Beispiel #1
def test_equals():
    assert Not(Or(A, B)).equals( And(Not(A), Not(B)) ) is True
    assert Equivalent(A, B).equals((A >> B) & (B >> A)) is True
    assert ((A | ~B) & (~A | B)).equals((~A & ~B) | (A & B)) is True
    assert (A >> B).equals(~A >> ~B) is False
    assert (A >> (B >> A)).equals(A >> (C >> A)) is False
    pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: And(A, A < B).equals(And(A, B > A)))
Beispiel #2
def test_eliminate_implications():
    from import A, B, C, D
    assert eliminate_implications(Implies(A, B, evaluate=False)) == (~A) | B
    assert eliminate_implications(A >> (C >> Not(B))) == Or(
        Or(Not(B), Not(C)), Not(A))
    assert eliminate_implications(Equivalent(A, B, C, D)) == \
        (~A | B) & (~B | C) & (~C | D) & (~D | A)
Beispiel #3
def test_bool_as_set():
    assert And(x <= 2, x >= -2).as_set() == Interval(-2, 2)
    assert Or(x >= 2, x <= -2).as_set() == (Interval(-oo, -2, True) +
                                            Interval(2, oo, False, True))
    assert Not(x > 2, evaluate=False).as_set() == Interval(-oo, 2, True)
    # issue sympy/sympy#10240
    assert Not(And(x > 2, x < 3)).as_set() == \
        Union(Interval(-oo, 2, True), Interval(3, oo, False, True))
    assert true.as_set() == S.UniversalSet
    assert false.as_set() == EmptySet()
Beispiel #4
def entails(expr, formula_set={}):
    Check whether the given expr_set entail an expr.
    If formula_set is empty then it returns the validity of expr.


    >>> from import A, B, C
    >>> from diofant.logic.inference import entails
    >>> entails(A, [A >> B, B >> C])
    >>> entails(C, [A >> B, B >> C, A])
    >>> entails(A >> B)
    >>> entails(A >> (B >> A))


    .. [1]

    formula_set = list(formula_set)
    return not satisfiable(And(*formula_set))
Beispiel #5
def test_to_cnf():

    assert to_cnf(~(B | C)) == And(Not(B), Not(C))
    assert to_cnf((A & B) | C) == And(Or(A, C), Or(B, C))
    assert to_cnf(A >> B) == (~A) | B
    assert to_cnf(A >> (B & C)) == (~A | B) & (~A | C)
    assert to_cnf(A & (B | C) | ~A & (B | C), True) == B | C

    assert to_cnf(Equivalent(A, B)) == And(Or(A, Not(B)), Or(B, Not(A)))
    assert to_cnf(Equivalent(A, B & C)) == \
        (~A | B) & (~A | C) & (~B | ~C | A)
    assert to_cnf(Equivalent(A, B | C), True) == \
        And(Or(Not(B), A), Or(Not(C), A), Or(B, C, Not(A)))
    assert to_cnf(~(A | B) | C) == And(Or(Not(A), C), Or(Not(B), C))
Beispiel #6
def test_Equivalent():

    assert Equivalent(A, B) == Equivalent(B, A) == Equivalent(A, B, A)
    assert Equivalent() is true
    assert Equivalent(A, A) == Equivalent(A) is true
    assert Equivalent(True, True) == Equivalent(False, False) is true
    assert Equivalent(True, False) == Equivalent(False, True) is false
    assert Equivalent(A, True) == A
    assert Equivalent(A, False) == Not(A)
    assert Equivalent(A, B, True) == A & B
    assert Equivalent(A, B, False) == ~A & ~B
    assert Equivalent(1, A) == A
    assert Equivalent(0, A) == Not(A)
    assert Equivalent(A, Equivalent(B, C)) != Equivalent(Equivalent(A, B), C)
    assert Equivalent(A < 1, A >= 1) is false
    assert Equivalent(A < 1, A >= 1, 0) is false
    assert Equivalent(A < 1, A >= 1, 1) is false
    assert Equivalent(A < 1, Integer(1) > A) == Equivalent(1, 1) == Equivalent(0, 0)
Beispiel #7
def test_bool_map():
    Test working of bool_map function.

    minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    from import a, b, c, w, x, y, z
    assert bool_map(Not(Not(a)), a) == (a, {a: a})
    assert bool_map(SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms),
        POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms)) == \
        (And(Or(Not(w), y), Or(Not(x), y), z), {x: x, w: w, z: z, y: y})
    assert bool_map(SOPform([x, z, y], [[1, 0, 1]]),
                    SOPform([a, b, c], [[1, 0, 1]])) is not S.false
    function1 = SOPform([x, z, y], [[1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]])
    function2 = SOPform([a, b, c], [[1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]])
    assert bool_map(function1, function2) == \
        (function1, {y: a, z: b})
Beispiel #8
def test_overloading():
    """Test that |, & are overloaded as expected"""

    assert A & B == And(A, B)
    assert A | B == Or(A, B)
    assert (A & B) | C == Or(And(A, B), C)
    assert A >> B == Implies(A, B)
    assert A << B == Implies(B, A)
    assert ~A == Not(A)
    assert A ^ B == Xor(A, B)
Beispiel #9
def test_to_dnf():
    assert to_dnf(true) == true
    assert to_dnf((~B) & (~C)) == (~B) & (~C)
    assert to_dnf(~(B | C)) == And(Not(B), Not(C))
    assert to_dnf(A & (B | C)) == Or(And(A, B), And(A, C))
    assert to_dnf(A >> B) == (~A) | B
    assert to_dnf(A >> (B & C)) == (~A) | (B & C)

    assert to_dnf(Equivalent(A, B), True) == \
        Or(And(A, B), And(Not(A), Not(B)))
    assert to_dnf(Equivalent(A, B & C), True) == \
        Or(And(A, B, C), And(Not(A), Not(B)), And(Not(A), Not(C)))
Beispiel #10
def test_is_nnf():
    assert is_nnf(true) is True
    assert is_nnf(A) is True
    assert is_nnf(~A) is True
    assert is_nnf(A & B) is True
    assert is_nnf((A & B) | (~A & A) | (~B & B) | (~A & ~B), False) is True
    assert is_nnf((A | B) & (~A | ~B)) is True
    assert is_nnf(Not(Or(A, B))) is False
    assert is_nnf(A ^ B) is False
    assert is_nnf((A & B) | (~A & A) | (~B & B) | (~A & ~B), True) is False
Beispiel #11
def test_Not():

    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: Not(True, False))
    assert Not(True) is false
    assert Not(False) is true
    assert Not(0) is true
    assert Not(1) is false
    assert Not(2) is false
    assert Not(Unequality(A, B)) == Equality(A, B)
Beispiel #12
def test_is_nnf():
    from import A, B
    assert is_nnf(true) is True
    assert is_nnf(A) is True
    assert is_nnf(~A) is True
    assert is_nnf(A & B) is True
    assert is_nnf((A & B) | (~A & A) | (~B & B) | (~A & ~B), False) is True
    assert is_nnf((A | B) & (~A | ~B)) is True
    assert is_nnf(Not(Or(A, B))) is False
    assert is_nnf(A ^ B) is False
    assert is_nnf((A & B) | (~A & A) | (~B & B) | (~A & ~B), True) is False
Beispiel #13
def test_to_nnf():
    assert to_nnf(true) is true
    assert to_nnf(false) is false
    assert to_nnf(A) == A
    assert (~A).to_nnf() == ~A

    class Boo(BooleanFunction):

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: to_nnf(~Boo(A)))

    assert to_nnf(A | ~A | B) is true
    assert to_nnf(A & ~A & B) is false
    assert to_nnf(A >> B) == ~A | B
    assert to_nnf(Equivalent(A, B, C)) == (~A | B) & (~B | C) & (~C | A)
    assert to_nnf(A ^ B ^ C) == \
        (A | B | C) & (~A | ~B | C) & (A | ~B | ~C) & (~A | B | ~C)
    assert to_nnf(ITE(A, B, C)) == (~A | B) & (A | C)
    assert to_nnf(Not(A | B | C)) == ~A & ~B & ~C
    assert to_nnf(Not(A & B & C)) == ~A | ~B | ~C
    assert to_nnf(Not(A >> B)) == A & ~B
    assert to_nnf(Not(Equivalent(A, B, C))) == And(Or(A, B, C), Or(~A, ~B, ~C))
    assert to_nnf(Not(A ^ B ^ C)) == \
        (~A | B | C) & (A | ~B | C) & (A | B | ~C) & (~A | ~B | ~C)
    assert to_nnf(Not(ITE(A, B, C))) == (~A | ~B) & (A | ~C)
    assert to_nnf((A >> B) ^ (B >> A)) == (A & ~B) | (~A & B)
    assert to_nnf((A >> B) ^ (B >> A), False) == \
        (~A | ~B | A | B) & ((A & ~B) | (~A & B))
Beispiel #14
def piecewise_fold(expr):
    Takes an expression containing a piecewise function and returns the
    expression in piecewise form.


    >>> from diofant import Piecewise, piecewise_fold, Integer
    >>> from import x
    >>> p = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (1, Integer(1) <= x))
    >>> piecewise_fold(x*p)
    Piecewise((x**2, x < 1), (x, 1 <= x))

    See Also

    if not isinstance(expr, Basic) or not expr.has(Piecewise):
        return expr
    new_args = list(map(piecewise_fold, expr.args))
    if expr.func is ExprCondPair:
        return ExprCondPair(*new_args)
    piecewise_args = []
    for n, arg in enumerate(new_args):
        if isinstance(arg, Piecewise):
    if len(piecewise_args) > 0:
        n = piecewise_args[0]
        new_args = [(expr.func(*(new_args[:n] + [e] + new_args[n + 1:])), c)
                    for e, c in new_args[n].args]
        if isinstance(expr, Boolean):
            # If expr is Boolean, we must return some kind of PiecewiseBoolean.
            # This is constructed by means of Or, And and Not.
            # piecewise_fold(0 < Piecewise( (sin(x), x<0), (cos(x), True)))
            # can't return Piecewise((0 < sin(x), x < 0), (0 < cos(x), True))
            # but instead Or(And(x < 0, 0 < sin(x)), And(0 < cos(x), Not(x<0)))
            other = True
            rtn = False
            for e, c in new_args:
                rtn = Or(rtn, And(other, c, e))
                other = And(other, Not(c))
            if len(piecewise_args) > 1:
                return piecewise_fold(rtn)
            return rtn
        if len(piecewise_args) > 1:
            return piecewise_fold(Piecewise(*new_args))
        return Piecewise(*new_args)
        return expr.func(*new_args)
Beispiel #15
def dpll(clauses, symbols, model):
    Compute satisfiability in a partial model.
    Clauses is an array of conjuncts.

    >>> from import A, B, D
    >>> from diofant.logic.algorithms.dpll import dpll
    >>> dpll([A, B, D], [A, B], {D: False})

    # compute DP kernel
    P, value = find_unit_clause(clauses, model)
    while P:
        model.update({P: value})
        if not value:
            P = ~P
        clauses = unit_propagate(clauses, P)
        P, value = find_unit_clause(clauses, model)
    P, value = find_pure_symbol(symbols, clauses)
    while P:
        model.update({P: value})
        if not value:
            P = ~P
        clauses = unit_propagate(clauses, P)
        P, value = find_pure_symbol(symbols, clauses)
    # end DP kernel
    unknown_clauses = []
    for c in clauses:
        val = pl_true(c, model)
        if val is False:
            return False
        if val is not True:
    if not unknown_clauses:
        return model
    if not clauses:
        return model
    P = symbols.pop()
    model_copy = model.copy()
    model.update({P: True})
    model_copy.update({P: False})
    symbols_copy = symbols[:]
    return (dpll(unit_propagate(unknown_clauses, P), symbols, model) or
            dpll(unit_propagate(unknown_clauses, Not(P)), symbols_copy, model_copy))
Beispiel #16
def test_operators():
    # Mostly test __and__, __rand__, and so on
    assert True & A == (A & True) == A
    assert False & A == (A & False) == false
    assert A & B == And(A, B)
    assert True | A == (A | True) == true
    assert False | A == (A | False) == A
    assert A | B == Or(A, B)
    assert ~A == Not(A)
    assert True >> A == (A << True) == A
    assert False >> A == (A << False) == true
    assert (A >> True) == (True << A) == true
    assert (A >> False) == (False << A) == ~A
    assert A >> B == B << A == Implies(A, B)
    assert True ^ A == A ^ True == ~A
    assert False ^ A == (A ^ False) == A
    assert A ^ B == Xor(A, B)
Beispiel #17
def test_ITE():
    A, B, C = map(Boolean, symbols('A,B,C'))

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: ITE(A, B))

    assert ITE(True, False, True) is false
    assert ITE(True, True, False) is true
    assert ITE(False, True, False) is false
    assert ITE(False, False, True) is true
    assert isinstance(ITE(A, B, C), ITE)

    assert ITE(True, B, C) == B
    assert ITE(False, B, C) == C

    assert ITE(A, B, B) == B

    assert ITE(C, False, True) == Not(C)
    assert ITE(C, True, False) == C
Beispiel #18
def valid(expr):
    Check validity of a propositional sentence.
    A valid propositional sentence is True under every assignment.


    >>> from import A, B
    >>> from diofant.logic.inference import valid
    >>> valid(A | ~A)
    >>> valid(A | B)


    .. [1]

    return not satisfiable(Not(expr))
Beispiel #19
def find_pure_symbol(symbols, unknown_clauses):
    Find a symbol and its value if it appears only as a positive literal
    (or only as a negative) in clauses.

    >>> from diofant import symbols
    >>> from import A, B, D
    >>> from diofant.logic.algorithms.dpll import find_pure_symbol
    >>> find_pure_symbol([A, B, D], [A|~B,~B|~D,D|A])
    (A, True)

    for sym in symbols:
        found_pos, found_neg = False, False
        for c in unknown_clauses:
            if not found_pos and sym in disjuncts(c):
                found_pos = True
            if not found_neg and Not(sym) in disjuncts(c):
                found_neg = True
        if found_pos != found_neg:
            return sym, found_pos
    return None, None
Beispiel #20
def test_fcode_Logical():
    # unary Not
    assert fcode(Not(x), source_format="free") == ".not. x"
    # binary And
    assert fcode(And(x, y), source_format="free") == "x .and. y"
    assert fcode(And(x, Not(y)), source_format="free") == "x .and. .not. y"
    assert fcode(And(Not(x), y), source_format="free") == "y .and. .not. x"
    assert fcode(And(Not(x), Not(y)), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. x .and. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Not(And(x, y), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. (x .and. y)"
    # binary Or
    assert fcode(Or(x, y), source_format="free") == "x .or. y"
    assert fcode(Or(x, Not(y)), source_format="free") == "x .or. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Or(Not(x), y), source_format="free") == "y .or. .not. x"
    assert fcode(Or(Not(x), Not(y)), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. x .or. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Not(Or(x, y), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. (x .or. y)"
    # mixed And/Or
    assert fcode(And(Or(y, z), x), source_format="free") == "x .and. (y .or. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Or(z, x), y), source_format="free") == "y .and. (x .or. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Or(x, y), z), source_format="free") == "z .and. (x .or. y)"
    assert fcode(Or(And(y, z), x), source_format="free") == "x .or. y .and. z"
    assert fcode(Or(And(z, x), y), source_format="free") == "y .or. x .and. z"
    assert fcode(Or(And(x, y), z), source_format="free") == "z .or. x .and. y"
    # trinary And
    assert fcode(And(x, y, z), source_format="free") == "x .and. y .and. z"
    assert fcode(And(x, y, Not(z)), source_format="free") == \
        "x .and. y .and. .not. z"
    assert fcode(And(x, Not(y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "x .and. z .and. .not. y"
    assert fcode(And(Not(x), y, z), source_format="free") == \
        "y .and. z .and. .not. x"
    assert fcode(Not(And(x, y, z), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. (x .and. y .and. z)"
    # trinary Or
    assert fcode(Or(x, y, z), source_format="free") == "x .or. y .or. z"
    assert fcode(Or(x, y, Not(z)), source_format="free") == \
        "x .or. y .or. .not. z"
    assert fcode(Or(x, Not(y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "x .or. z .or. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Or(Not(x), y, z), source_format="free") == \
        "y .or. z .or. .not. x"
    assert fcode(Not(Or(x, y, z), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. (x .or. y .or. z)"
Beispiel #21
def test_true_false():
    assert true is true
    assert false is false
    assert true is not True
    assert false is not False
    assert true
    assert not false
    assert true == True  # noqa: E712
    assert false == False  # noqa: E712
    assert not (true == False)  # noqa: E712
    assert not (false == True)  # noqa: E712
    assert not (true == false)

    assert hash(true) == hash(True)
    assert hash(false) == hash(False)
    assert len({true, True}) == len({false, False}) == 1

    assert isinstance(true, BooleanAtom)
    assert isinstance(false, BooleanAtom)
    # We don't want to subclass from bool, because bool subclasses from
    # int. But operators like &, |, ^, <<, >>, and ~ act differently on 0 and
    # 1 then we want them to on true and false.  See the docstrings of the
    # various And, Or, etc. functions for examples.
    assert not isinstance(true, bool)
    assert not isinstance(false, bool)

    # Note: using 'is' comparison is important here. We want these to return
    # true and false, not True and False

    assert Not(true) is false
    assert Not(True) is false
    assert Not(false) is true
    assert Not(False) is true
    assert ~true is false
    assert ~false is true

    for T, F in itertools.product([True, true], [False, false]):
        assert And(T, F) is false
        assert And(F, T) is false
        assert And(F, F) is false
        assert And(T, T) is true
        assert And(T, x) == x
        assert And(F, x) is false
        if not (T is True and F is False):
            assert T & F is false
            assert F & T is false
        if F is not False:
            assert F & F is false
        if T is not True:
            assert T & T is true

        assert Or(T, F) is true
        assert Or(F, T) is true
        assert Or(F, F) is false
        assert Or(T, T) is true
        assert Or(T, x) is true
        assert Or(F, x) == x
        if not (T is True and F is False):
            assert T | F is true
            assert F | T is true
        if F is not False:
            assert F | F is false
        if T is not True:
            assert T | T is true

        assert Xor(T, F) is true
        assert Xor(F, T) is true
        assert Xor(F, F) is false
        assert Xor(T, T) is false
        assert Xor(T, x) == ~x
        assert Xor(F, x) == x
        if not (T is True and F is False):
            assert T ^ F is true
            assert F ^ T is true
        if F is not False:
            assert F ^ F is false
        if T is not True:
            assert T ^ T is false

        assert Nand(T, F) is true
        assert Nand(F, T) is true
        assert Nand(F, F) is true
        assert Nand(T, T) is false
        assert Nand(T, x) == ~x
        assert Nand(F, x) is true

        assert Nor(T, F) is false
        assert Nor(F, T) is false
        assert Nor(F, F) is true
        assert Nor(T, T) is false
        assert Nor(T, x) is false
        assert Nor(F, x) == ~x

        assert Implies(T, F) is false
        assert Implies(F, T) is true
        assert Implies(F, F) is true
        assert Implies(T, T) is true
        assert Implies(T, x) == x
        assert Implies(F, x) is true
        assert Implies(x, T) is true
        assert Implies(x, F) == ~x
        if not (T is True and F is False):
            assert T >> F is false
            assert F << T is false
            assert F >> T is true
            assert T << F is true
        if F is not False:
            assert F >> F is true
            assert F << F is true
        if T is not True:
            assert T >> T is true
            assert T << T is true

        assert Equivalent(T, F) is false
        assert Equivalent(F, T) is false
        assert Equivalent(F, F) is true
        assert Equivalent(T, T) is true
        assert Equivalent(T, x) == x
        assert Equivalent(F, x) == ~x
        assert Equivalent(x, T) == x
        assert Equivalent(x, F) == ~x

        assert ITE(T, T, T) is true
        assert ITE(T, T, F) is true
        assert ITE(T, F, T) is false
        assert ITE(T, F, F) is false
        assert ITE(F, T, T) is true
        assert ITE(F, T, F) is false
        assert ITE(F, F, T) is true
        assert ITE(F, F, F) is false
Beispiel #22
def test_fcode_Xlogical():
    # binary Xor
    assert fcode(Xor(x, y, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. y"
    assert fcode(Xor(x, Not(y), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Xor(Not(x), y, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "y .neqv. .not. x"
    assert fcode(Xor(Not(x), Not(y), evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == ".not. x .neqv. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Not(Xor(x, y, evaluate=False), evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == ".not. (x .neqv. y)"
    # binary Equivalent
    assert fcode(Equivalent(x, y), source_format="free") == "x .eqv. y"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(x, Not(y)), source_format="free") == \
        "x .eqv. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Not(x), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .eqv. .not. x"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Not(x), Not(y)), source_format="free") == \
        ".not. x .eqv. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Not(Equivalent(x, y), evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == ".not. (x .eqv. y)"
    # mixed And/Equivalent
    assert fcode(Equivalent(And(y, z), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .eqv. y .and. z"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(And(z, x), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .eqv. x .and. z"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(And(x, y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .eqv. x .and. y"
    assert fcode(And(Equivalent(y, z), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .and. (y .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Equivalent(z, x), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .and. (x .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Equivalent(x, y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .and. (x .eqv. y)"
    # mixed Or/Equivalent
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Or(y, z), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .eqv. y .or. z"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Or(z, x), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .eqv. x .or. z"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Or(x, y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .eqv. x .or. y"
    assert fcode(Or(Equivalent(y, z), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .or. (y .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Or(Equivalent(z, x), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .or. (x .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Or(Equivalent(x, y), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .or. (x .eqv. y)"
    # mixed Xor/Equivalent
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Xor(y, z, evaluate=False), x),
                 source_format="free") == "x .eqv. (y .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Xor(z, x, evaluate=False), y),
                 source_format="free") == "y .eqv. (x .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Equivalent(Xor(x, y, evaluate=False), z),
                 source_format="free") == "z .eqv. (x .neqv. y)"
    assert fcode(Xor(Equivalent(y, z), x, evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == "x .neqv. (y .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Xor(Equivalent(z, x), y, evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == "y .neqv. (x .eqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Xor(Equivalent(x, y), z, evaluate=False),
                 source_format="free") == "z .neqv. (x .eqv. y)"
    # mixed And/Xor
    assert fcode(Xor(And(y, z), x, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. y .and. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(And(z, x), y, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "y .neqv. x .and. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(And(x, y), z, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "z .neqv. x .and. y"
    assert fcode(And(Xor(y, z, evaluate=False), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .and. (y .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Xor(z, x, evaluate=False), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .and. (x .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(And(Xor(x, y, evaluate=False), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .and. (x .neqv. y)"
    # mixed Or/Xor
    assert fcode(Xor(Or(y, z), x, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. y .or. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(Or(z, x), y, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "y .neqv. x .or. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(Or(x, y), z, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "z .neqv. x .or. y"
    assert fcode(Or(Xor(y, z, evaluate=False), x), source_format="free") == \
        "x .or. (y .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Or(Xor(z, x, evaluate=False), y), source_format="free") == \
        "y .or. (x .neqv. z)"
    assert fcode(Or(Xor(x, y, evaluate=False), z), source_format="free") == \
        "z .or. (x .neqv. y)"
    # trinary Xor
    assert fcode(Xor(x, y, z, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. y .neqv. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(x, y, Not(z), evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. y .neqv. .not. z"
    assert fcode(Xor(x, Not(y), z, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "x .neqv. z .neqv. .not. y"
    assert fcode(Xor(Not(x), y, z, evaluate=False), source_format="free") == \
        "y .neqv. z .neqv. .not. x"
Beispiel #23
def test_bool_map():
    Test working of bool_map function.

    minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    assert bool_map(Not(Not(a)), a) == (a, {a: a})
    assert bool_map(SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms),
                    POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms)) == \
        (And(Or(Not(w), y), Or(Not(x), y), z), {x: x, w: w, z: z, y: y})
    assert bool_map(SOPform([x, z, y], [[1, 0, 1]]),
                    SOPform([a, b, c], [[1, 0, 1]])) is not False
    function1 = SOPform([x, z, y], [[1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]])
    function2 = SOPform([a, b, c], [[1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]])
    assert bool_map(function1, function2) == \
        (function1, {y: a, z: b})
    assert bool_map(And(x, Not(y)), Or(y, Not(x))) is False
    assert bool_map(And(x, Not(y)), And(y, Not(x), z)) is False
    assert bool_map(And(x, Not(y)), And(Or(y, z), Not(x))) is False
    assert bool_map(Or(And(Not(y), a), And(Not(y), b), And(x, y)), Or(
        x, y, a)) is False
Beispiel #24
def test_simplification():
    Test working of simplification methods.
    set1 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]
    set2 = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
    assert SOPform([x, y, z], set1) == Or(And(Not(x), z), And(Not(z), x))
    assert Not(SOPform([x, y, z],
                       set2)) == Not(Or(And(Not(x), Not(z)), And(x, z)))
    assert POSform([x, y, z], set1 + set2) is true
    assert SOPform([x, y, z], set1 + set2) is true
    assert SOPform([Dummy(), Dummy(), Dummy()], set1 + set2) is true

    minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    dontcares = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]]
    assert (SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms,
                    dontcares) == Or(And(Not(w), z), And(y, z)))
    assert POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == And(Or(Not(w), y), z)

    # test simplification
    ans = And(A, Or(B, C))
    assert simplify_logic(A & (B | C)) == ans
    assert simplify_logic((A & B) | (A & C)) == ans
    assert simplify_logic(Implies(A, B)) == Or(Not(A), B)
    assert simplify_logic(Equivalent(A, B)) == \
        Or(And(A, B), And(Not(A), Not(B)))
    assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, 2), C)) == And(Equality(A, 2), C)
    assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, 2), A)) == And(Equality(A, 2), A)
    assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, B), C)) == And(Equality(A, B), C)
    assert simplify_logic(Or(And(Equality(A, 3), B), And(Equality(A, 3), C))) \
        == And(Equality(A, 3), Or(B, C))
    e = And(A, x**2 - x)
    assert simplify_logic(e) == And(A, x * (x - 1))
    assert simplify_logic(e, deep=False) == e
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: simplify_logic(A & (B | C), form='spam'))

    e = x & y ^ z | (z ^ x)
    res = [(x & ~z) | (z & ~x) | (z & ~y), (x & ~y) | (x & ~z) | (z & ~x)]
    assert simplify_logic(e) in res
    assert SOPform(
        [z, y, x],
        [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]) == res[1]

    # check input
    ans = SOPform([x, y], [[1, 0]])
    assert SOPform([x, y], [[1, 0]]) == ans
    assert POSform([x, y], [[1, 0]]) == ans

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: SOPform([x], [[1]], [[1]]))
    assert SOPform([x], [[1]], [[0]]) is true
    assert SOPform([x], [[0]], [[1]]) is true
    assert SOPform([x], [], []) is false

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: POSform([x], [[1]], [[1]]))
    assert POSform([x], [[1]], [[0]]) is true
    assert POSform([x], [[0]], [[1]]) is true
    assert POSform([x], [], []) is false

    # check working of simplify
    assert simplify((A & B) | (A & C)) == And(A, Or(B, C))
    assert simplify(And(x, Not(x))) is false
    assert simplify(Or(x, Not(x))) is true