Beispiel #1
def groupholtf(groupdf, h=12, alpha=hw.hw_alpha, beta=hw.hw_beta):
    '''Holt-Winters forecasts h-periods ahead from group dataframe.'''
    forecasts = []
    keys = list(groupdf.columns)
    for k in keys:
        kdf = tool.todf(groupdf[k])
        holtdf = hw.holt(kdf, alpha, beta)
        forecastdf = hw.holtforecast(holtdf, h)
    keysdf = tool.paste(forecasts)
    keysdf.columns = keys
    return keysdf
Beispiel #2
def rates2prices(ratarr, mean=0 / 256., initialpx=0):
    '''Convert array containing rates of return to DataFrame of prices.'''
    #  Initial price, initialpx, if not set, implicitly starts at 1.
    #  REMEMBER to adjust annualized mean to match data frequency.
    ret = (1 + mean) + ratarr
    #  Price history is just the products of the returns ret.
    #      Cumulative product, cumprod(), of array elements is very fast.
    productret = np.cumprod(ret)
    if initialpx:
        prices = initialpx * productret
        prices = productret
    return todf(prices)
Beispiel #3
def smallsample_gmr(N,
    '''Demo small sample statistics: repeat geometric mean rates.'''
    ssarr = np.ones((repeat, ))  # small sample array to fill-in.
    for i in range(repeat):
        prices = bsret2prices(N, poparr, inprice=inprice, replace=replace)
        out = gemrat(prices, yearly=yearly, pc=False)
        ssarr[i] = out[0]
    #  For user's convenience, we convert array to DataFrame format:
    return tool.todf(ssarr)
Beispiel #4
def holt(data, alpha=hw_alpha, beta=hw_beta):
    '''Holt-Winters growth (linear) model outputs workout dataframe.'''
    #  holt is an EXPENSIVE function, so retain its output for later.
    holtdf = todf(data).dropna()
    #              'Y'    ^else:
    #     "ValueError: Length of values does not match length of index"
    y = holtdf.values  # Convert to array.
    l, b = holt_winters_growth(y, alpha, beta)
    holtdf['Level'] = l
    holtdf['Growth'] = b
    #    In effect, additional columns 'Level' and 'Growth'
    # for smoothed data and local slope,
    #    along side the original index and given data:
    return holtdf
Beispiel #5
def groupgeoret(groupdf, yearly=256, order=True):
    '''Geometric mean returns, non-overlapping, for group dataframe.
       Argument "yearly" refers to annual frequency, e.g.
       256 for daily trading days, 12 for monthly, 4 for quarterly.
       ATTN: Use groupgemrat() instead for greater accuracy.
    keys = list(groupdf.columns)
    #  Use list comprehension to store lists from georet():
    geo = [tool.georet(tool.todf(groupdf[k]), yearly) + [k] for k in keys]
    #  where each georet list gets appended with an identifying key.
    if order:
        #  Group is ordered in-place with respect to decreasing georet.
    return geo
Beispiel #6
def getfut(slang, maxi=512, col='Settle'):
    '''slang string retrieves single column for one futures contract.

    The string consists of a key from fut_dict concatenated with
    'yym' where yy is shorthand for year and m is the month symbol
    all in lower case, e.g. 'f4xau15z' for December 2015 Comex Gold.

    Available col are: Open, High, Low, Last, Change, Settle,
                        Volume, 'Open Interest'
    #  Other than Eurodollars, we should not need more than 512 days
    #  of data due to finite life of a futures contract.
    #  2015-09-11  quandl default seems to be maxi around 380.
    fut = _qget(fut_decode(slang), rows=maxi)
    #      return just a single column dataframe:
    return tool.todf(fut[[col]])
Beispiel #7
def smallsample_loss(N,
    '''Demo small sample statistics: probability of loss: price < level.
       Relative to investment at initial price, inprice.
    ssarr = np.ones((repeat, ))  # small sample array to fill-in.
    for i in range(repeat):
        prices = bsret2prices(N, poparr, inprice=inprice, replace=replace)
        count = prices[prices < level].dropna().shape[0]
        prob = count / float(N)
        ssarr[i] = prob
    #  For user's convenience, we convert array to DataFrame format:
    return tool.todf(ssarr)
Beispiel #8
def groupgemrat(groupdf, yearly=256, order=False, n=2):
    '''Geometric mean rates, non-overlapping, for group dataframe.
       Argument "yearly" refers to annual frequency, e.g.
       256 for daily trading days, 12 for monthly, 4 for quarterly.
       Output is rounded to n-decimal places.
       Algorithm takes KURTOSIS into account for greater accuracy.
    keys = list(groupdf.columns)
    #  Use list comprehension to store lists from gemrat():
    gem = [
        tool.roundit(gemrat(tool.todf(groupdf[k]), yearly), n, echo=False) +
        [k] for k in keys
    #      ^each gemrat list gets appended with an identifying key.
    if order:
        #  Group is ordered in-place with respect to decreasing gemrat.
    return gem
Beispiel #9
def plotn(data, title='tmp'):
    '''Plot list, array, Series, or DataFrame where the index is numbered.'''
    #  With todf: list, array, or Series will be converted to DataFrame.
    dataframe = tool.todf(data)
    #               ^todf must dropna(),
    #                otherwise index of last point plotted may be wrong.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    #  ax.xaxis_date()
    #  #  ^interpret x-axis values as dates.
    #       show x labels vertically.
    ax.plot(dataframe.index, dataframe, 'b-')
    #       ^x               ^y          blue line
    #                                    k is black.
    ax.set_title(title + ' / last ' + str(dataframe.index[-1]))
    #                                 ^index on last data point
    return [title, fig]
Beispiel #10
def cotr_position(futures='GC'):
    '''Extract market position from CFTC Commitment of Traders Report.'''
    cotr = cotr_get(futures)
    #  Report for both futures and options requested by implicit "FO".
    #  For directionality we use these categories:
        longs = cotr['Asset Manager Longs']
        shorts = cotr['Asset Manager Shorts']
        #  "Leveraged Funds" for FINANCIALS appear short-term, whereas
        #  "Asset Manager" takes longer term perspective.
    except Exception:
        longs = cotr['Money Manager Longs']
        shorts = cotr['Money Manager Shorts']
        #  "Money Manager" for COMMODITIES.
        #  The report is structured differently than financials.
    #                _Scale-free between 0 and 1 indicating bullishness.
    return tool.todf(longs / (longs + shorts))
Beispiel #11
def test_qdl_fecon236_Check_xbt_prices_vSlow_oLocal():
    '''Check on xbt prices on various dates, only Local.'''
    #  Download Bitcoin prices from Quandl:
    xbt = qdl.getqdl(qdl.d7xbtusd)
    xbt = tool.todf(xbt, 'XBT')
    #          todf used to rename column.
    assert abs(tool.tailvalue(xbt[:'2014-02-01']) - 815.99) < 0.1
    assert abs(tool.tailvalue(xbt[:'2015-02-01']) - 220.72) < 0.1
    assert abs(tool.tailvalue(xbt[:'2016-02-01']) - 376.86) < 0.1
    #  Q: Why only Local, i.e. oLocal?
    #  Without revealing one's private authtoken.p,
    #  all Travis CI machines sharing an IP address
    #  will be considered one anonymous user, thus
    #  the limited calls to Quandl will be jointly exceeded,
    #  resulting in "HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests".
    #  And the Travis job will fail for Quandl's server policy
    #  reasons, not the validity of the code.
Beispiel #12
def plotdf(dataframe, title='tmp'):
    '''Plot dataframe where its index are dates.'''
    dataframe = tool.todf(dataframe)
    #                ^todf must dropna(),
    #                 otherwise index of last point plotted may be wrong.
    #           Also helps if dataframe resulted from synthetic operations,
    #           or if a Series was incorrectly submitted as Dataframe.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    #  ^interpret x-axis values as dates.
    #       show x labels vertically.

    ax.plot(dataframe.index, dataframe, 'b-')
    #       ^x               ^y          blue line
    #                                    k is black.
    ax.set_title(title + ' / last ' + str(dataframe.index[-1]))
    #                                 ^timestamp of last data point
    return [title, fig]
Beispiel #13
#       2013-04-16,1380.0
#       2013-04-17,1392.0
#       2013-04-18,1393.75

def test_fred_fecon236_Read_CSV_file():
    '''Read CSV file then check values.'''
    df = fred.readfile('tests' + sep + 'zdata-xau-13hj-c30.csv')
    #         readfile disregards XAU column name:
    assert [col for col in df.columns] == ['Y']
    assert df.shape == (30, 1)
    return df

xau = test_fred_fecon236_Read_CSV_file()
xau = tool.todf(xau, 'XAU')
#          todf used to rename column.

def test_fred_fecon236_check_xau_DataFrame():
    '''Check xau dataframe.'''
    assert [col for col in xau.columns] == ['XAU']
    assert tool.tailvalue(xau) == 1393.75

def test_fred_fecon236_check_xau_frequency():
    '''Check xau dataframe frequency.'''
    assert fred.index_delta_secs(xau) == 86400.0
    #      Expect min daily frequency in seconds.

Beispiel #14
#       2013-04-16,1380.0
#       2013-04-17,1392.0
#       2013-04-18,1393.75

def test_tool_fecon236_Read_CSV_file():
    '''Read CSV file then check values.'''
    df = fred.readfile('tests' + sep + 'zdata-xau-13hj-c30.csv')
    #         readfile disregards XAU column name:
    assert [col for col in df.columns] == ['Y']
    assert df.shape == (30, 1)
    return df

xau = test_tool_fecon236_Read_CSV_file()
xau = tool.todf(xau, 'XAU')
#          todf used to rename column.

def test_tool_fecon236_check_xau_DataFrame():
    '''Check xau dataframe.'''
    assert [col for col in xau.columns] == ['XAU']
    assert tool.tailvalue(xau) == 1393.75

foo = tool.todf(xau + 5000.00, 'FOO')

def test_tool_fecon236_check_foo_DataFrame():
    '''Check foo dataframe which is just xau + 5000.00 increase.'''
    assert [col for col in foo.columns] == ['FOO']
Beispiel #15
def holtgrow(data, alpha=hw_alpha, beta=hw_beta):
    '''Just the Growth dataframe from Holt-Winters growth model.'''
    #  In terms of units expressed in data.
    return todf(holt(data, alpha, beta)['Growth'])
Beispiel #16
def holtlevel(data, alpha=hw_alpha, beta=hw_beta):
    '''Just smoothed Level dataframe from Holt-Winters growth model.'''
    #  Useful to filter out seasonals, e.g. see X-11 method:
    return todf(holt(data, alpha, beta)['Level'])