Beispiel #1
    def construct_group_dict(group_path, config):
        Given a config and a path that points to a data group, compute the data group's updated parameters.
        The group_path is a list of keys and indices e.g. ['train', 'datasets', 1, 'groups', 0]
        that can be followed to reach a group's config.
        # Find (almost) all prefixes of the group path
        all_paths = list(
            map(compose(list, tz.take(seq=group_path)),
                range(1, len(group_path))))

        # Filter to exclude paths that point to lists
        paths_to_merge = list(
            filter(lambda p: isinstance(last(p[1]), str), pairwise(all_paths)))
        # Find all the (mid-level) dicts that the filtered paths point to
        mid_level_dicts = list(
                lambda p: tz.keyfilter(lambda k: k != last(p[1]),
                                       tz.get_in(p[0], config)),

        # Merge parameters at all levels to get a single parameter set for the group
        def dmerge(*args):
            if all(is_mapping, *args):
                return Munch(tz.merge(*args))
                return tz.last(*args)

        group_dict = tz.merge_with(
            tz.keyfilter(lambda k: k not in ['train', 'val', 'test'],
                         config),  # top-level dict
            *mid_level_dicts,  # mid-level dicts
            tz.get_in(group_path, config)  # bottom-level dict

        return group_dict
def test_merge_with_list():
    assert merge_with(sum, [{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]) == {"a": 3}
def test_merge_with():
    assert merge_with(sum)({1: 1}, {1: 2}) == {1: 3}
Beispiel #4
def test_merge_with():
    assert merge_with(sum)({1: 1}, {1: 2}) == {1: 3}
Beispiel #5
def test_merge_with_list():
    assert merge_with(sum, [{'a': 1}, {'a': 2}]) == {'a': 3}
Beispiel #6
def test_merge_with_list():
    assert merge_with(sum, [{'a': 1}, {'a': 2}]) == {'a': 3}