def create_hdf5_container(path_i1, path_o, lf_name):

    px = 48
    py = 48

    nviews = 9

    sx = 16
    sy = 16

    file = h5py.File(path_o + '/' + lf_name + '.hdf5', 'w')

    # read diffuse color
    LF = file_io.read_lightfield(path_i1)
    LF = LF.astype(np.float32)  # / 255.0

    cv_gt =
    lf_tools.save_image(path_o + '/' + lf_name, cv_gt)

    # maybe we need those, probably not.
    param_dict = file_io.read_parameters(path_i1)

    dset_blocks = []
    # block count: write out one individual light field
    cx = np.int32((LF.shape[3] - px) / sx) + 1
    cy = np.int32((LF.shape[2] - py) / sy) + 1

    for i, j in itertools.product(np.arange(0, nviews), np.arange(0, nviews)):
            file.create_dataset('views%d%d' % (i, j), (cy, cx, 3, px, py),
                                chunks=(1, 1, 3, px, py),
                                maxshape=(None, None, 3, px, py)))
    # lists indexed in 2D
    dset_blocks = [
        dset_blocks[x:x + nviews] for x in range(0, len(dset_blocks), nviews)

    sys.stdout.write(lf_name + ': ')

    for bx in np.arange(0, cx):

        for by in np.arange(0, cy):

            x = bx * sx
            y = by * sx

            # extract data
            for i, j in itertools.product(np.arange(0, nviews),
                                          np.arange(0, nviews)):
                dset_blocks[i][j][bx, by, :, :, :] = np.transpose(
                    np.array(LF[i, j, x:x + px, y:y + py, :]),
                    (-1, 0, 1)).reshape(3, px, py)

    sys.stdout.write(' Done.\n')
def convert_to_hdf5(data_folder, tgt=None):
    if tgt is None:
        tgt = os.path.join(data_folder, "scene.h5")

    scene = dict()
    scene["LF"] = file_io.read_lightfield(data_folder)
    params = file_io.read_parameters(data_folder)

    if params["category"] != "test":
        scene["disp_highres"] = file_io.read_disparity(data_folder, highres=True)
        scene["disp_lowres"] = file_io.read_disparity(data_folder, highres=False)
        scene["depth_highres"] = file_io.read_depth(data_folder, highres=True)
        scene["depth_lowres"] = file_io.read_depth(data_folder, highres=False)

    file_io.write_hdf5(scene, tgt)
def visualize_scene(data_folder):
    params = file_io.read_parameters(data_folder)

    if params["category"] == "test":
        print("Test scenes with hidden ground truth are not visualized.")

    light_field = file_io.read_lightfield(data_folder)
    disp_map_highres = file_io.read_disparity(data_folder, highres=True)
    disp_map_lowres = file_io.read_disparity(data_folder, highres=False)
    depth_map_lowres = file_io.read_depth(data_folder, highres=False)

    rows, cols = 1, 4
    cb_shrink = 0.7
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4))
    plt.suptitle("%s:%s (%s)" %
                 (params["category"].title(), params["scene"].title(),
                  "x".join(str(i) for i in list(np.shape(light_field)))))

    plt.subplot(rows, cols, 1)
    plt.title("Center View")
    plt.imshow(light_field[4, 4, :, :, :])

    plt.subplot(rows, cols, 2)
    plt.title("Depth Map (%dx%d)" % np.shape(depth_map_lowres))
    cc = plt.imshow(depth_map_lowres, cmap=cm.viridis, interpolation="none")
    plt.colorbar(cc, shrink=cb_shrink)

    plt.subplot(rows, cols, 3)
    plt.title("Disparity Map (%dx%d)" % np.shape(disp_map_lowres))
    cc = plt.imshow(disp_map_lowres, cmap=cm.viridis, interpolation="none")
    plt.colorbar(cc, shrink=cb_shrink)

    plt.subplot(rows, cols, 4)
    plt.title("Disparity Map (%dx%d)" % np.shape(disp_map_highres))
    cc = plt.imshow(disp_map_highres, cmap=cm.viridis, interpolation="none")
    plt.colorbar(cc, shrink=cb_shrink)

    fig_name = os.path.join(data_folder, "scene.png")
    plt.savefig(fig_name, dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')
import file_io
import sys
import os 

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("Please include parameter file")
param_file = sys.argv[1]

subreddits = file_io.read_parameters(param_file)[1]
src = file_io.read_parameters(param_file)[6]
count = []

subreddits = [x.lower() for x in subreddits]

for sub in subreddits:
    del_count = 0
    input_file = src + '/' + sub.lower() + '_' + src + '.json'
    data =['data']

    for datum in data:
        if datum['body'] == '[removed]' in datum['body']:
            del_count += 1

with open(src + '/' + src + '_rem_count.txt', 'w', encoding="utf8") as f:
Beispiel #5
    # imean = 0.3
    # factor = imean / np.mean(cv_gt)
    # LF_diffuse = LF_diffuse*factor
    # LF_specular = LF_specular*factor
    # LF = np.add(LF_diffuse, LF_specular)
    # cv_gt =

    disp = file_io.read_disparity(data_folder)
    disp_gt = np.array(disp[0])
    disp_gt = np.flip(disp_gt, 0)

    lf_tools.save_image(training_data_dir + 'input' + lf_name, cv_gt)
    # lf_tools.save_image(training_data_dir + 'input' + lf_name, cv_gt)

    # maybe we need those, probably not.
    param_dict = file_io.read_parameters(data_folder)

    # write out one individual light field
    # block count
    cx = np.int32((LF.shape[3] - px) / sx) + 1
    cy = np.int32((LF.shape[2] - py) / sy) + 1

    for by in np.arange(0, cy):

        for bx in np.arange(0, cx):

            x = bx * sx
            y = by * sx
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
import csv
import string
import file_io
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from collections import Counter

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("Please include parameter file and API file")
param_file = sys.argv[1]

subreddits = file_io.read_parameters(param_file)[1]
src,dst = file_io.read_parameters(param_file)[6:8]

#gather data on stopwords and symbols to be ignored
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
punctuation = list(string.punctuation)
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()

syn = file_io.load_dict('syn.txt')
slurs = file_io.load_slurs('slurs')

for sub in subreddits:
    sub_data = []
    word_count = {}
Beispiel #7
import Reddit
import file_io
import time
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("Please include parameter file")
param_file = sys.argv[1]

method, subreddits, start, end, fields, k, src, dst, extend =  file_io.read_parameters(param_file)

program_start = int(time.time())

for sub in subreddits:
    sub_count = 0
    epoch = start
    output_file = dst + '/' + sub.lower() + '_' + dst + '.json'

    if extend:
        epoch, sub_count = file_io.extract_data(sub,src)

    while True:
        if (method=="count" and sub_count >= k*1000) or (method=="time" and epoch <= end):

        epoch, count_curr = Reddit.request_data(sub,500,fields,epoch,sub_count==0)

        if count_curr == -1:
import language
import file_io
import time
import json
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print("Please include parameter file and API file")
param_file = sys.argv[1]
key_file = sys.argv[2]

program_start = int(time.time())

subreddits = file_io.read_parameters(param_file)[1]
k, src, dst, ext = file_io.read_parameters(param_file)[5:]
k = k * 1000

for sub in subreddits:
    sub_data = []
    input_file = src + '/' + sub.lower() + '_' + src + '.json'
    comment_data =["data"]
    output_file = dst + '/' + sub.lower() + '_' + dst + '.json'

    c = 0  #number of api calls
    d = 0  #number of succesful api calls
    st = 0
    end = len(comment_data)

    if ext: