Beispiel #1
def buildAccentedGlyphs(junk,object):
#    """Get the names of the selected glyphs in a font.
#    Call the composing function for every glyph that has an entry 
#    in the dictionary."""
#    componentsByFontname(font, font.fontname)
    font_file = os.path.normpath(fontforge.activeFont().path)
    top_level = os.path.split(os.path.split(font_file)[0])[0]
    tool_path = os.path.join(top_level, "tools")

        from glyphcomponents import glyphComponents
        if type(object).__name__ == "font":
            for glyph in object.selection.byGlyphs:
                if glyph.glyphname in glyphComponents.keys():
            if object.glyphname in glyphComponents.keys():
                logWarning('This glyph has no entry in the dictionary')
    except ImportError:
        fontforge.postError("Cannot import Python module glyphcomponents",
                "This script is made to work with the SFDs residing in top_level/SFD and the module in top_level/tools.")
Beispiel #2
def add_guides (glyph, direction):
    f = fontforge.activeFont()
    guides =
    l = glyph.layers[glyph.activeLayer]
    for c in l:
        for p in selected_points(c):
            if direction != 'h' and direction != 'v' and direction != 'hv':
                return False
            if direction == 'h' or direction == 'hv':
                guide = fontforge.contour()
                #place an horizontal guideline using point position
                guide.moveTo (-1000, p.y)
                guide.lineTo (2000, p.y)
                guides += guide
            if direction == 'v' or direction == 'hv':
                guide = fontforge.contour()
                #place a vertical guideline using point position
                guide.moveTo (p.x, -2000)
                guide.lineTo (p.x, 3000)
                guides += guide
   = guides
    #Is there a better way to refresh the screen?
    print 'done'
    return True
Beispiel #3
def add_guides(glyph, direction):
    f = fontforge.activeFont()
    guides =
    l = glyph.layers[glyph.activeLayer]
    for c in l:
        for p in selected_points(c):
            if direction != "h" and direction != "v" and direction != "hv":
                return False
            if direction == "h" or direction == "hv":
                guide = fontforge.contour()
                # place an horizontal guideline using point position
                guide.moveTo(-1000, p.y)
                guide.lineTo(2000, p.y)
                guides += guide
            if direction == "v" or direction == "hv":
                guide = fontforge.contour()
                # place a vertical guideline using point position
                guide.moveTo(p.x, -2000)
                guide.lineTo(p.x, 3000)
                guides += guide
   = guides
    glyph.layers[glyph.activeLayer] = l
    # Is there a better way to refresh the screen?
    print "done"
    return True
Beispiel #4
def genTestOTF(arg, ft):
   for g in ft.selection.byGlyphs:
   testname = 'test-' + time.strftime("%H-%M-%m-%d-%Y") + "-" + ft.fontname;
   ft.familyname = testname;
   ft.fullname = testname;
   ft.fontname = testname;
   # uniqueID
   # Fullname
   ft.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Version', testname);
   ft.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Descriptor', 'this is just a test version generated on' + time.strftime("%H-%M-%m-%d-%Y"));
   ft.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Compatible Full', testname );
   ft.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Preferred Family', testname );
   ft.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Fullname', testname );
   target=testname +'.otf';
   ft.generate(target, flags=('opentype','dummy-dsig','apple','no-hints','no-flex'),layer=aLayer)
   print target + " generated and installed in ~/.fonts/ ";
Beispiel #5
 def sniffwindow(self, w):
     '''sniff key presses for a gtk window'''
     print "sniffwindow w", w
     print "sniff active font:", fontforge.activeFont()
     w.connect("key-release-event", self._do_main)
     fd = fontforge.getGtkWindowMainEventLoopFD(w.window.xid)
     w.connect('destroy', self.OnDestroyWindow, fd)
Beispiel #6
 def sniffwindow(self, w):
     """sniff key presses for a gtk window"""
     print "sniffwindow w", w
     print "sniff active font:", fontforge.activeFont()
     w.connect("key-release-event", self._do_main)
     fd = fontforge.getGtkWindowMainEventLoopFD(w.window.xid)
     w.connect("destroy", self.OnDestroyWindow, fd)
def shouldWeAppear(registerobject, font):
	font = fontforge.activeFont()
	glyphs = []
	for g in font.selection.byGlyphs:
	if len(glyphs) == 2:
		return True
		return False
def main(argv):
    font_in = argv[0]
    font =
    ymin = 0
    ymax = 0
    for g in fontforge.activeFont().glyphs():
        bbox = g.boundingBox()
        print str(g.glyphname),
        print str(bbox[1]),
        print str(bbox[3])
Beispiel #9
"""def integralPoints():
    font = fontforge.activeFont()
    for glyph in font.glyphs():
        noRoundErrors = False
        while noRoundErrors == False:
            errors = glyph.validate(True)
            noRoundErrors = True
            if errors & 0x80000 == 0x80000:
                noRoundErrors = False
def main():
    args = parser.parse_args()
    font_in = args.font[0]
    font =
    for g in fontforge.activeFont().glyphs():
        bbox = g.boundingBox()
        print str(g.glyphname),
        print str(bbox[0]),
        print str(bbox[1]),
        print str(bbox[2]),
        print str(bbox[3])
def extremaForce():
    font = fontforge.activeFont()
    for glyph in font.glyphs():
        noExtremaErrors = False
        while noExtremaErrors == False:
            errors = glyph.validate(True)
            noExtremaErrors = True
            if e & 0x20 == 0x20:
                noExtremaErrors = False
            if noExtremaErrors == False:
                glyph.simplify(0, 'setstarttoextrema')
def simplepolateFonts(registerobject, font):
    # Ask user how many children to create, default is 5
    amount = 5
    s = fontforge.askString("Simple Font Interpolation", "How many children?",
        amount = int(s)
        fontforge.postError("Bad value", "Expected whole number")

    # figure out the interpolation amount floats based on how many children the user requested
    interpolationamount = [0.0]
    calcamount = amount + 1
    x = 1.0 / calcamount
    for y in range(1, calcamount):
        interpolationamount.append(x * y)

    # TODO: This should ask the user to choose which is source1 and source2
    # get the souce fonts from the 2 currently open (check for only 2 open is in shouldWeAppear())
    fonts = fontforge.fonts()
    source1 = fonts[0]
    source2 = fonts[1]

    # get a name for the children - supplies gibberish() so if we have that available, lets use it
    name = source1.familyname + " Simp"
    newName = fontforge.askString("Simplepolate Fonts", "Base family name?",

    # create all the children
    for x in range(amount + 2):
        # TODO I thought this would work but it doesn't
        # newFont = source1.interpolateFonts(interpolationamount[x],source2.path)
        # TODO and I thought this would work because it does on its own, but if its even just repeated twice right next to each other, it doesn't work!! :(
        source1.interpolateFonts(interpolationamount[x], source2.path)
        newFontName = newName + ' ' + str(int(
            interpolationamount[x] * 100)).zfill(3)
        newFont = fontforge.activeFont()
        # Set PostScript Style Name (FamilyName-Style)
        newFont.weight = "Regular"
        newFont.fontname = newFontName.replace(' ', '') + '-' + newFont.weight
        # Set PostScript Family Name (Family Name)
        newFont.familyname = newFontName
        # Set PostScript Full Name (Family Name Style)
        newFont.fullname = newFontName + ' ' + font.weight
        # let folks know what we did
        message = "Simplepolated %s: %s%%/%s%% %s/%s" % (
            newFont.fullname, int(100 - interpolationamount[x] * 100),
            int(interpolationamount[x] * 100), source1.fontname,
Beispiel #13
def colGlyphs(data,fontname) :
	# data and fontname are values passed automatically when called as a menu item - see docs for registerMenuItem
	# They are not used by the function

	font = fontforge.activeFont()
	print "Toggling colour of glyphs with LtnCapA in their name" # Output from print statements will only appear when FF is called via a terminal window

	for glyph in font:
		g = font[glyph]
		if glyph.find('LtnCapA') >= 0: # Selects all glyphs with the string in their name
			#print glyph
			if g.color == 0x00FF00:
				g.color = 0xFF0000
			else :
				 g.color = 0x0000FF

	print "Glyph's coloured"
def simplepolateFonts(registerobject, font):
	# Ask user how many children to create, default is 5
	amount = 5
	s = fontforge.askString("Simple Font Interpolation", "How many children?", str(amount))
		amount = int(s)
		fontforge.postError("Bad value", "Expected whole number")

	# figure out the interpolation amount floats based on how many children the user requested
	interpolationamount = [0.0]
	calcamount = amount +1
	x = 1.0 / calcamount
	for y in range(1, calcamount):

        # TODO: This should ask the user to choose which is source1 and source2
	# get the souce fonts from the 2 currently open (check for only 2 open is in shouldWeAppear())
	fonts = fontforge.fonts()
        source1 = fonts[0]
	source2 = fonts[1]

	# get a name for the children - supplies gibberish() so if we have that available, lets use it
	name = source1.familyname + " Simp"
	newName = fontforge.askString("Simplepolate Fonts", "Base family name?", str(name))
        # create all the children
	for x in range(amount+2):
	        # TODO I thought this would work but it doesn't
		# newFont = source1.interpolateFonts(interpolationamount[x],source2.path)
		# TODO and I thought this would work because it does on its own, but if its even just repeated twice right next to each other, it doesn't work!! :(
                newFontName = newName + ' ' + str(int(interpolationamount[x]*100)).zfill(3)
                newFont = fontforge.activeFont()
                # Set PostScript Style Name (FamilyName-Style)
		newFont.weight = "Regular"
		newFont.fontname = newFontName.replace(' ', '') + '-' + newFont.weight
		# Set PostScript Family Name (Family Name)
		newFont.familyname = newFontName
		# Set PostScript Full Name (Family Name Style)
		newFont.fullname = newFontName + ' ' + font.weight
		# let folks know what we did
                message = "Simplepolated %s: %s%%/%s%% %s/%s" % (newFont.fullname, int(100-interpolationamount[x]*100), int(interpolationamount[x]*100), source1.fontname, source2.fontname)
def dessiner_glyphe(donnees, input_glyphe):
  '''Dessine dans un glyphe donné les points correspondant aux données en entrées.
  Objet, Glyphe -> Void
  # on sélectionne la police
  police = fontforge.activeFont()
  # on créer une plume pour dessiner
  glyphe = police[input_glyphe];
  plume = glyphe.glyphPen()
  # pour chaque contour
  for contour in donnees['contours']:
    # on déplace la plume au niveau du premier point
    # pour les points suivants
    for point in contour['points'][1:]:
      # on trace des lignes
    # on finit par clore le tracé
  # on supprime la plume pour forcer le rafraîchissement
  plume = None;
Beispiel #16
def main(argv):
    font_in = argv[0]
    font =
    ymin = 0
    ymax = 0
    for g in fontforge.activeFont().glyphs():
        bbox = g.boundingBox()
        if bbox[3] > ymax: ymax = bbox[3]
        if bbox[1] < ymin: ymin = bbox[1]
    data = file(font_in, 'rb').read()
    sfnt = Sfnt(data)
    hhea = sfnt.hhea()
    os2 = sfnt.os2()
    print "MaxGlyph     ", ymax
    print "WinAscent    ", os2['usWinAscender']
    print "TypoAscent   ", os2['sTypoAscender']
    print "HHeadAscent  ", hhea['Ascender']
    print "MinGlyph    ", ymin
    print "WinDescent   ", os2['usWinDescender']
    print "TypoDescent ", os2['sTypoDescender']
    print "HHeadDescent", hhea['Descender']
    print "TypoLineGap  ", os2['sTypoLineGap']
    print "HHeadLineGap ", hhea['LineGap']
def main(argv):
    for font_in in argv:
        print font_in,
        font =
        print "checked:",
        ymin = 0
        ymax = 0
        for g in fontforge.activeFont().glyphs():
            bbox = g.boundingBox()
            if bbox[3] > ymax: ymax = int(bbox[3])
            if bbox[1] < ymin: ymin = int(bbox[1])
        data = file(font_in, 'rb').read()
        sfnt = Sfnt(data)
        hhea = sfnt.hhea()
        os2 = sfnt.os2()
        if ymax != os2['usWinAscender']: print "Change WinAscent to", ymax
        elif ymax != os2['sTypoAscender']: print "Change TypoAscent to", ymax
        elif ymax != hhea['Ascender']: print "Change HHeadAscent to", ymax
        elif ymin != -os2['usWinDescender']:    print "Change WinDescent to", -ymin
        elif ymin != os2['sTypoDescender']:    print "Change TypoDescent to", ymin
        elif ymin != hhea['Descender']: print "Change HHeadDescent to", ymin
        elif 0 != os2['sTypoLineGap']: print "Change TypoLineGap to 0"
        elif 0 != hhea['LineGap']: print "Change HHeadLineGap to 0"
        else: print "OK"
def main(argv):
    # open up a temp file to push FF native scripting into
    pe_fn = "/tmp/" 
    pe = file(pe_fn, 'w')
    # open up the font specified on the command line
    font_in = argv[0]              
    font =
    # open the font file in the native script too
    print >> pe, 'Open("' + font_in + '")'
    # initialise these values
    ymin = 0 
    ymax = 0 
    # for each glyph in the font, find the bounding box
    for g in fontforge.activeFont().glyphs():
        bbox = g.boundingBox()
    # store the max and min vertical values
        if bbox[3] > ymax:
            ymax = int(bbox[3])
        if bbox[1] < ymin:
            ymin = int(bbox[1])
    # read the vertical metrics directly from the font file
    data = file(font_in, 'rb').read()
    sfnt = Sfnt(data)
    hhea = sfnt.hhea()
    os2 = sfnt.os2()
    # check the metrics are correct, and if not, push a native
    # script command to correct it
    if ymax != os2['usWinAscender']: 
        print "WinAscent should be", ymax, "but is", os2['usWinAscender']
        set_os2_vert(pe, "WinAscent", ymax)
    if ymax != os2['sTypoAscender']:
        print "TypoAscent should be", ymax, "but is", os2['sTypoAscender']
        set_os2_vert(pe, "TypoAscent", ymax)
    if ymax != hhea['Ascender']:
        print "HHeadAscent should be", ymax, "but is", hhea['Ascender']
        set_os2_vert(pe, "HHeadAscent", ymax)
    if ymin != os2['usWinDescender']:
        print "WinDescent should be", ymin, "but is", os2['usWinDescender']
        set_os2_vert(pe, "WinDescent", ymin)
    if ymin != os2['sTypoDescender']:
        print "TypoDescent should be", ymin, "but is", os2['sTypoDescender']
        set_os2_vert(pe, "TypoDescent", ymin)
    if ymin != hhea['Descender']:
        print "HHeadDescent should be", ymin, "but is", hhea['Descender']
        set_os2_vert(pe, "HHeadDescent", ymin)
    if 0 != os2['sTypoLineGap']:
        print "TypoLineGap should be 0 but is", os2['sTypoLineGap']
        set_os2_vert(pe, "TypoLineGap", 0)
    if 0 != hhea['LineGap']:
        print "HHeadLineGap should be 0 but is", hhea['LineGap']
        set_os2_vert(pe, "HHeadLineGap", 0)
    # push native script command to regenerate the font file
    print >> pe, 'Generate("' + font_in + '")'
    # close the script file
    # run the script file
    print "Running a script to change these values...",
    os.system("fontforge -script " + pe_fn)
    print "Done!"
    # check the values are really set
    new_data = file(font_in, 'rb').read()
    new_sfnt = Sfnt(new_data)
    new_hhea = new_sfnt.hhea()
    new_os2 = new_sfnt.os2()
    if ymax != new_os2['usWinAscender']: 
        print "But WinAscent is still", new_os2['usWinAscender'], " -- change it to", ymax, "by hand"
    if ymax != new_os2['sTypoAscender']: 
        print "But TypoAscent is still", new_os2['sTypoAscender'], " -- change it to", ymax, "by hand"
    if ymax != new_hhea['Ascender']: 
        print "But HHeadAscent is still", new_hhea['Ascender'], " -- change it to", ymax, "by hand"
    if ymin != new_os2['usWinDescender']:
        print "But WinDescent is still", new_os2['usWinDescender'], " -- change it to", ymin, "by hand"
    if ymin != new_os2['sTypoDescender']:
        print "But TypoDescent is still", new_os2['sTypoDescender'], " -- change it to", ymin, "by hand"
    if ymin != new_hhea['Descender']:
        print "But HHeadDescent is still", new_hhea['Descender'], " -- change it to", ymin, "by hand"
    if 0 != new_os2['sTypoLineGap']:
        print "But TypoLineGap is ", new_os2['sTypoLineGap'], "change it to 0 by hand"
    if 0 != new_hhea['LineGap']:
        print "But HHeadLineGap is ", new_hhea['LineGap'], "change it  to 0 by hand"
    elif o in ("-o", "--output"):
        outfile = a
    elif o in ("-s", "--subtable"):
        kern_table = a
    elif o in ("-t", "--threshold"):
        threshold = int(a)
    elif o in ("-f", "--remove-fail-kern"):
        remfailkern = 1

if not outfile:
    outfile = font_name
#font_name = sys.argv[1]
font =
font = fontforge.activeFont()
font.encoding = "unicode"

failkerns = ('.notdef', '.notdef'),
if remfailkern:
    import failkern
    for (b, c) in failkern.failkerns_u:
        b_u = uni2name(b)
        c_u = uni2name(c)
        if b_u and c_u:
            failkerns += (b_u, c_u),

selection = font.selection.byGlyphs
for glyf in selection:
    if glyf.isWorthOutputting:
Beispiel #20
# fontforge.loadNamelist()
# fontforge.loadNamelistDir()
# fontforge.preloadCidmap()


if (fontforge.unicodeFromName("A")!=65) or (fontforge.unicodeFromName("uni030D")!=0x30D):
  raise ValueError("Wrong return from unicodeFromName")

foo = fontforge.version()

ambrosia = sys.argv[1]

fonts = fontforge.fonts()
if ( len(fonts)!=0 ) :
  raise ValueError("Wrong return from fontforge.fonts")

fontnames= fontforge.fontsInFile(ambrosia)
if len(fontnames)!=1 or fontnames[0]!='Ambrosia':
  raise ValueError("Wrong return from fontforge.fontsInFile")
font =
morefonts = fontforge.fonts()
if len(morefonts)!=1:
  raise ValueError("Wrong return from fontforge.fonts")

instrs = fontforge.parseTTInstrs("SRP0\nMIRP[min,rnd,black]")
Beispiel #21
# This script is to be run in FontForge to import the
# images into glyphs and maybe apply other modifications to them.

# FontForge has weird behaviour when importing
# multiple bitmaps, so this script is necessary.

srcdir = '/tmp/glyphs'

from os import path
import fontforge as ff

font = ff.activeFont()
for i in xrange(0xf000, 0xf1a3):
  file = path.join(srcdir, 'uni%04X.png' % i)
  glyph = font.createChar(i)
  # Import image
  #FIXME: fix up

Beispiel #22
#!/usr/bin/env python

from os import listdir, path
from fontforge import activeFont, nameFromUnicode
from psMat import translate
import sys

# Following is needed for Unicode characters in file names

__author__ = "Stichting <*****@*****.**>"
__license__ = "MIT"

font = activeFont()
glyphDir = r'/home/sander/workspace/neude/src/glyphs/11-ExtraBlack'
svgfiles = [
    fname for fname in listdir(glyphDir) if fname[-4:].lower() == '.svg'

src_unis = []  #TODO base all on unicode codepoints
for svgfile in svgfiles:
    if '_alt' in svgfile or '_hor' in svgfile or '_ver' in svgfile:
        #        print('DEBUG: skipping %s'%svgfile)  #FIXME
#    print('DEBUG: svg', svgfile)
        src = svgfile.split('_')[0]
        uni = int(src, 16)
        print('ERROR: Invalid glyph unicode value in file name: %s' %
Beispiel #23
def genAbhaya(junk,glyph):
  """Roll a font forward"""
  myFont = fontforge.activeFont()
  fontforge.logWarning("All done!")
Beispiel #24
 def are_glyphs_selected(junk, font):
     font = fontforge.activeFont()
     for glyph in font.selection.byGlyphs:
         return True
     return False
Beispiel #25
def nextStep(junk,glyph):
  """Roll a font forward"""
  myFont = fontforge.activeFont()
  fontforge.logWarning("All done!")
Beispiel #26
#!/usr/bin/env python
'FontForge: Demo code to paste into the "Execute Script" dialog'
__url__ = ''
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013 SIL International ('
__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
__author__ = 'David Raymond'

import sys, os, fontforge
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'src/pysilfont/scripts'))
import samples.demoFunctions  # Loads module from src/pysilfont/scripts/samples
)  # Reload the demo module each time you execute the script to pick up any recent edits
samples.demoFunctions.callFunctions("Colour Glyphs", fontforge.activeFont())
'''Demo usage:
Open the "Execute Script" dialog (from the FontForge File menu or press ctrl+.),
paste just the code section this (from "import..." to "samples...") into there then
run it (Alt+o) and see how it pops up a dialogue with a choice of 3 functions to run.
Edit and alter one of the functions.
Execute the script again and see that that the function's behaviour has changed.

Additional functions can be added to and, if also defined functionList() 
become availably immdiately.

If you want to see the output from print statements, or use commands like input, (eg
for degugging purposes) then start FontForge from a terminal window rather than the 
desktop launcher.

When starting from a terminal window, you can also specify the font to use,
eg $ fontforge /home/david/RFS/GenBasR.sfd'''
Beispiel #27
def newBackgroundLayer(layerName):
  myFont = fontforge.activeFont()
Beispiel #28
def nextStep(junk,glyph):
  """Roll a font forward"""
  myFont = fontforge.activeFont()
  fontforge.logWarning("All done!")
Beispiel #29
def newBackgroundLayer(layerName):
  myFont = fontforge.activeFont()
Beispiel #30
def renameGlyph(data,fontname,old,new) :
	font = fontforge.activeFont()
	print g.glyphname
#!/usr/bin/env python
'FontForge: Demo code to paste into the "Execute Script" dialog'
__url__ = ''
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013, SIL International  ('
__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
__author__ = 'David Raymond'
__version__ = '0.0.1'

import sys, os, fontforge
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'src/pysilfont/scripts'))
import samples.demoFunctions # Loads module from src/pysilfont/scripts/samples
reload (samples.demoFunctions) # Reload the demo module each time you execute the script to pick up any recent edits
samples.demoFunctions.callFunctions("Colour Glyphs",fontforge.activeFont())

'''Demo usage:
Open the "Execute Script" dialog (from the FontForge File menu or press ctrl+.),
paste just the code section this (from "import..." to "samples...") into there then
run it (Alt+o) and see how it pops up a dialogue with a choice of 3 functions to run.
Edit and alter one of the functions.
Execute the script again and see that that the function's behaviour has changed.

Additional functions can be added to and, if also defined functionList() 
become availably immdiately.

If you want to see the output from print statements, or use commands like input, (eg
for degugging purposes) then start FontForge from a terminal window rather than the 
desktop launcher.

When starting from a terminal window, you can also specify the font to use,
eg $ fontforge /home/david/RFS/GenBasR.sfd'''
Beispiel #32
def genMast(junk, glyph):
    """Generate Masters"""
    myFont = fontforge.activeFont()
    fontforge.logWarning("All done!")
Beispiel #33
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, 2018 Stevan White"
__date__ = "$Date::                           $"
__version__ = "$Revision$"

__doc__ = """
For use from the FontForge Script Menu.
Add it to the Scripts Menu using the Preferences dialog.

Sets the OpenType glyph class of the selected range of slots to 'component'

Detailed info is printed to standard output (see by launching FontForge
from a console).
import fontforge

def explain_error_and_quit(e):
    if e:
        print('Error:', e)

    glyphs = fontforge.activeFont().selection.byGlyphs
    for g in glyphs:
        print("setting", g.glyphname, 'glyph class to', 'component')
        g.glyphclass = 'component'
except ValueError, e:
Beispiel #34
import fontforge
import layermath

font = fontforge.activeFont()

sum, scale = layermath.operation_space (font, ['n', 'o'])

layermath.add_glyphs (font, sum ('weight', 'width'), "boldext")
layermath.add_glyphs (font, sum (scale ('weight', 0.4, 0.9),\
                                     scale ('width', 0.2), scale ('square', 0.1)), \

def main(argv):
    font_in = argv[0]
    font =
    for g in fontforge.activeFont().glyphs():
        print "0x%0.4X" % fontforge.unicodeFromName(g.glyphname), g.glyphname
Beispiel #36
where XXXX is the n-digit hex value for the slot encoding.

Careful! it changes the value whether it was previously set or not.

Detailed info is printed to standard output (see by launching FontForge
from a console).
import fontforge

def explain_error_and_quit( e ):
	if e:
		print( 'Error:', e )
	exit( 1 )

	glyphs = fontforge.activeFont().selection.byGlyphs
	for g in glyphs:
		if g.encoding <= 0xFFFF:
			newname = 'uni%0.4X' %( g.encoding )
		elif g.encoding <= 0xFFFFF:
			newname = 'uni%0.5X' %( g.encoding )
		elif g.encoding <= 0xFFFFFF:
			newname = 'uni%0.6X' %( g.encoding )
		elif g.encoding <= 0xFFFFFFF:
			newname = 'uni%0.7X' %( g.encoding )
		elif g.encoding <= 0xFFFFFFFF:
			newname = 'uni%0.8X' %( g.encoding )
		print( "naming", g.glyphname, 'as', newname )
		g.glyphname = newname
		g.unicode = g.encoding
except ValueError, e:
Beispiel #37
def main(_, font):
    doneglyphs = list()

    if os.path.exists(OUTFILE):
        with open(OUTFILE) as f:
            for line in f.readlines():

    font = fontforge.activeFont()

    font.ascent += 200

    # we must write an SVG because the PNG output doesn't preserve left/right bearings when glyph overflows bearings. my fault partially lol
    tempf = mktemp(suffix=".svg")
    tempaccentf = mktemp(suffix=".svg")

    accent = font[ACCENT_UNI]
    vbdiffa = viewBox_diff(accent, tempaccentf)
    imaccent = svg_to_PILImage(tempaccentf)

    regexp = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z](\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?$")

    glyphs = [
        if g.glyphname not in REPLACEMENTS else REPLACEMENTS[g.glyphname]
        for g in font.glyphs() if re.match(regexp, g.glyphname)

    # makes it less boring. feel free to comment

    if set(doneglyphs) == set(glyphs):
            "QuickAnchors: No glyphs which match the criteria and aren't done")

    def process_glyph(i, glyph):
        nonlocal font, doneglyphs, accent, imaccent, regexp, glyphs, tempf
        should_exit = should_prev = False

        glyph = font[glyph]

        if glyph.glyphname in doneglyphs:
            print("Warning: skipping {}".format(repr(glyph)), file=sys.stderr)
            glyph.width += 300
            glyph.export(tempf, pixelsize=font.em)
            vbdiff = viewBox_diff(glyph, tempf)
            im = svg_to_PILImage(tempf)
             should_prev) = pop_window_for_image(font, glyph, im, imaccent,
                                                 vbdiff, vbdiffa)
            glyph.width -= 300

        if should_exit:
            return False
        elif should_prev and i != 0:
            return process_glyph(i - 1, glyphs[i - 1])
        elif should_prev:
            return process_glyph(0, glyphs[0])
        elif i + 1 == len(glyphs):
            return True
            return process_glyph(i + 1, glyphs[i + 1])

        return True

    process_glyph(0, glyphs[0])