Beispiel #1
def getWeather(resort, db) :

	url = opensnowWeatherUrl + "&lids=" + resort['opensnow_id']
	print "getting OPEN SNOW weather for " + resort['name'] + ": " + url
	try :
		response = simplejson.load(urllib2.urlopen(url) )
		forecast = response['results']['location' + resort['opensnow_id']]['forecast']

		#create the empty row object
		row = {}
		row['reported_time'] = forecast['updated_at']
		row['resort'] = resort['id']

		#first check if entry already exists for that reported time
		queryString = "select count(*) from " + TABLE_NAME + " where resort='" + resort['id'] + "' and reported_time='" + row['reported_time'] + "'"
		r = db.store_result()
		results = r.fetch_row(0)
		count = int(results[0][0])
		#print count;

		#only insert if an entry doesnt already exist for this
		if (count == 0) :

			for forecastDate in pDataKeys :				
				row['date'] = forecast[forecastDate]['date']
				for timeOfDay in rDataKeys :
					forecastDayPeriod = forecast[forecastDate][timeOfDay]
					row['forecast_time'] = timeOfDay
					row['summary'] = forecastDayPeriod['weather']
					row['temp'] = forecastDayPeriod['temp']
					row['text_summary'] = forecastDayPeriod['text']
					row['snow_forecast'] = parseSnowRange(forecastDayPeriod['snow'])

					queryString = dbHelper.createInsertStatement(row, TABLE_NAME)
					#print queryString

	except :
		print "*****************************************"
		print url
		print "*****************************************"
Beispiel #2
def retrieveNewSnow(filename, db) :
	resortWeatherInfos = readDataFromFile(filename)
	for resortWeatherInfo in resortWeatherInfos :
		snowfallTotal = getNewSnowFallForResort(resortWeatherInfo)
		#first check if this entry already exists
		entryAlreadyExistQuery = dbHelper.checkForSnowfallEntryQuery(snowfallTotal, TABLE_NAME)
		#print entryAlreadyExistQuery
		r = db.store_result()
		results = r.fetch_row(0)
		count = int(results[0][0])

		#if entry doesn't exist, go ahead and insert
		if (count == 0) :
			queryStatement = dbHelper.createInsertStatement(snowfallTotal, TABLE_NAME, False)
			print queryStatement
Beispiel #3
def getWeather(resort, db) :
	print "getting weather for " + resort['snowforecast_id']
	url = sfWeatherUrl + resort['snowforecast_id'] + sfPostUrl
	soup = xmlHelper.createSoup(url)

	row = {}
	#print xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag("mid", "dayname", soupStr) 
	row['resort'] = resort['id']
	row['reported_time'] = xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag("hash", "issued", soup)
	#row['resort'] = resort

	for p in soup.findAll('period') :
		forecastTimestamp = xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag("period", "tstampstart", p)
		forecastDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(forecastTimestamp))
		row['date'] = str(forecastDate)
		row['forecast_time'] = xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag("period", "ename", p).replace("-<br>","")
		row['freezing_level'] = xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag("period", "flevel", p)
		row['summary'] = xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag(FORECAST_LOCATION, "pphrase", p)
		row['low_temp'] = xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag(FORECAST_LOCATION, "min", p)
		row['high_temp'] = xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag(FORECAST_LOCATION, "max", p)
		row['wind'] = xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag(FORECAST_LOCATION, "pwind", p)
		# Parse wind symbol data from something like windSW35metric.gif to SW
		wsymbol = xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag(FORECAST_LOCATION, "pwsymbol", p)
		wsymbol = wsymbol.replace(SNOW_FORECAST_WIND_SYMBOL_PRE, "").replace(SNOW_FORECAST_WIND_SYMBOL_POST, "")
		wsymbol = wsymbol.replace(row['wind'], "")
		row['wind_dir'] = wsymbol
		snow_forecast = xmlHelper.getSnowForecastTag(FORECAST_LOCATION, "psnow", p)
		if snow_forecast == "-" :
			snow_forecast = 0
		row['snow_forecast'] = snow_forecast

		queryString = dbHelper.createInsertStatement(row, TABLE_NAME)

		#print queryString
Beispiel #4
def getWeather(resort, db) :

	url = nwsWeatherUrl + "&lat=" + resort['latitude'] + "&lon=" + resort['longitude']
	print "getting weather for " + resort['name'] + ": " + url
	try :
		response = simplejson.load(urllib2.urlopen(url) )

		row = {}
		row['reported_time'] = response['creationDate']
		row['resort'] = resort['id']

		#first check if entry already exists
		queryString = "select count(*) from " + TABLE_NAME + " where resort='" + resort['id'] + "' and reported_time='" + row['reported_time'] + "'"
		r = db.store_result()
		results = r.fetch_row(0)
		count = int(results[0][0])
		#print count;

		#only insert if an entry doesnt already exist for this
		if (count == 0) :

			#determine which days to grab, probably will be all but maybe not the first
			startIndex = 0
			if (response['time']['startPeriodName'][0].find(LATER_TODAY_STRING) >= 0) :
				startIndex = 1

			for i in range(startIndex, len(response['time']['startPeriodName'])) :
				forecastDate = response['time']['startValidTime'][i]
				row['date'] = forecastDate.split("T")[0]
				if (response['time']['startPeriodName'][i].find(NIGHT_STRING) >= 0) :
					row['forecast_time'] = "night"
				else :
					row['forecast_time'] = "day"
				rData = response['data']
				row['summary'] = rData['weather'][i]
				row['pct_precip'] = rData['pop'][i]
				if row['forecast_time'] == 'night' :
					row['low_temp'] = rData['temperature'][i]
				else :
					row['high_temp'] = rData['temperature'][i]

				textSummary = rData['text'][i]
				row['text_summary'] = textSummary
				row['snow_forecast'] = 0
				if textSummary.find(SNOW_ACCUM_SINGLE_INCH) >= 0:
					row['snow_forecast'] = 1
				else :
					print textSummary
					snowAccumIndex = textSummary.find(SNOW_ACCUM_STR)
					if snowAccumIndex > 0 :
						tokenized = textSummary[snowAccumIndex + SNOW_ACCUM_STR_LEN:].split(' ')
						#check special case "around X inches"
						if (tokenized[0] == 'around') :
							row['snow_forecast'] = float(tokenized[1])
						else :
							lowSnow = float(tokenized[0])
							highSnow = float(tokenized[2])
							#Use the midpoint of the forecasted snow
							row['snow_forecast'] = (lowSnow + highSnow) / 2
							#Going to try just going with the highest snow total expected
							#row['snow_forecast'] = highSnow

				queryString = dbHelper.createInsertStatement(row, TABLE_NAME)
				#print queryString

	except simplejson.decoder.JSONDecodeError :
		print "*****************************************"
		print "NWS FORECAST FAILED " + str(
		print url
		print "*****************************************"