Beispiel #1
    def _isLoadableMember(self, attr, attrname, attrtype):
        Check if the member is loadable.
        A c_void_p cannot be load generically, You have to take care of that.

        (Pointers with valid address space value
        AND (pointee is a struct type OR pointee is a union type)
        ) OR struct type OR union type
        ctypes = self._mappings_.config.ctypes
        return ((bool(attr) and not ctypes.is_pointer_to_void_type(attrtype)))
Beispiel #2
    def toString(cls):
        import ctypes

        fieldsStrings = []
        for attrname, attrtyp in cls.getFields():  # model
            if ctypes.is_pointer_type(attrtyp) and not ctypes.is_pointer_to_void_type(attrtyp):
                fieldsStrings.append("(%s, ctypes.POINTER(%s) ),\n" % (attrname, attrtyp._type_.__name__))
            else:  # pointers not in the heap.
                fieldsStrings.append("(%s, %s ),\n" % (attrname, attrtyp.__name__))
        fieldsString = "[ \n%s ]" % ("".join(fieldsStrings))

        info = "size:%d" % (ctypes.sizeof(cls))
        ctypes_def = """
class %s(ctypes.Structure):  # %s
  _fields_ = %s

""" % (
        return ctypes_def
Beispiel #3
 def _attrToPyObject(self, attr, field, attrtype):
     import ctypes
     if ctypes.is_basic_type(attrtype):
         if ctypes.is_basic_ctype(type(attr)):
             obj = attr.value
             obj = attr
     elif ctypes.is_struct_type(attrtype) or ctypes.is_union_type(attrtype):
         attr._mappings_ = self.mappings
         obj = self.parse(attr)
     elif ctypes.is_array_of_basic_type(attrtype):
         # return a list of int, float, or a char[] to str
         obj = utils.ctypes_to_python_array(attr)
     elif ctypes.is_array_type(attrtype):
         # array of something else than int/byte
         obj = []
         eltyp = type(attr[0])
         for i in range(0, len(attr)):
             obj.append(self._attrToPyObject(attr[i], i, eltyp))
     elif ctypes.is_cstring_type(attrtype):
         obj = self.mappings.getRef(
     elif ctypes.is_function_type(attrtype):
         obj = repr(attr)
     elif ctypes.is_pointer_type(attrtype):
         # get the cached Value of the LP.
         _subtype = get_subtype(attrtype)
         _address = utils.get_pointee_address(attr)
         if _address == 0:
             # Null pointer
             obj = None
         elif ctypes.is_pointer_to_void_type(attrtype):
             # TODO: make a prototype for c_void_p loading
             # void types a rereturned as None
             obj = None
         elif ctypes.is_array_of_basic_type(attrtype):
             log.error('basic Type array - %s' % (field))
             obj = 'BasicType array'
             # get the cached Value of the LP.
             _subtype = get_subtype(attrtype)
             cache = self.mappings.getRef(_subtype, _address)
             if cache is not None:  # struct, union...
                 obj = self._attrToPyObject(cache, field, _subtype)
                 # you got here because your pointer is not loaded:
                 #  did you ignore it in expectedValues ?
                 #  is it in the middle of a struct ?
                 #  is that a linked list ?
                 #  is it a invalid instance ?
                 log.debug('Pointer for field:%s %s/%s not in cache '
                           '0x%x' % (field, attrtype, get_subtype(attrtype),
                 return (None, None)
     elif isinstance(attr, numbers.Number):
         # case for int, long. But needs to be after c_void_p pointers case
         obj = attr
         log.error('toPyObj default to return attr %s' % (type(attr)))
         obj = attr
     return obj
Beispiel #4
 def _isValidAttr(self, attr, attrname, attrtype, mappings):
     """ Validation of a single member """
     import ctypes
     # a)
     log.debug('valid: %s, %s' % (attrname, attrtype))
     if ctypes.is_basic_type(attrtype):
         if attrname in self.expectedValues:
             if attr not in self.expectedValues[attrname]:
                     'basicType: %s %s %s bad value not in self.expectedValues[attrname]:' %
                     (attrname, attrtype, repr(attr)))
                 return False
             'basicType: %s %s %s ok' %
             (attrname, attrtype, repr(attr)))
         return True
     # b)
     elif ctypes.is_struct_type(attrtype) or ctypes.is_union_type(attrtype):
         # do i need to load it first ? becaus it should be memcopied with
         # the super()..
         if not attr.isValid(mappings):
                 'structType: %s %s %s isValid FALSE' %
                 (attrname, attrtype, repr(attr)))
             return False
             'structType: %s %s %s isValid TRUE' %
             (attrname, attrtype, repr(attr)))
         return True
     # c)
     elif ctypes.is_array_of_basic_type(attrtype):
         if attrname in self.expectedValues:
             if attr not in self.expectedValues[attrname]:
                     'basicArray: %s %s %s - bad value not in self.expectedValues[attrname]:' %
                     (attrname, attrtype, type(attr)))
                 return False
             'basicArray: %s is arraytype %s we decided it was valid',
         return True
     # d)
     elif ctypes.is_array_type(attrtype):
         log.debug('array: %s is arraytype %s recurse validate' % (attrname,
         attrLen = len(attr)
         if attrLen == 0:
             return True
         elType = type(attr[0])
         for i in range(0, attrLen):
             # FIXME BUG DOES NOT WORK - offsetof("%s[%d]") is called,
             # and %s exists, not %s[%d]
             if not self._isValidAttr(attr[i], "%s[%d]" % (attrname, i), elType,
                 return False
         return True
     # e)
     elif ctypes.is_cstring_type(attrtype):
         myaddress = utils.get_pointee_address(attr.ptr)
         if attrname in self.expectedValues:
             # test if NULL is an option
             if not bool(myaddress):
                 if not ((None in self.expectedValues[attrname]) or
                         (0 in self.expectedValues[attrname])):
                     log.debug('str: %s %s %s isNULL - NOT EXPECTED' % (
                         attrname, attrtype, repr(attr)))
                     return False
                 log.debug('str: %s %s %s isNULL - OK' % (attrname, attrtype,
                 # e.1)
                 return True
         if (myaddress != 0 and
                 not mappings.is_valid_address_value(myaddress)):
             log.debug('str: %s %s %s 0x%lx INVALID' % (attrname, attrtype,
                                                        repr(attr), myaddress))
             # e.2)
             return False
         log.debug('str: %s %s %s is at 0x%lx OK' % (attrname, attrtype,
                                                     repr(attr), myaddress))
         # e.3)
         return True
     # f)
     elif ctypes.is_pointer_type(attrtype):
         myaddress = utils.get_pointee_address(attr)
         if attrname in self.expectedValues:
             # test if NULL is an option
             log.debug('ctypes.is_pointer_type: bool(attr):%s attr:%s' % (
                 bool(attr), attr))
             if not bool(myaddress):
                 if not ((None in self.expectedValues[attrname]) or
                         (0 in self.expectedValues[attrname])):
                     log.debug('ptr: %s %s %s isNULL - NOT EXPECTED' % (
                         attrname, attrtype, repr(attr)))
                     # f.1) expectedValues specifies NULL to be invalid
                     return False
                 log.debug('ptr: %s %s %s isNULL - OK' % (attrname, attrtype,
                 # f.2) expectedValues specifies NULL to be valid
                 return True
         _attrType = None
         if (ctypes.is_pointer_to_void_type(attrtype) or
                 'Its a simple type. Checking mappings only. attr=%s' %
             if (myaddress != 0 and
                     not mappings.is_valid_address_value(myaddress)):
                 log.debug('voidptr: %s %s %s 0x%lx INVALID simple pointer' % (
                     attrname, attrtype, repr(attr), myaddress))
                 # f.3) address must be valid, no type requirement
                 return False
             # test valid address mapping
             _attrType = get_subtype(attrtype)
         if (myaddress != 0 and
                 not mappings.is_valid_address(attr, _attrType)):
             log.debug('ptr: %s %s %s 0x%lx INVALID' % (attrname, attrtype,
                                                        repr(attr), utils.get_pointee_address(attr)))
             # f.4) its a pointer, but not valid in our mappings for this
             # pointee type.
             return False
         log.debug('ptr: name:%s repr:%s address:0x%lx OK' % (attrname,
                                                              repr(attr), utils.get_pointee_address(attr)))
         # f.5) null is accepted by default
         return True
     # g)
     log.error('What type are You ?: %s/%s' % (attrname, attrtype))
     return True