def get_installed_version(prefix, pkgs):
    """Primarily used by conda-forge, but may be useful in general for checking when a package
    needs to be updated"""
    from conda_build.utils import ensure_list
    pkgs = ensure_list(pkgs)
    linked_pkgs = linked(prefix)
    versions = {}
    for pkg in pkgs:
        vers_inst = [dist.split('::', 1)[-1].rsplit('-', 2)[1] for dist in linked_pkgs
            if dist.split('::', 1)[-1].rsplit('-', 2)[0] == pkg]
        versions[pkg] = vers_inst[0] if len(vers_inst) == 1 else None
    return versions
def get_installed_version(prefix, pkgs):
    """Primarily used by conda-forge, but may be useful in general for checking when a package
    needs to be updated"""
    from conda_build.utils import ensure_list
    pkgs = ensure_list(pkgs)
    linked_pkgs = linked(prefix)
    versions = {}
    for pkg in pkgs:
        vers_inst = [dist.split('::', 1)[-1].rsplit('-', 2)[1] for dist in linked_pkgs
            if dist.split('::', 1)[-1].rsplit('-', 2)[0] == pkg]
        versions[pkg] = vers_inst[0] if len(vers_inst) == 1 else None
    return versions
Beispiel #3
def which_package(path):
    given the path (of a (presumably) conda installed file) iterate over
    the conda packages the file came from.  Usually the iteration yields
    only one package.
    from os.path import abspath, join
    path = abspath(path)
    prefix = which_prefix(path)
    if prefix is None:
        raise RuntimeError("could not determine conda prefix from: %s" % path)
    for dist in linked(prefix):
        meta = is_linked(prefix, dist)
        if any(abspath(join(prefix, f)) == path for f in meta['files']):
            yield dist
def which_package(path):
    given the path (of a (presumably) conda installed file) iterate over
    the conda packages the file came from.  Usually the iteration yields
    only one package.
    from os.path import abspath, join
    path = abspath(path)
    prefix = which_prefix(path)
    if prefix is None:
        raise RuntimeError("could not determine conda prefix from: %s" % path)
    for dist in linked(prefix):
        meta = is_linked(prefix, dist)
        if any(abspath(join(prefix, f)) == path for f in meta['files']):
            yield dist