Beispiel #1
    def run(self):

        def isFSBased(x):
            return isinstance(x, (FileDROP, DirectoryContainer))

        fsInputs = [i for i in self.inputs if isFSBased(i)]
        fsOutputs = [o for o in self.outputs if isFSBased(o)]
        dataURLInputs  = [i for i in self.inputs if not isFSBased(i)]
        dataURLOutputs = [o for o in self.outputs if not isFSBased(o)]

        cmd = droputils.replace_path_placeholders(self._command, fsInputs, fsOutputs)
        cmd = droputils.replace_dataurl_placeholders(cmd, dataURLInputs, dataURLOutputs)

        # Wrap everything inside bash
        cmd = '/bin/bash -c "{0}"'.format(utils.escapeQuotes(cmd, singleQuotes=False))

        if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            LOG.debug("Command after user creation and wrapping is: {0}".format(cmd))

        start = time.time()

        # Wait until it finishes
        process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, bufsize=1, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ.copy())
        stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
        self._exit_code = process.returncode
        end = time.time()
        if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
  "Finished in {0:.2f} [s] with exit code {1}".format(end-start, self._exit_code))

        if self._exit_code == 0 and LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            LOG.debug("Command finished successfully, output follows.\n==STDOUT==\n{0}==STDERR==\n{1}".format(stdout, stderr))
        elif self._exit_code != 0:
            message = "Command didn't finish successfully (exit code {0})".format(self._exit_code)
            LOG.error(message + ", output follows.\n==STDOUT==\n%s==STDERR==\n%s" % (stdout, stderr))
            raise Exception(message)
Beispiel #2
    def run(self):

        # Replace any placeholder in the commandline with the proper path or
        # dataURL, depending on the type of input/output it is
        # In the case of fs-based i/o we replace the command-line with the path
        # that the Drop will receive *inside* the docker container (see below)
        def isFSBased(x):
            return isinstance(x, (FileDROP, DirectoryContainer))

        fsInputs = [i for i in self.inputs if isFSBased(i)]
        fsOutputs = [o for o in self.outputs if isFSBased(o)]
        dockerInputs = [DockerPath(i.uid, DFMS_ROOT + i.path) for i in fsInputs]
        dockerOutputs = [DockerPath(o.uid, DFMS_ROOT + o.path) for o in fsOutputs]
        dataURLInputs = [i for i in self.inputs if not isFSBased(i)]
        dataURLOutputs = [o for o in self.outputs if not isFSBased(o)]

        cmd = droputils.replace_path_placeholders(self._command, dockerInputs, dockerOutputs)
        cmd = droputils.replace_dataurl_placeholders(cmd, dataURLInputs, dataURLOutputs)

        # We bind the inputs and outputs inside the docker under the DFMS_ROOT
        # directory, maintaining the rest of their original paths.
        # Outputs are bound only up to their dirname (see class doc for details)
        # Volume bindings are setup for FileDROPs and DirectoryContainers only
        vols = [x.path for x in dockerInputs] + [os.path.dirname(x.path) for x in dockerOutputs]
        binds = [i.path + ":" + dockerInputs[x].path for x, i in enumerate(fsInputs)]
        binds += [
            os.path.dirname(o.path) + ":" + os.path.dirname(dockerOutputs[x].path) for x, o in enumerate(fsOutputs)
        binds += [host_path + ":" + container_path for host_path, container_path in self._additionalBindings.items()]
        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            logger.debug("Volume bindings: %r" % (binds))

        # Wait until the DockerApps this application runtime depends on have
        # started, and replace their IP placeholders by the real IPs
        for waiter in self._waiters:
            uid, ip = waiter.waitForIp()
            cmd = cmd.replace("%containerIp[{0}]%".format(uid), ip)
            if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                logger.debug("Command after IP replacement is: %s" % (cmd))

        # If a user has been given, we run the container as that user. It is
        # useful to make sure that the USER environment variable is set in those
        # cases (e.g., casapy requires this to correctly operate)
        user = self._user
        env = {}
        if user is not None:
            env = {"USER": user}

        if self._ensureUserAndSwitch is True:
            # Append commands that will make sure a user is present with the
            # same UID of the current user, and that the command that was
            # supplied for this container runs as that user.
            # Also make sure that the output will belong to that user
            uid = os.getuid()
            createUserAndGo = "id -u {0} &> /dev/null || adduser --uid {0} r; ".format(uid)
            for dirname in set([os.path.dirname(x.path) for x in dockerOutputs]):
                createUserAndGo += 'chown -R {0}.{0} "{1}"; '.format(uid, dirname)
            createUserAndGo += "cd; su -l $(getent passwd {0} | cut -f1 -d:) -c /bin/bash -c '{1}'".format(
                uid, utils.escapeQuotes(cmd, doubleQuotes=False)

            cmd = createUserAndGo

        # Wrap everything inside bash
        cmd = '/bin/bash -c "%s"' % (utils.escapeQuotes(cmd, singleQuotes=False))

        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            logger.debug("Command after user creation and wrapping is: %s" % (cmd))

        extra_kwargs = self._kwargs_from_env()
        c = AutoVersionClient(**extra_kwargs)

        # Remove the container unless it's specified that we should keep it
        # (used below)
        def rm(container):
            if self._removeContainer:

        # Create container
        host_config = c.create_host_config(binds=binds)
        container = c.create_container(
            self._image, cmd, volumes=vols, host_config=host_config, user=user, environment=env
        self._containerId = cId = container["Id"]
        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
  "Created container %s for %r" % (cId, self))

        # Start it
        start = time.time()
        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
  "Started container %s" % (cId))

        # Figure out the container's IP and save it
        # Setting self.containerIp will trigger an event being sent to the
        # registered listeners
        inspection = c.inspect_container(container)
        self.containerIp = inspection["NetworkSettings"]["IPAddress"]

        # Wait until it finishes
        self._exitCode = c.wait(container)
        end = time.time()
        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
  "Container %s finished in %.2f [s] with exit code %d" % (cId, (end - start), self._exitCode))

        if self._exitCode == 0 and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            msg = "Container %s finished successfully" % (cId,)
            stdout = c.logs(container, stdout=True, stderr=False)
            stderr = c.logs(container, stdout=False, stderr=True)
            logger.debug(msg + ", output follows.\n==STDOUT==\n%s==STDERR==\n%s" % (stdout, stderr))
        elif self._exitCode != 0:
            stdout = c.logs(container, stdout=True, stderr=False)
            stderr = c.logs(container, stdout=False, stderr=True)
            msg = "Container %s didn't finish successfully (exit code %d)" % (cId, self._exitCode)
            logger.error(msg + ", output follows.\n==STDOUT==\n%s==STDERR==\n%s" % (stdout, stderr))
            raise Exception(msg)
