Beispiel #1
    def test_table_inline_emphasis(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   Some text before table

   | Field 1 | Field 2       | Field 3         | Field 4          |
   | Apply   | text in       |                 |                  |
   |         | *between*     |                 |                  |
   |         | text          | *text* start    | text *end*       |


        markdown = '''Some text before table

| Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 | Field 4 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Apply | text in<br>_between_<br>text | _text_ start | text _end_ |

        json = rest.publish_string(rst)
        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #2
    def test_body_literal(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   literal block::


        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [
                    minimal_method_json(description='''literal block:

            'tags': []
Beispiel #3
    def test_table_inline_literal(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   Some text before table

   | Field 1        | Field 2  | Field 3      | Field 4        |
   | End ``text``   | ``Name`` | Description  | ``start`` text |


        markdown = '''Some text before table

| Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 | Field 4 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| End `text` | `Name` | Description | `start` text |


        json = rest.publish_string(rst)
        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #4
    def test_body_strong(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

    start text **end**

    **start** end

    start **inline text** end


        markdown = '''start text **end**

**start** end

start **inline text** end

        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #5
    def test_table_multiline_col_entry(self):

        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   Image status

   | Status         | Description                                                         |
   | queued         | The Image service reserved an image ID for the image in the         |
   |                | registry but has not uploaded any image data.                       |
   | saving         | The Image service is currently uploading the raw data for the       |
   |                | image.                                                              |

"""  # noqa
        markdown = '''Image status

| Status | Description |
| --- | --- |
| queued | The Image service reserved an image ID for the image in the<br>registry but has not uploaded any image data. |
| saving | The Image service is currently uploading the raw data for the<br>image. |

'''  # noqa

        json = rest.publish_string(rst)
        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #6
    def test_body_inline_literal(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

    text ``end inline``

    ``start inline`` ending normal

    start text ``inline inline`` end text


        markdown = '''text `end inline`

`start inline` ending normal

start text `inline inline` end text

        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #7
    def test_response_example(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   :responseexample 200: example.json
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [
                            '200': {
                                'description': '',
                                'examples': {
                                    'application/json': {
                                        '$ref': 'example.json'
            'tags': []
Beispiel #8
    def test_body_inline_emphasis(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

    text *end inline*

    *start inline* ending normal

    start text *inline inline* end text


        markdown = '''text _end inline_

_start inline_ ending normal

start text _inline inline_ end text

        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #9
    def test_hyperlink(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   For more information about form POST see `Object
   Storage API v1 (SUPPORTED) <

   Example requests and responses:


        markdown = '''For more information about form POST see [Object\nStorage API v1 (SUPPORTED)](

Example requests and responses:

'''  # noqa
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #10
    def test_table_simple(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   Some text before table

   | Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3      | Field 4  |
   | Apply   | Name    | Description  | Required |


        markdown = '''Some text before table

| Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 | Field 4 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Apply | Name | Description | Required |


        json = rest.publish_string(rst)
        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #11
    def test_body_ul(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   Some normal body text

   - the first item
   - the second item


        markdown = '''Some normal body text

* the first item

* the second item

        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #12
    def test_no_path(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get::

        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {'paths': {}, 'tags': []}
Beispiel #13
    def test_synopsis(self):
        rst = """
.. swagger:tag:: my-tag
   :synopsis: Interesting things!
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)
        assert json == {'paths': {},
                        'tags': [{'name': 'my-tag',
                                  'description': '',
                                  'summary': 'Interesting things!'}]}
Beispiel #14
    def test_body_ul_with_ul(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   Some normal body text

   - the first item
   - the second item

     A new paragraph under second item

     - item under second item:

       ``curl -i $publicURL/janeausten/helloworld.txt``

       And some more text

   - the third item

   Some normal body text again


        markdown = '''Some normal body text

* the first item

* the second item

 A new paragraph under second item

  * item under second item:

   `curl -i $publicURL/janeausten/helloworld.txt`

   And some more text

* the third item

Some normal body text again

        self.maxDiff = None
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #15
    def test_title(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path
   :title: Path Thing
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {'paths':
                         [minimal_method_json(title='Path Thing')]},
                        'tags': []}
Beispiel #16
    def test_description(self):
        rst = """
.. swagger:tag:: my-tag

        json = rest.publish_string(rst)
        assert json == {'paths': {},
                        'tags': [{'name': 'my-tag',
                                  'description': 'body\n\n',
                                  'summary': ''}]}
Beispiel #17
    def test_synopsis(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path
   :synopsis: Some description of the operation
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {'paths':
                             summary='Some description of the operation')]},
                        'tags': []}
Beispiel #18
    def test_path_with_body(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path


        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {'paths':
                        {'/path': [
                        'tags': []}
Beispiel #19
    def test_method_tags(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   :tag: cool-tag
   :tag: cool-tag1
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {'paths':
                             tags=['cool-tag', 'cool-tag1'])]},
                        'tags': []}
Beispiel #20
    def test_statuscode(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   :statuscode 200: Success! Yeah!
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {'paths':
                                        {'description': 'Success! Yeah!'}})]},
                        'tags': []}
Beispiel #21
    def test_body_ul_with_literal_block(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   Some normal body text

   - the first item
   - the second item
   - Create object:


       HTTP/1.1 201 Created
       Last-Modified: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 17:28:35 GMT
       Content-Length: 116
       X-Trans-Id: tx4d5e4f06d357462bb732f-0052d96843
       Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 17:28:35 GMT


        markdown = '''Some normal body text

* the first item

* the second item

* Create object:

        HTTP/1.1 201 Created
        Last-Modified: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 17:28:35 GMT
        Content-Length: 116
        X-Trans-Id: tx4d5e4f06d357462bb732f-0052d96843
        Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 17:28:35 GMT


        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #22
    def test_accepts(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   :accepts: application/json
   :accepts: text/plain
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {'paths':
                        'tags': []}
Beispiel #23
    def test_response_schema(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   :responseschema 200: schema_200.json
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {'paths':
                                        {'description': '',
                        'tags': []}
Beispiel #24
    def test_body_ul_with_literal(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   Some normal body text

   - the first item
   - the second item

     A new paragraph under second item

   - Create object:

     ``curl -i $publicURL/janeausten/helloworld.txt -X PUT -H
     "Content-Length: 1" -H "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"
     -H "X-Auth-Token: $token"``


        markdown = '''Some normal body text

* the first item

* the second item

 A new paragraph under second item

* Create object:

 `curl -i $publicURL/janeausten/helloworld.txt -X PUT -H
"Content-Length: 1" -H "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"
-H "X-Auth-Token: $token"`

        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {
            'paths': {
                '/path': [minimal_method_json(description=markdown)]
            'tags': []
Beispiel #25
    def test_parameter(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   :parameter thing: A parameter something.
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {'paths':
                                 'description': u'A parameter something.',
                                 'in': 'path',
                                 'name': u'thing',
                                 'required': True,
                                 'type': 'string'}])]},
                        'tags': []}
Beispiel #26
    def test_table_with_list(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   Some text before table

   | Response code          | Description                              |
   | ``Bad Request (400)``  | The Identity service failed to parse the |
   |                        | following errors occurred:               |
   |                        |                                          |
   |                        | - A required attribute was missing.      |
   |                        |                                          |
   |                        | - An attribute that is not allowed was a |
   |                        |   POST request in a basic CRUD op.       |
   |                        |                                          |
   |                        | - An ``attribute`` of an unexpected data |
   | ``Forbidden (403)``    | The identity was successfully authent.   |
   |                        | authorized to perform the action.        |


        markdown = '''Some text before table

| Response code | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `Bad Request (400)` | The Identity service failed to parse the<br>following \
errors occurred:<ul><li>A required attribute was missing.</li><li>An\
 attribute that is not allowed was a<br>POST request in a basic CRUD op.\
</li><li>An `attribute` of an unexpected data</li></ul> |
| `Forbidden (403)` | The identity was successfully authent.<br>authorized\
 to perform the action. |


        json = rest.publish_string(rst)
        assert json == {'paths':
                        'tags': []}
Beispiel #27
    def body_code_block(self):
        rst = """
.. http:get:: /path

   Some text before code-block

   .. code-block::json

      the first item


        markdown = '''Some text before code-block\n``` the first item```
        json = rest.publish_string(rst)

        assert json == {'paths':
                        'tags': []}