Beispiel #1
    def start_serving(self, host, port):
        This method is used by server to accept binding request of client on ip address on which server is listening
        and also creating seperate process to handle each client..
        print("*** Seving on {host}:{port}".format(host=host, port=port))

        if '' == host:  # translating all available ips to socket convention
            host = ''

        self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)  # Create socket
        self.socket.bind((host, port))  # built-in method, bind with socket
        db.bind_session()  # Binding with database
        background_thread1 = threading.Thread(target=thread_4_incoming_sms, args=())  # Creating thread for handling incoming smses.
        background_thread1.start()  # Start thread which will run infintely unless smpp server stops.

            while True:
                self.socket.listen(1)  # listening for connections
                print("Zong server listening......")
                conn, addr = self.socket.accept()  # accept connections and return ip and port
                sc = SharedConnection(conn)
                sc.is_open = True

                P = multiprocessing.Process(target=handle_client_connection, args=(sc, addr))

                active_conns = multiprocessing.active_children()
                print("Total connections: %i" % len(active_conns))

        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            print("Good bye!")
Beispiel #2
import db
from db import DBSession
from models import User, Sms, Selected_package, User_Number, Prefix_Match
import hashlib
import transaction
from smpp5.lib.util.hex_print import hex_convert, hex_print
from smpp5.lib.parameter_types import Integer, CString, String, TLV
from smpp5.lib.pdu.session_management import *
from smpp5.lib.constants import interface_version as IV
from smpp5.lib.pdu.session_management import BindTransmitter, BindTransmitterResp, BindReceiver, BindReceiverResp, BindTransceiver, BindTransceiverResp, OutBind, UnBind, UnBindResp, EnquireLink, EnquireLinkResp, AlertNotification, GenericNack
from smpp5.lib.constants import *
from sqlalchemy import func
import datetime

if '__main__' == __name__:
    d =
    S = Sms()
    S.sms_type = 'outgoing'
    S.sms_from = '+9233365195924'
    S.sms_to = '+923366767999'
    S.schedule_delivery_time = d   # give date 2nd december
    S.validity_period = d+datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    S.msg = "dont disturb.."
    S.timestamp = d
    S.status = 'delivered'
    S.msg_type = 'text'
    S.user_id = 'ASMA'
    S.package_name = 'dhamaka'
    S.rates = 0.0
    S.target_network = 'ufone'  # process sms file would use it to send to respective network of which server is.