from requests.exceptions import BaseHTTPError
from fastapi import APIRouter, Form

from app.core import config
from app.custom_router import AutopilotRoute
from app.models import (
from import capture_message, NovelCOVIDApi
from import EndlessMedicalAPI
from app.utils import features_mapping, reponse_mappings, outcomes_mapping

self_screening = APIRouter()
self_screening.route_class = AutopilotRoute
endless_medical_api = EndlessMedicalAPI(config)
novelcovid_api = NovelCOVIDApi(config)"/self-screening/start")
def self_screening_start(UserIdentifier: str = Form(...),
                         Memory: str = Form(...)):
    Starts the screening process
    :param: UserIdentifier: Phone number from Twilio
    :param: Memory: JSON Stringified object from Twilio
    memory = json.loads(Memory)
    twilio = memory.pop("twilio")
Beispiel #2
            and request.headers.get("content-type") != "application/json"
            # we could check for a specific endpoint:
            # request.url.path == "/json"
            # could also check for the type of error:
            # exc.errors()[0]["type"] == "value_error.jsondecode"
        # we should redirect to the form endpoint
        return RedirectResponse(url="/form")
        # otherwise we just have a bad request and we do the normal thing
        return await request_validation_exception_handler(request, exc)

# isolating on a separater router to make testing a little more obvious
form_to_json_router = APIRouter(prefix="/form_to_json")
form_to_json_router.route_class = FormToJSONRoute"/form")
def form_to_json_form_endpoint(user: UserData = Depends(UserFormData)):
    return user"/json")
def form_to_json_json_endpoint(user: UserData):
    return user

def form_to_json_query_endpoint(user: UserData = Depends(UserQueryData)):
    return user
Beispiel #3
from starlette.requests import Request

from woolgatherer.db.session import get_db
from woolgatherer.db.utils import load_query
from woolgatherer.db_models.figmentator import FigmentatorStatus
from woolgatherer.metrics import get_diff_score, remove_stopwords, rouge
from woolgatherer.models.range import split_sentences
from woolgatherer.utils.auth import parse_scopes
from woolgatherer.utils.routing import CompressibleRoute
from woolgatherer.utils.templating import TemplateResponse
from woolgatherer.utils import ngram_overlaps


router = APIRouter()
router.route_class = CompressibleRoute

async def get_finalized_suggestions(
    db: Database,
    status: Sequence[FigmentatorStatus] = (, )
) -> AsyncGenerator[Mapping, None]:
    """ Load the finalized suggestions """
    async with"static", "game_blacklist.txt"),
                             "rt") as blacklist_file:
        blacklist = [l.strip() for l in await blacklist_file.readlines()]

    async for row in db.iterate(
            await load_query("finalized_suggestions.sql"),
            "status": status,
import json

from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException, Form
from loguru import logger

from app.custom_router import AutopilotRoute
from app.models import UserDocument
from app.utils import phone_to_country

user_greeting = APIRouter()
user_greeting.route_class = AutopilotRoute

def greet_user(UserIdentifier: str = Form(...)):
    User greet endpoint
    :param: UserIdentifier: user's phone number from Twilio

    # Check the country from the phone number
        country = phone_to_country(UserIdentifier)
    except ValueError:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid phone number")

    user = UserDocument.get_by_phone(UserIdentifier)

    # Greeting the user since already exists
    if user is not None:
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, Header, HTTPException

from fastapi import APIRouter

from app.core.casbin_auth import CasbinRoute

router = APIRouter()
router.route_class = CasbinRoute

fake_items_db = [{"item_name": "Foo"}, {"item_name": "Bar"}, {"item_name": "Baz"}]

@router.get("/items/", summary= "create items", description="it is 1")
async def read_item(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 10):
    return fake_items_db[skip : skip + limit]

@router.get("/items2/", summary= "create items2", description="it is 2")
async def read_item(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 10):
    return fake_items_db[skip : skip + limit]
Beispiel #6
def make_router(**kwargs: Any) -> APIRouter:
    router = APIRouter(**kwargs)
    router.default_response_class = ZLibORJSONResponse
    router.route_class = ZLibRoute
    return router