Beispiel #1
def get_window_group_data(start_time, end_time, group_id):
    Gets specified group data split by the specified time delimiter.

    :param str start_time: start time in EST format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
    :param str end_time: end time in EST format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
    :param int group_id: id of the group requested
    :return: JSON corresponding to the requested window and group
    :rtype: flask.Response

    fetched_data = db.get_window_based_on_group(g.cursor, group_id, start_time,

    return jsonify(data=fetched_data)
Beispiel #2
def get_day_group_data(day, group_id):
    Gets specified group data for specified day

    :param str day: the day requested in EST format YYYY-MM-DD
    :param int group_id: id of the group requested
    :return: JSON corresponding to the requested day and group
    :rtype: flask.Response

    # Convert to datetime object
    start_day = datetime.datetime.strptime(day, "%Y-%m-%d")
    end_day = start_day + datetime.timedelta(1)

    fetched_data = db.get_window_based_on_group(g.cursor, group_id, start_day,

    return jsonify(data=fetched_data)
Beispiel #3
def get_day_group_data(day, group_id):
    Gets specified group data for specified day
    :param str day: the day requested in EST format YYYY-MM-DD
    :param int group_id: id of the group requested
    :return: JSON corresponding to the requested day and group
    :rtype: flask.Response

    # Convert to datetime object
    start_day = datetime.datetime.strptime(day, "%Y-%m-%d")
    end_day = start_day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

    fetched_data = db.get_window_based_on_group(g.cursor, group_id, start_day,
                                                end_day, offset=0)
    # Add percentage_full
    fetched_data = annotate_fullness_percentage(fetched_data)

    return jsonify(data=fetched_data)
Beispiel #4
def get_window_group_data(start_time, end_time, group_id):
    Gets specified group data split by the specified time delimiter.
    :param str start_time: start time in EST format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
    :param str end_time: end time in EST format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
    :param int group_id: id of the group requested
    :return: JSON corresponding to the requested window and group
    :rtype: flask.Response
    offset = request.args.get("offset", type=int) if request.args.get("offset") else 0
    fetched_data = db.get_window_based_on_group(g.cursor, group_id, start_time, end_time, offset)
    # Add percentage_full
    fetched_data = annotate_fullness_percentage(fetched_data)

    next_page_url = None
    if len(fetched_data) == db.QUERY_LIMIT:
        new_offset = offset + db.QUERY_LIMIT
        next_page_url = (
            request.base_url + "?auth_token=" + request.args.get("auth_token") + "&offset=" + str(new_offset)

    return jsonify(data=fetched_data, next_page=next_page_url)
Beispiel #5
def get_window_group_data(start_time, end_time, group_id):
    Gets specified group data split by the specified time delimiter.
    :param str start_time: start time in EST format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
    :param str end_time: end time in EST format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
    :param int group_id: id of the group requested
    :return: JSON corresponding to the requested window and group
    :rtype: flask.Response
    offset = request.args.get('offset', type=int) if request.args.get(
        'offset') else 0
    fetched_data = db.get_window_based_on_group(g.cursor, group_id, start_time,
                                                end_time, offset)
    # Add percentage_full
    fetched_data = annotate_fullness_percentage(fetched_data)

    next_page_url = None
    if len(fetched_data) == db.QUERY_LIMIT:
        new_offset = offset + db.QUERY_LIMIT
        next_page_url = request.base_url + '?auth_token=' + request.args.get(
            'auth_token') + '&offset=' + str(new_offset)

    return jsonify(data=fetched_data, next_page=next_page_url)