = int(cluster[-1].split(":")[3])

        startCoord = firstCoord
        while startCoord < lastCoord:
            #count how many hits there are in this range
            rangeStart = startCoord - (frameLength / 2)
            rangeEnd = startCoord + (frameLength / 2)
            rangeTcc = '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (clusterChrom, clusterStrand,
                                        rangeStart, rangeEnd)
            overlappedList = compare.compareTwoTcc([rangeTcc], cluster, 2)
            hitCount = len(overlappedList)

            outputFile.write('%s\t%s\n' % (rangeTcc, hitCount))
            startCoord = startCoord + frameShift  #check overlap with range

    print 'Output Hits per Frame:', timer.split()
    print 'Overall Time:',