def closest_pt_params_to_ray(self, ray):
     p2, v2 = ray.params # note: at first I wrote self.params() (using method not attr)
     p1, v1 = self.params
     # do some math, solve for k in p1 + k * v1 = that point (remember that the vecs can be of any length):
     # way 1: express p2-p1 as a weighted sum of v1, v2, cross(v1,v2), then take the v1 term in that sum and add it to p1.
     # way 2: There must be a NumPy function that would just do this in about one step...
     # way 3: or maybe we can mess around with dot(v1,v2) sort of like in corner_analyzer in demo_polygon...
     # way 4: or we could google for "closest points on two lines" or so...
     # way 5: or we could call it the intersection of self with the plane containing p2, and directions v2 and the cross prod,
     # and use a formula in VQT. Yes, that may not be self-contained but it's fastest to code!
     v1n = norm(v1)
     v2n = norm(v2)
     perp0 = cross(v1n, v2n)
     if vlen(perp0) < 0.01:
         ##k btw what if the lines are parallel, in what way should we fail?
         # and for that matter what if they are *almost* parallel so that we're too sensitive -- do we use an env param
         # to decide whether to fail in that case too? If we're an Instance we could do that from self.env... #e
         print "closest_pt_params_to_ray: too sensitive, returning None" ###### teach caller to handle this; let 0.01 be option
         return None
     perpn = norm(perp0)
     perpperp = cross(perpn,v2n)
     inter = planeXline(p2, perpperp, p1, v1n) # intersect plane (as plane point and normal) with line (as point and vector)
     if inter is None:
         print "inter is None (unexpected); data:",p1,v1,p2,v2,perp0
         return None
     # inter is the retval for a variant which just wants the closest point itself, i.e. closest_pt_to_ray
     return dot(inter - p1, v1n) / vlen(v1)
Beispiel #2
 def closest_pt_params_to_ray(self, ray):
     p2, v2 = ray.params  # note: at first I wrote self.params() (using method not attr)
     p1, v1 = self.params
     # do some math, solve for k in p1 + k * v1 = that point (remember that the vecs can be of any length):
     # way 1: express p2-p1 as a weighted sum of v1, v2, cross(v1,v2), then take the v1 term in that sum and add it to p1.
     # way 2: There must be a NumPy function that would just do this in about one step...
     # way 3: or maybe we can mess around with dot(v1,v2) sort of like in corner_analyzer in demo_polygon...
     # way 4: or we could google for "closest points on two lines" or so...
     # way 5: or we could call it the intersection of self with the plane containing p2, and directions v2 and the cross prod,
     # and use a formula in VQT. Yes, that may not be self-contained but it's fastest to code!
     v1n = norm(v1)
     v2n = norm(v2)
     perp0 = cross(v1n, v2n)
     if vlen(perp0) < 0.01:
         ##k btw what if the lines are parallel, in what way should we fail?
         # and for that matter what if they are *almost* parallel so that we're too sensitive -- do we use an env param
         # to decide whether to fail in that case too? If we're an Instance we could do that from self.env... #e
         print "closest_pt_params_to_ray: too sensitive, returning None"  ###### teach caller to handle this; let 0.01 be option
         return None
     perpn = norm(perp0)
     perpperp = cross(perpn, v2n)
     inter = planeXline(
         p2, perpperp, p1, v1n
     )  # intersect plane (as plane point and normal) with line (as point and vector)
     if inter is None:
         print "inter is None (unexpected); data:", p1, v1, p2, v2, perp0
         return None
     # inter is the retval for a variant which just wants the closest point itself, i.e. closest_pt_to_ray
     return dot(inter - p1, v1n) / vlen(v1)
Beispiel #3
    def getHandlePoint(self, hdl, event):
        p1, p2 = self.glpane.mousepoints(event)
        rayPoint = p2
        rayVector = norm(p2 - p1)
        ptOnHandle =
        handleNorm = hdl.glpane.lineOfSight
        hdl_intersection = planeXline(ptOnHandle, handleNorm, rayPoint,

        handlePoint = hdl_intersection
        return handlePoint
Beispiel #4
 def getHandlePoint(self, hdl, event):
     p1, p2 = self.glpane.mousepoints(event)
     rayPoint = p2
     rayVector = norm(p2-p1)
     ptOnHandle =
     handleNorm = hdl.glpane.lineOfSight
     hdl_intersection = planeXline(ptOnHandle, 
     handlePoint = hdl_intersection         
     return handlePoint
Beispiel #5
    def getHandlePoint(self, hdl, event):

        #First compute the intersection point of the mouseray with the plane
        #This will be our first self.handle_MovePt upon left down.
        #This value is further used in handleLeftDrag. -- Ninad 20070531
        p1, p2 = self.glpane.mousepoints(event)
        linePoint = p2
        lineVector = norm(p2 - p1)
        planeAxis = self.getaxis()
        planeNorm = norm(planeAxis)
        planePoint =

        #Find out intersection of the mouseray with the plane.
        intersection = planeXline(planePoint, planeNorm, linePoint, lineVector)
        if intersection is None:
            intersection = ptonline(planePoint, linePoint, lineVector)

        handlePoint = intersection

        return handlePoint
Beispiel #6
    def getHandlePoint(self, hdl, event):

        #First compute the intersection point of the mouseray with the plane 
        #This will be our first self.handle_MovePt upon left down. 
        #This value is further used in handleLeftDrag. -- Ninad 20070531
        p1, p2     = self.glpane.mousepoints(event)
        linePoint  = p2
        lineVector = norm(p2 - p1)
        planeAxis  = self.getaxis()
        planeNorm  = norm(planeAxis)
        planePoint =

        #Find out intersection of the mouseray with the plane. 
        intersection = planeXline(planePoint, planeNorm, linePoint, lineVector)
        if intersection is None:
            intersection =  ptonline(planePoint, linePoint, lineVector)

        handlePoint = intersection

        return handlePoint