Beispiel #1
	def update(self, tod, srate):
		# If we have noise estimation cuts, we must gapfill these
		# before measuring the noise, and restore them afterwards
		if self.cut is not None:
			vals = self.cut.extract_samples(tod)
			gapfill.gapfill(tod, self.cut, inplace=True)
			if self.model == "jon":
				ft = fft.rfft(tod) * tod.shape[1]**-0.5
				noise_model = detvecs_jon(ft, srate, cut_bins=self.spikes)
			elif self.model == "uncorr":
				ft = fft.rfft(tod) * tod.shape[1]**-0.5
				noise_model = detvecs_simple(ft, srate)
			elif self.model == "white":
				noise_model = nmat.NoiseMatrix(len(tod))
			elif self.model == "scaled":
				ft = fft.rfft(tod) * tod.shape[1]**-0.5
				noise_model = detvecs_scaled(ft, srate)
				raise ValueError("Unknown noise model '%s'" % self.model)
		except (errors.ModelError, np.linalg.LinAlgError, AssertionError) as e:
			print "Warning: Noise model fit failed for tod with shape %s. Assigning zero weight" % str(tod.shape)
			noise_model = nmat.NmatNull(np.arange(tod.shape[0]))
		if self.cut is not None:
			self.cut.insert_samples(tod, vals)
		return noise_model
Beispiel #2
	def update(self, tod, srate):
		# If we have noise estimation cuts, we must gapfill these
		# before measuring the noise, and restore them afterwards
		if self.cut is not None:
			vals = self.cut.extract_samples(tod)
			gapfill.gapfill(tod, self.cut, inplace=True)
			if self.model == "jon":
				ft = fft.rfft(tod) * tod.shape[1]**-0.5
				noise_model = detvecs_jon(ft, srate, cut_bins=self.spikes)
			elif self.model == "uncorr":
				ft = fft.rfft(tod) * tod.shape[1]**-0.5
				noise_model = detvecs_simple(ft, srate)
			elif self.model == "white":
				noise_model = nmat.NoiseMatrix(len(tod))
			elif self.model == "scaled":
				ft = fft.rfft(tod) * tod.shape[1]**-0.5
				noise_model = detvecs_scaled(ft, srate)
				raise ValueError("Unknown noise model '%s'" % self.model)
		except (errors.ModelError, np.linalg.LinAlgError, AssertionError) as e:
			print("Warning: Noise model fit failed for tod with shape %s. Assigning zero weight" % str(tod.shape))
			noise_model = nmat.NmatNull(np.arange(tod.shape[0]))
		if self.cut is not None:
			self.cut.insert_samples(tod, vals)
		return noise_model
Beispiel #3
def deproject_vecs_smooth(tods, dark, nmode=50, cuts=None, deslope=True, inplace=True):
	if not inplace: tods=tods.copy()
	dark = dark.copy()
	ftod  = fft.rfft(tods)
	fdark = fft.rfft(dark)
	fdark = todops.smooth_basis_fourier(ftod, fdark)
	smooth= np.zeros((fdark.shape[0],dark.shape[1]),dtype=dark.dtype)
	fft.ifft(fdark, smooth, normalize=True)
	todops.fit_basis(tods, smooth, highpass=nmode, cuts=cuts, clean_tod=True)
	if deslope: utils.deslope(tods, w=8, inplace=True)
Beispiel #4
def smooth(tod, srate, fknee=10, alpha=10):
	ft   = fft.rfft(tod)
	freq = fft.rfftfreq(tod.shape[-1])*srate
	flt  = 1/(1+(freq/fknee)**alpha)
	ft  *= flt
	fft.ifft(ft, tod, normalize=True)
	return tod
Beispiel #5
 def __call__(self, poss, amps, taus, dets=None):
     if dets is None: dets = np.arange(len(self.rdata.dets))
     rmask = np.in1d(self.rdata.detmap, dets)
     if np.sum(rmask) == 0:
         return np.zeros([0, self.rdata.pos.shape[1]], float)
     rpos = self.rdata.pos[rmask]
     mask = self.mask[rmask]
     detinds = build_detinds(self.rdata.detmap[rmask], dets)
     # Evaluate the plain beam
     r = np.sum((rpos - poss[detinds][:, None])**2, -1)**0.5
     bpix = r / self.dr
     model = utils.interpol(self.rdata.beam[1],
     # Must mask invalid regions *before* fourier stuff
     model *= mask
     # Apply the butterworth filter and time constants
     fmodel = fft.rfft(model)
     tfilters = filters.tconst_filter(self.rdata.freqs[None],
                                      taus[:, None]) * self.rdata.butter
     fmodel *= tfilters[detinds]
     fft.ifft(fmodel, model, normalize=True)
     # Apply the amplitudes
     model *= amps[detinds, None]
     return model
Beispiel #6
def calc_cmode_corrfun(ushape, uwcs, offset_upos, sigma, nsigma=10):
	"""Compute the real-space correlation function for the atmospheric
	common mode in unskewed coordinates. The result has an arbitrary
	overall scaling."""
	res    = enmap.zeros(ushape, uwcs)
	# Generate corrfun around center of map
	upos   = offset_upos + np.mean(,0)[:,None]
	# We will work on a smaller cutout to speed things up
	pad    = sigma*nsigma
	box    = np.array([np.min(upos,1)-pad,np.max(upos,1)+pad])
	pixbox = res.sky2pix(box.T).T
	work   = res[pixbox[0,0]:pixbox[1,0],pixbox[0,1]:pixbox[1,1]]
	posmap = work.posmap()
	# Generate each part of the corrfun as a gaussian in real space.
	# Could do this in fourier space, but easier to get subpixel precision this way
	# (not that that is very important, though)
	for p in upos.T:
		r2    = np.sum((posmap-p[:,None,None])**2,0)
		work += np.exp(-0.5*r2/sigma**2)
	# Convolute with itself mirrored to get the actual correlation function
	fres  = fft.rfft(res, axes=[-2,-1])
	fres *= np.conj(fres)
	fft.ifft(fres, res, axes=[-2,-1])
	res /= np.max(res)
	return res
Beispiel #7
def smooth(tod, srate):
	ft   = fft.rfft(tod)
	freq = fft.rfftfreq(tod.shape[-1])*srate
	flt  = 1/(1+(freq/model_fknee)**model_alpha)
	ft  *= flt
	fft.ifft(ft, tod, normalize=True)
	return tod
Beispiel #8
def smooth(tod, srate, fknee=10, alpha=10):
    ft = fft.rfft(tod)
    freq = fft.rfftfreq(tod.shape[-1]) * srate
    flt = 1 / (1 + (freq / fknee)**alpha)
    ft *= flt
    fft.ifft(ft, tod, normalize=True)
    return tod
Beispiel #9
def calc_model_constrained(tod,
    # First do some simple gapfilling to avoid messing up the noise model
    tod = sampcut.gapfill_linear(cut, tod, inplace=False)
    ft = fft.rfft(tod) * tod.shape[1]**-0.5
    iN = nmat_measure.detvecs_jon(ft, srate)
    del ft
    iV = iN.ivar * mask_scale

    def A(x):
        x = x.reshape(tod.shape)
        Ax = iN.apply(x.copy())
        Ax += sampcut.gapfill_const(cut, x * iV[:, None], 0, inplace=True)
        return Ax.reshape(-1)

    b = sampcut.gapfill_const(cut, tod * iV[:, None], 0,
    x0 = sampcut.gapfill_linear(cut, tod).reshape(-1)
    solver = cg.CG(A, b, x0)
    while solver.i < maxiter and solver.err > lim:
        if verbose:
            print("%5d %15.7e" % (solver.i, solver.err))
    res = solver.x.reshape(tod.shape)
    res = smooth(res, srate)
    return res
Beispiel #10
def smooth(tod, srate):
    ft = fft.rfft(tod)
    freq = fft.rfftfreq(tod.shape[-1]) * srate
    flt = 1 / (1 + (freq / model_fknee)**model_alpha)
    ft *= flt
    fft.ifft(ft, tod, normalize=True)
    return tod
Beispiel #11
def calc_cmode_corrfun(ushape, uwcs, offset_upos, sigma, nsigma=10):
    """Compute the real-space correlation function for the atmospheric
	common mode in unskewed coordinates. The result has an arbitrary
	overall scaling."""
    res = enmap.zeros(ushape, uwcs)
    # Generate corrfun around center of map
    upos = offset_upos + np.mean(, 0)[:, None]
    # We will work on a smaller cutout to speed things up
    pad = sigma * nsigma
    box = np.array([np.min(upos, 1) - pad, np.max(upos, 1) + pad])
    pixbox = res.sky2pix(box.T).T
    work = res[pixbox[0, 0]:pixbox[1, 0], pixbox[0, 1]:pixbox[1, 1]]
    posmap = work.posmap()
    # Generate each part of the corrfun as a gaussian in real space.
    # Could do this in fourier space, but easier to get subpixel precision this way
    # (not that that is very important, though)
    for p in upos.T:
        r2 = np.sum((posmap - p[:, None, None])**2, 0)
        work += np.exp(-0.5 * r2 / sigma**2)
    # Convolute with itself mirrored to get the actual correlation function
    fres = fft.rfft(res, axes=[-2, -1])
    fres *= np.conj(fres)
    fft.ifft(fres, res, axes=[-2, -1])
    res /= np.max(res)
    return res
Beispiel #12
	def apply(self, arr, inplace=False):
		# Because of our padding and multiplication by the hitcount
		# before this, we should be safely apodized, and can assume
		# periodic boundaries
		if not inplace: arr = np.array(arr)
		ft = fft.rfft(arr, axes=[-2])
		ft *= self.spec_full[:,None]
		return fft.ifft(ft, arr, axes=[-2], normalize=True)
Beispiel #13
def broaden_beam_hor(tod, d, ibeam, obeam):
	ft    = fft.rfft(tod)
	k     = 2*np.pi*fft.rfftfreq(d.nsamp, 1/d.srate)
	el    = np.mean(d.boresight[2,::100])
	skyspeed = d.speed*np.cos(el)
	sigma = (obeam**2-ibeam**2)**0.5
	ft *= np.exp(-0.5*(sigma/skyspeed)**2*k**2)
	fft.ifft(ft, tod, normalize=True)
Beispiel #14
 def apply(self, arr, inplace=False):
     # Because of our padding and multiplication by the hitcount
     # before this, we should be safely apodized, and can assume
     # periodic boundaries
     if not inplace: arr = np.array(arr)
     ft = fft.rfft(arr, axes=[-2])
     ft *= self.spec_full[:, None]
     return fft.ifft(ft, arr, axes=[-2], normalize=True)
Beispiel #15
def estimate_atmosphere(tod, region_cut, srate, fknee, alpha):
    model = gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, region_cut, inplace=False)
    ft = fft.rfft(model)
    freq = fft.rfftfreq(model.shape[-1]) * srate
    flt = 1 / (1 + (freq / fknee)**alpha)
    ft *= flt
    fft.ifft(ft, model, normalize=True)
    return model
Beispiel #16
def estimate_atmosphere(tod, region_cut, srate, fknee, alpha):
	model = gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, region_cut, inplace=False)
	ft   = fft.rfft(model)
	freq = fft.rfftfreq(model.shape[-1])*srate
	flt  = 1/(1+(freq/fknee)**alpha)
	ft  *= flt
	fft.ifft(ft, model, normalize=True)
	return model
Beispiel #17
def broaden_beam_hor(tod, d, ibeam, obeam):
    ft = fft.rfft(tod)
    k = 2 * np.pi * fft.rfftfreq(d.nsamp, 1 / d.srate)
    el = np.mean(d.boresight[2, ::100])
    skyspeed = d.speed * np.cos(el)
    sigma = (obeam**2 - ibeam**2)**0.5
    ft *= np.exp(-0.5 * (sigma / skyspeed)**2 * k**2)
    fft.ifft(ft, tod, normalize=True)
Beispiel #18
 def apply(self, tod):
     nmat.apply_window(tod, self.window)
     ft = fft.rfft(tod)
     self.nmat.apply_ft(ft, tod.shape[-1], tod.dtype)
     if self.filter is not None: ft *= self.filter
     fft.irfft(ft, tod, flags=['FFTW_ESTIMATE','FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT'])
     nmat.apply_window(tod, self.window)
     return tod
Beispiel #19
def calibrate_dark_fourier(data):
	"""Fourier deconvolution of dark detectors. Can't do this
	completely, as we don't have time constants."""
	require(data, ["dark_tod", "srate"])
	if data.dark_tod.size == 0: return data
	ft = fft.rfft(data.dark_tod)
	freqs  = np.linspace(0, data.srate/2, ft.shape[-1])
	butter = filters.butterworth_filter(freqs)
	ft /= butter[None]
	fft.irfft(ft, data.dark_tod, normalize=True)
	return data
Beispiel #20
	def A(self, x):
		map = self.dof.unzip(x)
		res = map*0
		for work in self.workspaces:
			# This is normall P'N"P. In our case 
			wmap = enmap.zeros(work.geometry.shape, work.geometry.lwcs, work.geometry.dtype)
			work.pmat.forward(wmap, map)
			#wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(work.hdiv_norm_sqrt, wmap, [0,1])
			wmap *= work.hdiv_norm_sqrt
			ft  = fft.rfft(wmap)
			ft *= work.wfilter
			fft.ifft(ft, wmap, normalize=True)
			wmap *= work.hdiv_norm_sqrt
			# Noise weighting would go here. No weighting for now
			#wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(np.rollaxis(work.hdiv_norm_sqrt,1), wmap, [0,1])
			work.pmat.backward(wmap, res)
		res = utils.allreduce(res, self.comm)
Beispiel #21
 def __init__(self,
     # Vel is [dra,ddec]/s.
     sigma = fwhm / (8 * np.log(2))**0.5
     res = sigma / nsub
     vel = np.array(vel)
     vel[0] *= np.cos(dec_ref)
     speed = np.sum(vel**2)**0.5
     # Build coordinate system along velocity
     npoint = 2 * nsigma * nsub
     x = (np.arange(npoint) - npoint / 2) * res
     # Build the beam along the velocity
     vbeam = np.exp(-0.5 * (x**2 / sigma**2))
     # Apply fourier filter. Our angular step size is res radians. This
     # corresponds to a time step of res/speed in seconds.
     fbeam = fft.rfft(vbeam)
     freq = fft.rfftfreq(npoint, res / speed)
     fbeam[1:] /= 1 + (freq[1:] / fknee)**-alpha
     vbeam = fft.ifft(fbeam, vbeam, normalize=True)
     # Beam should be zero at large distances
     vbeam -= vbeam[0]
     # Prefilter for fast lookups
     vbeam = utils.interpol_prefilter(vbeam, npre=0, order=order)
     # The total beam will be this beam times a normal one in the
     # perpendicular direction.
     self.dec_ref = dec_ref
     self.e_para = vel / np.sum(vel**2)**0.5
     self.e_orto = np.array([-self.e_para[1], self.e_para[0]])
     self.sigma = sigma
     self.res = res
     self.vbeam = vbeam
     self.order = order
     # Not really necessary to store these
     self.fwhm = fwhm
     self.vel = vel  # physical
     self.fknee = fknee
     self.alpha = alpha
Beispiel #22
 def A(self, x):
     map = self.dof.unzip(x)
     res = map * 0
     for work in self.workspaces:
         # This is normall P'N"P. In our case
         wmap = enmap.zeros(work.geometry.shape, work.geometry.lwcs,
         work.pmat.forward(wmap, map)
         #wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(work.hdiv_norm_sqrt, wmap, [0,1])
         wmap *= work.hdiv_norm_sqrt
         ft = fft.rfft(wmap)
         ft *= work.wfilter
         fft.ifft(ft, wmap, normalize=True)
         wmap *= work.hdiv_norm_sqrt
         # Noise weighting would go here. No weighting for now
         #wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(np.rollaxis(work.hdiv_norm_sqrt,1), wmap, [0,1])
         work.pmat.backward(wmap, res)
     res = utils.allreduce(res, self.comm)
Beispiel #23
def calc_model_constrained(tod, cut, srate=400, mask_scale=0.3, lim=3e-4, maxiter=50, verbose=False):
	# First do some simple gapfilling to avoid messing up the noise model
	tod = sampcut.gapfill_linear(cut, tod, inplace=False)
	ft = fft.rfft(tod) * tod.shape[1]**-0.5
	iN = nmat_measure.detvecs_jon(ft, srate)
	del ft
	iV = iN.ivar*mask_scale
	def A(x):
		x   = x.reshape(tod.shape)
		Ax  = iN.apply(x.copy())
		Ax += sampcut.gapfill_const(cut, x*iV[:,None], 0, inplace=True)
		return Ax.reshape(-1)
	b  = sampcut.gapfill_const(cut, tod*iV[:,None], 0, inplace=True).reshape(-1)
	x0 = sampcut.gapfill_linear(cut, tod).reshape(-1)
	solver = cg.CG(A, b, x0)
	while solver.i < maxiter and solver.err > lim:
		if verbose:
			print "%5d %15.7e" % (solver.i, solver.err)
	return solver.x.reshape(tod.shape)
Beispiel #24
def calibrate_tod_fourier(data):
	"""Deconvolve instrument filters and time constants from TOD"""
	require(data, ["tod", "tau", "srate", "speed", "mce_params"])
	if data.tod.size == 0: return data
	ft     = fft.rfft(data.tod)
	freqs  = np.linspace(0, data.srate/2, ft.shape[-1])
	# Deconvolve the butterworth filter
	butter = filters.mce_filter(freqs, data.mce_fsamp, data.mce_params)
	ft /= butter
	# And the time constants
	for di in range(len(ft)):
		ft[di] /= filters.tconst_filter(freqs, data.tau[di])
	## Optinally apply the beam aspect ratio correction
	#hbeam, vbeam = np.array(map(float,config.get("fix_beam_aspect").split(":")))*utils.arcmin*utils.fwhm
	#if vbeam != hbeam:
	#	el       = np.mean(data.boresight[2,::100])
	#	k        = 2*np.pi*freqs
	#	skyspeed = data.speed * np.cos(el)
	#	tsigma   = (vbeam**2-hbeam**2)**0.5/skyspeed
	#	ft *= np.exp(-0.5*tsigma**2*k**2)
	fft.irfft(ft, data.tod, normalize=True)
	#np.savetxt("test_enki1/tod_detau.txt", data.tod[0])
	del ft
	return data
Beispiel #25
	def __init__(self, fwhm, vel, dec_ref, fknee, alpha, nsigma=1000, nsub=50, order=3):
		# Vel is [dra,ddec]/s.
		sigma  = fwhm/(8*np.log(2))**0.5
		res    = sigma/nsub
		vel    = np.array(vel)
		vel[0]*= np.cos(dec_ref)
		speed  = np.sum(vel**2)**0.5
		# Build coordinate system along velocity
		npoint = 2*nsigma*nsub
		x      = (np.arange(npoint)-npoint/2)*res
		# Build the beam along the velocity
		vbeam  = np.exp(-0.5*(x**2/sigma**2))
		# Apply fourier filter. Our angular step size is res radians. This
		# corresponds to a time step of res/speed in seconds.
		fbeam  = fft.rfft(vbeam)
		freq   = fft.rfftfreq(npoint, res/speed)
		fbeam[1:] /= 1 + (freq[1:]/fknee)**-alpha
		vbeam  = fft.ifft(fbeam, vbeam, normalize=True)
		# Beam should be zero at large distances
		vbeam -= vbeam[0]
		# Prefilter for fast lookups
		vbeam  = utils.interpol_prefilter(vbeam, npre=0, order=order)
		# The total beam will be this beam times a normal one in the
		# perpendicular direction.
		self.dec_ref = dec_ref
		self.e_para  = vel/np.sum(vel**2)**0.5
		self.e_orto  = np.array([-self.e_para[1],self.e_para[0]])
		self.sigma   = sigma
		self.res     = res
		self.vbeam   = vbeam
		self.order   = order
		# Not really necessary to store these
		self.fwhm  = fwhm
		self.vel   = vel # physical
		self.fknee = fknee
		self.alpha = alpha
Beispiel #26
     d = actscan.ACTScan(entry)
     if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0:
         raise errors.DataMissing("Tod contains no valid data")
     d = d[:, ::downsample]
     d = d[:, :]
 except errors.DataMissing as e:
     L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (id, e.message))
 L.debug("Processing %s" % id)
 # Get the actual tod
 tod = d.get_samples()
 tod -= np.mean(tod, 1)[:, None]
 tod = tod.astype(dtype)
 # Compute the per-detector spectrum
 ft = fft.rfft(tod) * d.nsamp**-0.5
 tfilter, binds = measure_inv_noise_spectrum(ft, nbin)
 # Apply inverse noise weighting to the tod
 ft *= tfilter[:, binds]
 ft *= d.nsamp**-0.5
 fft.ifft(ft, tod)
 del ft
 my_rhs, my_hdiv, my_yhits = project_tod_on_workspace(d, tod, wgeo)
 my_wfilter = project_binned_spec_on_workspace(
     tfilter, d.srate, my_yhits, wgeo)
 # Add to the totals
 tot_work.rhs += my_rhs
 tot_work.hdiv += my_hdiv
 tot_work.wfilter += my_wfilter
 del my_rhs, my_hdiv, my_yhits, my_wfilter
Beispiel #27
def get_model(s, area):
	pos = area.posmap().reshape(2,-1)[::-1].T
	model = np.rollaxis(s.get_model(pos),-1).reshape(-1,area.shape[1],area.shape[2])
	return enmap.ndmap(model, area.wcs)[:area.shape[0]]

if args.measure is None:
	scans = get_scans(area, args.signal, args.bore, args.dets, args.noise, seed=args.seed, real=args.real)
	# Build noise model the same way we do for the real data, i.e. based on
	# measuring data itself. But do that based on a version with more noise
	# than the real one, to simulate realistic S/N ratios without needing
	# too many samples
	scans = get_scans(area, args.signal, args.bore, args.dets, args.noise, seed=args.seed, real=args.real, noise_override=args.measure)
	nmats = []
	for scan in scans:
		ft = fft.rfft(scan.get_samples()) * scan.nsamp**-0.5
		nmats.append(nmat_measure.detvecs_jon(ft, 400.0, shared=True))
	scans = get_scans(area, args.signal, args.bore, args.dets, args.noise, seed=args.seed, real=args.real)
	for scan,nmat in zip(scans,nmats):
		scan.noise = nmat

enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/area.fits", area)
model = get_model(scans[0], area)
enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/model.fits", model)
with open(args.odir + "/tods.txt", "w") as ofile:
	for i, scan in enumerate(scans):"scan %2d/%d" % (i+1,len(scans)))
		enlib.scan.write_scan(args.odir + "/scan%03d.hdf" % i, scan)
		ofile.write("%s/scan%03d.hdf\n" % (args.odir, i))
Beispiel #28
		fields = ["gain","tconst","cut","tod","boresight", "noise_cut"]
		if args.spikecut: fields.append("spikes")
		if args.imap: fields += ["polangle","point_offsets","site"]
		d  =, fields)                ; t.append(time.time())
		d  = data.calibrate(d)                       ; t.append(time.time())
		if args.imap:
			# Make a full scan object, so we can perform pointing projection
			# operations
			d.noise = None
			scan = data.ACTScan(entry, d=d) =, copy=False)
			pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan,, sys=imap.sys)
			# Subtract input map from tod inplace
			pmap.forward(d.tod,, tmul=1, mmul=-1)
			utils.deslope(d.tod, w=8, inplace=True)
		ft = fft.rfft(d.tod) * d.tod.shape[1]**-0.5  ; t.append(time.time())
		spikes = d.spikes[:2].T if args.spikecut else None
		if model == "old":
			noise = nmat_measure.detvecs_old(ft, d.srate, d.dets)
		elif model == "jon":
			noise = nmat_measure.detvecs_jon(ft, d.srate, d.dets, shared, cut_bins=spikes)
		elif model == "simple":
			noise = nmat_measure.detvecs_simple(ft, d.srate, d.dets)
		elif model == "joint":
			noise = nmat_measure.detvecs_joint(ft, d.srate, d.dets, cut_bins=spikes)
		with h5py.File("%s/%s.hdf" % (args.odir, id),"w") as hfile:
			nmat.write_nmat(hfile, noise)                ; t.append(time.time())
			if args.covtest:
				# Measure full cov per bin
				ndet = ft.shape[0]
Beispiel #29
		tod.signal += readout_sim.gen_noise(tod.nsamp)
	elif args.noise == "replace":
		tod.signal[:] = readout_sim.gen_noise(tod.nsamp)
	tod.signal = readout_sim.apply_filters(tod.signal, exp=-1)
	# Detector measures 1/4 of the signal due to how the interferrometry
	# is set up.
	gain  = 1.0/4
	# Get out tod samples
	d   = tod.signal / gain
	#dump(pre+"_1", d)
	# Deconvolve the sample window. Each of our samples
	# is approximately the integral of the signal inside its
	# duration. If subsample_num is 1, then we assume the
	# data has no sample window.
	if config.subsample_num > 1:
		fd  = fft.rfft(d, axes=[-1])
		fd /= np.sinc(np.arange(fd.shape[-1],dtype=float)/d.shape[-1])
		d   = fft.ifft(fd, d, axes=[-1], normalize=True)
	# Undo the effect of drift in theta and spin during each stroke
	d   = d.reshape(d.shape[0], ntheta, nspin, ndelay)
	#d   = pixie.fix_drift(d)
	nt,nspin,ndelay = d.shape[-3:]
	if args.spin == 1:
		d = pixie.froll(
	elif args.spin == 2:
		d = d.reshape(-1, nt*2, nspin*ndelay/2)
		x = np.arange(nspin*ndelay/2)/float(nspin*ndelay/2)
		d1= pixie.froll(d, x,   -2)[:,0::2] # even half-spins
Beispiel #30
for ind in range(comm.rank, nlabel, comm.size):
    id = ids[labels == ind]
    order = np.argsort([i[-1] for i in id])
    id = id[order]
    if len(id) != nsub: continue
    print "Processing " + "+".join(id)
    entries = [[i] for i in id]
        d =
        d = actdata.calibrate(d, exclude=["autocut"])
    except errors.DataMissing as e:
        print "Skipping %s: %s" % (id, str(e))
    tod = d.tod.astype(dtype)
    del d.tod
    ft = fft.rfft(tod)
    del tod

    if corr is None:
        ndet = d.array_info.ndet
        corr = np.zeros((nbin, ndet, ndet), dtype=dtype)
        hits = np.zeros((nbin, ndet, ndet), dtype=int)
        var = np.zeros((nbin, ndet))
        pos = np.zeros((ndet, 2))
        doff =, fields=["point_offsets"])
        pos[doff.dets] = doff.point_template

    # Fourier-sample bins
    ibins = (fbins / (d.srate / 2) * ft.shape[1]).astype(int)

    # Measure each bin
Beispiel #31
		diff = tod[:,1:]-tod[:,:-1]
		diff = diff[:,:diff.shape[-1]//csize*csize].reshape(d.ndet,-1,csize)
		ivar = 1/(np.median(np.mean(diff**2,-1),-1)/2**0.5)
		del diff
	# Generate planet cut
	with"planet cut"):
		planet_cut = cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset,,
				args.planet, R)
	# Subtract atmospheric model
	with"atm model"):
		model= gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, planet_cut, inplace=False)
	# Estimate noise level
	asens = np.sum(ivar)**-0.5 / d.srate**0.5
		ft   = fft.rfft(model)
		freq = fft.rfftfreq(model.shape[-1])*d.srate
		flt  = 1/(1+(freq/model_fknee)**model_alpha)
		ft  *= flt
		fft.ifft(ft, model, normalize=True)
		del ft, flt, freq
	with"atm subtract"):
		tod -= model
		del model
		tod  = tod.astype(dtype, copy=False)
	# Should now be reasonably clean of correlated noise, so we can from now on use
	# a white noise model.
		P = PmatTot(scan, srcpos, sys=sys)
		N = NmatWhite(ivar)
Beispiel #32
				d = actscan.ACTScan(entry)
				if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0:
					raise errors.DataMissing("Tod contains no valid data")
				d = d[:,::downsample]
				d = d[:,:]
			except errors.DataMissing as e:
				L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (id, e.message))
			L.debug("Processing %s" % id)
			# Get the actual tod
			tod = d.get_samples()
			tod -= np.mean(tod,1)[:,None]
			tod = tod.astype(dtype)
			# Compute the per-detector spectrum
			ft  = fft.rfft(tod) * d.nsamp ** -0.5
			tfilter, binds = measure_inv_noise_spectrum(ft, nbin)
			# Apply inverse noise weighting to the tod
			ft *= tfilter[:,binds]
			ft *= d.nsamp ** -0.5
			fft.ifft(ft, tod)
			del ft
			my_rhs, my_hdiv, my_yhits = project_tod_on_workspace(d, tod, wgeo)
			my_wfilter = project_binned_spec_on_workspace(tfilter, d.srate, my_yhits, wgeo)
			# Add to the totals
			tot_work.rhs  += my_rhs
			tot_work.hdiv += my_hdiv
			tot_work.wfilter += my_wfilter
			del my_rhs, my_hdiv, my_yhits, my_wfilter
		# Reduce
Beispiel #33
 id = pids[ind]
 with bench.mark("pbuild"):
     # Build pointing matrices
     pmap = pmat.PmatMap(d, area)
     pcut = pmat.PmatCut(d)
 with bench.mark("tod"):
     # Get tod
     tod = d.get_samples()
     tod -= np.mean(tod, 1)[:, None]
     tod = tod.astype(dtype)
     junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype=dtype)
 with bench.mark("nmat"):
     # Build noise model
     ft = fft.rfft(tod) * tod.shape[1]**-0.5
     nmat = nmat_measure.detvecs_simple(ft, d.srate)
     del ft
 with bench.mark("rhs"):
     # Calc rhs, accumulating into pattern total
     pcut.backward(tod, junk)
     pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
 with bench.mark("hitmap"):
     # Calc hitcount map, accumulating into pattern total
     myhits = area * 0
     tod[:] = 1
     pcut.backward(tod, junk)
     pmap.backward(tod, myhits)
     myhits = myhits[0]
     hits += myhits
Beispiel #34
	def hpass(a, n):
		f = fft.rfft(a)
		f[...,:n] = 0
		return fft.ifft(f,a.copy(),normalize=True)
Beispiel #35
         d, exclude=(["autocut"] if not args.no_autocut else []))
     if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0:
         raise errors.DataMissing("empty tod")
 except (IOError, OSError, errors.DataMissing) as e:
     print "Skipped (%s)" % (str(e))
 print "Processing %s" % id
 srates[i] = d.srate
 mce_fsamps[i] = d.mce_fsamp
 mce_params[i] = d.mce_params[:4]
 # Compute the power spectrum
 d.tod = d.tod.astype(dtype)
 nsamp = d.nsamp
 srate = d.srate
 ifmax = d.srate / 2
 ft = fft.rfft(d.tod) / (nsamp * srate)**0.5
 nfreq = ft.shape[-1]
 del d.tod
 ps = np.abs(ft)**2
 # Det specs
 zoom = int(round(ifmax / args.fmax_zoom))
 dets = actdata.split_detname(d.dets)[1]
 dspecs[i, dets] = bin(ps, args.nbin_det)
 dzooms[i, dets] = bin(ps, args.nbin_zoom, zoom=zoom)
 # Aggregate specs. First bin in small bins
 dhigh, binds = bin(ps, args.nbin, return_inds=True)
 nhits[i] = np.bincount(binds, minlength=args.nbin)
 # Then compute quantiles
 tspecs[0, i] = np.median(dhigh, 0)
 tspecs[1, i] = np.percentile(dhigh, 15.86553, 0)
 tspecs[2, i] = np.percentile(dhigh, 84.13447, 0)
Beispiel #36
#d = d.reshape(-1,nspin,nblock*bsize)
hfile["d3"] = d
hfile["delay"] = delay

def stroke2spec(arr, wcs):
    ndelay = arr.shape[-1]
    spec = fft.rfft(arr, axes=[-1]).real[..., ::2] * 2 / ndelay
    owcs = pixie.wcs_delay2spec(wcs, ndelay / 4)
    return spec, owcs

# Try to recover first spectrum
#spec, swcs = pixie.delay2spec(d, dwcs, axis=-1)
spec, swcs = stroke2spec(d, dwcs)
freq = swcs.wcs_pix2world(np.arange(spec.shape[-1]), 0)[0]
hfile["spec"] = spec
hfile["freq"] = freq

# Fourier-decompose spin
fd = fft.rfft(d, axes=[1])
dcomp = np.array([fd[:, 0].real, fd[:, 2].real, fd[:, 2].imag])

hfile["dcomp"] = dcomp
# And spectra from this
#scomp, _ = pixie.delay2spec(dcomp, dwcs, axis=-1)
scomp, _ = stroke2spec(dcomp, dwcs)
hfile["scomp"] = scomp

Beispiel #37
def highpass(tod, f, srate=400):
	tod = tod.copy()
	ft = fft.rfft(tod)
	ft[:,:int(f/float(srate)*tod.shape[1])] = 0
	fft.ifft(ft, tod, normalize=True)
	return tod
Beispiel #38
 if args.imap: fields += ["polangle", "point_offsets", "site"]
 d =, fields)
 d = data.calibrate(d)
 if args.imap:
     # Make a full scan object, so we can perform pointing projection
     # operations
     d.noise = None
     scan = data.ACTScan(entry, d=d) =, copy=False)
     pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan,, sys=imap.sys)
     # Subtract input map from tod inplace
     pmap.forward(d.tod,, tmul=1, mmul=-1)
     utils.deslope(d.tod, w=8, inplace=True)
 ft = fft.rfft(d.tod) * d.tod.shape[1]**-0.5
 spikes = d.spikes[:2].T if args.spikecut else None
 if model == "old":
     noise = nmat_measure.detvecs_old(ft, d.srate, d.dets)
 elif model == "jon":
     noise = nmat_measure.detvecs_jon(ft,
 elif model == "simple":
     noise = nmat_measure.detvecs_simple(ft, d.srate, d.dets)
 elif model == "joint":
     noise = nmat_measure.detvecs_joint(ft,
Beispiel #39
	ind1 = chunk*chunk_size
	ind2 = min(ind1+chunk_size, ntod)
	for ind in range(ind1+comm.rank, ind2, comm.size):
		id    = ids[ind]
		entry =[id]
			d     =, fields=["gain","tconst","cut","tod","boresight","apex"])
			d     = actdata.calibrate(d, exclude=["autocut"])
			if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0: raise errors.DataMissing("empty tod")
		except (IOError, errors.DataMissing) as e:
			print("Skipped (%s)" % (e))
		# Compute the power spectrum
		nsamp = d.nsamp
		srate = d.srate
		ft    = fft.rfft(d.tod)
		del d.tod
		ps    = np.abs(ft)**2/(nsamp*srate)
		del ft
		# Choose a random set of detectors to be examples.
		iex = np.random.permutation(len(ps))[:nex]
		examples[ind] = ps[iex]
		# Want mean and dev between detectors. These can
		# be built from ps and ps**2
		stats[:,ind] = calc_bin_stats(ps, bin_freqs, nsamp, srate)
		n, a, a2 = calc_bin_stats(ps, bin_freqs_status, nsamp, srate)
		del ps
		amean = a/n
		adev  = (a2/n - amean**2)**0.5
		print(id + " " + "".join([get_token(me,de) for me,de in zip(amean,adev)]) + " %5.2f" % d.apex.pwv)
	tot_stats = utils.allreduce(stats, comm)
Beispiel #40
			d     =, fields=["array_info", "tags", "site", "mce_filter", "gain","cut","tod","boresight"])
			d     = actdata.calibrate(d, exclude=["tod_fourier"]+(["autocut"] if not args.no_autocut else []))
			if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0: raise errors.DataMissing("empty tod")
		except (IOError, errors.DataMissing) as e:
			print "Skipped (%s)" % (e.message)
		print "Processing %s" % id
		srates[i] = d.srate
		mce_fsamps[i] = d.mce_fsamp
		mce_params[i] = d.mce_params[:4]
		# Compute the power spectrum
		d.tod = d.tod.astype(dtype)
		nsamp = d.nsamp
		srate = d.srate
		ifmax = d.srate/2
		ft    = fft.rfft(d.tod) / (nsamp*srate)**0.5
		nfreq = ft.shape[-1]
		del d.tod
		ps    = np.abs(ft)**2
		# Det specs
		zoom = int(round(ifmax/args.fmax_zoom))
		dspecs[i,d.dets] = bin(ps, args.nbin_det)
		dzooms[i,d.dets] = bin(ps, args.nbin_zoom, zoom=zoom)
		# Aggregate specs. First bin in small bins
		dhigh, binds = bin(ps, args.nbin, return_inds=True)
		# Then compute quantiles
		tspecs[0,i] = np.median(dhigh,0)
		tspecs[1,i] = np.percentile(dhigh,15.86553,0)
		tspecs[2,i] = np.percentile(dhigh,84.13447,0)
		tspecs[3,i] = np.min(dhigh,0)
		tspecs[4,i] = np.max(dhigh,0)
Beispiel #41
def get_model(s, area):
	pos = area.posmap().reshape(2,-1)[::-1].T
	model = np.rollaxis(s.get_model(pos),-1).reshape(-1,area.shape[1],area.shape[2])
	return enmap.ndmap(model, area.wcs)[:area.shape[0]]

if args.measure is None:
	scans = get_scans(area, args.signal, args.bore, args.dets, args.noise, seed=args.seed, real=args.real)
	# Build noise model the same way we do for the real data, i.e. based on
	# measuring data itself. But do that based on a version with more noise
	# than the real one, to simulate realistic S/N ratios without needing
	# too many samples
	scans = get_scans(area, args.signal, args.bore, args.dets, args.noise, seed=args.seed, real=args.real, noise_override=args.measure)
	nmats = []
	for scan in scans:
		ft = fft.rfft(scan.get_samples()) * scan.nsamp**-0.5
		nmats.append(nmat_measure.detvecs_jon(ft, 400.0, shared=True))
	scans = get_scans(area, args.signal, args.bore, args.dets, args.noise, seed=args.seed, real=args.real)
	for scan,nmat in zip(scans,nmats):
		scan.noise = nmat

enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/area.fits", area)
model = get_model(scans[0], area)
enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/model.fits", model)
with open(args.odir + "/tods.txt", "w") as ofile:
	for i, scan in enumerate(scans):"scan %2d/%d" % (i+1,len(scans)))
		enlib.scan.write_scan(args.odir + "/scan%03d.hdf" % i, scan)
		ofile.write("%s/scan%03d.hdf\n" % (args.odir, i))
Beispiel #42
		diff = tod[:,1:]-tod[:,:-1]
		diff = diff[:,:diff.shape[-1]/csize*csize].reshape(d.ndet,-1,csize)
		ivar = 1/(np.median(np.mean(diff**2,-1),-1)/2**0.5)
		del diff
	# Generate planet cut
	with"planet cut"):
		planet_cut = cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset,,
				args.planet, R)
	# Subtract atmospheric model
	with"atm model"):
		model= gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, planet_cut, inplace=False)
	# Estimate noise level
	asens = np.sum(ivar)**-0.5 / d.srate**0.5
	print asens
		ft   = fft.rfft(model)
		freq = fft.rfftfreq(model.shape[-1])*d.srate
		flt  = 1/(1+(freq/model_fknee)**model_alpha)
		ft  *= flt
		fft.ifft(ft, model, normalize=True)
		del ft, flt, freq
	with"atm subtract"):
		tod -= model
		del model
		tod  = tod.astype(dtype, copy=False)
	# Should now be reasonably clean of correlated noise.
	# Proceed to make simple binned map
		scan = actscan.ACTScan(entry, d=d)
		pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, area, sys=sys)
Beispiel #43
for ind in range(comm.rank, nlabel, comm.size):
	id = ids[labels==ind]
	order = np.argsort([i[-1] for i in id])
	id = id[order]
	if len(id) != nsub: continue
	print "Processing " + "+".join(id)
	entries = [[i] for i in id]
		d =
		d = actdata.calibrate(d, exclude=["autocut"])
	except errors.DataMissing as e:
		print "Skipping %s: %s" % (id,e.message)
	tod = d.tod.astype(dtype)
	del d.tod
	ft = fft.rfft(tod)
	del tod

	if corr is None:
		ndet = d.array_info.ndet
		corr = np.zeros((nbin,ndet,ndet),dtype=dtype)
		hits = np.zeros((nbin,ndet,ndet),dtype=int)
		var  = np.zeros((nbin,ndet))
		pos  = np.zeros((ndet,2))
		doff =, fields=["point_offsets"])
		pos[doff.dets] = doff.point_template

	# Fourier-sample bins
	ibins = (fbins/(d.srate/2)*ft.shape[1]).astype(int)
	# Measure each bin
Beispiel #44
            d =
                fields=["gain", "tconst", "cut", "tod", "boresight", "hwp"])
            d = actdata.calibrate(d, exclude=["tod_fourier", "autocut"])
            if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0:
                raise errors.DataMissing("empty tod")
        except (IOError, errors.DataMissing) as e:
            print "Skipped (%s)" % (e.message)
        print "Read %s" % id
        # Filter the HWP signal
        print "no hwp filter"
        #d.tod = todfilter.filter_poly_jon(d.tod, d.boresight[1], hwp=d.hwp)

        ft = fft.rfft(d.tod)
        ps = np.abs(ft)**2 / (d.tod.shape[1] * srate)
        inds = bins * ps.shape[1] / fmax
        bfreqs = np.mean(bins, 1)

        #tod_moo = fft.irfft(ft, normalize=True)
        #ind = np.where(d.dets==640)[0]
        #with h5py.File("foo.hdf", "w") as hfile:
        #	hfile["moo"] = tod_moo[ind]
        #	hfile["ps"] = ps[ind]
        #	hfile["tod"] = d.tod[ind]

        rms_raw = np.array([np.mean(ps[:, b[0]:b[1]], 1) for b in inds]).T**0.5
        #print rms_raw[ind]

        # Compute amount of deconvolution
Beispiel #45
def stroke2spec(arr, wcs):
    ndelay = arr.shape[-1]
    spec = fft.rfft(arr, axes=[-1]).real[..., ::2] * 2 / ndelay
    owcs = pixie.wcs_delay2spec(wcs, ndelay / 4)
    return spec, owcs