Beispiel #1
def meandata(num):
    """ Run a single subjects data, drawing the BOLD data
    from the /bold dir text files. """

    sdir = subdir(num)
    roi_names = [
            "wartaskAB_Right Accumbens_str2_bold.txt",
            "wartaskAB_Right Accumbens_bold.txt",
            "wartaskAB_Right Caudate_bold.txt"]
    # --
    # Get that Ss data and trial information.
    sdata = get_behave_data(num)
    trials = get_trials()
    durations = get_durations()

    # --
    # Go!
    roi_results = []
    for name in roi_names:
        spath = os.path.join(sdir, 'bold', name)
        # Init this roi's models
        roiglm = fmri.catreward.roi.exps.base.CatMean(
                1.5, spath, trials, durations, sdata)

        # Get, reformat (extract), and store the results.

    return roi_results
Beispiel #2
def data(num):
    """ Run a single subjects data. """

    sdir = subdir(num)
    roi_names = [
            "wartaskAB_Right Accumbens_str2.nii.gz",
            "wartaskAB_Right Accumbens.nii.gz",
            "wartaskAB_Right Caudate.nii.gz"]
    # --
    # Get that Ss data and trial information.
    sdata = get_behave_data(num)
    trials = get_trials_combined()
    durations = get_durations()

    # --
    # Go!
    roi_results = []
    for name in roi_names:
        spath = os.path.join(sdir, name)
        # Init this roi's models
        roiglm = fmri.catreward.roi.base.Catreward(
                1.5, spath, trials, durations, sdata)
        # Get, reformat (extract), and store the results.

    return roi_results
Beispiel #3
def run_all(write=True):
    """ Run all RL models for all subjects. If <write>, write the data 
    to a csv file. """

    subjects = [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118]

    reward_names = ["acc", "gl"]
    similarities = [None, "exp", "gauss", "rdis"]

    rl_data = []
    for num in subjects:
        for name in reward_names:
            for sim in similarities:
                # Get the parameters the run the rl model:
                stimindex = get_behave_data(num)["stimindex"]
                alpha, beta = get_rl_params(num, sim, name)
                vals, rpes, rews = run(num, sim, name, alpha)

                # Save the results, row wise, with metadata.
                for val, rpe, rew, idx in zip(vals, rpes, rews, stimindex):
                    row = (idx, val, rpe, rew, num, name, sim)

    if write:
        # Ease writing and None substitution
        # with pandas
        ftable = pandas.DataFrame(rl_data, columns=["stimindex", "value", "rpe", "sim_reward", "sub", "reward", "sim"])
        ftable.to_csv("101_118_rl_data.txt", header=True, index=False, na_rep="none")

    return rl_data
Beispiel #4
def run(num, roi_class_name, trials_name):
    """ For subject <num>, run all models for all ROIs.

    Note: Must be run from the parent folder of all the fMRI datasets."""

    sdir = subdir(num)
    roi_class_path = roi_class_name.split('.')
    txt_classes = ['CatMean', 'Nobox', 'CatMeanFir', 'Subtime']
    if roi_class_name == 'Catreward':
        roi_names = get_roi_names(kind='nii')
    elif roi_class_name in txt_classes:
        roi_names = get_roi_names(kind='txt')
        sdir = os.path.join(sdir, 'bold')
            ## Swich to the bold dir too
        raise ValueError("Could not find suitable ROI names.")

    # --
    # Get that Ss data and trial information.
    sdata = get_behave_data(num)

    durations = get_durations()
    trials = None
    if trials_name == 'get_trials':
        trials = get_trials()
    elif trials_name == 'get_trials_combined':
        trials = get_trials_combined()
        raise ValueError("trials_name was unkown.")

    # --
    # Go!
    results = []
    for name in roi_names:
        spath = os.path.join(sdir, name)
        # Init this roi's models
        Roiclass = getattr(bclasses, roi_class_name)
        roiglm = Roiclass(1.5, spath, trials, durations, sdata)

        # Get, reformat (extract), and store the results.
        # And del it to keep memory reasonable

    return results
Beispiel #5
def main(num, roi_names, roi_class_name):
    """ The main worker for

    <num> is a valid subject number code (101-118)
    <roi_names> is the names of the rois you wish to analyze
    <roi_class_name> is the name of the fmri.catreward.roi.exps.base 
    class you want to use for the experiment. 
    This script saves each Ss data to seperate files, returning nothing. """

    # --
    # Get that Ss data and trial information.
    trials = get_trials_combined()
    durations = get_durations()

    sdata = get_behave_data(num)
        ## Add all data to sdata, a dict

    # --
    # The fMRI data is located at:
    sdir = subdir(num)
    # --
    results = []
    for name in roi_names:
        spath = os.path.join(sdir, 'bold', name)
        # Init this roi's models
        Roiclass = getattr(bclasses, roi_class_name)
        roiglm = Roiclass(1.5, spath, trials, durations, sdata)

        # Get, reformat (extract), and store the results.
        # And del it to keep memory reasonable

    return results
Beispiel #6
def run(num, similarity_name=None, reward_name="acc", alpha=0.3):
    """ Run a RL model based on <num>'s data, <similarity_name> is
    the of the similarity metric data you want to use, see for details.
    <reward_name> is the name of the data to be used as rewards in the 
    model.  Options are 'acc' ({0,1}, i.e. behavioral accuracy or 
    'gl' ({-1,1}, short for gain/lose).

    values, rpes, and sim_rewards (as a list) tied to the trial 
    structure returned by """

    # --
    # Get subject's data
    sdata = get_behave_data(num)

    responses = np.array(sdata["resp"])

    rewards = None
    if reward_name == "acc":
        rewards = np.array(sdata["acc"], dtype=np.float32)
    elif reward_name == "gl":
        rewards = np.array(sdata["gl"], dtype=np.float32)

    trials = np.array(
    conds = list(set(trials))
    ## conds are the unqie entries in trials

    values = np.zeros_like(trials, dtype=np.float32)
    rpes = np.zeros_like(trials, dtype=np.float32)
    sim_rewards = np.zeros_like(trials, dtype=np.float32)
    ## Returned....

    # Each cond has n states,
    # matching the number of
    # responses (approx 2: {1,6}).
    # Wrong button presses
    # are included, however these
    # are never rewarded so stay at 0.
    for cond in conds:
        if cond == 0:
        ## Drop jitter.

        # Create states and their rewards.
        mask = trials == cond
        states_c = responses[mask]
        rewards_c = rewards[mask]  ## _c for cond...

        # Get the RL alg we want to run.
        # based on similarity_name
        if similarity_name == None:
            # No similarity:
            values_c, rpes_c = rl.reinforce.b_delta(rewards_c, states_c, alpha)
            sim_rewards_c = rewards_c
            ## To give a consistent return
            ## just map rewards to sim_rewards
            # Get the similarity data, filter it by mask, and run RL.
            similarity_c = np.array(sdata[similarity_name])[mask]
            values_c, rpes_c, sim_rewards_c = rl.reinforce.b_delta_similarity(rewards_c, states_c, similarity_c, alpha)

            # sim_rewards_c does not need to be
            # unpacked when similarity_name is None
            sim_rewards_c = rl.misc.unpack(sim_rewards_c, states_c)

        # Unpack values and rpes
        # based on states_c
        values_c = rl.misc.unpack(values_c, states_c)
        rpes_c = rl.misc.unpack(rpes_c, states_c)

        # Now use the mask to map values_c, etc,
        # into trials space
        values[mask] = values_c
        rpes[mask] = rpes_c
        sim_rewards[mask] = sim_rewards_c

    return values.tolist(), rpes.tolist(), sim_rewards.tolist()
Beispiel #7
def fit(num, similarity_name=None, reward_name="acc", res=0.05):
    """ Fit <model_name> on <num>'s data, returning first the 
    model fit score (liklihood) and fit parameters - alpha and beta.
    <res> is the parameter resolution (0-1).

    For available <model_name>s see """

    # --
    # Get subject's data
    sdata = get_behave_data(num)

    responses = np.array(sdata["resp"])

    rewards = None
    if reward_name == "acc":
        rewards = np.array(sdata["acc"], dtype=np.float32)
    elif reward_name == "gl":
        rewards = np.array(sdata["gl"], dtype=np.float32)

    trials = np.array(
    conds = list(set(trials))
    ## conds are the uniqu entries in trials

    # Each cond has n states,
    # matching the number of
    # responses (approx 2: {1,6}).
    # Wrong button presses
    # are included, however these
    # are never rewarded so stay at 0.
    params = None
    log_L = 0
    for cond in conds:

        if cond == 0:
        ## Drop jitter.

        # Create states and their rewards.
        mask = trials == cond
        states_c = responses[mask]
        rewards_c = rewards[mask]  ## _c for cond...

        # Get the RL alg we want to run.
        # based on similarity_name
        params_c = None
        log_L_c = None
        if similarity_name == None:
            # No similarity, so just fit:
            params_c, log_L_c =, states_c, res)
            # Get the similarity data, filter it by mask, and fit.
            similarity_c = np.array(sdata[similarity_name])[mask]
            params_c, log_L_c =, states_c, similarity_c, res)

        # Add cond log_L_c to the overall log_L score
        log_L += log_L_c

        # params is the average for all conds
        if params == None:
            params = deepcopy(params_c)
        params = (np.array(params_c) + np.array(params)) / 2.0

    return tuple(params), log_L