def finletBCWriter(
        caseDir,  #need to specify case directory

    #IMPORT BLOCK=======================================================
    import os
    import math
    from dfluidData import dfluidData
    #GET THE DATA=======================================================
    #                           EDITABLE
    g = 9.81
    [sigma, rho, mu, theta0, thetaA, thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
    beta = float((theta0 + thetaA + thetaR) /
                 3) / 180 * math.pi  #get initial contact angle in radians
    #                           DO NOT EDIT

    # recalculation for ND mesh - lenght is ND by inlet height
    L = 1  #h0
    a0, h0, cellL, cellW = a0 / L, h0 / L, cellL / L, cellW / L

    # auxiliary variables - meshing
    nCellsIn = int(
        round(a0 / cellW * nCellsW) + round(a0 / cellW * nCellsW) % 2)
    nCellsWVec = [(nCellsW - nCellsIn) / 2, nCellsIn, (nCellsW - nCellsIn) / 2]

    hVec = []
    uVec = []
    #~ for i in range(0,nCellsIn/2):
    #~ hVec.append(a0**2 - (2*i*a0/nCellsIn)**2)
    #~ for i in range(nCellsIn/2+1,nCellsIn)
    #~ hVec.append(a0**2 - (2*i*a0/nCellsIn)**2)
    Bsqrt = a0 * math.sqrt(rho * g * math.cos(alpha) / sigma)
    A = a0 * math.tan(beta) / (Bsqrt * math.sinh(Bsqrt))

    #~ yVec  = [(2*a0*i/float(nCellsIn) - a0) for i in range(nCellsIn+1)]
    #~ print yVec

    print 'sqrt(B) = ' + repr(Bsqrt)
    #~ print A

    # calculate the inlet profile shape
    for i in range(nCellsIn + 1):
        dzeta = 2 * i / float(nCellsIn) - 1
        hVec.append(A * (math.cosh(Bsqrt) - math.cosh(Bsqrt * dzeta)))

    #calculate the inlet profile cross section
    step = 2 * a0 / float(nCellsIn)
    cSec = 0
    for i in range(len(hVec) - 1):
        cSec = cSec + hVec[i + 1] + hVec[i]
    cSec = cSec * step / 2

    #calculate the inlet liquid velocity to sustain demanded mDot
    u0 = mDot / rho / cSec

    #~ for i in range(len(hVec)):
    #~ uVec.append([hVec[i]**2*rho*g/(2*mu),0,0])
    #~ print uVec


    #CREATE FILE AND WRITE THE DATA IN======================================
    idStr = 'inlet'

    # write everything to the file
    # Uf
    with open(caseDir + '', 'r') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()

    for i in range(len(data)):
        fInd = data[i].find(idStr)
        if fInd > -1:
            data[i:] = []

    with open(caseDir + '', 'w') as file:

    bMD = open(caseDir + '',
               'a')  #open file temporary file for writing
    # write data to file
    # -- case of dirichlet boundary
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tfixedValue;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tnonuniform List<vector>  \n\t\t' + repr(nCellsIn) + '\n\t\t(\n')
    #~ for row in uVec:
    #~ bMD.write('\t\t\t ( ' + ' '.join(str(e) for e in row) + ' )\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\t); \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')
    # -- case of flowRateInletVelocity (could it be applied?)
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tflowRateInletVelocity;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tmassFlowRate\tconstant\t' + repr(mDot) + ';\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\t\tuniform (1 0 0);\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')
    # -- case of constant velocity
    bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tuniform \t\t(%5.4e 0 0);\n' % u0)
    bMD.write('\t} \n\n')

    # footline
        '// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // \n\n'

    # close file

    # deltaf
    with open(caseDir + '', 'r') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()

    for i in range(len(data)):
        fInd = data[i].find(idStr)
        if fInd > -1:
            data[i:] = []

    with open(caseDir + '', 'w') as file:

    bMD = open(caseDir + '',
               'a')  #open file temporary file for writing
    # write data to file
    bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tnonuniform List<scalar>  \n\t\t' +
              repr(nCellsIn + 1) + '\n\t\t(\n')
    for i in range(len(hVec)):
        bMD.write('\t\t\t ' + repr(hVec[i]) + '\n')
    bMD.write('\t\t); \n')
    bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tfixedValue;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tuniform \t\t' + repr(h0) + ';\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')

    # footline
        '// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // \n\n'

    # close file

            postProc,                                                   #case postprocessing (paraview)
            postProcData,                                               #case postprocessing data export
            fluidData,                                                  #used database with fluid data
            #~ rivuletPostProc2Blender,                                    #export paraview->blender
            #~ blenderPrep,                                                #rivulet postprocessing (blender)
for scName in scNames:
    sh.copyfile(scFolder + scName + '.py',caseDir + scName + '.py')     #copy current script version

#CASE CONSTANTS AND CALCULATIONS========================================
# input data------------------------------------------------------------
# -- global parameters
g       = 9.81                                                          #grav. acc., m/s2

# -- liquid properties
[sigma,rho,mu,theta0,thetaA,thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
[_,rhoA,muA,_,_,_]                  = dfluidData('AIR')
#~ NOTE: liquid properties are stored in a special dictionary
#~ sigma       ... surface tension coefficient of the liquid, N/m
#~ rho         ... density of the liquid, kg/m3
#~ mu          ... liquid dynamic viscosity, Pas
#~ theta0,thetaA,thetaR ... equilibrium, advancing and receding contact
#~                          angles

# further calculations
u0      = Re*mu/(rho*hIn)                                               #inlet velocity calculation
nu      = [mu/rho,muA/rhoA]
rho     = [rho,rhoA]
sigma   = [sigma]

#OPEN AUTOGENERATED README FILE=========================================
def fprepIC_noGravity(caseDir,                                          #case directory name
            a0,Q0,                                                      #initial conditions
            liqName,l,                                                  #model defining properties
            alpha,L,nCellsX,H,nCellsZ,                                  #geometrical and meshing parameters
            pltFlag,                                                    #output plots
    #IMPORT BLOCK=======================================================
    import math
    import numpy as np
    #~ from scipy.optimize import fsolve                                   #NAE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint                                      #ODE solver
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #IMPORT BLOCK-CUSTOM================================================
    from dfluidData import dfluidData
    #LOCAL FUNCTIONS====================================================
    def writeCylinder(h,a,x,deltaX):
        # function returning list o strings to write cylinderToCell entry
        # into setFieldsDict file
        R   = h/2.0 + a**2.0/(2.0*h)                                    #cylinder diameter
        d   = R - h                                                     #how much bellow the plate is the cylinder center
        # -- create the strings to return
        cellStr = []
        cellStr.append('\tcylinderToCell\n\t\t{\n')                     #entry openning lines
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tp1 (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n'%(x,0.0,-d))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tp2 (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n'%(x+deltaX,0.0,-d))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tradius %5.5e;\n\n'%R)
        cellStr.append('\t\t\t\tvolScalarFieldValue alpha.liquid 1\n\t\t\t);\n')
        cellStr.append('\t\t}\n')                                       #entry ending line
        return cellStr
    def writeBox(h,deltah,a,x,deltaX,UVec,p_rgh):
        # function returning list of strings to write boxToCell entry into
        # setFieldsDict file
        cellStr = []
        cellStr.append('\tboxToCell\n\t\t{\n')                              #entry openning lines
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tbox (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e) (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n\n'%(x,-a,h,x+deltaX,a,h+deltah))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\t\tvolVectorFieldValue U (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e)\n'%tuple(UVec))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\t\tvolScalarFieldValue p_rgh %5.5e\n\t\t\t);\n'%p_rgh)
        cellStr.append('\t\t}\n')                                           #entry ending line
        return cellStr
    def writeBoxAlpha(h,deltah,a,x,deltaX,alpha):
        # function returning list of strings to write boxToCell entry into
        # setFieldsDict file
        cellStr = []
        cellStr.append('\tboxToCell\n\t\t{\n')                              #entry openning lines
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tbox (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e) (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n\n'%(x,-a,h,x+deltaX,a,h+deltah))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\t\tvolScalarFieldValue alpha.liquid %5.5e\n\t\t\t);\n'%alpha)
        cellStr.append('\t\t}\n')                                           #entry ending line
        return cellStr
    def writeRotBoxAlpha(origin,i,j,k,alpha):
        # function returning list of strings to write boxToCell entry into
        # setFieldsDict file
        cellStr = []
        cellStr.append('\trotatedBoxToCell\n\t\t{\n')                              #entry openning lines
        cellStr.append('\t\t\torigin (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n'%tuple(origin))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\ti (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n'%tuple(i))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tj (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n'%tuple(j))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tk (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n\n'%tuple(k))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\t\tvolScalarFieldValue alpha.liquid %5.5e\n\t\t\t);\n'%alpha)
        cellStr.append('\t\t}\n')                                           #entry ending line
        return cellStr

    # -- other physical properties
    g       = 9.81                                                      #gravity
    # -- liquid properties
    [sigma,rho,mu,theta0,thetaA,thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
    # -- calculation parameters
    deltaX  = L/nCellsX
    deltaZ  = H/nCellsZ
    #MODEL DEFINITION=======================================================
    # -- constants
    psi     = np.power(105.0*mu*Q0 / (4.0*rho*g*np.sin(alpha)),0.3333)
    varpi   = 2.0*mu/(rho*g*np.sin(alpha)*l**2.0)
    # -- functions
    betaFunc= lambda a      : np.arctan(np.divide(psi,a**1.3333))
    h0Func  = lambda a,beta : 2.0*np.multiply(a,np.tan(beta)/2.0)
    # -- model ODE (to be solved numerically)
    def model(a,x):
        beta = betaFunc(a)
        dadx = 1.0*beta**3.0*sigma*varpi/(9.0*mu*np.log(a/(2.0*np.exp(2.0)*l)))
        return dadx
    def jac(a,x):
        dfun = -(1.0/9.0)*np.arctan(psi/a**4.0)**2.0*sigma*(np.arctan(psi/a**4.0)*(a**8.0+psi**2.0)-12.0*a**4.0*psi*(ln(2.0)+2.0-ln(a/l)))*varpi/(mu*(ln(2.0)+2.0-ln(a/l))**2.0*(a**8.0+psi**2.0)*a)
        return dfun
    #SETFIELDSDICT EDITING==============================================
    with open(caseDir + './system/setFieldsDict', 'r') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()
    regsLine = 0                                                        #at the time empty
    # -- find position of regions keyword
    for i in range(len(data)):
        if data[i].find('regions') >-1:
            auxData = data[0:i+2]
            regsLine = i
    # -- find the height of liquid surface at inlet
    h       = 2.0*math.pi/(5.0*alpha)*(6.0*Q0**2.0/g)**0.2
    a0      = 2.0*h*np.sqrt(3.0)/3.0
    # -- fill in the inlet by liquid
    #~ # -- connect the liquid in inlet with the liquid in rivulet
    #~ auxData.extend(writeRotBoxAlpha([0,-a0,h],[-10*np.tan(alpha),0,-10],[0,2*a0,0],[10,0,-10*np.tan(alpha)],1.0))
    # -- solve the model ODE
    x       = np.linspace(-h,L,nCellsX+int(round(nCellsX*h/L))+1)       #create solution grid
    aList   = odeint(model,a0,x,Dfun=jac,printmessg=True)               #solve the system
    # -- auxiliary calculations
    betaList = betaFunc(aList)
    h0List   = h0Func(aList,betaList)
    # -- extend the list by the cylinders (gas-liquid interface position)
    for i in range(nCellsX):
        # -- prepare the phase fraction fields
        cellStr = writeCylinder(h0List[i],aList[i],x.item(i),deltaX)
        # -- prepare the velocity field - as boxes
        R = h0List.item(i)/2.0 + aList.item(i)**2.0/(2.0*h0List.item(i))
        for j in range(1,int(math.ceil(nCellsZ*h0List.item(i)/H))):
            uVec    = [rho*g*np.sin(alpha)/(2.0*mu)*(2.0*h0List.item(i)*j*deltaZ - (j*deltaZ)**2.0),0.0,0.0]
            #~ p_rgh   = rho*g*np.cos(alpha)*(h0List.item(i) - (j*deltaZ)) + np.tan(betaList.item(i))/aList.item(i)*sigma
            p_rgh   = np.tan(betaList.item(i))/aList.item(i)*sigma
            # -- get the current rivulet width (at height j*deltaZ)
            c       = np.sqrt((R-(h0List.item(i)-j*deltaZ)/2.0)*8.0*(h0List.item(i)-j*deltaZ))
            cellStr = writeBox(j*deltaZ,deltaZ,c,x.item(i),deltaX,uVec,p_rgh)
    # -- extend the list by the rest of the lines
    # rewrite the setFieldsDict file
    with open(caseDir + './system/setFieldsDict', 'w') as file:
        file.writelines( auxData )
    if pltFlag:
        plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(20, 12), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
        plt.title('Contact angle evolution along the rivulet')
        plt.xlabel('step count')
        plt.ylabel('apparent contact angle')
        plt.title('Rivulet half width evolution')
        plt.xlabel('step count')
        plt.ylabel('rivulet half width')
        plt.title('Rivulet centerline height evolution')
        plt.xlabel('step count')
        plt.ylabel('rivulet centerline height')
def finletBCWriter(caseDir,												#need to specify case directory
    #IMPORT BLOCK=======================================================
    import os
    import math
    from dfluidData import dfluidData
    #GET THE DATA=======================================================
    #                           EDITABLE
    g   = 9.81
    [sigma,rho,mu,theta0,thetaA,thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
    beta = float((theta0+thetaA+thetaR)/3)/180*math.pi                #get initial contact angle in radians
    #                           DO NOT EDIT
    # recalculation for ND mesh - lenght is ND by inlet height
    L             = 1#h0
    a0,h0,cellL,cellW = a0/L,h0/L,cellL/L,cellW/L
    # auxiliary variables - meshing
    nCellsIn   = int(round(a0/cellW*nCellsW)+round(a0/cellW*nCellsW)%2)
    nCellsWVec = [(nCellsW-nCellsIn)/2,nCellsIn,(nCellsW-nCellsIn)/2]
    hVec = []
    uVec = []
    #~ for i in range(0,nCellsIn/2):
         #~ hVec.append(a0**2 - (2*i*a0/nCellsIn)**2)
    #~ for i in range(nCellsIn/2+1,nCellsIn)
         #~ hVec.append(a0**2 - (2*i*a0/nCellsIn)**2)
    Bsqrt = a0*math.sqrt(rho*g*math.cos(alpha)/sigma)
    A     = a0*math.tan(beta)/(Bsqrt*math.sinh(Bsqrt))
    #~ yVec  = [(2*a0*i/float(nCellsIn) - a0) for i in range(nCellsIn+1)]
    #~ print yVec
    print 'sqrt(B) = ' + repr(Bsqrt)
    #~ print A
    # calculate the inlet profile shape
    for i in range(nCellsIn+1):
        dzeta = 2*i/float(nCellsIn) - 1
    #calculate the inlet profile cross section
    step    = 2*a0/float(nCellsIn)
    cSec    = 0
    for i in range(len(hVec)-1):
        cSec = cSec + hVec[i+1] + hVec[i]
    cSec    = cSec*step/2
    #calculate the inlet liquid velocity to sustain demanded mDot
    u0      = mDot/rho/cSec
    #~ for i in range(len(hVec)):
        #~ uVec.append([hVec[i]**2*rho*g/(2*mu),0,0])
    #~ print uVec
    #CREATE FILE AND WRITE THE DATA IN======================================
    idStr = 'inlet'
    # write everything to the file
    # Uf
    with open(caseDir + '', 'r') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()
    for i in range(len(data)):
        fInd = data[i].find(idStr)
        if fInd>-1:
            data[i:] = []
    with open(caseDir + '', 'w') as file:
        file.writelines( data )
    bMD = open(caseDir + '','a')                                                 #open file temporary file for writing
    # write data to file
    # -- case of dirichlet boundary
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tfixedValue;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tnonuniform List<vector>  \n\t\t' + repr(nCellsIn) + '\n\t\t(\n')
    #~ for row in uVec:
        #~ bMD.write('\t\t\t ( ' + ' '.join(str(e) for e in row) + ' )\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\t); \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')
    # -- case of flowRateInletVelocity (could it be applied?)
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tflowRateInletVelocity;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tmassFlowRate\tconstant\t' + repr(mDot) + ';\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\t\tuniform (1 0 0);\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')
    # -- case of constant velocity
    bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tuniform \t\t(%5.4e 0 0);\n'%u0)
    bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    # footline
    bMD.write('// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // \n\n')
    # close file
    # deltaf
    with open(caseDir + '', 'r') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()
    for i in range(len(data)):
        fInd = data[i].find(idStr)
        if fInd>-1:
            data[i:] = []
    with open(caseDir + '', 'w') as file:
        file.writelines( data )
    bMD = open(caseDir + '','a')                                                 #open file temporary file for writing
    # write data to file
    bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tnonuniform List<scalar>  \n\t\t' + repr(nCellsIn+1) + '\n\t\t(\n')
    for i in range(len(hVec)):
        bMD.write('\t\t\t ' + repr(hVec[i]) + '\n')
    bMD.write('\t\t); \n')
    bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tfixedValue;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tuniform \t\t' + repr(h0) + ';\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')
    # footline
    bMD.write('// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // \n\n')
    # close file
            inletBCWriter,                                              #preProcFunc - BC writer
            rivuletPostProc,                                            #rivulet postprocessing (paraview)
            rivuletPostProc2Blender,                                    #export paraview->blender
            blenderPrep,                                                #rivulet postprocessing (blender)
for scName in scNames:
    sh.copyfile(scFolder + scName + '.py',caseDir + scName + '.py')     #copy current script version
#CASE CONSTANTS AND CALCULATIONS========================================
# input data------------------------------------------------------------
# -- global parameters
g       = 9.81                                                          #grav. acc., m/s2
deltaWet= 1e-5                                                          #height above which is the plate considered wet, m

# -- liquid properties
[sigma,rho,mu,theta0,thetaA,thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
#~ [_,rhoA,muA,_,_,_]                  = dfluidData('AIR')
#~ NOTE: liquid properties are stored in a special dictionary
#~ sigma       ... surface tension coefficient of the liquid, N/m
#~ rho         ... density of the liquid, kg/m3
#~ mu          ... liquid dynamic viscosity, Pas
#~ theta0,thetaA,thetaR ... equilibrium, advancing and receding contact
#~                          angles

# -- further calculations
mDot    = Q0*rho                                                        #mass flow rate calculation
beta    = float((theta0+thetaA+thetaR)/3)/180*math.pi                   #get initial contact angle in radians

# -- additional parameters
lC      = math.sqrt(sigma/(rho*g));                                     #liquid capillary length
Beispiel #6
    rivuletPostProc,  #rivulet postprocessing (paraview)
    rivuletPostProc2Blender,  #export paraview->blender
    blenderPrep,  #rivulet postprocessing (blender)
for scName in scNames:
    sh.copyfile(scFolder + scName + '.py',
                caseDir + scName + '.py')  #copy current script version

#CASE CONSTANTS AND CALCULATIONS========================================
# input data------------------------------------------------------------
# -- global parameters
g = 9.81  #grav. acc., m/s2
deltaWet = 1e-5  #height above which is the plate considered wet, m

# -- liquid properties
[sigma, rho, mu, theta0, thetaA, thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
#~ [_,rhoA,muA,_,_,_]                  = dfluidData('AIR')
#~ NOTE: liquid properties are stored in a special dictionary
#~ sigma       ... surface tension coefficient of the liquid, N/m
#~ rho         ... density of the liquid, kg/m3
#~ mu          ... liquid dynamic viscosity, Pas
#~ theta0,thetaA,thetaR ... equilibrium, advancing and receding contact
#~                          angles

# -- further calculations
mDot = Q0 * rho  #mass flow rate calculation
beta = float((theta0 + thetaA + thetaR) /
             3) / 180 * math.pi  #get initial contact angle in radians

# -- additional parameters
lC = math.sqrt(sigma / (rho * g))