Beispiel #1
def calc_threshold(hist, min_value, max_value):
    max_variance = 0
    N = 0.0
    for hist_bin in range(min_value, max_value + 1):  # Calculate N
        N += cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, hist_bin)
    ipi = []
    for hist_bin in range(min_value, max_value + 1):  # Calculate i*pi values
        ipi.append(hist_bin * cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, hist_bin) / N)
    mean_t = sum(ipi)  # Calculate total mean

    w0 = 0
    sum_ipi = 0
    for hist_bin in range(min_value,
                          max_value + 1):  # For all possible thresholds
        w0 = w0 + cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, hist_bin) / N  # Find w0
        w1 = 1 - w0  # Find w1
        sum_ipi = sum_ipi + (hist_bin * cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, hist_bin) /
                             N)  # Find sum of i*pi
            mean0 = sum_ipi / w0  # Find mean of class 1
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            mean0 = 0  # Except when w0=0, then mean will be 0
            mean1 = (mean_t - sum_ipi) / w1  # Find mean of class 0
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            mean1 = 0  # Except when w1=0, then mean will be 0
        var_b = w0 * w1 * pow(
            (mean0 - mean1), 2)  # Find between class variance
        if var_b > max_variance:  # Check if this is maximum variance so far
            max_variance = var_b  # If yes, save it
            best_threshold = hist_bin  # and remember the threshold

    return best_threshold, max_variance  # Return the best threshold and corresponding variance
Beispiel #2
def normalize_plane(plane, aggressive=0):
    if aggressive:
        #        smooth = image_empty_clone(plane)
        #        cv.Smooth(plane, smooth, cv.CV_GAUSSIAN, 13, 13)
        hist = get_gray_histogram(plane, bins=255)
        _, max_value, _, max_color = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist)
        thr_value = max_value * aggressive
        down_threshold, up_threshold = None, None
        for k in range(256):
            down_val = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, k)
            up_val = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, 254 - k)
            if down_threshold is None and down_val >= thr_value:
                down_threshold = k
            if up_threshold is None and up_val >= thr_value:
                up_threshold = k
            if down_threshold is not None and up_threshold is not None:

        sub_plane = None
        if down_threshold > 0:
            sub_plane = image_empty_clone(plane)
            cv.SubS(plane, down_threshold, sub_plane)

        add_plane = None
        if down_threshold + up_threshold > 0:
            add_plane = image_empty_clone(plane)
            cv.AddS(sub_plane or plane, down_threshold + up_threshold,
        plane = add_plane or plane
    norm_plane = image_empty_clone(plane)
    cv.Normalize(plane, norm_plane, 0, 255, cv.CV_MINMAX)
    return norm_plane
Beispiel #3
def otsu_get_threshold(src):
    Find the optimal threshold value for a grey level image using Otsu's

    This is baised on Otsu's original paper published in IEEE Xplore: "A
    Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms"


    if src.nChannels != 1:
        raise ValueError("Image must have one channel.")

    # Compute Histogram
    hist = cv.CreateHist([256], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [[0, 255]], 1)
    cv.CalcHist([src], hist)

    # Convert to Probability Histogram
    cv.NormalizeHist(hist, 1)

    overall_moment = 0
    for t in xrange(256):
        overall_moment += t * cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, t)

    # Find the threshold t that gives the highest variance
    # Suffixes _b and _f mean background and foreground
    num_pixels = src.width * src.height
    weight_b = 0
    moment_b = 0
    highest_variance = 0
    best_threshold = 0
    for t in xrange(256):

        hist_value = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, t)

        weight_b += hist_value
        weight_f = 1 - weight_b
        if weight_b == 0:
        if weight_f == 0:

        moment_b += t * hist_value
        moment_f = overall_moment - moment_b

        mean_b = moment_b / weight_b
        mean_f = moment_f / weight_f

        variance_between = weight_b * weight_f * \
            (mean_b - mean_f) ** 2

        if variance_between >= highest_variance:
            highest_variance = variance_between
            best_threshold = t

    return best_threshold
Beispiel #4
def calc_expected_value(hist, num_bins=256):
    sum = 0
    num_datapoints = 0
    for i in xrange(num_bins):
        value = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, i)
        num_datapoints += value
        sum += value * i
    return sum / num_datapoints
Beispiel #5
    def channel_to_image(self, chan, scale_x=3, scale_y=3, y_range=64):
        Creates an iplimage displaying histogram results after its computation
        if ((type(chan) != int) or (chan <= 0)):
            raise TypeError("(%s) Positive integer expected!" %
        elif chan > self.channels:
            raise ValueError("(%s) Incoherent channel selected!" %

        if ((type(scale_x) != int) or (scale_x <= 0)):
            raise TypeError("(%s) Positive integer expected!" %

        if ((type(scale_y) != int) or (scale_y <= 0)):
            raise TypeError("(%s) Positive integer expected!" %

        if ((type(y_range) != int) or (y_range <= 0)):
            raise TypeError("(%s) Positive integer expected!" %

        max_range = self.ranges[1] - 1
        (_, hist_max, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(self.cvhist[chan - 1])
        hist_img = cv.CreateImage((max_range * scale_x, y_range * scale_y),
                                  self.depth, 1)
        cv.Zero(hist_img)  # resets image values

        for i in range(max_range):  # 0 to max_range
            hist_value = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(self.cvhist[chan - 1], i)
            next_value = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(self.cvhist[chan - 1], i + 1)
            pt1 = (int(i * scale_x), int(y_range * scale_y))
            pt2 = (int(i * scale_x + scale_x), int(y_range * scale_y))
            pt3 = (int(i * scale_x + scale_x),
                   int((y_range - (next_value * y_range / hist_max)) *
            pt4 = (int(i * scale_x),
                   int((y_range - (hist_value * y_range / hist_max)) *
            pts = (pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4)
            cv.FillConvexPoly(hist_img, pts, 255, lineType=8, shift=0)

        return hist_img
    def calcularHistograma(self):
        cv.CalcArrHist([self.imagem_destino], self.histograma)
        valorMaximoMinimo = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(self.histograma)
        cv.Rectangle(self.imagemHistograma, (0, 0), (512, 100),
                     cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), -1)

        for i in range(512):
            valor = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(self.histograma, i)
            normalizado = cv.Round(valor * 100 / valorMaximoMinimo[1])
            cv.Line(self.imagemHistograma, (i, 100), (i, 100 - normalizado),
                    cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255))
Beispiel #7
def calc_variance(hist, expected_value=None, num_bins=256):

    if expected_value is None:
        expected_value = calc_expected_value(hist, num_bins)

    variance = 0
    sum = 0
    for i in xrange(num_bins):
        value = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, i)
        variance += value * (i - expected_value) ** 2
        sum += value
    return variance / sum
Beispiel #8
def cdf(channel):
    # -- find cum dist func for individual channel
    # -- find cumulative histogram and calculate hist to find
    #    which bin (between 0,255) corresponds to what value
    #    and store in refHist
    hist = cv.CreateHist([256], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [[0, 256]], 1)
    cv.CalcHist([cv.GetImage(channel)], hist)
    refHist = [cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, x) for x in range(0, 256)]
    # -- calculate cdf
    cdf = [v / np.sum(refHist[:]) for v in refHist[:]]
    for x in range(1, 256):
        cdf[x] += cdf[x - 1]
    return cdf
Beispiel #9
def histogram_image(hist, color=(255, 255, 255), background_color=(0, 0, 0), num_bins=256):
    '''Returns an image displaying the the given histogram.'''

    max_value = int(cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist)[1])

    img = cv.CreateImage((num_bins, num_bins), 8, 3)
    cv.Set(img, background_color)

    for i in xrange(num_bins):
        height = int(cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, i) / max_value * num_bins)
        cv.Line(img, (i, num_bins), (i, num_bins - height), color)

    return img
Beispiel #10
def mapper(key, value):
  # Read in the data and decode...
  imgbytes = np.fromstring(value,dtype='uint8') 
  imarr = cv2.imdecode(imgbytes,cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) 
  im = cv.fromarray(imarr) 
  # Convert and split data to get hue... 
  hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(im),8,3)
  hue = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(im),8,1)
  cv.Split(hsv, hue, None, None, None)
  # Calculate colour (hue) histogram...
  hue_bins = 180 
  hue_range = [0,180] # n.b. opencv hue range
  hist = cv.CreateHist([hue_bins], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [hue_range], 1) 
  # Yield count of colour... 
  for h in range(hue_bins):
    yield int(h),cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist,h) 
Beispiel #11
 def asMatrix(self):
     if self.nbins2 == None:
         result = np.zeros([self.nbins1])
         for i in range(self.nbins1):
             result[i] = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(self.hist,i)
         return result
     elif self.nbins3 == None:
         result = np.zeros([self.nbins1,self.nbins2])
         for i in range(self.nbins1):
             for j in range(self.nbins2):
                 result[i,j] = cv.QueryHistValue_2D(self.hist,i,j)
         return result
         result = np.zeros([self.nbins1,self.nbins2,self.nbins3])
         for i in range(self.nbins1):
             for j in range(self.nbins2):
                 for k in range(self.nbins3):
                     result[i,j,k] = cv.QueryHistValue_3D(self.hist,i,j,k)
         return result
Beispiel #12
def get_hist_image(hist, bins, width=500):
    height = 255
    white = cv.RGB(255, 255, 255)
    black = cv.RGB(0, 0, 0)

    img_size = (width, height)
    hist_img = cv.CreateImage(img_size, 8, 1)

    cv.Rectangle(hist_img, (0, 0), img_size, white, cv.CV_FILLED)

    (_, max_value, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist)

    scale = width / float(bins)
    x = 0
    for s in range(bins):
        bin_val = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, s)
        y = cv.Round(bin_val * height / max_value)
        cv.Rectangle(hist_img, (x, height - y), (x + scale, height), black,
        x += scale
    return hist_img
Beispiel #13
def classify(basedir, category_names):
    all_images = get_images(basedir)
    all_classified_images = []
    classified = {}
    for c in category_names:
        pimg = get_png_images(basedir + '/' + c)
        classified[c] = pimg
        for im in pimg:

    # now need to find the images which are not classified yet
    unclassified = []
    for i in all_images:
        if i not in all_classified_images:

    # make histograms of all images
    hmap = make_histograms(basedir, all_images)
    clf = learn(classified, hmap)

    usamples = []
    for u in unclassified:
        hist = hmap[u]
        row = []
        for j in range(NUM_BINS):
            row.append(cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, j))

    data = VectorDataSet(usamples, patternID=unclassified)
    results = clf.test(data)

    patterns = results.getPatternID()
    labels = results.getPredictedLabels()

    # make map of image name to predicted label
    lmap = {}
    for i in range(len(patterns)):
        lmap[patterns[i]] = labels[i]
    return lmap
Beispiel #14
def learn(classified, histograms):
    clf = SVM()

    total_samples = 0
    for c in classified.keys():
        cim = classified[c]
        total_samples = total_samples + len(cim)

    samples = []
    labels = []
    for c in classified.keys():
        cim = classified[c]
        for im in cim:
            hist = histograms[im]
            row = []
            for j in range(NUM_BINS):
                row.append(cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, j))

    data = VectorDataSet(samples, L=labels)
    print str(data)
    return clf
Beispiel #15
        max_value)  # Find best threshold using otsu
    # Run multiple times if required
    if texture_method != 1:
        if loopVar1 != 0:
            channels[loopVar1], th, hist = otsu(channels[loopVar1], 0, th)
            channels[loopVar1], th, hist = otsu(channels[loopVar1], 0, th)
        channels[loopVar1], th, hist = otsu(channels[loopVar1], 0, th)
        #channels[loopVar1],th,hist=otsu(channels[loopVar1], 0, th)

    # Plot the histogram for analysis
    hist_data = []
    for hist_bin in range(min_value, max_value + 1):
        hist_data.append(cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, hist_bin))

    # Convert them to binary images using the obtained threshold
    bin_img = cv.CreateMat(channels[loopVar1].height, channels[loopVar1].width,
    cv.Convert(channels[loopVar1], bin_img)
    binary_imgs.append(conv_to_binary(bin_img, th))

    'Blue_segmented', binary_imgs[0]
)  # Show the segmented image for blue channel or 3x3 variance channel
    'Green_segmented', binary_imgs[1]
Beispiel #16
 def __calculate_histogram(self, src):
     hist = cv.CreateHist([self.n_bins], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY,
                          [self.hist_range], 1)
     cv.CalcHist([src], hist)
     return [cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, n) for n in range(self.n_bins)]
Beispiel #17
def calc_1dhisto(inframe,
	Calculate 1D intensity histogram of a iplimage, and return the histogram 
	(as and an image representing this histogram (as 
	8bit unsigned iplimage) Use **hist** and **histimg** if they are 
	provided, otherwise create them from scratch.

	To re-use the allocated memory, simply pass the output as input for 
	input **hist** and **histimg**.

	Histogram bar height is calculated as follows:
		bin_height = int( bin_count*1.0 / (npix/nbin) * 0.2 * histh )

	where bin_height is in pixels, bin_count is the number of pixels in this 
	bin, npix the total number of pixels in the image, nbin the total bins, 
	such that (npix/nbin) is the average bin count. 0.2 is a factor that 
	sets the average bin height to 20% and histh scales the bin normalized 
	bin height to pixels.

	@param [in] inframe Input frame, as iplimage
	@param [in] nbin Number of intensity bins
	@param [in] scale Histogram image bar width in pixels
	@param [in] histh Histogram image height in pixels
	@param [in] hist Previously allocated to use
	@param [in] histimg Previously allocated iplimage to use
	@return Tuple of (histogram, histogram image)

    if (inframe.depth == cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F):
        hranges = [[0, 1]]
    elif (inframe.depth in [
            cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8S, cv.IPL_DEPTH_16U,
            cv.IPL_DEPTH_16S, cv.IPL_DEPTH_32S
        hranges = None
        raise ValueError("Unsupported datatype for histogram ('%s')" %

    if (not hist):
        hist = cv.CreateHist([nbin],
                             ranges=[[0, 1]],
    if (not histimg):
        histimg = cv.CreateImage((nbin * scale, histh), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)

    cv.CalcHist([cv.GetImage(inframe)], hist)
    #hmin, hmax, __, __ = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist)

    # White noise histogram height should be be 0.2
    npix = np.product(cv.GetDims(inframe))
    histogram = [
        cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, i) * 1.0 / (npix / nbin) * 0.2 * histh
        for i in range(nbin)
    histimg = plot_1dhisto(histogram,

    return hist, histimg
Beispiel #18
import anpr
from quick_show import quick_show

files = os.listdir('data/examples')
counter = 0
for f in files:
    image = cv.LoadImage('data/examples/' + f)
    for plate in anpr.detect_plates(image):
        plate_grey = anpr.greyscale(plate)
        hist = cv.CreateHist([256], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [[0, 255]])
        cv.CalcHist([plate_grey], hist)
        total_pixels = plate_grey.width * plate_grey.height
        accum = 0
        threshold = 0
        for i in range(0, 256):
            accum += cv.QueryHistValue_1D(hist, i)
            if accum > total_pixels * .45:
                threshold = i
        print threshold
        plate_mono = cv.CreateImage((plate.width, plate.height),
                                    cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
        cv.Threshold(plate_grey, plate_mono, threshold, 255.0,
        for x in range(0, plate.width):
            c = 0
            for y in range(0, plate.height):
                if cv.Get2D(plate_mono, y, x)[0]:
                    c += 1
            print "=" * c
        cv.SaveImage('output%02d.png' % counter, plate_mono)
Beispiel #19
 def count(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, slice):
         return [self.count(i) for i in range(*value.indices(len(self)))]
     if self.kind == 'numpy':
         return self.hist[value]
     return cv.QueryHistValue_1D(self.hist, value)
Beispiel #20
def cv_hist_to_list(h, bins):
	return [cv.QueryHistValue_1D(h, i) for i in xrange(bins)]