Beispiel #1
 def test_series(self):
     assert parse_series('1n+3') == (1, 3)
     assert parse_series('n-5') == (1, -5)
     assert parse_series('odd') == (2, 1)
     assert parse_series('even') == (2, 0)
     assert parse_series('3n') == (3, 0)
     assert parse_series('n') == (1, 0)
     assert parse_series('+n') == (1, 0)
     assert parse_series('-n') == (-1, 0)
     assert parse_series('5') == (0, 5)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_series, 'foo')
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_series, 'n+')
Beispiel #2
 def xpath_nth_child_function(self, xpath, function, last=False,
         a, b = parse_series(function.arguments)
     except ValueError:
         raise ExpressionError("Invalid series: '%r'" % function.arguments)
     if add_name_test:
     if a == 0:
         if last:
             b = 'last() - %s' % b
         return xpath.add_condition('position() = %s' % b)
     if last:
         # FIXME: I'm not sure if this is right
         a = -a
         b = -b
     if b > 0:
         b_neg = str(-b)
         b_neg = '+%s' % (-b)
     if a != 1:
         expr = ['(position() %s) mod %s = 0' % (b_neg, a)]
         expr = []
     if b >= 0:
         expr.append('position() >= %s' % b)
     elif b < 0 and last:
         expr.append('position() < (last() %s)' % b)
     expr = ' and '.join(expr)
     if expr:
     return xpath
Beispiel #3
 def xpath_nth_child_function(self, xpath, function, last=False,
         a, b = parse_series(function.arguments)
     except ValueError:
         raise ExpressionError("Invalid series: '%r'" % function.arguments)
     if add_name_test:
     if a == 0:
         if last:
             b = 'last() - %s' % b
         return xpath.add_condition('position() = %s' % b)
     if last:
         # FIXME: I'm not sure if this is right
         a = -a
         b = -b
     if b > 0:
         b_neg = str(-b)
         b_neg = '+%s' % (-b)
     if a != 1:
         expr = ['(position() %s) mod %s = 0' % (b_neg, a)]
         expr = []
     if b >= 0:
         expr.append('position() >= %s' % b)
     elif b < 0 and last:
         expr.append('position() < (last() %s)' % b)
     expr = ' and '.join(expr)
     if expr:
     return xpath
Beispiel #4
 def series(css):
     selector, = parse(':nth-child(%s)' % css)
     args = selector.parsed_tree.arguments
         return parse_series(args)
     except ValueError:
         return None
Beispiel #5
 def series(css):
     selector, = parse(':nth-child(%s)' % css)
     args = selector.parsed_tree.arguments
         return parse_series(args)
     except ValueError:
         return None
Beispiel #6
 def xpath_nth_child_function(self, xpath, function, last=False,
     a, b = parse_series(function.arguments)
     if not a and not b and not last:
         # a=0 means nothing is returned...
         return xpath.add_condition('false() and position() = 0')
     if add_name_test:
     if a == 0:
         if last:
             b = 'last() - %s' % b
         return xpath.add_condition('position() = %s' % b)
     if last:
         # FIXME: I'm not sure if this is right
         a = -a
         b = -b
     if b > 0:
         b_neg = str(-b)
         b_neg = '+%s' % (-b)
     if a != 1:
         expr = ['(position() %s) mod %s = 0' % (b_neg, a)]
         expr = []
     if b >= 0:
         expr.append('position() >= %s' % b)
     elif b < 0 and last:
         expr.append('position() < (last() %s)' % b)
     expr = ' and '.join(expr)
     if expr:
     return xpath
Beispiel #7
 def test_series(self):
     assert parse_series('1n+3') == (1, 3)
     assert parse_series('n-5') == (1, -5)
     assert parse_series('odd') == (2, 1)
     assert parse_series('even') == (2, 0)
     assert parse_series('3n') == (3, 0)
     assert parse_series('n') == (1, 0)
     assert parse_series('5') == (0, 5)
Beispiel #8
    def xpath_nth_child_function(self, xpath, function, last=False,
            a, b = parse_series(function.arguments)
        except ValueError:
            raise ExpressionError("Invalid series: '%r'" % function.arguments)

        # From
        # :nth-child(an+b)
        #       an+b-1 siblings before
        # :nth-last-child(an+b)
        #       an+b-1 siblings after
        # :nth-of-type(an+b)
        #       an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name before
        # :nth-last-of-type(an+b)
        #       an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name after
        # So,
        # for :nth-child and :nth-of-type
        #    count(preceding-sibling::<nodetest>) = an+b-1
        # for :nth-last-child and :nth-last-of-type
        #    count(following-sibling::<nodetest>) = an+b-1
        # therefore,
        #    count(...) - (b-1) ≡ 0 (mod a)
        # if a == 0:
        # ~~~~~~~~~~
        #    count(...) = b-1
        # if a < 0:
        # ~~~~~~~~~
        #    count(...) - b +1 <= 0
        # -> count(...) <= b-1
        # if a > 0:
        # ~~~~~~~~~
        #    count(...) - b +1 >= 0
        # -> count(...) >= b-1

        # work with b-1 instead
        b_min_1 = b - 1

        # early-exit condition 1:
        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # for a == 1, nth-*(an+b) means n+b-1 siblings before/after,
        # and since n ∈ {0, 1, 2, ...}, if b-1<=0,
        # there is always an "n" matching any number of siblings (maybe none)
        if a == 1 and b_min_1 <=0:
            return xpath

        # early-exit condition 2:
        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # an+b-1 siblings with a<0 and (b-1)<0 is not possible
        if a < 0 and b_min_1 < 0:
            return xpath.add_condition('0')

        # `add_name_test` boolean is inverted and somewhat counter-intuitive:
        # nth_of_type() calls nth_child(add_name_test=False)
        if add_name_test:
            nodetest = '*'
            nodetest  = '%s' % xpath.element

        # count siblings before or after the element
        if not last:
            siblings_count = 'count(preceding-sibling::%s)' % nodetest
            siblings_count = 'count(following-sibling::%s)' % nodetest

        # special case of fixed position: nth-*(0n+b)
        # if a == 0:
        # ~~~~~~~~~~
        #    count(***-sibling::***) = b-1
        if a == 0:
            return xpath.add_condition('%s = %s' % (siblings_count, b_min_1))

        expr = []

        if a > 0:
            # siblings count, an+b-1, is always >= 0,
            # so if a>0, and (b-1)<=0, an "n" exists to satisfy this,
            # therefore, the predicate is only interesting if (b-1)>0
            if b_min_1 > 0:
                expr.append('%s >= %s' % (siblings_count, b_min_1))
            # if a<0, and (b-1)<0, no "n" satisfies this,
            # this is tested above as an early exist condition
            # otherwise,
            expr.append('%s <= %s' % (siblings_count, b_min_1))

        # operations modulo 1 or -1 are simpler, one only needs to verify:
        # - either:
        # count(***-sibling::***) - (b-1) = n = 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.,
        #   i.e. count(***-sibling::***) >= (b-1)
        # - or:
        # count(***-sibling::***) - (b-1) = -n = 0, -1, -2, -3, etc.,
        #   i.e. count(***-sibling::***) <= (b-1)
        # we we just did above.
        if abs(a) != 1:
            # count(***-sibling::***) - (b-1) ≡ 0 (mod a)
            left = siblings_count

            # apply "modulo a" on 2nd term, -(b-1),
            # to simplify things like "(... +6) % -3",
            # and also make it positive with |a|
            b_neg = (-b_min_1) % abs(a)

            if b_neg != 0:
                b_neg = '+%s' % (b_neg)
                left = '(%s %s)' % (left, b_neg)

            expr.append('%s mod %s = 0' % (left, a))

        xpath.add_condition(' and '.join(expr))
        return xpath
Beispiel #9
    def xpath_nth_child_function(self,
            a, b = parse_series(function.arguments)
        except ValueError:
            raise ExpressionError("Invalid series: '%r'" % function.arguments)

        # From
        # :nth-child(an+b)
        #       an+b-1 siblings before
        # :nth-last-child(an+b)
        #       an+b-1 siblings after
        # :nth-of-type(an+b)
        #       an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name before
        # :nth-last-of-type(an+b)
        #       an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name after
        # So,
        # for :nth-child and :nth-of-type
        #    count(preceding-sibling::<nodetest>) = an+b-1
        # for :nth-last-child and :nth-last-of-type
        #    count(following-sibling::<nodetest>) = an+b-1
        # therefore,
        #    count(...) - (b-1) ≡ 0 (mod a)
        # if a == 0:
        # ~~~~~~~~~~
        #    count(...) = b-1
        # if a < 0:
        # ~~~~~~~~~
        #    count(...) - b +1 <= 0
        # -> count(...) <= b-1
        # if a > 0:
        # ~~~~~~~~~
        #    count(...) - b +1 >= 0
        # -> count(...) >= b-1

        # work with b-1 instead
        b_min_1 = b - 1

        # early-exit condition 1:
        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # for a == 1, nth-*(an+b) means n+b-1 siblings before/after,
        # and since n ∈ {0, 1, 2, ...}, if b-1<=0,
        # there is always an "n" matching any number of siblings (maybe none)
        if a == 1 and b_min_1 <= 0:
            return xpath

        # early-exit condition 2:
        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        # an+b-1 siblings with a<0 and (b-1)<0 is not possible
        if a < 0 and b_min_1 < 0:
            return xpath.add_condition('0')

        # `add_name_test` boolean is inverted and somewhat counter-intuitive:
        # nth_of_type() calls nth_child(add_name_test=False)
        if add_name_test:
            nodetest = '*'
            nodetest = '%s' % xpath.element

        # count siblings before or after the element
        if not last:
            siblings_count = 'count(preceding-sibling::%s)' % nodetest
            siblings_count = 'count(following-sibling::%s)' % nodetest

        # special case of fixed position: nth-*(0n+b)
        # if a == 0:
        # ~~~~~~~~~~
        #    count(***-sibling::***) = b-1
        if a == 0:
            return xpath.add_condition('%s = %s' % (siblings_count, b_min_1))

        expr = []

        if a > 0:
            # siblings count, an+b-1, is always >= 0,
            # so if a>0, and (b-1)<=0, an "n" exists to satisfy this,
            # therefore, the predicate is only interesting if (b-1)>0
            if b_min_1 > 0:
                expr.append('%s >= %s' % (siblings_count, b_min_1))
            # if a<0, and (b-1)<0, no "n" satisfies this,
            # this is tested above as an early exist condition
            # otherwise,
            expr.append('%s <= %s' % (siblings_count, b_min_1))

        # operations modulo 1 or -1 are simpler, one only needs to verify:
        # - either:
        # count(***-sibling::***) - (b-1) = n = 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.,
        #   i.e. count(***-sibling::***) >= (b-1)
        # - or:
        # count(***-sibling::***) - (b-1) = -n = 0, -1, -2, -3, etc.,
        #   i.e. count(***-sibling::***) <= (b-1)
        # we we just did above.
        if abs(a) != 1:
            # count(***-sibling::***) - (b-1) ≡ 0 (mod a)
            left = siblings_count

            # apply "modulo a" on 2nd term, -(b-1),
            # to simplify things like "(... +6) % -3",
            # and also make it positive with |a|
            b_neg = (-b_min_1) % abs(a)

            if b_neg != 0:
                b_neg = '+%s' % (b_neg)
                left = '(%s %s)' % (left, b_neg)

            expr.append('%s mod %s = 0' % (left, a))

        xpath.add_condition(' and '.join(expr))
        return xpath