Beispiel #1
def VisibleMembers(component, class_attrs=None, verbose=False):
    """Returns a list of the members of the given component.

  If verbose is True, then members starting with _ (normally ignored) are

    component: The component whose members to list.
    class_attrs: (optional) If component is a class, you may provide this as:
      inspectutils.GetClassAttrsDict(component). If not provided, it will be
      computed. If provided, this determines how class members will be treated
      for visibility. In particular, methods are generally hidden for
      non-instantiated classes, but if you wish them to be shown (e.g. for
      completion scripts) then pass in a different class_attr for them.
    verbose: Whether to include private members.
    A list of tuples (member_name, member) of all members of the component.
    if isinstance(component, dict):
        members = component.items()
        members = inspect.getmembers(component)

    # If class_attrs has not been provided, compute it.
    if class_attrs is None:
        class_attrs = inspectutils.GetClassAttrsDict(component)
    return [(member_name, member) for member_name, member in members
            if MemberVisible(component,
Beispiel #2
def _DictAsString(result, verbose=False):
  """Returns a dict as a string.

    result: The dict to convert to a string
    verbose: Whether to include 'hidden' members, those keys starting with _.
    A string representing the dict

  # We need to do 2 iterations over the items in the result dict
  # 1) Getting visible items and the longest key for output formatting
  # 2) Actually construct the output lines
  class_attrs = inspectutils.GetClassAttrsDict(result)
  result_visible = {
      key: value for key, value in result.items()
      if completion.MemberVisible(result, key, value,
                                  class_attrs=class_attrs, verbose=verbose)

  if not result_visible:
    return '{}'

  longest_key = max(len(str(key)) for key in result_visible.keys())
  format_string = '{{key:{padding}s}} {{value}}'.format(padding=longest_key + 1)

  lines = []
  for key, value in result.items():
    if completion.MemberVisible(result, key, value, class_attrs=class_attrs,
      line = format_string.format(key=str(key) + ':',
  return '\n'.join(lines)
Beispiel #3
def MemberVisible(component, name, member, class_attrs=None, verbose=False):
    """Returns whether a member should be included in auto-completion or help.

  Determines whether a member of an object with the specified name should be
  included in auto-completion or help text(both usage and detailed help).

  If the member name starts with '__', it will always be excluded. If it
  starts with only one '_', it will be included for all non-string types. If
  verbose is True, the members, including the private members, are included.

  When not in verbose mode, some modules and functions are excluded as well.

    component: The component containing the member.
    name: The name of the member.
    member: The member itself.
    class_attrs: (optional) If component is a class, provide this as:
      inspectutils.GetClassAttrsDict(component). If not provided, it will be
    verbose: Whether to include private members.
    A boolean value indicating whether the member should be included.
    if isinstance(name, six.string_types) and name.startswith('__'):
        return False
    if verbose:
        return True
    if member in (absolute_import, division, print_function):
        return False
    if isinstance(member, type(absolute_import)) and six.PY34:
        return False
    if inspect.ismodule(member) and member is six:
        # TODO(dbieber): Determine more generally which modules to hide.
        return False
    if inspect.isclass(component):
        # If class_attrs has not been provided, compute it.
        if class_attrs is None:
            class_attrs = inspectutils.GetClassAttrsDict(class_attrs) or {}
        class_attr = class_attrs.get(name)
        if class_attr:
            # Methods and properties should only be accessible on instantiated
            # objects, not on uninstantiated classes.
            if class_attr.kind in ('method', 'property'):
                return False
            # Backward compatibility notes: Before Python 3.8, namedtuple attributes
            # were properties. In Python 3.8, they have type tuplegetter.
            tuplegetter = getattr(collections, '_tuplegetter', type(None))
            if isinstance(class_attr.object, tuplegetter):
                return False
    if (six.PY2 and inspect.isfunction(component) and name
            in ('func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults', 'func_dict',
                'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name')):
        return False
    if (six.PY2 and inspect.ismethod(component)
            and name in ('im_class', 'im_func', 'im_self')):
        return False
    if isinstance(name, six.string_types):
        return not name.startswith('_')
    return True  # Default to including the member
Beispiel #4
def HasCustomStr(component):
    """Determines if a component has a custom __str__ method.

    Uses inspect.classify_class_attrs to determine the origin of the object's
    __str__ method, if one is present. If it defined by `object` itself, then
    it is not considered custom. Otherwise it is. This means that the __str__
    methods of primitives like ints and floats are considered custom.

    Objects with custom __str__ methods are treated as values and can be
    serialized in places where more complex objects would have their help screen
    shown instead.

      component: The object to check for a custom __str__ method.
      Whether `component` has a custom __str__ method.
    if hasattr(component, "__str__"):
        class_attrs = inspectutils.GetClassAttrsDict(type(component)) or {}
        str_attr = class_attrs.get("__str__")
        if str_attr and str_attr.defining_class is not object:
            return True
    return False