Beispiel #1
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 1000000, 1000))

    contracts = []
    for i in range(20):
        contracts += [Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)]
    contract_terminal = Contract(TERMINAL_CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    for contract in contracts:
        api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract_terminal, 2000))

    for i in range(len(contracts) - 1):
        api.sync(contracts[i].action(api, 'set_callee', 400, entity1,
                                     str(contracts[i + 1].address)))
    api.sync(contracts[-1].action(api, 'set_callee', 400, entity1,

        api.sync(contracts[0].action(api, 'c2c_call', 400, entity1))
        assert False, \
            'Expected transaction to fail'
    except RuntimeError:
Beispiel #2
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT2, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 10000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 10000))

    BALANCE1 = 5000
    BALANCE2 = 3000
    assert BALANCE1 != BALANCE2, \
        'Contracts must have different amounts of funds' \
        'to ensure that balance() queries the balance of its respective contract'
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract.address, BALANCE1, 200))
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract2.address, BALANCE2, 200))

        contract.action(api, 'c2c_call', 10000, entity1,

    result_balance1 = contract.query(api, 'query_balance_state')
    assert result_balance1 == BALANCE1, \
        'Expected BALANCE1 {}, found {}'.format(BALANCE1, result_balance1)

    result_balance2 = contract.query(api, 'query_c2c_balance_state')
    assert result_balance2 == BALANCE2, \
        'Expected BALANCE2 {}, found {}'.format(BALANCE2, result_balance2)
Beispiel #3
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 1000000))

    contract0 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract1 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract3 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract0, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract1, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract3, 2000))

    api.sync(contract0.action(api, 'set_callee',
                              400, [entity1], str(contract1.address)))
    api.sync(contract1.action(api, 'set_callee',
                              400, [entity1], str(contract2.address)))
    api.sync(contract2.action(api, 'set_callee',
                              400, [entity1], str(contract3.address)))
    api.sync(contract3.action(api, 'set_callee',
                              400, [entity1], str(contract0.address)))

        api.sync(contract0.action(api, 'c2c_call',
                                  400, [entity1]))
        assert False, \
            'Expected transaction to fail'
    except RuntimeError:
Beispiel #4
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 1000000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT2, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 20000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 20000))

    current_block = api.tokens._current_block_number()

        contract.action(api, 'c2c_call', 40000, [entity1],


    later_block = contract.query(api, 'query_block_number_state')
    assert later_block > current_block, \
        'Expected number larger than {}, found {}'.format(
            current_block, later_block)
    def test_init(self):
        # Test rejection of contract with multiple init statements
        owner = Entity()
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            contract = Contract(MULTIPLE_INITS, owner)

        # Test successful creation without init (to support local etch testing)
            contract = Contract(NO_INIT, owner)
        except Exception:
  "Contract initialisation with @init failed")

        # Test creation failure without init
        api = mock.Mock()
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            contract.create(api, owner, 100)
Beispiel #6
def main():
    # create our first private key pair
    entity1 = Entity()
    address1 = Address(entity1)

    # create a second private key pair
    entity2 = Entity()
    address2 = Address(entity2)

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi('', 8000)

    # create wealth so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 10000))

    # create the smart contract
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    with track_cost(api.tokens, entity1, "Cost of creation: "):
        api.sync(contract.create(api, entity1, 4000))

    # print the current status of all the tokens
    print('-- BEFORE --')
    print_address_balances(api, contract, [address1, address2])

    # transfer from one to the other using our newly deployed contract
    tok_transfer_amount = 200
    fet_tx_fee = 160
    with track_cost(api.tokens, entity1, "Cost of transfer: "):
        api.sync(contract.action(api, 'transfer', fet_tx_fee, [entity1], address1, address2, tok_transfer_amount))

    print('-- AFTER --')
    print_address_balances(api, contract, [address1, address2])
Beispiel #7
def main():
    # In examples we use addresses which already have funds
    entity1 = Entity.from_hex(
    entity2 = Entity.from_hex(

    address1 = Address(entity1)

    # create a second private key pair
    address2 = Address(entity2)

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi('', 8000)

    # create the smart contract
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    with track_cost(api.tokens, entity1, "Cost of creation: "):
        api.sync(contract.create(api, entity1, 4000))

    # print the current status of all the tokens
    print('-- BEFORE --')
    print_address_balances(api, contract, [address1, address2])

    # transfer from one to the other using our newly deployed contract
    tok_transfer_amount = 200
    fet_tx_fee = 160
    with track_cost(api.tokens, entity1, "Cost of transfer: "):
            contract.action(api, 'transfer', fet_tx_fee, entity1, address1,
                            address2, tok_transfer_amount))

    print('-- AFTER --')
    print_address_balances(api, contract, [address1, address2])
Beispiel #8
def main():
    # create the API
    api = LedgerApi('', 8000)

    # create an entity from a private key stored in hex
    entity = Entity.from_hex(

    # create the contract on the ledger
    synergetic_contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity)
    print('Creating contract..')
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, synergetic_contract, 4096))

    # create a whole series of random data to submit to the DAG
    random_ints = [random.randint(0, 200) for _ in range(10)]
    fee = 100000000
        [api.contracts.submit_data(entity, synergetic_contract.digest, synergetic_contract.address, fee, value=value) \
         for value in random_ints])
    print('Data submitted.')


    print('Issuing query...')
    result = synergetic_contract.query(api, 'query_result')
    print('Query result:', result)
    def test_create(self, mock_shard_mask):
        # create contract
        owner = Entity()
        contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, owner)

        # Mock api for providing number of lanes and receiving create call
        api = mock.Mock(spec=LedgerApi)
        api.server = mock.Mock()
        lane_number = 2
        api.server.num_lanes.side_effect = [lane_number]
        api.contracts = mock.Mock(spec=ContractsApi)

        # Mock shard mask static method
        dummy_shard_mask = mock.Mock()
        mock_shard_mask.side_effect = [dummy_shard_mask]

        contract.create(api, owner, 1000)

        # Check shard mask gen called with contract digest address
        # Check api create method called
            owner, contract, 1000, shard_mask=dummy_shard_mask)
Beispiel #10
def run(options, benefactor):
    # Create keypair for the contract owner
    entity = Entity()

    host = options['host']
    port = options['port']

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(host, port)

    # Transfer tokens from benefactor
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity, int(1e7), 1000))

    # Load contract source
    source_file = os.path.join(HERE, "hello_world.etch")
    with open(source_file, "r") as fb:
        source =

    # Create contract
    contract = Contract(source, entity)

    # Deploy contract
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, contract, 10000))

    # Printing message
    print(contract.query(api, 'persistentGreeting'))
Beispiel #11
def main(source, name):
    # Constellation
    HOST = ''
    PORT = 8100

    # deploy the contract to the network
    api = LedgerApi(HOST, PORT)
    # api = LedgerApi(network='alphanet')

    # Create keypair for the contract owner
    owner = Entity()
    owner_addr = Address(owner)
    # print(owner_addr)

    # Need funds to deploy contract
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(owner, 20000))

    # Create contract
    contract = Contract(source, owner)

    # Deploy contract
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(owner, contract, 10000))

    # Save the contract to the disk
    with open('sample.contract', 'w') as contract_file:

    # Save the contract owner's private key to disk
    with open('owner_private.key', 'w') as private_key_file:

    print(f"Contract {name}.etch has successfully been deployed.")
def run(options, benefactor):
    # Create keypair for the contract owner
    entity = Entity()
    address = Address(entity)

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # Need funds to deploy contract
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity, int(1e7), 1000))

    # Load contract source
    source_file = os.path.join(HERE, "contract.etch")
    with open(source_file, "r") as fb:
        source =

    # Create contract
    contract = Contract(source, entity)

    # Deploy contract
    fet_tx_fee = api.tokens.balance(entity)
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, contract, fet_tx_fee))

    # Printing balance of the creating address
    print(contract.query(api, 'balanceOf', owner=address))

    # Getting the 9'th token id.
    token_id = contract.query(api, 'getTokenId', number=9)

    # Testing
    contract.query(api, 'isEqual', number=9, expected=token_id)

    # Locating the owner of a token
    print("Finding the owner of ", token_id)
    print(contract.query(api, 'ownerOf', token_id=token_id))
Beispiel #13
def main():
    # create the API
    api = LedgerApi('', 8000)

    # create an entity and provide it some wealth
    entity = Entity()
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity, 100000000))

    # create the contract on the ledger
    synergetic_contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT)
    print('Creating contract..')
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, synergetic_contract, 4096))
    print('Contract submitted ({}.{}).'.format(
        synergetic_contract.digest.to_hex(), synergetic_contract.owner))

    # create a whole series of random data to submit to the DAG
    random_ints = [random.randint(0, 200) for _ in range(10)]
                                  value=value) for value in random_ints
    print('Data submitted.')


    print('Issuing query...')
    result = synergetic_contract.query(api, 'query_result')
    print('Query result:', result)
def main():
    print('Loading private key...')

    # load up the previously created private key
    with open('private.key', 'r') as private_key_file:
        entity1 = Entity.prompt_load(private_key_file)

    print('Loading private key...complete')

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi('', 8000)

    # create the smart contract
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    print('Deploying contract...')

    # deploy the contract to the network
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))

    print('Deploying contract...complete')

    # save the contract to the disk
    with open('sample.contract', 'w') as contract_file:
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 1000000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT2, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 2000))

        contract.action(api, 'c2c_call', 400, entity1, str(contract2.address)))
Beispiel #16
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # create wealth so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    print('Create wealth...')
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 100000000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT)

    # deploy the contract to the network
    print('Create contract...')
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 10000))

    submit_synergetic_data(api, contract, [100, 20, 3], entity1)

    print('Query init state...')
    init_result = contract.query(api, 'query_init_test')
    print('Init state: ', init_result)
    assert init_result == 123

    print('Execute action...')
    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'action_test', 10000, [entity1]))

    print('Query action state...')
    action_result = contract.query(api, 'query_action_test')
    print('Action state: ', action_result)
    assert action_result == 456
Beispiel #17
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # create funds so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    # deploy the contract to the network
    status = api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))[0]

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(entity1, contract.address, 10000, 500))

    block_number = status.exit_code
    v = contract.query(api, 'get_init_block_number_state')
    assert block_number > 0
    assert block_number == v, \
        'Returned block number by the contract ({}) is not what expected ({})'.format(
            v, block_number)

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'set_block_number_state', 400, entity1))

    assert block_number <= contract.query(api, 'query_block_number_state')
Beispiel #18
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])
    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000000, 1000))
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 10000))

    result = contract.query(api, 'check_x_with_default')
    assert result == 999,\
        'Expected to receive default value of 999, got {}'.format(result)
        contract.query(api, 'check_x')
        assert False, 'Expected query to fail'
    except RuntimeError:

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'set_x_to_3', 200, entity1))

    result = contract.query(api, 'check_x_with_default')
    assert result == 3, \
        'Expected to receive value of 3, got {}'.format(result)
    result = contract.query(api, 'check_x')
    assert result == 3, \
        'Expected to receive value of 3, got {}'.format(result)

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'set_x_to_5', 200, entity1))

    result = contract.query(api, 'check_x_with_default')
    assert result == 5, \
        'Expected to receive value of 5, got {}'.format(result)
    result = contract.query(api, 'check_x')
    assert result == 5, \
        'Expected to receive value of 5, got {}'.format(result)
Beispiel #19
def setup(api, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000, 1000))

    contract1 = Contract(TRANSFER_CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    initial_owner_balance = api.tokens.balance(Address(entity1))
    assert initial_owner_balance == 100000, \
        'Expected initial directly-queried balance to be 0, found {}'.format(
            100000, initial_owner_balance)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract1, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 2000))

    return entity1, contract1, contract2
Beispiel #20
 def create_new(self, fee_limit):
     self.contract = Contract(_CONTRACT_TEXT, self._entity)
     print('Creating contract..')
         self._api.contracts.create(self._entity, self.contract, fee_limit))
     if len(self._name) > 0:
         with open(self._workdir + "/" + self._name + ".json", "w") as f:
Beispiel #21
 def deploy(self,
     contract = Contract(contract_text, owner)
     self.api.sync(self.api.tokens.wealth(owner, top_up))
     self.api.sync(self.api.contracts.create(owner, contract, tx_fee))
     self.add_contract(contract_name, contract_text, contract, owner)
     self.add_entity(f"{contract_name}_owner", owner, top_up=0)
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 1000000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)
    contract2 = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT2, entity1)

    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract2, 2000))

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'c2c_call', 400,
                             entity1, str(contract2.address)))

    result = contract.query(api, 'query_eleven')
    assert result == 11, \
        'Expected 11, found {}'.format(result)
Beispiel #23
 def deploy(self, contract : str):
     Deploy contract. Feeds back compilation errors.
         contract = Contract(contract)
         with self.track_cost(self.api.tokens, self.entity, "Cost of creation: "):
             result = contract.create(self.api, self.entity, 4000)
             return result
     except Exception as e:
Beispiel #24
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

        api.sync([contract.action(api, 'some_action', 100, entity1)])
        assert False, 'Expected action to fail'
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'Contract Lookup Failure' in str(e), \
            'Unexpected error message from server: {}'.format(e)
Beispiel #25
def run(options, benefactor):
    entity1 = Entity()
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.transfer(benefactor, entity1, 100000, 1000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

        contract.query(api, 'some_query')
        assert False, 'Expected query to fail'
    except RuntimeError as e:
        assert 'Unable to look up contract' in str(e), \
            'Unexpected error message from server: {}'.format(e)
Beispiel #26
def deployContract(entity):
    api = LedgerApi(HOST, 8100)

    # create the smart contract
    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT)

    print('Deploying contract...')

    # deploy the contract to the network
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity, contract, 6000))

    print('Deploying contract...complete')

    return contract
Beispiel #27
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # create the APIs
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 1000000))

    contracts = []
    for i in range(5):
        contracts += [Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)]
    contract_terminal = Contract(TERMINAL_CONTRACT_TEXT, entity1)

    for contract in contracts:
        api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract_terminal, 2000))

    for i in range(len(contracts) - 1):
        api.sync(contracts[i].action(api, 'set_callee', 400, [entity1],
                                     str(contracts[i + 1].address)))
    api.sync(contracts[-1].action(api, 'set_callee', 400, [entity1],

    api.sync(contracts[0].action(api, 'c2c_call', 400, [entity1]))
Beispiel #28
    def test_dumps_and_loads_without_owner(self):
        # create the contract
        orig = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT)

        # encode the contract
        encoded = orig.dumps()

        # re-create the contract
        new = Contract.loads(encoded)

        # checks
        self.assertIsInstance(new, Contract)
        self.assertEqual(orig.owner, new.owner)
        self.assertEqual(orig.digest, new.digest)
        self.assertEqual(orig.source, new.source)
    def test_dumps_and_loads(self):
        owner = Entity()
        orig = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT, owner, b'this is a nonce')

        # encode the contract
        encoded = orig.dumps()

        # re-create the contract
        new = Contract.loads(encoded)

        # checks
        self.assertIsInstance(new, Contract)
        self.assertEqual(orig.owner, new.owner)
        self.assertEqual(orig.digest, new.digest)
        self.assertEqual(orig.source, new.source)
Beispiel #30
def run(options):
    entity1 = Entity()

    # build the ledger API
    api = LedgerApi(options['host'], options['port'])

    # create wealth so that we have the funds to be able to create contracts on the network
    api.sync(api.tokens.wealth(entity1, 100000))

    contract = Contract(CONTRACT_TEXT)

    # deploy the contract to the network
    api.sync(api.contracts.create(entity1, contract, 2000))

    api.sync(contract.action(api, 'set_block_number_state', 400, [entity1]))

    assert contract.query(api, 'query_block_number_state') > 0