def executeQuery(self,query):
     '''Execute queries under adult equivalent calculations '''
     databaseConnector = Database()
     result = databaseConnector.execSelectQuery( query )
     return result
 def executeSelectQuery(self,query):
     '''Run Select Query'''
     dbconnector = Database()
     recset = dbconnector.execSelectQuery(query)
     return recset
 def executeQuery(self,query):
     '''run various select queries'''
     dbconnector = Database()
     recordset = dbconnector.execSelectQuery(query)
     return recordset
 def getincomeSources(self,query):
     '''run various select queries'''
     dbconnector = Database()
     print query
     recordset = dbconnector.execSelectQuery(query)
     return recordset
 def getReportHouseholdIDs(self,query):
     databaseConnector = Database()
     if query !='':
         reporthouseholdIDs = databaseConnector.execSelectQuery( query )
     return reporthouseholdIDs
    def checkRecordExistence(self,testquery):
        '''Test if a record with some given primary key already exists'''
        database = Database()
        testrecset = database.execSelectQuery(testquery)
        numrows =0
        for row in testrecset:
	    numrows = numrows + 1
	return numrows
 def test_execSelectQuery(self):
         insert into projects
             (projectname, startdate, enddate, description, currency)
             ('test', 2012-06-04, 2013-07-03, 'a simple test', 'GBP')""")
     database = Database()
     query = 'select * from projects'
     self.assertEqual([(2, u'test', None, None, u'a simple test', u'GBP')],
 def test_execUpdateQuery(self):
     database = Database()
         insert into projects
           (projectname, startdate, enddate, description, currency)
           ('test', '2012-06-04', '2013-07-03', 'a simple test', 'GBP')""")
     query = 'select * from projects'
     self.assertEqual([(2, u'test',, 6, 4),
           , 7, 3), u'a simple test', u'GBP')],
class DataEntrySheets:
    def __init__(self,projectid):
        self.database = Database()
        self.pcharstable = 'p' + str(projectid) +'PersonalCharacteristics'
        self.hcharstable = 'p' + str(projectid) +'HouseholdCharacteristics' = projectid
        self.config = Config.dbinfo().copy()
    def getPersonalCharacteristics(self):
        query = '''SELECT characteristic, datatype FROM projectcharacteristics WHERE pid=%s and chartype='Personal' ''' %(
        pchars = self.database.execSelectQuery(query)
        return pchars

    def getHouseholdCharacteristics(self):
        query = '''SELECT characteristic, datatype FROM projectcharacteristics WHERE pid=%s and chartype='Household' ''' %(
        hchars = self.database.execSelectQuery(query)
        return hchars

        # Income sources
    def buildQueries(self,incometype):
        query = '''SELECT incomesource FROM projectincomesources WHERE incometype='%s' AND pid=%s''' % (incometype,
        return query

    def getProjectCropsFoods(self,incometype,projectincomes):
        #incomesourcelist = ','.join(projectincomes)
        incomes = []
        recordset = []
        if len(projectincomes)!= 0:
            for income in projectincomes:
                tempname = "'" + income[0] + "'"

            incomesourcelist = ','.join(incomes)
            query = '''SELECT name, unitofmeasure FROM  setup_foods_crops WHERE  category='%s' AND name in (%s)''' % (incometype,incomesourcelist)
            print query
            recordset = self.getincomeSources(query)
        return recordset

    def getincomeSources(self,query):
        '''run various select queries'''
        dbconnector = Database()
        print query
        recordset = dbconnector.execSelectQuery(query)
        return recordset

    def getCropsFoodsIncomeSourceDetails(self,incometype):
        '''Get Income-source Names and Units of Measure for Crops, Livestocks, and Wildfoods, to be displayed in data entry spreadsheet'''
        incomesquery = self.buildQueries(incometype)
        projectincomes = self.getincomeSources(incomesquery)
        incomesourcedetails = self.getProjectCropsFoods(incometype,projectincomes)
        return incomesourcedetails

    def getprojetAssets(self):
        query = '''SELECT assettype, assetname FROM projectassets WHERE pid=%s ORDER BY assettype, assetname''' %
        assets = self.database.execSelectQuery(query)
        return assets
    def getProjectSocialTransfers(self):
        query = '''SELECT incomesource FROM projectincomesources WHERE incometype ='Social Transfers' AND pid=%s ORDER BY incomesource''' %
        transfers = self.database.execSelectQuery(query)
        return transfers

    def getProjectOfficialTransfers(self):
        query = '''SELECT incomesource FROM projectincomesources WHERE incometype ='Official Transfers' AND pid=%s ORDER BY incomesource''' %
        transfers = self.database.execSelectQuery(query)
        return transfers

    def populateSocialTranfers(self,book,style1,style2,row):
        recordset = self.getProjectSocialTransfers()
        sheet = book.get_sheet(3)
        col = 0
        #set section Headings
        sheet.write(row, col, "SocialTransfer", style1)
        row = row + 1
        transferheadings = ["TransferSource","CashPerYear","FoodType","Unit","UnitsConsumed","UnitsSold","PricePerUnit"]
        for itemheader in transferheadings:
            sheet.write(row, col, itemheader, style2)
            col = col + 1
        row = row +1

        #write transfer sources
        col = 0
        for rec in recordset:
            celvalue = rec[col]
            sheet.write(row, col, celvalue)
            row = row + 1
        row = row + 4 # set space between Income source type sections
        return row

    def populateOfficialTranfers(self,book,style1,style2,row):
        recordset = self.getProjectOfficialTransfers()
        sheet = book.get_sheet(3)
        col = 0
        #set section Headings
        sheet.write(row, col, "TransferFromOrganisations", style1)
        row = row + 1
        transferheadings = ["TransferSource","CashPerYear","FoodType","Unit","UnitsConsumed","UnitsSold","PricePerUnit"]
        for itemheader in transferheadings:
            sheet.write(row, col, itemheader, style2)
            col = col + 1
        row = row +1

        #write transfer sources
        col = 0
        for rec in recordset:
            celvalue = rec[col]
            sheet.write(row, col, celvalue)
            row = row + 1
        row = row + 4 # set space between Income source type sections
        return row

    def getAssetUnitOfMeasure(self,unitfld, tblname,assetfld,assettype):
        unitofmeasure =""
        query = '''SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s='%s' ''' % (unitfld, tblname,assetfld,assettype)
        assets = self.database.execSelectQuery(query)
        for item in assets:
            unitofmeasure = item[0]
        return unitofmeasure

    def getAssetList(self):
        assets = []
        assets = self.getprojetAssets()
        finalassetlist = []
        for row in assets:
            templist = []
            for item in row:
            if templist [0] =='Crops':
                tblname, assetfld, unitfld = "setup_crops", "foodtype", "measuringunit"
            elif templist [0] =='Land':
                tblname, assetfld, unitfld = "setup_landtypes", "landtype", "unitofmeasure"
            elif templist [0] =='Livestock':
                tblname, assetfld, unitfld = "setup_livestock", "incomesource", "unitofmeasure"
            elif templist [0] =='Tradable Goods':
                tblname, assetfld, unitfld = "setup_tradablegoods", "tradablegoodtype", "unitofmeasure"
            elif templist [0] =='Trees':
                tblname, assetfld, unitfld = "setup_treetypes", "treetype", "measuringunit"
            unitofmeasure = self.getAssetUnitOfMeasure(unitfld, tblname,assetfld,templist[1])
            listtuple = tuple(templist)
        return finalassetlist
    def addProjectAssets(self,book,style1,style2):
        ''' Populate Sheet 3 with Assets for a selected project'''
        sheet3 = book.add_sheet("New Assets")
        headings = ["Category","Type","Unit","UnitCost","NumberOfUnits"]
        col = 0
        row = 0
        sheet3.write(row, col, "Assets", style1)
        row = row + 1
        for itemheader in headings:
            sheet3.write(row, col, itemheader, style2)
            col = col + 1
        row = row +1

        #set column width for sheet4 - Asset Columns
        for i in range(0,5):
            sheet3.col(i).width = 6000

    def populateProjectAssetssection(self,book,style1,style2,row):
        headings = ["Category","Type","Unit","UnitCost","TotalUnits"]
        col = 0
        sheet = book.get_sheet(3)
        for itemheader in headings:
            sheet.write(row, col, itemheader, style2)
            col = col + 1
        row = row +1
        recordset = self.getAssetList()
        for rec in recordset:
            col = 0
            assettype = rec[0]
            assetname = rec[1]
            unitofmeasure = rec[2]
            sheet.write(row, col, assettype)
            col = col + 1
            sheet.write(row, col, assetname)
            col = col + 1
            sheet.write(row, col, unitofmeasure)
            row = row + 1
        return row

    def writeFoodsCropsHeaders(self,sectionheading,headerrow,book,style1,style2):

        headings = ["Name","Unit","UnitsProduced","UnitsSold","UnitPrice","OtherUses","UnitsConsumed"]
        col = 0
        sheet = book.get_sheet(3)
        #if sectionheading=='Livestock':
        sectionheading = sectionheading + '-C'
        sheet.write(headerrow, col, sectionheading,style1)
        headerrow = headerrow +1
        for itemheader in headings:
            sheet.write(headerrow, col, itemheader, style2)
            col = col + 1

        headerrow = headerrow +1
        return headerrow

    def populateFoodsCropsSections(self,book,style1,style2,row):
        ''' Populate data Entry Sheet with Crops,Livestock,Wildfoods for a selected project'''

        incometypes = ['Crops','Livestock','Wildfoods']
        col = 0
        for incometype in incometypes:
            #set section Headings
            row = self.writeFoodsCropsHeaders(incometype,row,book,style1,style2)
            #get incomesource details and write in spreadsheet
            recordset = self.getCropsFoodsIncomeSourceDetails(incometype.lower())
            sheet = book.get_sheet(3)

            for rec in recordset:
                for col in range (0,2):
                    celvalue = rec[col]
                    sheet.write(row, col, celvalue)
                row = row + 1
            row = row + 4 # set space between Income source type sections
        return row

    def writeEmploymentSectionHeaders(self,headerrow,book,style1,style2):

        headings = ["Type","FoodPaid","Unit","UnitsPaid","Kcals","CashIncome"]
        col = 0
        sheet = book.get_sheet(3)
        sheet.write(headerrow, 0, "Employment", style1)
        headerrow = headerrow +1
        for itemheader in headings:
            sheet.write(headerrow, col, itemheader, style2)
            col = col + 1

        headerrow = headerrow +1
        return headerrow

    def getProjectEmploymentTypes(self):
        incometype = 'employment'
        query = self.buildQueries(incometype)
        recordset = self.getincomeSources(query)
        return recordset

    def populateEmployemntDetails(self,row,book,style1,style2):
        row = self.writeEmploymentSectionHeaders(row,book,style1,style2)
        recordset = self.getProjectEmploymentTypes()
        sheet = book.get_sheet(3)

        col = 0
        for rec in recordset:
            celvalue = rec[col]
            sheet.write(row, col, celvalue)
            row = row + 1
        row = row + 4 # set space between Income source type sections
        return row
    def populateIncomeSourcesSheet(self,book,style1,style2):
        ''' Populate Sheet 3 with Headers for ebtry of new income sources users may find during field visits'''
        #Income Sources
        sheet2 = book.add_sheet("New Income Sources")
        incometypes = ['Crops','Livestock','Wildfoods']
        col = 0
        headerrow = 0
        for incometype in incometypes:
            #set section Headings
            headings = ["Name","Unit","UnitsProduced","UnitsSold","UnitPrice","OtherUses","UnitsConsumed"]
            col = 0
            sheet2.write(headerrow, 0,incometype , style1)
            headerrow = headerrow +1
            for itemheader in headings:
                sheet2.write(headerrow, col, itemheader, style2)
                col = col + 1
            headerrow = headerrow +11

        #Write Employment Headings
        employmentheadings = ["Type","FoodPaid","Unit","UnitsPaid","Kcals","CashIncome"]
        col = 0
        sheet2.write(headerrow, 0, "Employment", style1)
        headerrow = headerrow +1
        for itemheader in employmentheadings:
            sheet2.write(headerrow, col, itemheader, style2)
            col = col + 1
        headerrow = headerrow +11

        #Write Transfer Headers
        incometypes = ['Social Transfers','Official Transfers']
        col = 0
        for incometype in incometypes:
            #set section Headings
            transferheadings = ["TransferSource","CashPerYear","FoodType","Unit","UnitsConsumed","UnitsSold","PricePerUnit"]
            col = 0
            sheet2.write(headerrow, 0,incometype , style1)
            headerrow = headerrow +1
            for itemheader in transferheadings:
                sheet2.write(headerrow, col, itemheader, style2)
                col = col + 1
            headerrow = headerrow +11

        sheet2.write(headerrow, 0, "")
        #set column width for sheet1
        for i in range(0,7):
            sheet2.col(i).width = 6000
    def writeDataSheets(self):
        book = Workbook(encoding="utf-8")
        #set style for headers
        style1 = easyxf('font: name Arial;''font: bold True;')
        style2 = easyxf('font: name Arial;''font: colour ocean_blue;''font: bold True;''border: left thick, top thick, right thick, bottom thick')
        style3 = easyxf('font: name Arial;''font: colour green;''font: bold True;''border: left thick, top thick, right thick, bottom thick')

        #create sheet for entering project households
        sheettitle = "%s" %

        sheet1 = book.add_sheet(sheettitle)
        sheet1.write(0, 0, "Project Households", style1)
        sheet1.write(1, 0, "HouseholdNumber", style2)
        sheet1.write(1, 1, "HouseholdName", style2)
        sheet1.write(1, 2, "DateVisited", style2)

        #set column width for sheet1
        for i in range(0,3):
            sheet1.col(i).width = 6000


        #Basic Details for Household Members
        sheet4 = book.add_sheet("HouseholdID")
        sheet4.write(1, 0, "HouseholdMembers", style1)
        sheet4.write(2, 0, "Sex", style2)
        sheet4.write(2, 1, "Age", style2)
        sheet4.write(2, 2, "YearofBirth", style2)
        sheet4.write(2, 3, "HouseholdHead", style2)
        sheet4.write(2, 4, "PeriodAway", style2)

        #get personal and household characteristics, configured for current project
        pchars = self.getPersonalCharacteristics()
        hchars = self.getHouseholdCharacteristics()

        #section for extended personal characteristics
        col = 0
        sheet4.write(8, 0, "PersonalCharacteristics", style1)
        sheet4.write(9, col, 'personid', style2)
        sheet4.write(10, col, 'String', style3)
        col = col + 1

        for char in pchars:
            value = char[0]
            chartype = char[1]
            vartype =''
            if value!='pid' and value !='hhid':
                if chartype == 1:
                    vartype ='Yes/No'
                elif chartype == 2:
                    vartype ='Integer'
                elif chartype == 3:
                    vartype ='String'
                elif chartype == 4:
                    vartype ='Double'
                sheet4.write(9, col, value, style2)
                sheet4.write(10, col, vartype, style3)
                col = col + 1
        #section for household characteristics
        sheet4.write(17, 0, "HouseholdCharacteristics", style1)
        col = 0
        for char in hchars:
            value = char[0]
            chartype = char[1]
            vartype =''
            if value!='pid' and value !='hhid':
                if chartype == 1:
                    vartype ='Yes/No'
                elif chartype == 2:
                    vartype ='Integer'
                elif chartype == 3:
                    vartype ='String'
                elif chartype == 4:
                    vartype ='Double'

                sheet4.write(18, col, value, style2)
                sheet4.write(19, col, vartype, style3)
                col = col + 1

        headerrow = 25
        itemrow = 26

        sheet4.write(headerrow, 0, "Assets", style1)
        headerrow = headerrow + 1
        headerrow = self.populateProjectAssetssection(book,style1,style2,headerrow)
        headerrow = headerrow + 5
        sheet4.write(headerrow, 0, "Expenditure", style1)
        headerrow = headerrow + 1
        sheet4.write(headerrow, 0, "Type", style2)
        sheet4.write(headerrow, 1, "Unit", style2)
        sheet4.write(headerrow, 2, "KCalPerUnit", style2)
        sheet4.write(headerrow, 3, "UnitCost", style2)
        sheet4.write(headerrow, 4, "Units", style2)

        #Crop, Livestock, and Wildfood Income
        headerrow = headerrow + 11
        headerrow = self.populateFoodsCropsSections(book,style1,style2,headerrow)

        headerrow = self.populateEmployemntDetails(headerrow,book,style1,style2)
        #Social Transfers
        headerrow = self.populateSocialTranfers(book,style1,style2,headerrow)

        #Transfers from Organisations
        headerrow = self.populateOfficialTranfers(book,style1,style2,headerrow)

        #set column width for sheet2
        for i in range(0,7):
            sheet4.col(i).width = 6000

        folder = "inputs/"
        filename = folder + "dataEntrySheet-ProjectID-" + str( + ".xls"
        completionmessage = '''Template Saved As open-ihm/''' + str(filename) +'''\n\nClick OK to open the spreadsheet. This may take a few seconds. '''
        QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, 'Data Entry Template', completionmessage)
        os.system(os.path.curdir + "\\inputs\\dataEntrySheet-ProjectID-" + str( + ".xls")
class DataEntrySheets:
    def __init__(self,projectid):
        self.database = Database()
        self.pcharstable = 'p' + str(projectid) +'personalcharacteristics'
        self.hcharstable = 'p' + str(projectid) +'householdcharacteristics' = projectid
        self.config = Config.dbinfo().copy()

    def getPersonalCharacteristics(self):
        query = '''SHOW columns FROM %s''' %(self.pcharstable)
        pchars = self.database.execSelectQuery(query)
        return pchars

    def getHouseholdCharacteristics(self):
        query = '''SHOW columns FROM %s''' %(self.hcharstable)
        hchars = self.database.execSelectQuery(query)
        return hchars
            def buildQueries(self,incometype):
            '''Build queries for getting project income sources'''
            query = '''SELECT * FROM projectincomesources WHERE incometype='%s' ''' % incometype
            return query

    def getincomeSources(self,query):
        '''run income source select queries'''
        dbconnector = Database()
        recordset = dbconnector.execSelectQuery(query)
        return recordset
    def writeDataSheets(self):
        book = Workbook(encoding="utf-8")
        #set style for headers
        style1 = easyxf('font: name Arial;''font: bold True;')
        style2 = easyxf('font: name Arial;''font: colour ocean_blue;''font: bold True;''border: left thick, top thick, right thick, bottom thick')
        style3 = easyxf('font: name Arial;''font: colour green;''font: bold True;''border: left thick, top thick, right thick, bottom thick')

        #create sheet for entering project households
        #projectid =
        sheettitle = "%s" %
        sheet1 = book.add_sheet(sheettitle)
        sheet1.write(0, 0, "Project Households", style1)
        sheet1.write(1, 0, "HouseholdNumber", style2)
        sheet1.write(1, 1, "HouseholdName", style2)
        sheet1.write(1, 2, "DateVisited", style2)

        #set column width for sheet1
        for i in range(0,3):
            sheet1.col(i).width = 6000

        #Basic Details for Household Members
        sheet2 = book.add_sheet("Template")
        sheet2.write(1, 0, "HouseholdMembers", style1)
        sheet2.write(2, 0, "Sex", style2)
        sheet2.write(2, 1, "Age", style2)
        sheet2.write(2, 2, "YearofBirth", style2)
        sheet2.write(2, 3, "HouseholdHead", style2)

        #Basic Details for Household Members
        sheet3 = book.add_sheet("Income Sources")
        sheet3.write(1, 0, "Crop Types", style1)
        sheet3.write(1, 2, "Employment Types", style2)
        sheet3.write(1, 4, "Livestock Types", style2)
        sheet3.write(1, 6, "Transfer Types", style2)
        sheet3.write(1, 8, "Wild Food Types", style2)

        #set column width for sheet3
        for i in range(0,10):
            sheet3.col(i).width = 6000

        #get personal and household characteristics, configured for current project
        pchars = self.getPersonalCharacteristics()
        hchars = self.getHouseholdCharacteristics()

        #section for extended personal characteristics
        sheet2.write(8, 0, "PersonalCharacteristics", style1)
        col = 0
        for char in pchars:
            value = char[0]
            typep = char[1]
            if value!='pid' and value !='hhid':
                stringvar = 'varchar'
                boolvar = 'enum'
                intvar = 'bigint'
                doublevar ='double'
                if typep.startswith(tuple(stringvar)):
                    vartype ='String'
                elif typep.startswith(tuple(boolvar)):
                    vartype ='Yes/No'
                elif typep.startswith(tuple(intvar)):
                    vartype ='Integer'
                elif typep.startswith(tuple(doublevar)):
                    vartype ='Double'

                sheet2.write(9, col, value, style2)
                sheet2.write(10, col, vartype, style3)
                col = col + 1
        #section for household characteristics
        sheet2.write(17, 0, "HouseholdCharacteristics", style1)
        col = 0
        for char in hchars:
            value = char[0]
            typep = char[1]
            if value !='pid' and value !='hhid':
                stringvar = 'varchar'
                boolvar = 'enum'
                intvar = 'bigint'
                doublevar ='double'
                if typep.startswith(tuple(stringvar)):
                    vartype ='String'
                elif typep.startswith(tuple(boolvar)):
                    vartype ='Yes/No'
                elif typep.startswith(tuple(intvar)):
                    vartype ='Integer'
                elif typep.startswith(tuple(doublevar)):
                    vartype ='Double'

                sheet2.write(18, col, value, style2)
                sheet2.write(19, col, vartype, style3)
                col = col + 1

        headerrow = 25
        itemrow = 26

        sheet2.write(headerrow, 0, "Assets", style1)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 0, "Category", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 1, "Type", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 2, "Unit", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 3, "UnitCost", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 4, "Units", style2)

        headerrow = headerrow + 11
        itemrow = itemrow + 11
        sheet2.write(headerrow, 0, "Expenditure", style1)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 0, "Type", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 1, "Unit", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 2, "KCalPerUnit", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 3, "UnitCost", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 4, "Units", style2)

        #Crop Income
        headerrow = headerrow + 11
        itemrow = itemrow + 11

        sheet2.write(headerrow, 0, "Crops", style1)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 0, "Name", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 1, "Unit", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 2, "UnitsProduced", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 3, "UnitsSold", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 4, "UnitPrice", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 5, "OtherUses", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 6, "UnitsConsumed", style2)

        headerrow = headerrow + 11
        itemrow = itemrow + 11
        sheet2.write(headerrow, 0, "Livestock", style1)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 0, "Name", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 1, "Unit", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 2, "UnitsProduced", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 3, "UnitsSold", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 4, "UnitPrice", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 5, "OtherUses", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 6, "UnitsConsumed", style2)
        headerrow = headerrow + 11
        itemrow = itemrow + 11
        sheet2.write(headerrow, 0, "WildFoods", style1)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 0, "Name", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 1, "Unit", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 2, "UnitsProduced", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 3, "UnitsSold", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 4, "UnitPrice", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 5, "OtherUses", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 6, "UnitsConsumed", style2)

        headerrow = headerrow + 11
        itemrow = itemrow + 11
        sheet2.write(headerrow, 0, "Employment", style1)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 0, "Type", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 1, "FoodPaid", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 2, "Unit", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 3, "UnitsPaid", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 4, "Kcals", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 5, "CashIncome", style2)

        #Social Transfers
        headerrow = headerrow + 11
        itemrow = itemrow + 11
        sheet2.write(headerrow, 0, "SocialTransfer", style1)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 0, "TransferSource", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 1, "CashPerYear", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 2, "FoodType", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 3, "Unit", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 4, "UnitsConsumed", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 5, "UnitsSold", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 6, "PricePerUnit", style2)

        #Transfers from Organisations
        headerrow = headerrow + 11
        itemrow = itemrow + 11
        sheet2.write(headerrow, 0, "TransferFromOrganisations", style1)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 0, "TransferSource", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 1, "CashPerYear", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 2, "FoodType", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 3, "Unit", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 4, "UnitsConsumed", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 5, "UnitsSold", style2)
        sheet2.write(itemrow, 6, "PricePerUnit", style2)

        #set column width for sheet2
        for i in range(0,7):
            sheet2.col(i).width = 6000

        # Income sources
        incometypes = ['crops','employment','livestock','transfers','wildfoods']
        col = 0
        print 'there'
        for i in range (0,5):
            incometype = incometypes[i]:
            row = 1
            query = self.buildQueries(incometype)
            print incometype
            recordset = self.getincomeSources(query)

            for row in recordset:
                cellvalue = row[0]
                sheet3.write(row, col, cellvalue, style1)
                row = row + 1
            col = col + 2

        folder = "inputs/"
        filename = folder + "dataEntrySheet-ProjectID-" + str( + ".xls"
        completionmessage = '''Template Saved As open-ihm/''' + str(filename) +'''\n\nClick OK to open the spreadsheet. This may take a few seconds. '''
        QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, 'Data Entry Template', completionmessage)
        os.system(os.path.curdir + "\\inputs\\dataEntrySheet-ProjectID-" + str( + ".xls")
class HouseholdsByCharacteristics:
    def __init__(self):
        self.database = Database()

    def buildPCharacteristicsQuery(self,pcharacteristics, tablename,projectid):
        ''' build query for selecting households that meet selected personal characteristics from the report interface'''
        houseid = tablename + '.hhid'
        basequery = '''SELECT,households.hhid, households.householdname
                            FROM households,personalcharacteristics WHERE AND households.hhid = personalcharacteristics.hhid AND''' % projectid
        for currentcharacteristic in pcharacteristics:
            #currentcharacteristic =  'personalcharacteristics' + '.' + '%s' % characteristic
            basequery = basequery + " AND personalcharacteristics.characteristic ='%s'  AND personalcharacteristics.charvalue='Yes'" % (currentcharacteristic)

        basequery = basequery + " GROUP BY,households.hhid" 
        print basequery
        return basequery
    def buildHCharacteristicsQuery(self,hcharacteristics, tablename,projectid):
        ''' build query for selecting households that meet selected household characteristics from the report interface'''
        #settingsmanager = ReportsSettingsManager()
        houseid = tablename + '.hhid'
        basequery = basequery = '''SELECT,households.hhid, households.householdname
                            FROM households,householdcharacteristics WHERE AND households.hhid = householdcharacteristics.hhid AND''' % projectid
        for currentcharacteristic in hcharacteristics:
            #currentcharacteristic =  'householdcharacteristics' + '.' + '%s' % characteristic
            basequery = basequery + " AND householdcharacteristics.characteristic ='%s'  AND householdcharacteristics.charvalue='Yes'" % (currentcharacteristic)
        basequery = basequery + " GROUP BY,households.hhid" 
        print basequery
        return basequery

    def getReportTable(self,projectid,pcharselected,hcharselected,pquery,hquery):
        ''' generate report tables'''
        pcharstable = self.getPcharacteristicsTable(pquery)
        hcharstable = self.getHcharacteristicsTable(hquery)
        x = len(pcharstable)
        y = len(hcharstable)
        reporttable = []

        if (x ==0 and y== 0)or (x == 0 and pcharselected !=0)or (y == 0 and hcharselected !=0):
            return reporttable
        elif (x !=0 and y != 0):
            query = ''' SELECT * FROM (%s UNION ALL %s) AS tbl GROUP BY tbl.hhid HAVING COUNT(*) = 2''' % (pquery,hquery)
            reporttable = self.getFinalReportTableData(query)
            print reporttable
            return reporttable
        elif (x == 0 and pcharselected ==0):
            return hcharstable
        elif (y == 0 and hcharselected ==0):
            return pcharstable

    def getPcharacteristicsTable(self,pquery):
        ''' get households where selected personal characteristics from the interface are met'''
        print pquery
        ptable = self.database.execSelectQuery( pquery )
        return ptable

    def getHcharacteristicsTable(self,hquery):
        ''' get households where selected household characteristics from the interface are met'''
        htable = self.database.execSelectQuery( hquery )
        return htable
    def getFinalReportTableData(self, query):
        '''get reporttable where user has selected both household and personal characteristics as output criteria'''
        reporttable = self.database.execSelectQuery( query )
        return reporttable
    def getHouseholdsForReport(self):