Beispiel #1
    def add_mtext_columns(msp):
        insert = Vec3(0, 0, 0)
        attribs = {
            "layer": "STATIC",
            "char_height": 1,
            "insert": insert,

        content = [
            " ".join(lorem_ipsum(50)),
            " ".join(lorem_ipsum(100)),
            " ".join(lorem_ipsum(70)),
        # Create 3 static columns, the content if each column is
        # clearly defined: [content0, content1, content2, ...]
        # The height of the columns is defined by their content, ezdxf adds
        # an automatic column switch `\N` (R2018) between the parts.
        # The height argument should as big as the tallest column needs to be,
        # this value also determines the total height of the MTEXT entity.
        # This is the simplest way to define columns without the need to render
        # the content to determine the required column heights.
        mtext = msp.add_mtext_static_columns(
            content, width=20, gutter_width=1, height=100, dxfattribs=attribs

        insert += Vec3(mtext.columns.total_width + 5, 0, 0)
        attribs["layer"] = "DYNAMIC"
        attribs["insert"] = insert
        content = " ".join(lorem_ipsum(300))

        # Create as much columns as needed for the given common fixed height:
        # Easy for R2018, very hard for <R2018
        # Passing count is required to calculate the correct total width.
        # The get the correct column count requires an exact MTEXT rendering
        # like AutoCAD/BricsCAD, which does not exist yet.
        mtext = msp.add_mtext_dynamic_auto_height_columns(

        insert += Vec3(mtext.columns.total_width + 5, 0, 0)
        attribs["insert"] = insert

        # Create 3 columns with given individual column heights,
        # the last column height is required but ignored and therefore 0,
        # because the last column contains as much of the remaining content
        # as needed.
        # Easy for R2018, very hard for <R2018
            heights=[20, 30, 0],
Beispiel #2
def profile(text, func, runs):
    content = " ".join(lorem_ipsum(1000))
    t0 = time.perf_counter()
    for _ in range(runs):
        func(REPLACE, content)
    t1 = time.perf_counter()
    t = t1 - t0
    print(f"{text} {t:.3f}s")
def random_sized_content(count: int) -> Content:
    """Create content with randomized text size."""
    def size():
        return random.choice([0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3])

    for word in tl.lorem_ipsum(count):
        font = fix_sized_fonts[size()]
        yield Word(word, font)
        yield tl.Space(
Beispiel #4
def indent_first_line(msp, location):
    # Indentation is a multiple of the default text height (MTEXT char_height)
    attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
    attribs["char_height"] = 0.25
    attribs["width"] = 7.5
    editor = MTextEditor("Indent the first line:" + NP)
    props = ParagraphProperties(
        indent=1,  # indent first line = 1x0.25 drawing units
    editor.append(" ".join(lorem_ipsum(100)))
    msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs).set_location(insert=location)
Beispiel #5
def indent_except_fist_line(msp, location):
    # Indentation is a multiple of the default text height (MTEXT char_height)
    attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
    attribs["char_height"] = 0.25
    attribs["width"] = 7.5
    editor = MTextEditor("Indent left paragraph side:" + NP)
    indent = 0.7  # 0.7 * 0.25 = 0.175 drawing units
    props = ParagraphProperties(
        # first line indentation is relative to "left", this reverses the
        # left indentation:
        indent=-indent,  # first line
        # indent left paragraph side:
    editor.append(" ".join(lorem_ipsum(100)))
    msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs).set_location(insert=location)
Beispiel #6
def numbered_list(msp, location):
    attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
    attribs["char_height"] = 0.25
    attribs["width"] = 7.5
    # There are no special commands to build numbered list, the list is build of
    # indentation and a tabulator stop. There is no automatic numbering,
    # but therefore the absolute freedom for using any string as list marker:
    editor = MTextEditor("Numbered List:" + NP)
                       bullets=["1.", "2.", "3."],
                           "First item",
                           "Second item",
                           " ".join(lorem_ipsum(30)),
    # Indentation and tab stops are multiples of the default text height (MTEXT
    # char_height)!
    msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs).set_location(insert=location)
Beispiel #7
def bullet_list(msp, location):
    attribs = dict(ATTRIBS)
    attribs["char_height"] = 0.25
    attribs["width"] = 7.5
    # There are no special commands to build bullet list, the list is build of
    # indentation and a tabulator stop. Each list item needs a marker as an
    # arbitrary string.
    bullet = "•"  # alt + numpad 7
    editor = MTextEditor("Bullet List:" + NP)
        bullets=[bullet] * 3,  # each list item needs a marker
            "First item",
            "Second item",
            " ".join(lorem_ipsum(30)),
    msp.add_mtext(str(editor), attribs).set_location(insert=location)
def stroked_content(count: int, size: int = 1) -> Content:
    """Create content with one text size and groups of words with or without

    font = fix_sized_fonts[size]
    groups = stroke_groups(tl.lorem_ipsum(count))
    for group, stroke in groups:
        # strokes should span across spaces in between words:
        # Spaces between words are bound to the preceding content box renderer,
        # MText is more flexible, but this implementation is easy and good
        # enough, otherwise spaces would need a distinct height and a rendering
        # object, both are not implemented for glue objects.
        continue_stroke = stroke + 8 if stroke else 0
        for word in group[:-1]:
            yield Word(word, font=font, stroke=continue_stroke)
            yield tl.Space(
        # strokes end at the last word, without continue stroke:
        yield Word(group[-1], font=font, stroke=stroke)
        yield tl.Space(
def uniform_content(count: int, size: int = 1) -> Content:
    """Create content with one text size."""
    font = fix_sized_fonts[size]
    for word in tl.lorem_ipsum(count):
        yield Word(word, font)
        yield tl.Space(