Beispiel #1
def test_is_set(mock_init):
    # if an option is set from kwargs, is_set() returns True, otherwise False
    # Note: is_set() here means 'value is set by user', which includes setting
    # to None or setting to the same value as the schema default.

    # First, test that none are set
    config = BaseAppConfiguration()
    assert not config.is_set('property1')
    assert not config.is_set('property2')
    assert not config.is_set('property3')
    assert not config.is_set('property4')
    assert not config.is_set('property5')
    assert not config.is_set('property6')

    # Now set all values, including setting to None and setting to the schema default
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(
        property1='b',    # default = 'a'  (overwrites default w/'a')
        property2=None,   # default = 1    (overwrites default w/None)
        property3=1.0,    # default = 1.0  (same as default: 1.0)
        property4=True,   # default = True (same as default: True)
        property5=None,   # default = None (same as default: None)
        property6=1)      # default = None (overwrites default w/None)

    assert config.is_set('property1')
    assert config.is_set('property2')
    assert config.is_set('property3')
    assert config.is_set('property4')
    assert config.is_set('property4')
    assert config.is_set('property6')
def test_set_alt_paths(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    def path_exists(_, path):
        return True if path == 'foo' else False

    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, '_path_exists', path_exists)

    def reset_to_initial_default():
        config.path1 = 'my-config/my-config-files'

    config = BaseAppConfiguration()

    # default does not exist, one alt path exists
    assert config.path1 == 'my-config/my-config-files'
    config._set_alt_paths('path1', 'foo')
    assert config.path1 == 'foo'

    # default does not exist, 2 alt paths passed, second exists
    config._set_alt_paths('path1', 'invalid', 'foo')
    assert config.path1 == 'foo'

    # default does not exist, alt paths do not exist
    config._set_alt_paths('path1', 'invalid', 'invalid-2')
    assert config.path1 == 'my-config/my-config-files'
def test_no_kwargs(mock_init):
    # Expected: use default from schema, then resolve
    config = BaseAppConfiguration()
    assert config.path1 == 'my-config/my-config-files'  # resolved
    assert config.path2 == 'my-data/my-data-files'  # resolved
    assert config.path3 == 'my-other-files'  # no change
    assert config.path4 == ['my-config/conf3']  # last value resolved and listified; others dropped as files do not exist
def test_no_kwargs_listify_all_files_exist(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    # Expected: each value resolved and listified (mock: all files exist)
    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, '_path_exists', lambda a, b: True)
    config = BaseAppConfiguration()

    assert config._raw_config['path4'] == 'conf1, conf2, conf3'
    assert config.path4 == ['my-config/conf1', 'my-config/conf2', 'my-config/conf3']
def test_kwargs_listify(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    # Expected: use values from kwargs; each value resolved and listified
    new_path4 = 'new1, new2'
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(path4=new_path4)

    assert config._raw_config['path4'] == 'new1,new2'
    assert config.path4 == ['my-config/new1', 'my-config/new2']
Beispiel #6
def test_overwrite_reloadable_attribute(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    # This is similar to test_update_property, but here we overwrite the attribute before reloading.
    # This can happen if a config property is modified AFTER it has been loaded from schema or kwargs.
    # For example: load `foo` (from schema or kwargs), but then, in a # subsequent step while initializing
    # GalaxyAppConfiguration, do something like this: `foo = resove_path(foo, bar)`. Now the value of `foo`
    # is not what was initially loaded, and if `foo` is reloadable, it will be reset to its default as soon
    # as the config file is modified. To prevent this, we compare the values read from the modified file
    # to the `_raw_config` dict. This test ensures this works correctly.

    # edits to config file: R2 modified
    monkeypatch.setattr(config, 'read_properties_from_file', lambda _: {
        R1: 1,
        R2: 42

    appconfig = BaseAppConfiguration()

    assert getattr(appconfig, R1) == 1
    assert getattr(appconfig, R2) == 2

    # overwrite R1
    setattr(appconfig, R1, 99)
    assert getattr(appconfig, R1) == 99
    # then reload
    assert getattr(appconfig, R1) == 99  # no change; should remain overwritten
    assert getattr(appconfig, R2) == 42  # change: reloadable option modified
Beispiel #7
def test_update_raw_config_from_kwargs_falsy_not_none(mock_init):
    # if kwargs supplies a falsy value, it should not evaluate to null
    # (ensures code is 'if value is not None' vs. 'if value')
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(property1=0)

    assert config._raw_config['property1'] == '0'  # updated
    assert type(config._raw_config['property1']) is str  # and converted to str
def test_select_one_path_from_list_all_files_exist(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    # Expected: all files exist, so use first file in list; value is not a list
    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, 'add_sample_file_to_defaults', {'path1'})
    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, '_path_exists', lambda a, b: True)
    config = BaseAppConfiguration()

    assert config._raw_config['path1'] == 'my-config-files'
    assert config.path1 == 'my-config/my-config-files'
def test_select_one_path_from_list(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    # Expected: files do not exist, so use last file in list (would be sample file); value is not a list
    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, 'add_sample_file_to_defaults', {'path1'})
    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, '_in_sample_dir', lambda a, path: '/sample-dir/%s' % path)
    config = BaseAppConfiguration()

    assert config._raw_config['path1'] == 'my-config-files'
    assert config.path1 == '/sample-dir/my-config-files.sample'
Beispiel #10
def test_kwargs_relative_path_old_prefix_csv_value(mock_init):
    # Expect: use value from kwargs, split at commas, then for each path strip
    # spaces, strip old prefix if needed, and resolve if needed
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(
        path4='old-config/foo/file1 , /foo1/bar,  foo/file3')
    assert config.path4 == [
        'my-config/foo/file1', '/foo1/bar', 'my-config/foo/file3'
Beispiel #11
def test_kwargs_relative_path_old_prefix_empty_after_strip(mock_init):
    # Expect: use value from kwargs, strip old prefix, then resolve
    new_path1 = 'old-config'
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(path1=new_path1)

    assert config.path1 == 'my-config/'  # stripped of old prefix, then resolved
    assert config.path2 == 'my-data/my-data-files'  # stripped of old prefix, then resolved
    assert config.path3 == 'my-other-files'  # no change
Beispiel #12
def test_kwargs_absolute_path(mock_init):
    # Expected: use value from kwargs, do NOT resolve
    new_path1 = '/foo1/bar'
    new_path2 = '/foo2/bar'
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(path1=new_path1, path2=new_path2)

    assert config.path1 == new_path1  # NOT resolved
    assert config.path2 == new_path2  # NOT resolved
    assert config.path3 == 'my-other-files'  # no change
Beispiel #13
def test_kwargs_relative_path_old_prefix(mock_init):
    # Expect: use value from kwargs, strip old prefix, then resolve
    new_path1 = 'old-config/foo1/bar'
    new_path2 = 'old-database/foo2/bar'
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(path1=new_path1, path2=new_path2)

    assert config.path1 == 'my-config/foo1/bar'  # stripped of old prefix, resolved
    assert config.path2 == 'my-data/foo2/bar'  # stripped of old prefix, resolved
    assert config.path3 == 'my-other-files'  # no change
Beispiel #14
def test_check_against_root_list_of_paths(mock_check_against_root):
    # 1. Set path4='foo, bar'
    # 2. It is resolved to ['my-config/foo', 'my-config/bar']
    # 3. path4 is in paths to check against root
    # 4. both paths do not exist, so both are re-resolved w.r.t root
    # 5. 'root/foo' exists, so config.path4 is set to ['root/foo', 'my-config/bar']
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(path4='foo, bar')

    assert config.path4 == ['root/foo', 'my-config/bar']
Beispiel #15
def test_kwargs_relative_path(mock_init):
    # Expected: use value from kwargs, then resolve
    new_path1 = 'foo1/bar'
    new_path2 = 'foo2/bar'
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(path1=new_path1, path2=new_path2)

    assert config.path1 == 'my-config/' + new_path1  # resolved
    assert config.path2 == 'my-data/' + new_path2  # resolved
    assert config.path3 == 'my-other-files'  # no change
Beispiel #16
def test_check_against_root_single_path(mock_check_against_root):
    # 1. Set path1='foo'
    # 2. It is resolved to 'my-config/foo'
    # 3. path1 is in paths to check against root
    # 4. 'my-config/foo' does not exist, so 'foo' is re-resolved w.r.t root
    # 5. 'root/foo' exists, so config.path1 is set to 'root/foo'
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(path1='foo')

    assert config.path1 == 'root/foo'
Beispiel #17
def test_kwargs_set_to_null(mock_init):
    # Expected: allow overriding with null, then resolve
    # This is not a common scenario, but it does happen: one example is
    # `job_config` set to `None` when testing
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(path1=None)

    assert config.path1 == 'my-config'  # resolved
    assert config.path2 == 'my-data/my-data-files'  # resolved
    assert config.path3 == 'my-other-files'  # no change
Beispiel #18
def test_mock_schema_is_loaded(mock_init):
    # Check that mock is loaded as expected
    config = BaseAppConfiguration()
    assert len(config._raw_config) == 6
    assert config._raw_config['my_config_dir'] == 'my-config'
    assert config._raw_config['my_data_dir'] == 'my-data'
    assert config._raw_config['path1'] == 'my-config-files'
    assert config._raw_config['path2'] == 'my-data-files'
    assert config._raw_config['path3'] == 'my-other-files'
    assert config._raw_config['path4'] == 'conf1, conf2, conf3'
Beispiel #19
def test_kwargs_relative_path_old_prefix_for_other_option(mock_init):
    # Expect: use value from kwargs, do NOT strip old prefix, then resolve
    # Reason: deprecated dirs are option-specific: we don't want to strip 'old-config'
    # (deprecated for the config_dir option) if it's used for another option
    new_path1 = 'old-database/foo1/bar'
    new_path2 = 'old-config/foo2/bar'
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(path1=new_path1, path2=new_path2)

    assert config.path1 == 'my-config/' + new_path1  # resolved
    assert config.path2 == 'my-data/' + new_path2  # resolved
    assert config.path3 == 'my-other-files'  # no change
Beispiel #20
def test_update_raw_config_from_kwargs_with_none(mock_init):
    # should be able to set to null regardless of property's datatype
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(
        property1=None, property2=None, property3=None, property4=None, property5=None, property6=None,

    assert config._raw_config['property1'] is None
    assert config._raw_config['property2'] is None
    assert config._raw_config['property3'] is None
    assert config._raw_config['property4'] is None
    assert config._raw_config['property5'] is None
    assert config._raw_config['property6'] is None
Beispiel #21
def test_add_sample_file(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    # Expected: sample file appended to list of defaults:
    # - resolved w.r.t sample-dir (_in_sample_dir mocked)
    # - has ".sample" suffix
    # Last value (sample file) resolved and listified; others dropped as files do not exist
    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, 'add_sample_file_to_defaults', {'path1', 'path4'})
    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, '_in_sample_dir', lambda a, path: '/sample-dir/%s' % path)
    config = BaseAppConfiguration()

    assert config._raw_config['path1'] == 'my-config-files'
    assert config.path1 == '/sample-dir/my-config-files.sample'
    assert config._raw_config['path4'] == 'conf1, conf2, conf3'
    assert config.path4 == ['/sample-dir/conf3.sample']
Beispiel #22
def test_update_raw_config_from_string_kwargs(mock_init):
    # kwargs may be passed as strings: property data types should not be affected
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(property1='b', property2='2', property3='2.0', property4='false')

    assert len(config._raw_config) == 6  # no change
    assert config._raw_config['property1'] == 'b'  # updated
    assert config._raw_config['property2'] == 2  # updated
    assert config._raw_config['property3'] == 2.0  # updated
    assert config._raw_config['property4'] is False  # updated

    assert type(config._raw_config['property1']) is str
    assert type(config._raw_config['property2']) is int
    assert type(config._raw_config['property3']) is float
    assert type(config._raw_config['property4']) is bool
Beispiel #23
def test_load_config_from_schema(mock_init):
    config = BaseAppConfiguration()

    assert len(config._raw_config) == 6
    assert config._raw_config['property1'] == 'a'
    assert config._raw_config['property2'] == 1
    assert config._raw_config['property3'] == 1.0
    assert config._raw_config['property4'] is True
    assert config._raw_config['property5'] is None
    assert config._raw_config['property6'] is None

    assert type(config._raw_config['property1']) is str
    assert type(config._raw_config['property2']) is int
    assert type(config._raw_config['property3']) is float
    assert type(config._raw_config['property4']) is bool
Beispiel #24
def test_update_raw_config_from_kwargs(mock_init):
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(property2=2, property3=2.0, another_key=66)

    assert len(config._raw_config) == 6   # no change: another_key NOT added
    assert config._raw_config['property1'] == 'a'  # no change
    assert config._raw_config['property2'] == 2  # updated
    assert config._raw_config['property3'] == 2.0  # updated
    assert config._raw_config['property4'] is True  # no change
    assert config._raw_config['property5'] is None  # no change
    assert config._raw_config['property6'] is None  # no change

    assert type(config._raw_config['property1']) is str
    assert type(config._raw_config['property2']) is int
    assert type(config._raw_config['property3']) is float
    assert type(config._raw_config['property4']) is bool
Beispiel #25
def test_update_property(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    # This also covers adding a property. When a config file does not set a property,
    # that property is set to its default value. Thus, if we add a reloadable property
    # to the config file, it's the same as modifying that property's value.

    # edits to config file: R2, N1 modified
    monkeypatch.setattr(config, 'read_properties_from_file', lambda _: {
        R1: 1,
        R2: 42,
        N1: 99

    appconfig = BaseAppConfiguration()

    assert getattr(appconfig, R1) == 1
    assert getattr(appconfig, R2) == 2
    assert getattr(appconfig, N1) == 3


    assert getattr(appconfig, R1) == 1  # no change
    assert getattr(appconfig, R2) == 42  # change: reloadable option modified
    assert getattr(appconfig,
                   N1) == 3  # no change: option modified but is non-relodable
Beispiel #26
def test_basecase(monkeypatch):
    # Check that a valid graph is loaded correctly (this graph has 2 components)
    mock_schema = {
        'component1_path0': {
            'type': 'str',
            'default': 'value0',
        'component1_path1': {
            'type': 'str',
            'default': 'value1',
            'path_resolves_to': 'component1_path0',
        'component1_path2': {
            'type': 'str',
            'default': 'value2',
            'path_resolves_to': 'component1_path1',
        'component2_path0': {
            'type': 'str',
            'default': 'value3',
        'component2_path1': {
            'type': 'str',
            'default': 'value4',
            'path_resolves_to': 'component2_path0',
    monkeypatch.setattr(AppSchema, '_read_schema', lambda a, b: get_schema(mock_schema))
    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, '_load_schema', lambda a: AppSchema(None, '_'))

    config = BaseAppConfiguration()
    assert config.component1_path0 == 'value0'
    assert config.component1_path1 == 'value0/value1'
    assert config.component1_path2 == 'value0/value1/value2'
    assert config.component2_path0 == 'value3'
    assert config.component2_path1 == 'value3/value4'
Beispiel #27
def test_cant_delete_property(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    # A property should not be deleted: we don't know whether it was initially
    # set to a default, loaded from a config file, env var, etc. Therefore, if a property
    # is removed from the config file, it will not be modified or deleted.

    # edits to config file: R2, N2 deleted
    monkeypatch.setattr(config, 'read_properties_from_file', lambda _: {
        R1: 1,
        N1: 3

    appconfig = BaseAppConfiguration()

    assert getattr(appconfig, R1) == 1
    assert getattr(appconfig, R2) == 2
    assert getattr(appconfig, N1) == 3
    assert getattr(appconfig, N2) == 4


    assert getattr(appconfig, R1) == 1  # no change
    assert getattr(appconfig, R2) == 2  # no change: option cannot be deleted
    assert getattr(appconfig, N1) == 3  # no change
    assert getattr(appconfig, N2) == 4  # no change: option cannot be deleted
Beispiel #28
def test_resolves_with_empty_component(monkeypatch):
    # A path can be None (root path is never None; may be asigned elsewhere)
    mock_schema = {
        'path0': {
            'type': 'str',
            'default': 'value0',
        'path1': {
            'type': 'str',
            'path_resolves_to': 'path0',
        'path2': {
            'type': 'str',
            'default': 'value2',
            'path_resolves_to': 'path1',
    monkeypatch.setattr(AppSchema, '_read_schema', lambda a, b: get_schema(mock_schema))
    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, '_load_schema', lambda a: AppSchema(None, '_'))

    config = BaseAppConfiguration()
    assert config.path0 == 'value0'
    assert config.path1 == 'value0'
    assert config.path2 == 'value0/value2'
Beispiel #29
def test_unset_renamed_option_set_by_old_option(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(BaseAppConfiguration, 'renamed_options', {'old_property1': 'property1'})
    config = BaseAppConfiguration(old_property1='b')

    assert config._raw_config['property1'] == 'b'
Beispiel #30
def test_no_kwargs_listify(mock_init, monkeypatch):
    # Expected: last value resolved and listified; others dropped as files do not exist
    config = BaseAppConfiguration()

    assert config._raw_config['path4'] == 'conf1, conf2, conf3'
    assert config.path4 == ['my-config/conf3']