Beispiel #1
    def _get_class_name_from_ontology(self, current_speaker, nominal_group):
        onto_res = []

        noun = ""
            noun = nominal_group.noun[0].replace('+', ' ')
            onto_res = ResourcePool().ontology_server.lookupForAgent(
                ResourcePool().get_model_mapping(current_speaker), noun)
        except IndexError:
            raise DialogError("We should not have to resolve nominal " + \
                              "groups with indefinite determiner and only adjectives")
        except KbError:  # The agent does not exist in the ontology

        return get_class_name(noun, onto_res)
Beispiel #2
def process_verbal_group_part(verbal_group, nominal_group_structure, flag):
    process merge in the verbal part
    Input=nominal groups, the verbal part and the flag
    Output= nominal group

    #The direct complement is a nominal group
    for object in verbal_group.d_obj:
        concat_gn(nominal_group_structure, object, flag)

    ind_cmpl = i_cmpl(verbal_group.i_cmpl)
    #For indirect complement
    for i in ind_cmpl:
        if i.prep[0] in ResourcePool().compelement_proposals and (
            (not verbal_group) or verbal_group.vrb_main[0] != 'talk'):
            #If it is an adverbial related to the noun, we have to add it like a relative
            rltv = Sentence('relative', 'which', [], [verbal_group])
            nominal_group_structure.relative = nominal_group_structure.relative + [
            #Else we concatenate with the nominal part of the indirect complement
            for k in
                concat_gn(nominal_group_structure, k, flag)

    for i in verbal_group.sv_sec:
        process_verbal_group_part(i, nominal_group_structure, flag)

    #For the subsentences
    nominal_group_remerge(verbal_group.vrb_sub_sentence, flag,

    return nominal_group_structure
Beispiel #3
def preposition_concat(sentence):
    concatenate some words to have a preposition
    Input=sentence                                     Output=sentence

    # init
    i = 0

    # For the case of whom
    if sentence[0:2] == ['To', 'whom']:
        sentence = ['To+whom'] + sentence[2:]

    #For all other prepositions
    while i < len(sentence):

        for j in ResourcePool().concatenate_proposals:
            if i + len(j) <= len(sentence) and sentence[i:i + len(j)] == j:
                sentence = sentence[:i] + [
                ] + sentence[i + len(j):]

        i += 1
    return sentence
Beispiel #4
    def get_all_objects_with_desc(self, description):
        obj_list = None

        for agent_desc in description:

            obj_tmp = []

                obj_tmp = self.oro.findForAgent(
                    agent_desc[1], agent_desc[2])
            except KbError:  #The agent does not exist in the ontology

            # if no object found, no need to continue
            if not obj_tmp:
                obj_list = []
                if obj_list is None:
                    obj_list = obj_tmp
                    obj_list = filter(lambda x: x in obj_list,
                                      obj_tmp)  # intersection

        return obj_list
Beispiel #5
def concat_number(sentence):
    concatenate numbers with '+'
    Input=sentence                                     Output=sentence

    # init
    i = 0

    sentence = delete_and_from_number(sentence)

    while i < len(sentence):
        # There is a number
        if other_functions.number(sentence[i]) == 1:
            begin_pos = i

            while i < len(sentence) and other_functions.number(
                    sentence[i]) == 1:
                i += 1
            end_pos = i

            #We have to concatenate the last number if it is superlative
            if i < len(sentence) and other_functions.number(sentence[i]) == 2:
                end_pos += 1
            if i < len(sentence) and sentence[i] in ResourcePool(
                end_pos += 1

            sentence = sentence[:begin_pos] + [
            ] + sentence[end_pos:]

        i += 1
    return sentence
    def setUp(self):
        self.dialog = Dialog()

        self.oro = ResourcePool().ontology_server

                'shelf1 rdf:type Shelf', 'table1 rdf:type Table',
                'table2 rdf:type Table', 'table2 hasColor blue',
                'Banana rdfs:subClassOf Plant', 'y_banana rdf:type Banana',
                'y_banana hasColor yellow', 'y_banana isOn shelf1',
                'green_banana rdf:type Banana', 'green_banana hasColor green',
                'green_banana isOn table2', 'ACCESSKIT rdf:type Gamebox',
                'ACCESSKIT hasColor white', 'ACCESSKIT hasSize big',
                'ACCESSKIT isOn table1', 'ORANGEBOX rdf:type Gamebox',
                'ORANGEBOX hasColor orange', 'ORANGEBOX hasSize big',
                'ORANGEBOX isOn ACCESSKIT', 'MYBOX rdf:type Gamebox',
                'MYBOX hasColor orange', 'MYBOX hasSize small',
                'MYBOX isOn ACCESSKIT', 'SPACENAVBOX rdf:type Gamebox',
                'SPACENAVBOX hasColor white', 'SPACENAVBOX hasSize big',
                'SPACENAVBOX isOn ACCESSKIT', 'y_bottle rdf:type Bottle',
                'y_bottle isLocated RIGHT', 'r_bottle rdf:type Bottle',
                'r_bottle isLocated FRONT', 'b_bottle rdf:type Bottle',
                'b_bottle isLocated BACK'
        except AttributeError:  #the ontology server is not started of doesn't know the method
Beispiel #7
    def _set_situation_id(self, statements):
        """This attempts to clarify the ID of an action verbs
            E.g: statement = [?event rdf:type Go, ?event performedBy myself, ?event actsOnObject xxx]
                We attemtps to find an existing ontology ID matching '?event'
        stmts = []

        find_id = False
        for s in statements:
            if '?' in s:
                find_id = True

        if find_id:
            sit_id = ResourcePool().ontology_server.find(['?event'],

            if sit_id:
                    "\t/Found a staticSituation matching the yes_no_question query to be checked: "
                    + str(sit_id))
                for s in statements:
                    #TODO:the ontology might find severals sit ID matching the query. Should we take this consideration?
                    #The longer the query, the better the result of sit_id
                    stmts.append(s.replace('?event', sit_id[0]))
            stmts = statements

        # Find process on knowing concept
        for s in statements:
            if "knows" in s:
                self.process_on_knowing_concept = True

        return stmts
Beispiel #8
def state_adjective(sentence, vg):
    This function process adjectives after state verb                             
    Input=sentence                        Output=second verb of the sentence         

    #In case there is a state verb followed by an adjective
    if sentence:
        if vg.vrb_main[0] in ResourcePool(
        ).state and analyse_nominal_group.adjective_pos(sentence, 0) - 1 != 0:

            #Here we have juist to process adjectives, nominal groups are processed
            pos = analyse_nominal_group.adjective_pos(sentence, 0)
            adj_list = analyse_nominal_group.process_adj_quantifier(
                sentence[:pos - 1])
            vg.d_obj = [NominalGroup([], [], adj_list, [], [])]
            sentence = sentence[pos - 1:]

            #Same as nominal groups but with adjectives
            conjunction = None
            while sentence[0] == 'or' or sentence[0] == ':but':
                if sentence[0] == 'or':
                    conjunction = 'OR'
                elif sentence[0] == ':but':
                    conjunction = 'BUT'
                sentence = sentence[1:]

                pos = analyse_nominal_group.adjective_pos(sentence, 0)
                adj_list = analyse_nominal_group.process_adj_quantifier(
                    sentence[:pos - 1])
                #We put all adjectives in the direct complement
                vg.d_obj = vg.d_obj + [NominalGroup([], [], adj_list, [], [])]
                vg.d_obj[len(vg.d_obj) - 1]._conjunction = conjunction
                sentence = sentence[pos - 1:]
    return sentence
Beispiel #9
def exclama_sentence(sentence):
    process exclamatively sentence                       
    Input=the sentence                                   Output=class Sentence   

    for i in ResourcePool().sentence_starts:
        if i[0] == sentence[0]:
            if i[1] == '0':
                analysis = Sentence(INTERJECTION, '', [], [])
                #We recover the subject
                sentence = analyse_nominal_structure.recover_ns(
                    sentence, analysis, 1)
                return analysis
            elif i[1] == '2':
                #It is an exclamation sentence
                analysis = Sentence(EXCLAMATION, '', [], [])
                #We recover the subject
                sentence = analyse_nominal_structure.recover_ns(
                    sentence, analysis, 0)
                return analysis

    #If we have an imperative it can be forced
    analysis = other_sentence(INTERJECTION, '', sentence)
    if analysis.data_type == INTERJECTION and not
        analysis.data_type = IMPERATIVE
    return analysis
Beispiel #10
def w_quest_which(type, request, sentence):
    process which question                       
    Input=type of sentence, the sentence      Output=class Sentence                  

    #We start by finding the nominal group
    gr = preprocessing.determination_nominal_group(sentence, 0, 'of')

    #If the nominal group contain just 2 elements
    if len(gr) == 2:
        return y_n_ques(type, sentence[1], sentence[2:])
        #After the first gr if there is no nominal group
        if not analyse_nominal_group.find_sn_pos(sentence, len(gr)):
            for i in ResourcePool().sentence_starts:
                #If just after we have an a auxiliary
                if sentence[len(gr)] == i[0] and i[1] == '3':
                    #With subject => it is a yes or no question form
                    if analyse_nominal_group.find_sn_pos(
                            len(gr) + 1):
                        analysis = y_n_ques(type, request, sentence[len(gr):])
                        nominal_gr = other_sentence(type, request, gr)
              [0].d_obj =
                        return analysis
                #Else it is like a statement
            return other_sentence(type, request, sentence)

        #Else if not, the first nominal group is the subject
            analysis = other_sentence(type, request, sentence[len(gr):])
            nominal_gr = other_sentence(type, request, gr)
  [0].d_obj =
            return analysis
Beispiel #11
def move_prep(sentence):
    put the preposition before the nominal group
    Input=sentence                              Output=sentence

    # init
    i = 0

    while i < len(sentence):
        for p in ResourcePool().prep_change_place:

            # If there is a preposal
            if sentence[i] == p:
                position = i

                #If after preposition we have nominal group, it is for this nominal group
                if not analyse_nominal_group.find_sn_pos(sentence, i + 1):
                    #We have to find the nominal group just before
                    while not analyse_nominal_group.find_sn_pos(
                            sentence, position):
                        position -= 1
                    sentence = sentence[:position] + [
                    ] + sentence[position:i] + sentence[i + 1:]
        i += 1
    return sentence
Beispiel #12
    def get_discriminant(self, agent, obj_list, ignore_descriptors,
        discriminants = self.oro.discriminateForAgent(
            ResourcePool().get_model_mapping(agent), obj_list)
        logger.debug(colored_print('Possible discriminants: ', 'magenta') + \
                     str(colored_print(discriminants[1], 'blue')) + \
                     colored_print(" (complete discriminants: ", 'magenta') + \
                     str(colored_print(discriminants[0], 'blue')) + ")")

        complete_disc = discriminants[0]
        partial_disc = discriminants[1]

        if complete_disc:
            res = filter(lambda x: x not in ignore_descriptors, complete_disc)
        elif partial_disc and include_partial:
            res = filter(lambda x: x not in ignore_descriptors, partial_disc)
            res = None

        if res:
            # include randomization so the same discriminant is not always returned
            return choice(res)
            # No discriminant after applying the blacklist.
            return None
Beispiel #13
    def process_sentence(self, sentence, current_speaker):

        stmts, situation_id = self.builder.process_sentence(sentence)

        if stmts:



            if situation_id:
                # If a new situation has been created, mark it as
                # active.
  "No statements produced")

        # Class grounding
        if self.builder.lear_more_concept:
                    sentence, self.builder.lear_more_concept))

        return stmts, situation_id
Beispiel #14
    def get_descriptor(self,

        if not ignore_features: ignore_features = []
        objL = self.get_all_objects_with_desc(description)
        descriptor = None
        agent = None

        #TODO bug in oro doesn't allow to search discriminants base on other agents models!!
        # we cannot search in all agents, but only in robot's model
        #        for agent_desc in description:
        #            # list current descriptors to not to use them anymore
        #            #currentDescriptors = map(lambda x: x.split()[1], agent_desc[2])
        #            descriptor = self.get_discriminant(agent_desc[0], objL, ignore_features, partial_disc)
        #            if descriptor:
        #                agent = agent_desc[0]
        #                break

        agent = ResourcePool().default_model
        # list current descriptors to not to use them anymore
        #currentDescriptors = map(lambda x: x.split()[1], description[0][2])
        descriptor = self.get_discriminant(agent, objL, ignore_features,

        return agent, descriptor
Beispiel #15
    def clarify(self, statements, ids):
        """This attempts to identify a matching reference of the action described from the statements
            - statements: the field of statements used to query the ontology
            - ids: the field of references that are to be identified
            e.g: Danny doesn't drive the blue car.
            statements = [?sit rdf:type Drive, ?sit performedBy DANNY, ?sit involves BLUE_CAR]
            ids = [?sit]
            Before removing the statements set from the ontology, we determine if there is a matching action to ?sit
        current_s = statements

        for id in ids:
            stmts = []

            #Attempt to find the unidentified IDs
            onto = ResourcePool().ontology_server.find([id], current_s)

            #Replace Matching IDs
            if onto:
                    colored_print("... Found ID " + onto[0] + " matching description given statements.", "magenta"))
                for s in current_s:
                    stmts.append(s.replace(id, onto[0]))

                current_s = stmts

        return current_s
def replace_tuple(sentence):
    This function to replace some tuples                                   
    Input=sentence                                     Output=sentence               

    i = 0

    while i < len(sentence):

        #If there is a tuple
        for j in insertion_tuples:
            if sentence[i] == j[1]:

                #To perform this process we need to have a pronoun
                if i != 0 and sentence[i - 1] in ResourcePool().pronouns:
                    sentence[i - 1] += j[0]
                    sentence = sentence[:i] + sentence[i + 1:]

        #The replacement includes that cases
        if i != 0 and sentence[i] == 'is' and (sentence[i - 1] == 'that'
                                               or sentence[i - 1] == 'what'):
            sentence[i - 1] += j[0]
            sentence = sentence[:i] + sentence[i + 1:]

        i += 1
    return sentence
def find_sn(sentence):
    Returns the first nominal group found in the sentence.                              
    :param list sentence: the sentence as a list of words                                             
    :return: the nominal group                                                        

    nb_position = 1

    #If sentence is empty
    if not sentence:
        return []

    for x in sentence:
        #If there is a pronoun
        if x in ResourcePool().pronouns:
            return [sentence[sentence.index(x)]]

        #If there is a nominal group with determinant
        if x in ResourcePool().determinants:
            nb_position += adjective_pos(sentence, sentence.index(x) + 1)
            return sentence[sentence.index(x):sentence.index(x) + nb_position]

        #If we have 'something'
        for k in ResourcePool().composed_nouns:
            if x.startswith(k):
                if x in ResourcePool().noun_not_composed:
                    return []
                return [sentence[sentence.index(x)]]

        #If there is a number, it will be the same with determinant
        if other_functions.number(x) == 1:
            nb_position += adjective_pos(sentence, sentence.index(x) + 1)
            return sentence[sentence.index(x):sentence.index(x) + nb_position]

        #If there is a proper name
        counter = sentence.index(x)
        while counter < len(sentence) and other_functions.find_cap_lettre(
                sentence[counter]) == 1:
            counter += 1
            #Not equal => there is a proper name
        if counter != sentence.index(x):
            return sentence[sentence.index(x):counter]

    #Default case
    return []
Beispiel #18
    def process_direct_object(self, d_objects, verb, id, quantifier):
        """This processes the attribute d_obj of a sentence verbal groups."""
        # logger.debug("Processing direct object d_obj:")

        d_obj_stmt_builder = NominalGroupStatementBuilder(d_objects, self._current_speaker)

        # Retrieve the thematic role of the direct object from the library.
        # If not defined, use the generic 'involves' predicate.
            d_obj_role = " " + ResourcePool().thematic_roles.verbs[verb].roles[0].id + " "
        except  KeyError:
            d_obj_role = " involves "

        if verb.lower() in ResourcePool().action_verb_with_passive_behaviour.keys():
            d_obj_role = ' ' + ResourcePool().action_verb_with_passive_behaviour[verb.lower()] + ' '

        # Case of know
        if verb.lower() == 'know':
            d_obj_role = ''

        #nominal groups
        for d_obj in d_objects:
            #Case 1: The direct object follows the verb 'to be'.
            #        We process the d_obj with the same id as the subject of the sentence
            if verb in ResourcePool().state:
                d_obj_id = id
                d_obj_quantifier = quantifier

            #Case 2: The direct object follows another stative or action verb.
            #        we process the d_obj as involved by the situation
                    d_obj_id =
                    d_obj_id = d_obj_stmt_builder.set_nominal_group_id(d_obj)

                if d_obj_role:
                    self._statements.append(id + d_obj_role + d_obj_id)

                d_obj_quantifier = None

            d_obj_stmt_builder.process_nominal_group(d_obj, d_obj_id, d_obj_quantifier, self._process_on_negative)

Beispiel #19
def find_cap_lettre(word):
    Function return 1 if the word starts with upper case letter                       
    Input=word               Output=flag(0 if no upper case or 1 if upper case)        
    if word[0] in ResourcePool().capital_letters:
        return 1
    return 0
Beispiel #20
    def _extend_statement_from_sentence_aim(self, current_statements, sn=None):
        """This extends the statements states so that the query answer matches the w_question aim
        #Concept descriptor
        # E.g: Human, Object, Color ,Size...
        concept_descriptor = self.get_concept_descriptor(sn)

        #Case: the statement is complete from statement builder e.g: what is in the box? =>[?concept isIn ?id_box, ?id_box rdf:type Box]
        for s in current_statements:
            if '?concept' in s.split():
                return current_statements + concept_descriptor
                #case: the statement is partially build from statement builder

        stmts = []
        if sn:
            for sv in
                for verb in sv.vrb_main:
                    role = self.get_role_from_sentence_aim(
                        self._query_on_field, verb)

                    #Case of looking for the object in a location
                    if role == 'objectFoundInLocation':
                        self._process_on_location = True

                    # Case of state verbs
                    if verb.lower() in ResourcePool().state:
                        stmts.append( + ' ' + role + ' ?concept')
                    # Case of action verb with a passive behaviour
                    elif verb.lower() in ResourcePool(
                        stmts.append( + ' ' + ResourcePool(
                        ).action_verb_with_passive_behaviour[verb.lower()] +
                                     ' ?concept')

                    # Case of know
                    elif verb.lower() == 'know':
                        self.process_on_knowing_concept = True
                        stmts.append( + ' knows ?concept')

                    # case of action verbs
                        stmts.append('?event ' + role + ' ?concept')

        return current_statements + stmts + concept_descriptor
Beispiel #21
    def visible_subset(self, agent, id_list):
        """ Returns the list of visible objects for an agent from a list of objects.

        visible_objects = self.oro.findForAgent(
            ResourcePool().get_model_mapping(agent), "?o",
            [agent + " sees ?o"])

        return list(set(id_list) & set(visible_objects))
Beispiel #22
def is_cmpl_pr(word):
    This function return 1 if it is pronoun else 0                         
    Input=word                 Output=1 or 0                 

    if word in ResourcePool().complement_pronouns:
        return 1
    return 0
Beispiel #23
def take_off_comma(sentences):
    delete ';' if it is before relative or subsentence
    Input=list of sentence                  Output=sentence

    # init
    i = k = 0

    while k < len(sentences):
        while i < len(sentences[k]):
            if sentences[k][i] == ';':
                if sentences[k][i + 1] in ResourcePool(
                ).subsentences + ResourcePool().relatives:
                    sentences[k] = sentences[k][:i] + sentences[k][i + 1:]
            i += 1
        k += 1
    return sentences
def find_sn_pos(sentence, begin_pos):
    We will find the nominal group which is in a known position                      
    We have to use adjective_pos to return the end position of nominal group         

    :param list sentence: the sentence (list of strings)
    :param begin_pos:the position of the nominal group       
    :return: the nominal group (as a list of words)

    if begin_pos >= len(sentence):
        return []

    end_pos = 1

    #If it is a pronoun
    if sentence[begin_pos] in ResourcePool().pronouns:
        return [sentence[begin_pos]]

    #If there is a nominal group with determinant
    if sentence[begin_pos] in ResourcePool().determinants:
        end_pos += adjective_pos(sentence, begin_pos + 1)
        return sentence[begin_pos:end_pos + begin_pos]

    #If we have 'something'
    for k in ResourcePool().composed_nouns:
        if sentence[begin_pos].startswith(k):
            if sentence[begin_pos] in ResourcePool().noun_not_composed:
                return []
            return [sentence[begin_pos]]

            #If there is a number, it will be the same with determinant
    if other_functions.number(sentence[begin_pos]) == 1:
        end_pos += adjective_pos(sentence, begin_pos + 1)
        return sentence[begin_pos:end_pos + begin_pos]

    #If it is a proper name
    counter = begin_pos
    while counter < len(sentence) and other_functions.find_cap_lettre(
            sentence[counter]) == 1:
        counter += 1

    #Default case return [] => ok if counter=begin_pos
    return sentence[begin_pos:counter]
Beispiel #25
def case_apostrophe_s_to_is(word):
    know if we have to expand contraction 's to is (return 1)
    Input=word                      Output=flag(0 if no or 1 if yes)

    word = word[0].lower() + word[1:]
    if word in ResourcePool().be_pronoun:
        return 1
    return 0
Beispiel #26
def process_conjunctive_sub(phrase, vg):
    process the conjunctive subsentence
    Input=sentence and verbal class         Output=sentence and verbal class         

    begin_pos = -1

    #We will find conjunctive subsentence if there is
    if len(phrase
           ) > 0 and phrase[0] == 'that' and analyse_nominal_group.find_sn_pos(
               phrase, 1) != []:
        begin_pos = 0

    if len(phrase) > 2 and phrase[0] in ResourcePool(
    ).pronouns and phrase[1] == 'that' and analyse_nominal_group.find_sn_pos(
            phrase, 2) != []:
        begin_pos = 1

    if begin_pos != -1:
        #We include the relative's and subsentence's proposal if there are relatives or subsentences in this subsentence
        phrase = [phrase[0]] + preprocessing.remerge_sentences(phrase[1:])
        end_pos = other_functions.recover_end_pos_sub(
            ['that'] + ResourcePool().subsentences + ResourcePool().relatives)

        #We have to remove the proposal
        subsentence = phrase[begin_pos + 1:end_pos]
        subsentence = other_functions.recover_scd_verb_sub(subsentence)

        #We perform processing
        vg.vrb_sub_sentence = vg.vrb_sub_sentence + [
            analyse_sentence.other_sentence(SUBSENTENCE, 'that', subsentence)
        vg.vrb_sub_sentence[len(vg.vrb_sub_sentence) -
                            1].data_type += '+statement'

        #We delete the subsentence
        phrase = phrase[:phrase.index('that')]
        phrase = phrase + phrase[end_pos:] + ['.']

    return phrase
Beispiel #27
def number(word):
    Function return 1 if the word is a number and 2 if it is a adjective-number                    
    Input=word          Output=flag(0 if no number or 1 if number or 2 adjective-number)        

    for n in ResourcePool().numbers:
        if word.startswith(n[1]):
            return 1

        if word.startswith(n[0]):
            #We have adjective-number
            if word.endswith('th'):
                return 2
                if word in ResourcePool().special_nouns:
                    return 0
                return 1
    return 0
def quantity_ques(analysis):
    This function verbalises a question about quantity                               
    Input=class sentence                              Output=sentence

    phrase = []

    #We have to memorise the verb
    verb = other_functions.list_rebuilding([0].vrb_main[0])

    #First case : aim is the subject with verb be
        if[0].d_obj == [] and (verb[0] == 'be' or (len(verb) > 1 and verb[1] == 'be')):
            phrase = statement(analysis)
            return ['how', 'much'] + phrase[1:len(phrase) - 1] + ['?']

        #Second case : aim is the subject without verb be
        elif not[0].d_obj:
            return ['how', 'much'] + y_o_question(analysis)

        #Third case : as yes no question without the direct complement
            subject = element_rebuilding.nom_struc_rebuilding(

            #Same processing with yes no question
            phrase = element_rebuilding.vrb_ques_rebuilding([0].vrb_tense,[0].vrb_main,

            for x in[0].i_cmpl:
                phrase = phrase + element_rebuilding.indirect_compl_rebuilding(x)

            phrase = phrase +[0].advrb

            flag = 0
            for j in ResourcePool().verb_need_to:
                if[0].vrb_main[0] == j:
                    flag = 1

            for k in[0].sv_sec:
                phrase = element_rebuilding.scd_vrb_rebuilding(k, phrase, flag)

            for s in[0].vrb_sub_sentence:
                phrase = phrase + sub_process(s)

            #processing of the state
            if[0].state == VerbalGroup.negative:
                phrase = phrase[0:2] + subject + phrase[2:]
                phrase = [phrase[0]] + subject + phrase[1:]

            return ['how', 'much'] +[0].d_obj[0].noun + phrase + ['?']
def a_which_process(sentence):
    This function delete the determinant after 'which' if it exist                             
    Input=class sentence                                       Output=sentence       

    if sentence[0] == 'which':
        #If the w_question is with 'which', we can have determinant that must be deleted
        if sentence[1] in ResourcePool().determinants:
            return [sentence[0]] + sentence[2:]
    return sentence
Beispiel #30
def delete_unusable_word(phrase):
    deletes the word that is no parssable                        
    Input=sentence                        Output=sentence                 

    for i in ResourcePool().unusable_words:
        if phrase[0] == i:
            phrase = phrase[1:]
    return phrase