Beispiel #1
def test_multiple_blank_lines():
    '''Test that multiple blank lines with or without white space are
    output as an empty Comment objects.

    input_text = ("   \n\n"
                  "program test\n"
                  "  \n\n"
                  "end program test\n"
                  "  \n\n")
    reader = FortranStringReader(input_text, ignore_comments=False)
    lines = list(reader)
    assert len(lines) == 8
    for index in [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7]:
        assert isinstance(lines[index], Comment)
        assert lines[index].span == (index + 1, index + 1)
        assert lines[index].line == ""
    assert isinstance(lines[2], Line)
    assert lines[2].span == (3, 3)
    assert lines[2].line == "program test"
    assert isinstance(lines[5], Line)
    assert lines[5].span == (6, 6)
    assert lines[5].line == "end program test"

    reader = FortranStringReader(input_text, ignore_comments=True)
    lines = list(reader)
    assert len(lines) == 2
    assert isinstance(lines[0], Line)
    assert lines[0].span == (3, 3)
    assert lines[0].line == "program test"
    assert isinstance(lines[1], Line)
    assert lines[1].span == (6, 6)
    assert lines[1].line == "end program test"
Beispiel #2
def test_base_fixed_continuation(log):
    Tests that FortranReaderBase.get_source_item() logs the correct messages
    when there are quote mismatches across a continuation in fixed format.
    code = '     character(4) :: cheese = "a & !\n     & b'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(False, False)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force sloppy fixed format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = 'following character continuation: \'"\', expected None.'
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected

    code = '     x=1 &\n     +1 &\n     -2'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(False, False)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force sloppy fixed format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = 'free format line continuation character `&\' detected ' \
               + 'in fix format code\n    2:     +1 &\n    3:     -2'
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected
Beispiel #3
def test_base_handle_multilines(log):
    Tests that FortranReaderBase.get_source_item() logs the correct messages
    when there are quote discrepancies.
    code = 'character(8) :: test = \'foo"""bar'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(True, True)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force strict free format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = 'multiline prefix contains odd number of "\'" characters'
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected

    code = 'goo """boo\n doo""" soo \'foo'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(True, True)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force strict free format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = 'following character continuation: "\'", expected None.'
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected
Beispiel #4
def test_comments_within_continuation():
    '''Test that comments and multi-line statements are processed

    input_text = ("  ! Comment1\n"
                  "  real :: a &\n"
                  "  ! Comment2\n"
                  "          ,b\n"
                  "  ! Comment3\n")

    reader = FortranStringReader(input_text, ignore_comments=False)
    lines = list(reader)
    assert len(lines) == 4

    assert isinstance(lines[0], Comment)
    assert lines[0].span == (1, 1)
    assert lines[0].line == "! Comment1"

    assert lines[1].span == (2, 4)
    assert lines[1].line == "real :: a           ,b"

    assert isinstance(lines[2], Comment)
    assert lines[2].span == (3, 3)
    assert lines[2].line == "! Comment2"

    assert isinstance(lines[3], Comment)
    assert lines[3].span == (5, 5)
    assert lines[3].line == "! Comment3"

    reader = FortranStringReader(input_text, ignore_comments=True)
    lines = list(reader)
    assert len(lines) == 1
    assert lines[0].span == (2, 4)
    assert lines[0].line == "real :: a           ,b"
Beispiel #5
def test_derived_type_codeblocks(f2008_parser):
    ''' Check that we create a CodeBlock if we encounter unsupported
    entries in a parse tree describing a derived-type access. We have
    to test with invalid content in two locations. '''
    code = ("subroutine my_sub()\n"
            "  use some_mod, only: my_type\n"
            "  type(my_type), dimension(3) :: var\n"
            "  var(1)%region%subgrid(3)%stop = 1\n"
            "end subroutine my_sub\n")
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    # First create a valid parse tree.
    reader = FortranStringReader(code)
    fparser2spec = f2008_parser(reader)
    dref = Fortran2003.walk(fparser2spec, Fortran2003.Data_Ref)[0]
    # Now break the Data_Ref instance by modifying its first child. Requesting
    # a subset of items from a tuple appears to generate a new tuple so
    # explicitly create a list and then create a tuple from that.
    item_list = ["hello"] + list(dref.items[1:])
    dref.items = tuple(item_list)
    sched = processor.generate_schedule("my_sub", fparser2spec)
    cblocks = sched.walk(CodeBlock)
    assert len(cblocks) == 1
    assert isinstance(cblocks[0].parent, Assignment)
    # Repeat but this time break the Data_Ref by modifying its second child.
    reader = FortranStringReader(code)
    fparser2spec = f2008_parser(reader)
    dref = Fortran2003.walk(fparser2spec, Fortran2003.Data_Ref)[0]
    dref.items = (dref.items[0], "hello")
    sched = processor.generate_schedule("my_sub", fparser2spec)
    cblocks = sched.walk(CodeBlock)
    assert len(cblocks) == 1
    assert isinstance(cblocks[0].parent, Assignment)
def test_redundant_empty_only_list():
    ''' Check that we drop 'use's with an empty only list if they become
    redundant. #TODO #11 Check for appropriate logging messages here once
    logging is implemented. '''
    fake_parent = KernelSchedule("dummy_schedule")
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    # Empty only-list followed by wildcard import
    reader = FortranStringReader("use mod1, only:\n" "use mod1\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    csym = fake_parent.symbol_table.lookup("mod1")
    assert csym.wildcard_import
    # Wildcard import followed by empty only-list
    reader = FortranStringReader("use mod2\n" "use mod2, only:\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    csym = fake_parent.symbol_table.lookup("mod2")
    assert csym.wildcard_import
    # Empty only-list followed by named import
    reader = FortranStringReader("use mod3, only:\n" "use mod3, only: fred\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    sym_table = fake_parent.symbol_table
    csym = sym_table.lookup("mod3")
    assert not csym.wildcard_import
    assert sym_table.imported_symbols(csym)[0].name == "fred"
    # Named import followed by empty only-list
    reader = FortranStringReader("use mod4, only: bob\n" "use mod4, only:\n")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Specification_Part(reader)
    processor.process_declarations(fake_parent, fparser2spec.content, [])
    csym = sym_table.lookup("mod4")
    assert not csym.wildcard_import
    assert sym_table.imported_symbols(csym)[0].name == "bob"
Beispiel #7
def test_array_notation_rank():
    ''' Check that the _array_notation_rank() utility handles various examples
    of array notation.

    TODO #754 fix test so that 'disable_declaration_check' fixture is not
    fake_parent = Schedule()
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    reader = FortranStringReader("  z1_st(:, 2, :) = ptsu(:, :, 3)")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Assignment_Stmt(reader)
    processor.process_nodes(fake_parent, [fparser2spec])
    assert processor._array_notation_rank(fake_parent[0].lhs) == 2
    reader = FortranStringReader("  z1_st(:, :, 2, :) = ptsu(:, :, :, 3)")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Assignment_Stmt(reader)
    processor.process_nodes(fake_parent, [fparser2spec])
    assert processor._array_notation_rank(fake_parent[1].lhs) == 3
    # We don't support bounds on slices
    reader = FortranStringReader("  z1_st(:, 1:n, 2, :) = ptsu(:, :, :, 3)")
    fparser2spec = Fortran2003.Assignment_Stmt(reader)
    processor.process_nodes(fake_parent, [fparser2spec])
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as err:
    assert ("Only array notation of the form my_array(:, :, ...) is "
            "supported." in str(err.value))
Beispiel #8
def test_base_fixed_nonlabel(log):
    Tests that FortranReaderBase.get_source_item() logs the correct messages
    when there is an unexpected character in the initial 6 columns.
    # Checks that a bad character in the first column causes an event to be
    # logged.
    code = 'w    integer :: i'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(False, True)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force fixed format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    expected = "non-space/digit char 'w' found in column 1 of fixed " \
               + "Fortran code, interpreting line as comment line"
    assert result == expected

    # Checks a bad character in columns 2-6
    for i in range(1, 5):
        code = ' ' * i + 'w' + ' ' * (5 - i) + 'integer :: i'
        unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
        mode = FortranFormat(False, True)
        unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force strict fixed format
        assert log.messages['debug'] == []
        assert log.messages['info'] == []
        assert log.messages['error'] == []
        assert log.messages['critical'] == []
        result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
        expected = "non-space/digit char 'w' found in column {col} " \
                   + "of fixed Fortran code"
        assert result == expected.format(col=i + 1)

    # Checks for a bad character, not in the first column, with "sloppy" mode
    # engaged.
    code = ' w   integer :: i'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(False, False)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force sloppy fixed format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = "non-space/digit char 'w' found in column 2 " \
               + "of fixed Fortran code, switching to free format mode"
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, parent, datatype="", entity_decls=None, intent="",
                 pointer=False, kind="", dimension="", allocatable=False):
        :param parent: node to which to add this declaration as a child
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.f2pygen.BaseGen`
        :param str datatype: the (intrinsic) type for this declaration
        :param list entity_decls: list of variable names to declare
        :param str intent: the INTENT attribute of this declaration
        :param bool pointer: whether or not this is a pointer declaration
        :param str kind: the KIND attribute to use for this declaration
        :param str dimension: the DIMENSION specifier (i.e. the xx in
        :param bool allocatable: whether this declaration is for an
                                 ALLOCATABLE quantity

        :raises RuntimeError: if no variable names are specified
        :raises RuntimeError: if datatype is not one of "integer" or "real"
        if entity_decls is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot create a variable declaration without specifying the "
                "name(s) of the variable(s)")
        fort_fmt = FortranFormat(True, False)  # free form, strict
        if datatype.lower() == "integer":
            reader = FortranStringReader("integer :: vanilla")
            myline =
            self._decl = fparser1.typedecl_statements.Integer(parent.root,
        elif datatype.lower() == "real":
            reader = FortranStringReader("real :: vanilla")
            myline =
            self._decl = fparser1.typedecl_statements.Real(parent.root, myline)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "f2pygen:DeclGen:init: Only integer and real are currently"
                " supported and you specified '{0}'".format(datatype))
        # make a copy of entity_decls as we may modify it
        local_entity_decls = entity_decls[:]
        self._decl.entity_decls = local_entity_decls
        my_attrspec = []
        if intent != "":
        if pointer is not False:
        if allocatable is not False:
        self._decl.attrspec = my_attrspec
        if dimension != "":
        if kind is not "":
            self._decl.selector = ('', kind)
        BaseGen.__init__(self, parent, self._decl)
Beispiel #10
def test_single_comment():
    '''Test that a free format single line comment is output as expected'''
    input_text = "! a comment\n"

    reader = FortranStringReader(input_text, ignore_comments=False)
    lines = list(reader)
    assert len(lines) == 1
    assert isinstance(lines[0], Comment)
    assert lines[0].span == (1, 1)
    assert lines[0].line + "\n" == input_text

    reader = FortranStringReader(input_text, ignore_comments=True)
    lines = list(reader)
    assert len(lines) == 0
Beispiel #11
def test_single_blank_line(input_text):
    '''Test that a single blank line with or without white space is output
    as an empty Comment object.

    reader = FortranStringReader(input_text, ignore_comments=False)
    lines = list(reader)
    assert len(lines) == 1
    assert isinstance(lines[0], Comment)
    assert lines[0].span == (1, 1)
    assert lines[0].line == ""

    reader = FortranStringReader(input_text, ignore_comments=True)
    lines = list(reader)
    assert len(lines) == 0
def test_brackets_array_constructor(left, right):
    ''' Test parsing of array constructor specified with both valid types of
    bracket. '''
    fcode = "array = {0} 1, 2, 3{1}".format(left, right)
    reader = FortranStringReader(fcode)
    ast = Fortran2003.Assignment_Stmt(reader)
    assert isinstance(ast, Fortran2003.Assignment_Stmt)
    assert isinstance(ast.children[2], Fortran2003.Array_Constructor)
    assert isinstance(ast.children[2].children[1], Fortran2003.Ac_Value_List)
    assert "array = {0}1, 2, 3{1}".format(left, right) in str(ast)
    # Invalid content between valid brackets
    fcode = "array = {0}call hello(){1}".format(left, right)
    reader = FortranStringReader(fcode)
    ast = Fortran2003.Assignment_Stmt(reader)
    assert ast is None
Beispiel #13
def test_parallel_if_block(parser):
    ''' Check that we can enclose an IF-block within a parallel region. '''
    reader = FortranStringReader("program do_loop\n"
                                 "integer :: ji\n"
                                 "integer, parameter :: jpi=64\n"
                                 "logical :: init\n"
                                 "real :: sto_tmp(jpi), sto_tmp2(jpi)\n"
                                 "  do ji = 1,jpi\n"
                                 "    sto_tmp(ji) = 1.0d0\n"
                                 "  end do\n"
                                 "  do ji = 1,jpi\n"
                                 "    sto_tmp2(ji) = 1.0d0\n"
                                 "  end do\n"
                                 "end if\n"
                                 "end program do_loop\n")
    code = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=False).create(code)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    acc_trans = TransInfo().get_trans_name('ACCParallelTrans')
    schedule, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule.children[0:1])
    code = str(psy.gen)
    assert ("  !$ACC PARALLEL\n"
            "  IF (init) THEN\n"
            "    DO ji = 1, jpi\n" in code)
    assert ("    END DO\n" "  END IF\n" "  !$ACC END PARALLEL\n" in code)
def test_call_not_implicit_loop():
    ''' Check we do not incorrectly identify an implicit loop when array
    notation is used in the arguments to a function call. '''
    code = "z3d(1,:,:) =  ptr_sjk( pvtr(:,:,:), btmsk(:,:,jn)*btm30(:,:) )"
    reader = FortranStringReader(code)
    assign = Fortran2003.Assignment_Stmt(reader)
    assert not nemo.NemoImplicitLoop.match(assign)
def test_1d_array_not_implicit_loop():
    ''' Check that we do not identify the use of array-notation in 1D loops
    as being implicit loops (since we don't know what the loop is over). '''
    code = "z1d(:) =  1.0d0"
    reader = FortranStringReader(code)
    assign = Fortran2003.Assignment_Stmt(reader)
    assert not nemo.NemoImplicitLoop.match(assign)
Beispiel #16
def test_kernels_in_data_region(parser):
    ''' Check that directives end up in the correct locations when enclosing
    a kernels region inside a data region. '''
    reader = FortranStringReader("program one_loop\n"
                                 "integer :: ji, jpj\n"
                                 "real(kind=wp) :: sto_tmp(5)\n"
                                 "do ji = 1,jpj\n"
                                 "  sto_tmp(ji) = 0.0\n"
                                 "end do\n"
                                 "end program one_loop\n")
    code = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=False).create(code)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    acc_dtrans = TransInfo().get_trans_name('ACCDataTrans')
    acc_ktrans = TransInfo().get_trans_name('ACCKernelsTrans')
    schedule, _ = acc_ktrans.apply(schedule.children[:],
                                   {"default_present": True})
    schedule, _ = acc_dtrans.apply(schedule.children[:])
    new_code = str(psy.gen)
    assert ("  !$ACC DATA COPYOUT(sto_tmp)\n"
            "  !$ACC KERNELS DEFAULT(PRESENT)\n"
            "  DO ji = 1, jpj\n" in new_code)
    assert ("  END DO\n"
            "  !$ACC END KERNELS\n"
            "  !$ACC END DATA\n"
            "END PROGRAM one_loop" in new_code)
Beispiel #17
def test_missed_array_case(parser):
    ''' Check that we raise the expected InternalError if our internal
    sanity check spots that we've missed an array access.
    TODO #309 - remove this test. '''
    code = ("program do_bound\n"
            "  integer :: ice_mask(8,8)\n"
            "  real(kind=wp) :: trim_width(8), zdta(8,8)\n"
            "  integer :: ji, jj, dom\n"
            "  do jj = 1, trim_width(dom)\n"
            "    do ji = 1, 8\n"
            "      select case(ice_mask(ji,jj))\n"
            "      case(0)\n"
            "        zdta(ji,jj) = 1.0\n"
            "      case(1)\n"
            "        zdta(ji,jj) = 0.0\n"
            "      end select\n"
            "    end do\n"
            "  end do\n"
            "end program do_bound\n")
    reader = FortranStringReader(code)
    ptree = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=False).create(ptree)
    schedule = psy.invokes.get('do_bound').schedule
    acc_trans = TransInfo().get_trans_name('ACCDataTrans')
    # Put the second loop nest inside a data region
    with pytest.raises(InternalError) as err:
        _ = str(psy.gen)
    assert ("ArrayReference 'ice_mask' present in source code ("
            "'ice_mask(ji, jj)') but not identified" in str(err.value))
Beispiel #18
def test_replicated_loop(parser, tmpdir):
    '''Check code generation with two loops that have the same

    reader = FortranStringReader("subroutine replicate()\n"
                                 "   INTEGER :: dummy\n"
                                 "   REAL :: zwx(10,10)\n"
                                 "   zwx(:,:) = 0.e0\n"
                                 "   zwx(:,:) = 0.e0\n"
                                 "END subroutine replicate\n")
    code = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=False).create(code)
    schedule = psy.invokes.get('replicate').schedule
    acc_trans = TransInfo().get_trans_name('ACCDataTrans')
    schedule, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule.children[0:1])
    schedule, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule.children[1:2])
    gen_code = str(psy.gen)

    assert ("  !$ACC DATA COPYOUT(zwx)\n"
            "  zwx(:, :) = 0.E0\n"
            "  !$ACC END DATA\n"
            "  !$ACC DATA COPYOUT(zwx)\n"
            "  zwx(:, :) = 0.E0\n"
            "  !$ACC END DATA" in gen_code)
    assert Compile(tmpdir).string_compiles(gen_code)
Beispiel #19
def test_no_code_blocks(parser):
    ''' Check that we refuse to include CodeBlocks (i.e. code that we
    don't recognise) within a data region. '''
    reader = FortranStringReader("program write_out\n"
                                 " integer :: ji, jpj\n"
                                 "real(kind=wp) :: sto_tmp(5)\n"
                                 "do ji = 1,jpj\n"
                                 "read(*,*) sto_tmp(ji)\n"
                                 "end do\n"
                                 "do ji = 1,jpj\n"
                                 "write(*,*) sto_tmp(ji)\n"
                                 "end do\n"
                                 "end program write_out\n")
    code = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=False).create(code)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    acc_trans = TransInfo().get_trans_name('ACCDataTrans')
    with pytest.raises(TransformationError) as err:
        _, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule.children[0:1])
    assert ("'CodeBlock' cannot be enclosed by a ACCDataTrans"
            in str(err.value))
    with pytest.raises(TransformationError) as err:
        _, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule.children[1:2])
    assert ("'CodeBlock' cannot be enclosed by a ACCDataTrans"
            in str(err.value))
Beispiel #20
def test_multikern_if(parser):
    ''' Check that we can include an if-block containing multiple
    loops within a kernels region. '''
    reader = FortranStringReader("program implicit_loop\n"
                                 "real(kind=wp) :: sto_tmp(5)\n"
                                 "do jk = 1, 3\n"
                                 "  sto_tmp(jk) = jk\n"
                                 "end do\n"
                                 "do jk = 1, 5\n"
                                 "  sto_tmp(jk) = jk\n"
                                 "end do\n"
                                 "end if\n"
                                 "end program implicit_loop\n")
    code = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=False).create(code)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    acc_trans = TransInfo().get_trans_name('ACCKernelsTrans')
    schedule, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule.children[0:1], default_present=True)
    gen_code = str(psy.gen).lower()
    assert ("!$acc kernels default(present)\n"
            "  if (do_this) then\n"
            "    do jk = 1, 3\n" in gen_code)
    assert ("    end do\n"
            "  end if\n"
            "  !$acc end kernels\n"
            "end program implicit_loop" in gen_code)
Beispiel #21
def test_kernels_within_if(parser):
    ''' Check that we can put a kernels region within an if block. '''
    reader = FortranStringReader("program if_then\n"
                                 "  do ji=1,jpi\n"
                                 "    fld(ji) = 1.0\n"
                                 "  end do\n"
                                 "  fld2d(:,:) = 0.0\n"
                                 "end if\n"
                                 "end program if_then\n")
    code = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=False).create(code)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    acc_trans = TransInfo().get_trans_name('ACCKernelsTrans')

    schedule, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule.children[0].if_body,
    schedule, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule.children[0].else_body,
    new_code = str(psy.gen)
    assert ("  IF (do_this) THEN\n"
            "    !$ACC KERNELS DEFAULT(PRESENT)\n"
            "    DO ji = 1, jpi\n" in new_code)
    assert ("    END DO\n"
            "    !$ACC END KERNELS\n"
            "  ELSE\n"
            "    !$ACC KERNELS DEFAULT(PRESENT)\n"
            "    fld2d(:, :) = 0.0\n"
            "    !$ACC END KERNELS\n"
            "  END IF\n" in new_code)
Beispiel #22
def test_if_statement(parser):
    ''' Tests handling an if statement
    reader = FortranStringReader('''program test_prog
                                 integer :: a, b, i
                                 real, dimension(5) :: p, q, r
                                 if (a .eq. b) then
                                    p(i) = q(i)
                                   q(i) = r(i)
                                 end program test_prog''')
    ast = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API).create(ast)
    schedule = psy.invokes.get("test_prog").schedule

    if_stmt = schedule.children[0]
    assert isinstance(if_stmt, IfBlock)
    var_accesses = VariablesAccessInfo(if_stmt)
    assert str(var_accesses) == "a: READ, b: READ, i: READ, p: WRITE, "\
                                "q: READ+WRITE, r: READ"
    # Test that the two accesses to 'q' indeed show up as
    q_accesses = var_accesses["q"].all_accesses
    assert len(q_accesses) == 2
    assert q_accesses[0].access_type == AccessType.READ
    assert q_accesses[1].access_type == AccessType.WRITE
    assert q_accesses[0].location < q_accesses[1].location
Beispiel #23
def create_schedule(code, routine_name, ast_processor=Fparser2Reader):
    '''Utility function that returns a PSyIR tree from Fortran
    code using fparser2 and (by default) Fparser2Reader.

    :param str code: Fortran code.
    :param str routine_name: the name of the Fortran routine for which to \
                             create the PSyIR tree.
    :param ast_processor: the particular front-end to use. Defaults \
                          to Fparser2Reader.
    :type ast_processor: :py:class:`psyclone.psyGen.Fparser2Reader`

    :returns: PSyIR tree representing the Fortran code.
    :rtype: Subclass of :py:class:`psyclone.psyGen.Node`

    reader = FortranStringReader(code)
    f2003_parser = ParserFactory().create(std="f2003")
    parse_tree = f2003_parser(reader)

    # Generate PSyIR schedule from fparser2 parse tree
    processor = ast_processor()
    schedule = processor.generate_schedule(routine_name, parse_tree)

    return schedule
Beispiel #24
def test_multi_put_item(ignore_comments):
    '''Check that multiple lines can be pushed back and will be returned
    correctly in the specified order (actually the reverse of the
    original). Test with and without ignoring comments.

    reader = FortranStringReader(FORTRAN_CODE, ignore_comments=ignore_comments)
    orig_lines = []
    while True:
        orig_line = reader.get_item()
        if not orig_line:
        # Make sure our original lines are kept in reverse order.
        orig_lines.insert(0, orig_line)

    # Put back original lines in reverse order as that is what we
    # would expect when processing and rolling back.
    for line in orig_lines:

    # Lines should now be returned in the correct order (so compare in
    # reverse order with the original line list)
    while True:
        filo_line = reader.get_item()
        if not filo_line:
        assert filo_line == orig_lines.pop(-1)
    assert not orig_lines
Beispiel #25
def test_get_type_by_name(monkeypatch):
    ''' Tests for HasImplicitStmt.get_type_by_name(). '''
    from fparser.common.utils import AnalyzeError
    from fparser.common.readfortran import FortranStringReader
    from fparser.common.sourceinfo import FortranFormat
    from import Real, Integer
    from import FortranParser
    # We can't just create a HasImplicitStmt object so we get the parser
    # to create a module object as that sub-classes HasImplicitStmt (amongst
    # other things).
    string = '''\
module some_block
end module some_block
    reader = FortranStringReader(string)
    reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, False))
    parser = FortranParser(reader)
    mod = parser.block.content[0]
    # Now we have a Module object, we can call get_type_by_name()...
    rtype = mod.get_type_by_name("a_real")
    assert isinstance(rtype, Real)
    itype = mod.get_type_by_name("i_int")
    assert isinstance(itype, Integer)
    # Check that we raise the correct error if we don't have any implicit
    # rules set
    monkeypatch.setattr(mod.a, "implicit_rules", None)
    with pytest.raises(AnalyzeError) as err:
        _ = mod.get_type_by_name("i_int")
    assert "Implicit rules mapping is null" in str(err)
Beispiel #26
def test_parallel_two_loops(parser):
    ''' Check that we can enclose two loops within a parallel region. '''
    reader = FortranStringReader("program do_loop\n"
                                 "integer :: ji\n"
                                 "integer, parameter :: jpi=11\n"
                                 "real :: sto_tmp(jpi), sto_tmp2(jpi)\n"
                                 "do ji = 1,jpi\n"
                                 "  sto_tmp(ji) = 1.0d0\n"
                                 "end do\n"
                                 "do ji = 1,jpi\n"
                                 "  sto_tmp2(ji) = 1.0d0\n"
                                 "end do\n"
                                 "end program do_loop\n")
    code = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=False).create(code)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    acc_trans = TransInfo().get_trans_name('ACCParallelTrans')
    schedule, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule[0:2])
    code = str(psy.gen)
    assert ("PROGRAM do_loop\n"
            "  INTEGER :: ji\n"
            "  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpi = 11\n"
            "  REAL :: sto_tmp(jpi), sto_tmp2(jpi)\n"
            "  !$ACC PARALLEL\n"
            "  DO ji = 1, jpi\n"
            "    sto_tmp(ji) = 1.0D0\n"
            "  END DO\n"
            "  DO ji = 1, jpi\n"
            "    sto_tmp2(ji) = 1.0D0\n"
            "  END DO\n"
            "  !$ACC END PARALLEL\n"
            "END PROGRAM do_loop" in code)
Beispiel #27
def test_explicit_loop(parser):
    ''' Check that we can apply the transformation to an explicit loop. '''
    reader = FortranStringReader("program do_loop\n"
                                 "real :: sto_tmp(jpj), sto_tmp2(jpj)\n"
                                 "do ji = 1,jpj\n"
                                 "  sto_tmp(ji) = 1.0d0\n"
                                 "end do\n"
                                 "do ji = 1,jpj\n"
                                 "  sto_tmp2(ji) = 1.0d0\n"
                                 "end do\n"
                                 "end program do_loop\n")
    code = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=False).create(code)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    acc_trans = TransInfo().get_trans_name('ACCLoopTrans')
    schedule, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule.children[0])
    schedule, _ = acc_trans.apply(schedule.children[1], independent=False)
    code = str(psy.gen)
    assert ("PROGRAM do_loop\n"
            "  REAL :: sto_tmp(jpj), sto_tmp2(jpj)\n"
            "  !$ACC LOOP INDEPENDENT\n"
            "  DO ji = 1, jpj\n"
            "    sto_tmp(ji) = 1.0D0\n"
            "  END DO\n"
            "  !$ACC LOOP\n"
            "  DO ji = 1, jpj\n"
            "    sto_tmp2(ji) = 1.0D0\n"
            "  END DO\n"
            "END PROGRAM do_loop" in code)
Beispiel #28
def test_get_type_by_name_implicit():
    ''' Tests for HasImplicitStmt.get_type_by_name() when the source code
    contains IMPLICIT statements. '''
    from fparser.common.readfortran import FortranStringReader
    from fparser.common.sourceinfo import FortranFormat
    from import Real, Integer
    from import FortranParser
    # We can't just create a HasImplicitStmt object so we get the parser
    # to create a module object as that sub-classes HasImplicitStmt (amongst
    # other things).
    string = '''\
module some_block
  implicit real (a-e)
  implicit integer (f-z)
end module some_block
    reader = FortranStringReader(string)
    reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, False))
    parser = FortranParser(reader)
    # Get the module object
    mod = parser.block.content[0]
    # We have to run the analyze method on the Implicit objects
    # produced by the parser in order to populate the implicit_rules
    # of the module.
    # Now we can call get_type_by_name()...
    rtype = mod.get_type_by_name("a_real")
    assert isinstance(rtype, Real)
    itype = mod.get_type_by_name("f_int")
    assert isinstance(itype, Integer)
Beispiel #29
def test_kern_sched_parents(parser):
    ''' Check that the children of a Kernel schedule have that schedule
    as their parent. '''
    reader = FortranStringReader("program fake_kern\n"
                                 "integer :: ji, jj, jpi, jpj\n"
                                 "real(kind=wp) :: sto_tmp(5,5)\n"
                                 "do ji = 1,jpi\n"
                                 "  do jj = 1,jpj\n"
                                 "    sto_tmp(ji,jj) = 1.0\n"
                                 "    sto_tmp(ji,jj) = 2.0*sto_tmp(ji,jj)\n"
                                 "    if(jj == 1)then\n"
                                 "      sto_tmp(ji,jj) = sto_tmp(ji,jj)-1.0\n"
                                 "    end if\n"
                                 "  end do\n"
                                 "end do\n"
                                 "end program fake_kern\n")
    code = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory(API, distributed_memory=False).create(code)
    schedule = psy.invokes.invoke_list[0].schedule
    # Find the (one and only) kernel
    kernels = schedule.walk(nemo.NemoKern)
    assert len(kernels) == 1
    # Get its schedule
    sched = kernels[0].get_kernel_schedule()
    # Check that the children of the schedule have it as their parent
    for child in sched.children:
        assert child.parent is sched
Beispiel #30
def test_where_ordering(parser):
    ''' Check that the generated schedule has the correct ordering when
    a WHERE construct is processed.

    reader = FortranStringReader(
        "    subroutine test(zdiv, pbef, paft, zmsk, tmask)\n"
        "      integer, parameter :: wp=1\n"
        "      real :: zsml\n"
        "      integer :: ji, jj, jpjm1, jpim1\n"
        "      real :: zdiv(:,:), pbef(:,:), paft(:,:), zmsk(:,:), "
        "      zsml = 1.e-15_wp\n"
        "      DO jj = 2, jpjm1\n"
        "         DO ji = 2, jpim1\n"
        "            zdiv(ji,jj) =  1.0_wp\n"
        "         END DO\n"
        "      END DO\n"
        "      CALL lbc_lnk( zdiv, 'T', 1. )\n"
        "      WHERE( pbef(:,:) == 0._wp .AND. paft(:,:) == 0._wp .AND. "
        "zdiv(:,:) == 0._wp )   ;   zmsk(:,:) = 0._wp\n"
        "      ELSEWHERE;   zmsk(:,:) = 1._wp * tmask(:,:,1)\n"
        "      END WHERE\n"
        "    end subroutine test\n")
    fparser2_tree = parser(reader)
    processor = Fparser2Reader()
    result = processor.generate_schedule("test", fparser2_tree)
    assert isinstance(result[0], Assignment)
    assert isinstance(result[1], Loop)
    assert isinstance(result[2], CodeBlock)
    assert isinstance(result[3], Loop)