Beispiel #1
 def test_get(self):
     obt = OrderByTuple(("a", "b", "c"))
     sentinel = object()
     assert obt.get("b", sentinel) is obt["b"]  # keying
     assert obt.get("-", sentinel) is sentinel
     assert obt.get(0, sentinel) is obt["a"]  # indexing
     assert obt.get(3, sentinel) is sentinel
Beispiel #2
 def test_get(self):
     obt = OrderByTuple(('a', 'b', 'c'))
     sentinel = object()
     assert obt.get('b', sentinel) is obt['b']  # keying
     assert obt.get('-', sentinel) is sentinel
     assert obt.get(0, sentinel) is obt['a']  # indexing
     assert obt.get(3, sentinel) is sentinel
Beispiel #3
 def test_get(self):
     obt = OrderByTuple(('a', 'b', 'c'))
     sentinel = object()
     assert obt.get('b', sentinel) is obt['b']  # keying
     assert obt.get('-', sentinel) is sentinel
     assert obt.get(0, sentinel) is obt['a']  # indexing
     assert obt.get(3, sentinel) is sentinel
Beispiel #4
def orderbytuple():
    obt = OrderByTuple(('a', 'b', 'c'))
    assert obt == (OrderBy('a'), OrderBy('b'), OrderBy('c'))

    # indexing
    assert obt[0] == OrderBy('a')
    assert obt['b'] == OrderBy('b')
    with raises(KeyError):
    with raises(TypeError):
        obt[('tuple', )]

    # .get
    sentinel = object()
    assert obt.get('b', sentinel) is obt['b'] # keying
    assert obt.get('-', sentinel) is sentinel
    assert obt.get(0,   sentinel) is obt['a'] # indexing
    assert obt.get(3,   sentinel) is sentinel

    # .opposite
    assert OrderByTuple(('a', '-b', 'c')).opposite == ('-a', 'b', '-c')

    # in
    assert 'a' in obt and '-a' in obt
Beispiel #5
def test_orderbytuple():
    obt = OrderByTuple(('a', 'b', 'c'))
    assert obt == (OrderBy('a'), OrderBy('b'), OrderBy('c'))

    # indexing
    assert obt[0] == OrderBy('a')
    assert obt['b'] == OrderBy('b')
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        obt[('tuple', )]

    # .get
    sentinel = object()
    assert obt.get('b', sentinel) is obt['b']  # keying
    assert obt.get('-', sentinel) is sentinel
    assert obt.get(0, sentinel) is obt['a']  # indexing
    assert obt.get(3, sentinel) is sentinel

    # .opposite
    assert OrderByTuple(('a', '-b', 'c')).opposite == ('-a', 'b', '-c')

    # in
    assert 'a' in obt and '-a' in obt