Beispiel #1
def commented(imdbid):
        db = db_session()
        if 'user_id' not in session:
            return False
        uid = session['uid']
        cmt = db.query(Comment).filter(
            and_(Comment.user_id == uid, Comment.imdbid == imdbid))
    if cmt.count() > 0:
        return True
    return False
Beispiel #2
def move():
    args = parse_args(request)
    is_pvp = 'opponent' in args
    db = db_session()
    # check to make sure player is in a game
    curr_game = None
    if is_pvp:
        curr_game = check_in_pvp(args['uid'], args['opponent'], db)
        curr_game = check_in_game(args['uid'], db)
    if curr_game == None:
        pvp_addon = f' with {mention_player(args["opponent"])}' if is_pvp else ''
        return f'bruh ur not in a game rn {mention(args)}{pvp_addon}'
    # if pvp, ensure that it is the player's turn
    if is_pvp:
        player_num = curr_game.stockfish_elo
        if args['uid'] != curr_game.uid.split(',')[player_num]:
            return f'it not ur turn lol?? {mention(args)}'
    # load the game in stockfish and verify that the move is legal
    if not check_move(curr_game.moves, args['move']):
        return f'u can\'t play that lol {mention(args)}'
    # if move is legal, add the move (and switch player turn if pvp)
    new_moves = curr_game.moves + ' ' + args['move']
    if is_pvp:
        curr_game.stockfish_elo = 1 - curr_game.stockfish_elo
    # did player win?
    gameover_text = get_gameover_text(new_moves, player_just_moved=True)
    print("PLAYER MOVE GAMEOVER?: ", gameover_text)
    if gameover_text != '':
        # end game
        print("PLAYER WIN!")
        return gameover_text
    # make engine move if vs cpu
    if not is_pvp:
        best = engine_move(new_moves, curr_game.stockfish_elo)
        new_moves = new_moves + ' ' + best
    curr_game.moves = new_moves
    # did engine/person win?
    gameover_text = get_gameover_text(new_moves, player_just_moved=False)
    print("CPU MOVE GAMEOVER?: ", gameover_text)
    if gameover_text != '':
        # end game
        print("CPU WIN!")
        return relay_move(best, args) + '\n' + gameover_text
    if is_pvp:
        return 'ur move has been made good job pogO'
    return relay_move(best, args)
Beispiel #3
def cheat():
    args = parse_args(request)
    is_pvp = 'opponent' in args
    db = db_session()
    # check to make sure player is in a game
    curr_game = None
    if is_pvp:
        curr_game = check_in_pvp(args['uid'], args['opponent'], db)
        curr_game = check_in_game(args['uid'], db)
    if curr_game == None:
        return 'bruh ur not in a game rn' + mention(args)
    # return cheats
    board, eval, best = cheat_board(curr_game.moves)

    return board + '\n' + eval + '\n' + best + '\n' + 'that good enough for you? stupid cheater' + mention(
Beispiel #4
def new():
    args = parse_args(request)
    db = db_session()
    # check to make sure player only chose black or white
    if args['side'] != 'white':
        if args['side'] != 'black':
            return 'you can only be \'white\' or \'black\' because this is chess OMEGALUL'
    # this is a pvp game
    game_id = ''
    is_pvp = 'challenger' in args
    if is_pvp:
        print(args['challengee'], args['challenger'])
        curr_game = check_in_pvp(args['challenger'], args['challengee'], db)
        if curr_game != None:
            return f'bruhh you can only ple 1 game with a given person at once {mention_player(args["challenger"])}'
        game_id = f'{args["challenger"]},{args["challengee"]}'
    # this is a vs CPU game
        # check to make sure player doesn't already have a game
        curr_game = check_in_game(args['uid'], db)
        if curr_game != None:
            return f'bruh ur in a gam rn i will only ple 1 game with u at a time {mention(args)}'
        game_id = args['uid']
    print(f'choosing game id {game_id}')
    # check to see which side player is
    move = ''
    if args['side'] == 'black' and not is_pvp:
        # make a move and game to db if player is black and vs CPU
        move = engine_move('', args['elo'])
    # i'm using the stockfish_elo to hold which player's turn it is because i'm lazy. ez hack no judge me pls
    elo = args['elo'] if not is_pvp else args['side'] == 'black'
    game = Game(uid=game_id,
    # report back
    info_string = ''
    if is_pvp:
        p1, p2 = args['challenger'], args['challengee']
        info_string = f'New game successfully started between {mention_player(p1)} and {mention_player(p2)}.'
        info_string = f'New game successfully started for {mention(args)}. {relay_move(move, args)}'
    return info_string
Beispiel #5
def ff():
    args = parse_args(request)
    is_pvp = 'opponent' in args
    db = db_session()
    # check to make sure player is in a game
    curr_game = None
    if is_pvp:
        curr_game = check_in_pvp(args['uid'], args['opponent'], db)
        curr_game = check_in_game(args['uid'], db)
    if curr_game == None:
        return 'bruh ur not in a game rn' + mention(args)
    # resign the player and claim victory
    if not is_pvp:
        return claim_victory(curr_game.moves, args)
        return pvp_claim_victory(curr_game.moves, args)
Beispiel #6
from jinja2 import Markup
from flask_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
from wtforms.validators import required, length
from db.database import db_session

db = db_session()

class YearView(ModelView):
    form_excluded_columns = ['movies']
    form_args = {