def processSoilData(AggLevel):
    '''Calculates average soil characteristics at AggLevel = "Woreda" or "Kebele" and outputs them to WoredaSoilData.csv or KebeleSoilData.csv'''

    #set the working directory
    workingDir = os.getcwd()

    #Download all of the soil data

    #Turn on Spatial Statistics package and define field over which ZonalStatisticsAsTable will be calculated (Woreda or Kebele ID)
    if AggLevel == 'Kebele':
        in_zone_data = os.path.dirname(workingDir) + "\\Shapefiles\\Ethiopia Kebeles without Somali region.shp"
        in_template_dataset = in_zone_data
        zone_field = "KebeleID"
    elif AggLevel == 'Woreda':
        in_zone_data = os.path.dirname(workingDir) + "\\Shapefiles\\WoredasWGS1984.shp"
        in_template_dataset = in_zone_data
        zone_field = "WOREDANO_"

    #Define the projection and change the working directory to the directory with all of the soil data folders
    latLongRef = "Coordinate Systems\Geographic Coordinate Systems\World\WGS 1984.prj"
    directories = [f for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if os.path.isfile(f) == False]

    for i in range(len(directories)):
        #Find all the tiffs with soil data in each soil characteristic folder
        os.chdir(workingDir + "\\" + directories[i])
        filelist = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
        tiffs = []
        clipTiffs = []
        for j in range(len(filelist)):
            name = filelist[j]
            if name[-8::] == '250m.tif':
            elif name[-9::] == '_Clip.tif':

        for j in range(len(clipTiffs)):
            clipTiffs[j] = os.getcwd() + "\\" + clipTiffs[j]
        for j in range(len(tiffs)):
            in_raster = os.getcwd() + "\\" + tiffs[j]
            out_raster = os.getcwd() + "\\" + tiffs[j][0:-4] + "_Clip.tif"
            #Clip the tiffs to Ethiopia if they haven't been already
            if out_raster not in clipTiffs:
                ap.Clip_management(in_raster, "#", out_raster, in_template_dataset, "#", 1)

            #Calculate Zonal Statistics of soil data at AggLevel
            in_value_raster = out_raster
            out_table = os.getcwd() + "\\" + tiffs[j][0:-4] + AggLevel + ".dbf"
  , zone_field, in_value_raster, out_table)

    #Convert the DBFs with all the AggLevel soil data to CSVs
    #Change the working directory to the directory with all the soil data folders
    directories = [f for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if os.path.isfile(f) == False]

    for i in range(len(directories)):
        #Find all the DBFs with soil data in each soil characteristic folder
        os.chdir(workingDir + "\\" + directories[i])
        filelist = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
        DBFs = []
        for j in range(len(filelist)):
            name = filelist[j]
            if name[-10::] == AggLevel + '.dbf':

        #Convert the DBF to a CSV
        for j in range(len(DBFs)):
            convertDBFtoCSV(os.getcwd() + "\\" + DBFs[j])

    #Join the CSVs with all the AggLevel soil data into one CSV titled "WoredaSoilData.csv" or "KebeleSoilData.csv" depending on the AggLevel
    joinSoilCSVs(AggLevel, workingDir)
    return None
Beispiel #2
def intersectGrid(AggLevel, workingDir, variable):
    '''Intersects the NOAA precipitation data grid with the AggLevel = "Woreda" or "Kebele" shapefile'''

    #create grid shapefile
    Grid = workingDir + "\\All" + variable + "Grid.shp"
    if (os.path.exists(Grid) == False):
        if variable == "Temp":
            origin_coord = "-180 -90"
            nrows = "360"
            ncols = "720"
            polygon_width = "0.5 degrees"
            origin_coord = "-20.05 -40.05"
            nrows = "801"
            ncols = "751"
            polygon_width = "0.1 degrees"

        polygon_height = polygon_width
        ap.GridIndexFeatures_cartography(Grid, "", "", "", "", polygon_width,
                                         polygon_height, origin_coord, nrows,

        #add 3 or 4 fields to grid shapefile: latitude (LAT), longitude (LONG) and
        #for precipitation, row (row) of text file corresponding to each grid in the shapefile;
        #for temperature, row (row) and column (col) of netCDF file corresponding to each grid in the shapefile
        ap.AddField_management(Grid, "LAT", "DOUBLE", 7, 2, "", "", "", "", "")
        ap.AddField_management(Grid, "LONG", "DOUBLE", 7, 2, "", "", "", "",
        ap.AddField_management(Grid, "row", "SHORT", 6, "", "", "", "", "", "")
        if variable == "Temp":
            ap.AddField_management(Grid, "col", "SHORT", 5, "", "", "", "", "",

        #calculate lat and long fields
        expression1 = "float(!SHAPE.CENTROID!.split()[0])"
        expression2 = "float(!SHAPE.CENTROID!.split()[1])"
        ap.CalculateField_management(Grid, "LONG", expression1, "PYTHON")
        ap.CalculateField_management(Grid, "LAT", expression2, "PYTHON")

        #calculate row and col fields
        if variable == "Temp":
            Grid = calcTempFields(Grid)
            Grid = calcRainFields(Grid)

    #clip the grid to Ethiopia and convert its .dbf to a .csv for later use
    GridClip = workingDir + "\\" + variable + "GridClip" + AggLevel + ".shp"
    if AggLevel == 'Woreda':
        EthiopiaBorders = os.path.dirname(
            workingDir) + "\\Shapefiles\\WoredasAdindan.shp"
    elif AggLevel == 'Kebele':
        EthiopiaBorders = os.path.dirname(
        ) + "\\Shapefiles\\Ethiopia Kebeles without Somali region.shp"

    ap.Clip_analysis(Grid, EthiopiaBorders, GridClip)
    dbf = GridClip[0:-4] + ".dbf"
    GridCSV = convertDBFtoCSV(dbf)

    #intersect the clipped grid with the woreda or kebele shapefile and project to Adindan
    GridIntersect = workingDir + "\\" + variable + AggLevel + "Intersect.shp"
    ap.Intersect_analysis([GridClip, EthiopiaBorders], GridIntersect)
    GridIntersectProject = GridIntersect[0:-4] + "Project.shp"

    #calculate area of intersection between grid and woreda or kebele shapefile after adding a field to store it
    ap.AddField_management(GridIntersectProject, "PartArea", "DOUBLE", 12, 6,
                           "", "", "", "", "")
    expression = "float(!SHAPE.AREA@SQUAREKILOMETERS!)"
    ap.CalculateField_management(GridIntersectProject, "PartArea", expression,

    #convert GridIntersect's .dbf to a .csv for later use
    dbf = GridIntersectProject[0:-4] + ".dbf"
    intersectCSV = convertDBFtoCSV(dbf)

    return intersectCSV, GridCSV
Beispiel #3
def intersectGrid(AggLevel, workingDir, variable):
    '''Intersects the GHCN temperature data grid with the AggLevel = "Woreda" or "Kebele" shapefile'''

    #create grid shapefile
    Grid = workingDir + "\\All" + variable + "Grid.shp"
        if variable == "Temp":
            origin_coord = "-180 -90"
            nrows = "360"
            ncols = "720"
            polygon_width = "0.5 degrees"
            origin_coord = "-20.05 -40.05"
            nrows = "801"
            ncols = "751"
            polygon_width = "0.1 degrees"
        polygon_height = polygon_width
        ap.GridIndexFeatures_cartography(Grid, "", "", "", "", polygon_width, polygon_height, origin_coord, nrows, ncols)
        #add 3 or 4 fields to grid shapefile: latitude (LAT), longitude (LONG) and
        #for precipitation, row (row) of text file corresponding to each grid in the shapefile;
        #for temperature, row (row) and column (col) of netCDF file corresponding to each grid in the shapefile
        ap.AddField_management(Grid, "LAT", "DOUBLE", 7, 2, "", "", "", "", "")
        ap.AddField_management(Grid, "LONG", "DOUBLE", 7, 2, "", "", "", "", "")
        ap.AddField_management(Grid, "row", "SHORT", 6, "", "", "", "", "", "")
        if variable == "Temp":
            ap.AddField_management(Grid, "col", "SHORT", 5, "", "", "", "", "", "")

        #calculate lat and long fields
        expression1 = "float(!SHAPE.CENTROID!.split()[0])"
        expression2 = "float(!SHAPE.CENTROID!.split()[1])"
        ap.CalculateField_management(Grid, "LONG", expression1, "PYTHON")
        ap.CalculateField_management(Grid, "LAT", expression2, "PYTHON")

        #calculate row and col fields
        if variable == "Temp":
            Grid = calcTempFields(Grid)
            Grid = calcRainFields(Grid)

    #clip the grid to Ethiopia and convert its .dbf to a .csv for later use
    GridClip = workingDir + "\\" + variable + "GridClip" + AggLevel + ".shp"
    if AggLevel == 'Woreda':
        EthiopiaBorders = os.path.dirname(workingDir) + "\\Shapefiles\\WoredasAdindan.shp"
    elif AggLevel == 'Kebele':
        EthiopiaBorders = os.path.dirname(workingDir) + "\\Shapefiles\\Ethiopia Kebeles without Somali region.shp"

    ap.Clip_analysis(Grid, EthiopiaBorders, GridClip)
    dbf = GridClip[0:-4] + ".dbf"
    GridCSV = convertDBFtoCSV(dbf)

    #intersect the clipped grid with the woreda or kebele shapefile and project to Adindan
    GridIntersect = workingDir + "\\" + variable + AggLevel + "Intersect.shp"
    ap.Intersect_analysis([GridClip, EthiopiaBorders],GridIntersect)
    GridIntersectProject = GridIntersect[0:-4] + "Project.shp"

    #calculate area of intersection between grid and woreda or kebele shapefile after adding a field to store it
    ap.AddField_management(GridIntersectProject, "PartArea", "DOUBLE", 12, 6, "", "", "", "", "")
    expression = "float(!SHAPE.AREA@SQUAREKILOMETERS!)"
    ap.CalculateField_management(GridIntersectProject, "PartArea", expression, "PYTHON")

    #convert GridIntersect's .dbf to a .csv for later use
    dbf = GridIntersectProject[0:-4] + ".dbf"
    intersectCSV = convertDBFtoCSV(dbf)
    return intersectCSV, GridCSV
Beispiel #4
def processSoilData(AggLevel):
    '''Calculates average soil characteristics at AggLevel = "Woreda" or "Kebele" and outputs them to WoredaSoilData.csv or KebeleSoilData.csv'''

    #set the working directory
    workingDir = os.getcwd()

    #Download all of the soil data
    downloadSoilData(AggLevel, workingDir)

    #Turn on Spatial Statistics package and define field over which ZonalStatisticsAsTable will be calculated (Woreda or Kebele ID)
    if AggLevel == 'Kebele':
        in_zone_data = os.path.dirname(
        ) + "\\Shapefiles\\Ethiopia Kebeles without Somali region.shp"
        in_template_dataset = in_zone_data
        zone_field = "KebeleID"
    elif AggLevel == 'Woreda':
        in_zone_data = os.path.dirname(
            workingDir) + "\\Shapefiles\\WoredasWGS1984.shp"
        in_template_dataset = in_zone_data
        zone_field = "WOREDANO_"

    #Define the projection and change the working directory to the directory with all of the soil data folders
    latLongRef = "Coordinate Systems\Geographic Coordinate Systems\World\WGS 1984.prj"
    directories = [
        f for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if os.path.isfile(f) == False

    for i in range(len(directories)):
        #Find all the tiffs with soil data in each soil characteristic folder
        os.chdir(workingDir + "\\" + directories[i])
        filelist = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
        tiffs = []
        clipTiffs = []
        for j in range(len(filelist)):
            name = filelist[j]
            if name[-8::] == '250m.tif':
            elif name[-9::] == '_Clip.tif':

        for j in range(len(clipTiffs)):
            clipTiffs[j] = os.getcwd() + "\\" + clipTiffs[j]

        for j in range(len(tiffs)):
            in_raster = os.getcwd() + "\\" + tiffs[j]
            out_raster = os.getcwd() + "\\" + tiffs[j][0:-4] + "_Clip.tif"
            #Clip the tiffs to Ethiopia if they haven't been already
            if out_raster not in clipTiffs:
                ap.Clip_management(in_raster, "#", out_raster,
                                   in_template_dataset, "#", 1)

            #Calculate Zonal Statistics of soil data at AggLevel
            in_value_raster = out_raster
            out_table = os.getcwd() + "\\" + tiffs[j][0:-4] + AggLevel + ".dbf"
  , zone_field,
                                         in_value_raster, out_table)

    #Convert the DBFs with all the AggLevel soil data to CSVs
    #Change the working directory to the directory with all the soil data folders
    directories = [
        f for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if os.path.isfile(f) == False

    for i in range(len(directories)):
        #Find all the DBFs with soil data in each soil characteristic folder
        os.chdir(workingDir + "\\" + directories[i])
        filelist = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
        DBFs = []
        for j in range(len(filelist)):
            name = filelist[j]
            if name[-10::] == AggLevel + '.dbf':

        #Convert the DBF to a CSV
        for j in range(len(DBFs)):
            convertDBFtoCSV(os.getcwd() + "\\" + DBFs[j])

    #Join the CSVs with all the AggLevel soil data into one CSV titled "WoredaSoilData.csv" or "KebeleSoilData.csv" depending on the AggLevel
    joinSoilCSVs(AggLevel, workingDir)

    return None