Beispiel #1
def tag_phrase_terms(value, phrase=''):
    '''Wrap all occurrences of the terms of [phrase] found in value with a <span class="found-term">.
        Highlight terms in html.
    from digipal.utils import get_regexp_from_terms, get_tokens_from_phrase, remove_combining_marks, remove_accents

    terms = get_tokens_from_phrase(remove_accents(phrase))

    return tag_terms(value, terms)
Beispiel #2
def tag_phrase_terms(value, phrase=''):
    '''Wrap all occurrences of the terms of [phrase] found in value with a <span class="found-term">.
        Highlight terms in html.
    from digipal.utils import get_regexp_from_terms, get_tokens_from_phrase, remove_combining_marks, remove_accents

    terms = get_tokens_from_phrase(remove_accents(phrase))

    return tag_terms(value, terms)
Beispiel #3
def tag_phrase_terms(value, phrase=''):
    '''Wrap all occurrences of the terms of [phrase] found in value with a <span class="found-term">.'''
    from digipal.utils import get_regexp_from_terms, get_tokens_from_phrase, remove_combining_marks, remove_accents

    # not nice but we have to do this for the matching below to work
    # we loose *some* the accents, e.g. u'r\u0305'
    value = remove_combining_marks(value)
    value_no_accent = remove_accents(value)

    terms = get_tokens_from_phrase(remove_accents(phrase))

    if terms:
        # Surround the occurrences of those terms in the value with a span (class="found-term")
        # TODO: this should really be done by Whoosh instead of manually here to deal properly with special cases.
        # e.g. 'G*' should highlight g and the rest of the word
        # Here we have a simple implementation that look for exact and complete matches only.
        # TODO: other issue is highlight of non field values, e.g. (G.) added at the end each description
        #         or headings.
        for re_term in get_regexp_from_terms(terms, True):
            #value = re.sub(ur'(?iu)(>[^<]*)('+re_term+ur')', ur'\1<span class="found-term">\2</span>', u'>'+value)[1:]
            pos = 1
            pattern = re.compile(ur'(?iu)(>[^<]*?)('+re_term+ur')')
            #print re_term
            while True:
                #print value_no_accent, pos
                # pos-1 because we want to include the last > we've inserted in the previous loop.
                # without this we might miss occurrences
                m =, pos - 1)
                #print m
                if m:
                    replacement = u'%s<span class="found-term">%s</span>' % (value[m.start(1):m.end(1)], value[m.start(2):m.end(2)])

                    value = value[:m.start(0)] + replacement + value[m.end(0):]

                    replacement = u'%s<span class="found-term">%s</span>' % (value_no_accent[m.start(1):m.end(1)], value_no_accent[m.start(2):m.end(2)])
                    value_no_accent = value_no_accent[:m.start(0)] + replacement + value_no_accent[m.end(0):]

                    pos = m.start(0) + len(replacement)

    return value
Beispiel #4
def tag_terms(value, terms=None):
    '''Wrap all occurrences of the terms found in value with a <span class="found-term">.
        Highlight terms in html.
        Terms is an array of words.
    from digipal.utils import get_regexp_from_terms, get_tokens_from_phrase, remove_combining_marks, remove_accents

    # not nice but we have to do this for the matching below to work
    # we loose *some* the accents, e.g. u'r\u0305'
    value = remove_combining_marks(value)
    value_no_accent = remove_accents(value)

    if terms:
        # Surround the occurrences of those terms in the value with a span (class="found-term")
        # TODO: this should really be done by Whoosh instead of manually here to deal properly with special cases.
        # e.g. 'G*' should highlight g and the rest of the word
        # Here we have a simple implementation that look for exact and complete matches only.
        # TODO: other issue is highlight of non field values, e.g. (G.) added at the end each description
        #         or headings.
        for re_term in get_regexp_from_terms(terms, True):
            # value = re.sub(ur'(?iu)(>[^<]*)('+re_term+ur')', ur'\1<span
            # class="found-term">\2</span>', u'>'+value)[1:]
            pos = 1
            pattern = re.compile(ur'(?iu)(>[^<]*?)(' + re_term + ur')')
            # print re_term
            while True:
                # print value_no_accent, pos
                # pos-1 because we want to include the last > we've inserted in the previous loop.
                # without this we might miss occurrences
                m =, pos - 1)
                # print m
                if m:
                    replacement = u'%s<span class="found-term">%s</span>' % (
                        value[m.start(1):m.end(1)], value[m.start(2):m.end(2)])

                    value = value[:m.start(0)] + replacement + value[m.end(0):]

                    replacement = u'%s<span class="found-term">%s</span>' % (
                    value_no_accent = value_no_accent[:m.start(
                        0)] + replacement + value_no_accent[m.end(0):]

                    pos = m.start(0) + len(replacement)

    return value