Beispiel #1
    kind = 'triclinic'

# Unit cell
graphene_cell = UnitCell(graphene_basis, (
), ('C','C'))

# Moire matching vectors
moire = [1, 26, 6, 23]

# A top layer
l1 = graphene_cell.supercell(

# A bottom layer
l2 = graphene_cell.supercell(

# Make the basis fit
l2.vectors[:2] = l1.vectors[:2]

# Draw
svgwrite_unit_cell(l1.stack(l2, vector='z'), 'output.svg', size = (440,360), camera = (0,0,-1), camera_top = (0,1,0), show_atoms = False)
Beispiel #2
mos2_basis = Basis(
    (3.19*a, 3.19*a, 20*a, 0,0,.5),
    kind = 'triclinic'
d = 1.57722483162840/20

# Unit cell with 3 atoms
mos2_cell = UnitCell(mos2_basis, (
), ('Mo','S','S'))

# Rectangular supercell with 6 atoms
mos2_rectangular = mos2_cell.supercell(

# Rectangular sheet with a defect
mos2_defect = mos2_rectangular.normalized()
mos2_defect.discard((mos2_defect.values == "S") * (mos2_defect.coordinates[:,1] < .5) * (mos2_defect.coordinates[:,2] < .5))

# Prepare a sheet
mos2_sheet = UnitCell.stack(*((mos2_rectangular,)*3 + (mos2_defect,) + (mos2_rectangular,)*3), vector = 'y')

# Draw
svgwrite_unit_cell(mos2_sheet.repeated(10,1,1), 'output.svg', size = (440,360), camera = (1,1,0.3), camera_top = (0,0,1))