Beispiel #1
def get_unit_convert():
    extension: get unit conversion dictionary for sensitivity to each days emissions
    input: None
    output: dict ('units.<YYYYMMDD>': np.ndarray( shape_of( template.sense_emis ) )
    notes: SensitivityData.emis units = CF/(ppm/s)
           PhysicalAdjointData.emis units = CF/(mol/(s*m^2))
    global unit_key

    #physical constants:
    #molar weight of dry air (precision matches cmaq)
    mwair = 28.9628
    #convert proportion to ppm
    ppm_scale = 1E6
    #convert g to kg
    kg_scale = 1E-3

    unit_dict = {}
    #all spcs have same shape, get from 1st
    tmp_spc = ncf.get_attr(template.sense_emis, 'VAR-LIST').split()[0]
    target_shape = ncf.get_variable(template.sense_emis, tmp_spc)[:].shape
    #layer thickness constant between files
    lay_sigma = list(ncf.get_attr(template.sense_emis, 'VGLVLS'))
    #layer thickness measured in scaled pressure units
    lay_thick = [
        lay_sigma[i] - lay_sigma[i + 1] for i in range(len(lay_sigma) - 1)
    lay_thick = np.array(lay_thick).reshape((1, len(lay_thick), 1, 1))

    for date in dt.get_datelist():
        met_file = dt.replace_date(cmaq_config.met_cro_3d, date)
        #slice off any extra layers above area of interest
        rhoj = ncf.get_variable(met_file, 'DENSA_J')[:, :len(lay_thick), ...]
        #assert timesteps are compatible
        assert (target_shape[0] - 1) >= (rhoj.shape[0] -
                                         1), 'incompatible timesteps'
        assert (target_shape[0] - 1) % (rhoj.shape[0] -
                                        1) == 0, 'incompatible timesteps'
        reps = (target_shape[0] - 1) // (rhoj.shape[0] - 1)

        rhoj_interp = np.zeros(target_shape)
        for r in range(reps):
            frac = float(2 * r + 1) / float(2 * reps)
                ...] = (1 - frac) * rhoj[:-1, ...] + frac * rhoj[1:, ...]
        rhoj_interp[-1, ...] = rhoj[-1, ...]
        unit_array = (ppm_scale * kg_scale * mwair) / (rhoj_interp * lay_thick)

        day_label = dt.replace_date(unit_key, date)
        unit_dict[day_label] = unit_array
    return unit_dict
Beispiel #2
def make_forcing():
    """put a block of forcing at:
     - The second last time-step of the last day
     - Only on the surface layer
     - In the middle of the domain
     - For every species
    nstep, nlay, nrow, ncol = ncf.get_variable(template.force,

    for date in dt.get_datelist():
        force = {
            spc: np.zeros((
            for spc in spcs_list
        if date == dt.get_datelist()[-1]:
            for arr in force.values():
                trow, tcol = int(nrow / 3), int(ncol / 3)
                arr[-2, 0, trow:2 * trow, tcol:2 * tcol] = 1.
        f_file = dt.replace_date(cmaq.force_file, date)
    return d.AdjointForcingData()
 def get_variable(self, file_label, varname):
     extension: return an array of a single variable
     input: string, string
     output: numpy.ndarray
     err_msg = 'file_label {} not in file_details'.format(file_label)
     assert file_label in self.file_data.keys(), err_msg
     return ncf.get_variable(self.file_data[file_label]['actual'], varname)
Beispiel #4
def bwd_no_transport(adjoint_forcing):
    """mimic CMAQ_bwd with no transport.
    assumes ALL files have a 1-hour timestep"""
    #get nlays for force, sense & sense_emis
    f_lay = ncf.get_variable(template.force, spcs_list[0]).shape[1]
    s_lay = ncf.get_variable(template.sense_conc, spcs_list[0]).shape[1]
    e_lay = ncf.get_variable(template.sense_emis, spcs_list[0]).shape[1]

    #get icon for each species, init as 0.
    nstep, _, row, col = ncf.get_variable(template.force, spcs_list[0]).shape
    icon = {spc: np.zeros((
            for spc in spcs_list}

    for date in dt.get_datelist()[::-1]:
        force = ncf.get_variable(dt.replace_date(cmaq.force_file, date),
        conc = {}
        emis = {}
        for spc in spcs_list:
            bwd_arr = np.zeros((nstep, s_lay, row, col))
            bwd_arr[-1, :, :, :] = icon[spc][:, :, :]
            bwd_arr[:-1, :, :, :] = force[spc][1:, :s_lay, :, :]
            s_arr = np.cumsum(bwd_arr[::-1, :, :, :], axis=0)[::-1, :, :, :]
            icon[spc][:] = s_arr[0, :, :, :].copy()
            conc[spc] = s_arr[:, :s_lay, :, :].copy()
            emis[spc] = s_arr[:, :e_lay, :, :].copy() * float(tsec)
        #write sensitivity files
        c_file = dt.replace_date(cmaq.conc_sense_file, date)
        e_file = dt.replace_date(cmaq.emis_sense_file, date)
    return d.SensitivityData()
Beispiel #5
def prepare_model(physical_data):
    application: change resolution/formatting of physical data for input in forward model
    input: PhysicalData
    output: ModelInputData
    global unit_convert
    if unit_convert is None:
        unit_convert = get_unit_convert()

    if inc_icon is True:
        model_input_args = {'icon': {}}
        #physical icon has no time dim, model input icon has time dim of len 1
        for spcs, icon_array in physical_data.icon.items():
            model_input_args['icon'][spcs] = icon_array.reshape(
                (1, ) + icon_array.shape)
        model_input_args = {}

    #all emis files & spcs for model_input use same NSTEP dimension, get it's size
    emis_fname = dt.replace_date(template.emis, dt.start_date)
    m_daysize = ncf.get_variable(emis_fname,
                                 physical_data.spcs[0]).shape[0] - 1
    dlist = dt.get_datelist()
    p_daysize = float(physical_data.nstep) / len(dlist)
    assert (p_daysize <
            1) or (m_daysize % p_daysize
                   == 0), 'physical & model input emis TSTEP incompatible.'

    emis_pattern = 'emis.<YYYYMMDD>'
    for i, date in enumerate(dlist):
        spcs_dict = {}
        start = int(i * p_daysize)
        end = int((i + 1) * p_daysize)
        if start == end:
            end += 1
        for spcs_name in physical_data.spcs:
            phys_data = physical_data.emis[spcs_name][start:end, ...]
            if end < physical_data.nstep:
                last_slice = physical_data.emis[spcs_name][end:end + 1, ...]
                last_slice = physical_data.emis[spcs_name][end - 1:end, ...]
            mod_data = np.repeat(phys_data, m_daysize // (end - start), axis=0)
            mod_data = np.append(mod_data, last_slice, axis=0)
            spcs_dict[spcs_name] = mod_data * unit_convert
        emis_argname = dt.replace_date(emis_pattern, date)
        model_input_args[emis_argname] = spcs_dict

    #may want to remove this line in future.

    return ModelInputData.create_new(**model_input_args)
Beispiel #6
def finite_diff(scale):
    prior_phys = user.get_background()
    unknowns = transform(prior_phys, d.UnknownData)
    init_vector = unknowns.get_vector()

    init_gradient = partial_adjoint(init_vector)

    pert_vector = make_perturbation(init_vector, scale)
    pert_gradient = partial_adjoint(pert_vector)

    eps = 1e-6
    if abs(pert_gradient -
           init_gradient).sum() > eps * abs(pert_gradient).sum():
        print "WARNING: pert & init gradients differ."
        print "init gradient norm = {:}".format(np.linalg.norm(init_gradient))
        print "pert gradient norm = {:}".format(np.linalg.norm(pert_gradient))

    pert_diff = pert_vector - init_vector
    sense_score = .5 * ((pert_diff * init_gradient).sum() +
                        (pert_diff * pert_gradient).sum())

    force_score = 0.
    iconc_file = os.path.join(archive_path, 'init_conc',
    pconc_file = os.path.join(archive_path, 'pert_conc',
    force_file = os.path.join(archive_path, 'force', archive_defn.force_file)
    for date in dt.get_datelist():
        iconc = ncf.get_variable(dt.replace_date(iconc_file, date), spcs_list)
        pconc = ncf.get_variable(dt.replace_date(pconc_file, date), spcs_list)
        force = ncf.get_variable(dt.replace_date(force_file, date), spcs_list)
        c_diff = {s: pconc[s] - iconc[s] for s in spcs_list}
        force_score += sum([(c_diff[s] * force[s]).sum() for s in spcs_list])

    return sense_score, force_score
Beispiel #7
 def get_kwargs_dict(cls):
     extension: get a dict that will work as kwarg input
     input: None
     output: { file_label : { spcs : np.ndarray(<zeros>) } }
     file_labels = get_filedict(cls.__name__).keys()
     spcs = ncf.get_attr(template.force, 'VAR-LIST').split()
     shape = ncf.get_variable(template.force, spcs[0]).shape
     argdict = {}
     for label in file_labels:
         data = {spc: np.zeros(shape) for spc in spcs}
         argdict[label] = data
     return argdict
Beispiel #8
def obs_operator(model_output):
    application: simulate set of observations from output of the forward model
    input: ModelOutputData
    output: ObservationData


    val_list = [o for o in ObservationData.offset_term]
    for ymd, ilist in ObservationData.ind_by_date.items():
        conc_file = model_output.file_data['conc.' + ymd]['actual']
        var_dict = ncf.get_variable(conc_file, ObservationData.spcs)
        for i in ilist:
            for coord, weight in ObservationData.weight_grid[i].items():
                if str(coord[0]) == ymd:
                    step, lay, row, col, spc = coord[1:]
                    conc = var_dict[spc][step, lay, row, col]
                    val_list[i] += (weight * conc)

    return ObservationData(val_list)
Beispiel #9
def convert_unc( unc, val ):
    convert the uncertainty object provided into a valid dictionary
    uncertainty object is either a string (filepath), dictionary (of spcs) or a scalar
    spc_list = val.keys()
    arr_shape = val.values()[0].shape
    if str(unc) == unc:
            unc_var = ncf.get_variable( unc, spc_list )
            print 'uncertainty file is not valid'
        for spc in spc_list:
            arr = unc_var[ spc ]
            msg = 'unc file has data with wrong shape, needs {:}'.format( str(arr_shape) )
            assert arr.shape == arr_shape, msg
        unc_dict = { s:unc_var[s] for s in spc_list }
    elif type(unc) == dict:
        msg = 'uncertainty dictionary is missing needed spcs.'
        assert set( spc_list ).issubset( unc.keys() ), msg
        unc_dict = {}
        for spc in spc_list:
            val = unc[ spc ]
            unc_dict[ spc ] = np.zeros(arr_shape) + val
            val = float( unc )
            print 'invalid uncertainty parameter'
        unc_dict = { s:(np.zeros(arr_shape)+val) for s in spc_list }

    for spc in spc_list:
        arr = unc_dict.pop( spc )
        assert (arr > 0).all(), 'uncertainty values must be greater than 0.'
        unc_dict[ spc + '_UNC' ] = arr
    return unc_dict
Beispiel #10
def fwd_no_transport(model_input):
    """mimic CMAQ_fwd with no transport.
    assumes ALL files have a 1-hour timestep"""
    #get nlays conc
    c_lay = ncf.get_variable(template.conc, spcs_list[0]).shape[1]
    #get nlays emis
    e_lay = ncf.get_variable(dt.replace_date(template.emis, dt.start_date),
    #get icon for each species
    icon = ncf.get_variable(cmaq.icon_file, spcs_list)
    #get constants to convert emission units
    mwair = 28.9628
    ppm_scale = 1E6
    kg_scale = 1E-3
    srcfile = dt.replace_date(cmaq.met_cro_3d, dt.start_date)
    xcell = ncf.get_attr(srcfile, 'XCELL')
    ycell = ncf.get_attr(srcfile, 'YCELL')
    lay_sigma = list(ncf.get_attr(srcfile, 'VGLVLS'))
    lay_thick = [lay_sigma[i] - lay_sigma[i + 1] for i in range(e_lay)]
    lay_thick = np.array(lay_thick).reshape((1, e_lay, 1, 1))
    emis_scale = (ppm_scale * kg_scale * mwair) / (lay_thick * xcell * ycell
                                                   )  # * RRHOJ
    #run fwd
    for date in dt.get_datelist():
        conc = ncf.get_variable(template.conc, spcs_list)
        emis = ncf.get_variable(dt.replace_date(cmaq.emis_file, date),
        rhoj = ncf.get_variable(dt.replace_date(cmaq.met_cro_3d, date),
        for spc, c_arr in conc.items():
            c_arr[:, :, :, :] = icon[spc][:, :c_lay, :, :]
            e_arr = emis_scale * emis[spc][:-1, ...]
            e_arr = 2 * tsec * e_arr / (rhoj[:-1, :e_lay, :, :] +
                                        rhoj[1:, :e_lay, :, :])
            c_arr[1:, :e_lay, :, :] += np.cumsum(e_arr, axis=0)
            #update icon for next day
            icon[spc] = c_arr[-1:, ...]
        #write conc file
        c_file = dt.replace_date(cmaq.conc_file, date)
    return d.ModelOutputData()
Beispiel #11
def map_sense(sensitivity):
    application: map adjoint sensitivities to physical grid of unknowns.
    input: SensitivityData
    output: PhysicalAdjointData
    global unit_convert_dict
    global unit_key
    if unit_convert_dict is None:
        unit_convert_dict = get_unit_convert()

    #check that:
    #- date_handle dates exist
    #- PhysicalAdjointData params exist
    #- template.emis & template.sense_emis are compatible
    #- template.icon & template.sense_conc are compatible
    datelist = dt.get_datelist()
    #all spcs use same dimension set, therefore only need to test 1.
    test_spc = PhysicalAdjointData.spcs[0]
    test_fname = dt.replace_date(template.emis, dt.start_date)
    mod_shape = ncf.get_variable(test_fname, test_spc).shape

    #phys_params = ['tsec','nstep','nlays_icon','nlays_emis','nrows','ncols','spcs']
    #icon_dict = { spcs: np.ndarray( nlays_icon, nrows, ncols ) }
    #emis_dict = { spcs: np.ndarray( nstep, nlays_emis, nrows, ncols ) }

    #create blank constructors for PhysicalAdjointData
    p = PhysicalAdjointData
    if inc_icon is True:
        icon_shape = (
        icon_dict = {spc: np.zeros(icon_shape) for spc in p.spcs}
    emis_shape = (
    emis_dict = {spc: np.zeros(emis_shape) for spc in p.spcs}
    del p

    #construct icon_dict
    if inc_icon is True:
        icon_label = dt.replace_date('conc.<YYYYMMDD>', datelist[0])
        icon_fname = sensitivity.file_data[icon_label]['actual']
        icon_vars = ncf.get_variable(icon_fname, icon_dict.keys())
        for spc in PhysicalAdjointData.spcs:
            data = icon_vars[spc][0, :, :, :]
            ilays, irows, icols = data.shape
            msg = 'conc_sense and PhysicalAdjointData.{} are incompatible'
            assert ilays >= PhysicalAdjointData.nlays_icon, msg.format(
            assert irows == PhysicalAdjointData.nrows, msg.format('nrows')
            assert icols == PhysicalAdjointData.ncols, msg.format('ncols')
            icon_dict[spc] = data[
                0:PhysicalAdjointData.nlays_icon, :, :].copy()

    p_daysize = float(24 * 60 * 60) / PhysicalAdjointData.tsec
    emis_pattern = 'emis.<YYYYMMDD>'
    for i, date in enumerate(datelist):
        label = dt.replace_date(emis_pattern, date)
        sense_fname = sensitivity.file_data[label]['actual']
        sense_data_dict = ncf.get_variable(sense_fname,
        start = int(i * p_daysize)
        end = int((i + 1) * p_daysize)
        if start == end:
            end += 1
        for spc in PhysicalAdjointData.spcs:
            unit_convert = unit_convert_dict[dt.replace_date(unit_key, date)]
            sdata = sense_data_dict[spc][:] * unit_convert
            sstep, slay, srow, scol = sdata.shape
            #recast to match mod_shape
            mstep, mlay, mrow, mcol = mod_shape
            msg = 'emis_sense and ModelInputData {} are incompatible.'
            assert ((sstep - 1) >=
                    (mstep - 1)) and ((sstep - 1) %
                                      (mstep - 1) == 0), msg.format('TSTEP')
            assert slay >= mlay, msg.format('NLAYS')
            assert srow == mrow, msg.format('NROWS')
            assert scol == mcol, msg.format('NCOLS')
            sense_arr = sdata[:-1, :mlay, :, :]
            model_arr = sense_arr.reshape(
                (mstep - 1, -1, mlay, mrow, mcol)).sum(axis=1)
            #adjoint prepare_model
            pstep = end - start
            play = PhysicalAdjointData.nlays_emis
            prow = PhysicalAdjointData.nrows
            pcol = PhysicalAdjointData.ncols
            msg = 'ModelInputData and PhysicalAdjointData.{} are incompatible.'
            assert ((mstep - 1) >=
                    (pstep)) and ((mstep - 1) %
                                  (pstep) == 0), msg.format('nstep')
            assert mlay >= play, msg.format('nlays_emis')
            assert mrow == prow, msg.format('nrows')
            assert mcol == pcol, msg.format('ncols')
            model_arr = model_arr[:, :play, :, :]
            phys_arr = model_arr.reshape(
                (pstep, -1, play, prow, pcol)).sum(axis=1)
            emis_dict[spc][start:end, ...] += phys_arr.copy()

    if inc_icon is False:
        icon_dict = None
    return PhysicalAdjointData(icon_dict, emis_dict)
Beispiel #12
    def from_file(cls, filename):
        extension: create a PhysicalData instance from a file
        input: user-defined
        output: PhysicalData
        eg: prior_phys = datadef.PhysicalData.from_file( "" )
        daysec = 24 * 60 * 60
        unc = lambda spc: spc + '_UNC'

        #get all data/parameters from file
        sdate = str(ncf.get_attr(filename, 'SDATE'))
        edate = str(ncf.get_attr(filename, 'EDATE'))
        tstep = ncf.get_attr(filename, 'TSTEP')
        day, step = int(tstep[0]), int(tstep[1])
        tsec = daysec * day + 3600 * (step // 10000) + 60 * (
            (step // 100) % 100) + (step) % 100
        spcs_list = ncf.get_attr(filename, 'VAR-LIST').split()
        unc_list = [unc(spc) for spc in spcs_list]

        if inc_icon is True:
            icon_dict = ncf.get_variable(filename, spcs_list, group='icon')
            icon_unc = ncf.get_variable(filename, unc_list, group='icon')
        emis_dict = ncf.get_variable(filename, spcs_list, group='emis')
        emis_unc = ncf.get_variable(filename, unc_list, group='emis')

        for spc in spcs_list:
            if inc_icon is True:
                icon_unc[spc] = icon_unc.pop(unc(spc))
            emis_unc[spc] = emis_unc.pop(unc(spc))

        #ensure parameters from file are valid
        msg = 'invalid start date'
        assert sdate == dt.replace_date('<YYYYDDD>', dt.start_date), msg
        msg = 'invalid end date'
        assert edate == dt.replace_date('<YYYYDDD>', dt.end_date), msg

        emis_shape = [e.shape for e in emis_dict.values()]
        for eshape in emis_shape[1:]:
            assert eshape == emis_shape[
                0], 'all emis spcs must have the same shape.'
        estep, elays, erows, ecols = emis_shape[0]

        if inc_icon is True:
            icon_shape = [i.shape for i in icon_dict.values()]
            for ishape in icon_shape[1:]:
                assert ishape == icon_shape[
                    0], 'all icon spcs must have the same shape.'
            ilays, irows, icols = icon_shape[0]
            assert irows == erows, 'icon & emis must match rows.'
            assert icols == ecols, 'icon & emis must match columns.'

        assert max(daysec, tsec) % min(
            daysec, tsec
        ) == 0, 'tsec must be a factor or multiple of No. seconds in a day.'
        assert (tsec >= daysec) or (
            estep %
            (daysec // tsec) == 0), 'nstep must cleanly divide into days.'
        for spc in spcs_list:
            msg = 'Uncertainty values are invalid for this data.'
            if inc_icon is True:
                assert icon_unc[spc].shape == icon_dict[spc].shape, msg
                assert (icon_unc[spc] > 0).all(), msg
            assert emis_unc[spc].shape == emis_dict[spc].shape, msg
            assert (emis_unc[spc] > 0).all(), msg

        #assign new param values.
        par_name = [
            'tsec', 'nstep', 'nlays_emis', 'nrows', 'ncols', 'spcs', 'emis_unc'
        par_val = [tsec, estep, elays, erows, ecols, spcs_list, emis_unc]
        par_mutable = ['emis_unc']
        if inc_icon is True:
            par_name += ['nlays_icon', 'icon_unc']
            par_val += [ilays, icon_unc]
            par_mutable += ['icon_unc']

        for name, val in zip(par_name, par_val):
            old_val = getattr(cls, name)
            if old_val is not None:
                #param already defined, ensure no clash.
                if name in par_mutable:
                    #parameter is mutable, affect applied globally
                    msg = 'Any change to PhysicalAbstractData.{} is applied globally!'.format(
                    msg = 'cannot change PhysicalAbstractData.{}'.format(name)
                    assert np.array_equal(old_val, val), msg
            #set this abstract classes attribute, not calling child!
            setattr(PhysicalAbstractData, name, val)

        if inc_icon is False:
            icon_dict = None
        return cls(icon_dict, emis_dict)
Beispiel #13
# PhysicalData tstep must fit into model days
assert max(tsec, daysec) % min(tsec, daysec) == 0, 'tstep must fit into days'
assert len(
    dt.get_datelist()) * daysec % tsec == 0, 'tstep must fit into model length'

# convert emis-file data into needed PhysicalData format
nrow = int(ncf.get_attr(efile, 'NROWS'))
ncol = int(ncf.get_attr(efile, 'NCOLS'))
xcell = float(ncf.get_attr(efile, 'XCELL'))
ycell = float(ncf.get_attr(efile, 'YCELL'))
emis_dict = {spc: [] for spc in spc_list}
cell_area = xcell * ycell
for date in dt.get_datelist():
    efile = dt.replace_date(cmaq_config.emis_file, date)
    edict = ncf.get_variable(efile, spc_list)
    for spc in spc_list:
        #get data and convert unit (mol/(s*cell) to mol/(s*m**2)
        data = edict[spc][:-1, :emis_nlay, :, :] / cell_area

tot_nstep = len(dt.get_datelist()) * daysec // tsec
for spc in spc_list:
    data = emis_dict[spc]
    data = np.concatenate(data, axis=0)
    data = data.reshape((
Beispiel #14
    cmaq_config.avg_conc_spcs = ' '.join(conc_spcs)

if str(cmaq_config.force_lays).lower() == 'template':
    force_lay = int(ncf.get_attr(icon_file, 'NLAYS'))
    cmaq_config.force_lays = str(force_lay)

if str(cmaq_config.sense_emis_lays).lower() == 'template':
    sense_lay = int(ncf.get_attr(icon_file, 'NLAYS'))
    cmaq_config.sense_emis_lays = str(sense_lay)

# generate sample files by running 1 day of cmaq (fwd & bwd)
cmaq_handle.run_fwd_single(dt.start_date, is_first=True)
# make force file with same attr as conc and all data zeroed
conc_spcs = ncf.get_attr(conc_file, 'VAR-LIST').split()
conc_data = ncf.get_variable(conc_file, conc_spcs)
force_data = {k: np.zeros(v.shape) for k, v in conc_data.items()}
ncf.create_from_template(conc_file, force_file, force_data)
cmaq_handle.run_bwd_single(dt.start_date, is_first=True)

# create record for icon & emis files
ncf.copy_compress(icon_file, template.icon)
for date in dt.get_datelist():
    emis_src = dt.replace_date(cmaq_config.emis_file, date)
    emis_dst = dt.replace_date(template.emis, date)
    ncf.copy_compress(emis_src, emis_dst)

# create template for conc, force & sense files