Beispiel #1
    def set_grid(self, lat0, lon0, width, length, grid_size=0.05):
        Set Target area based on given centroid coordinate and w, l of the rectangle area

                lat0, lon0:         Centroid coordinate
                width, length:      Width, Length of the area
                grid_size:          width of each grid, in km

                self.grids updated
        # Generate grid coordinate in (x, y)
        xs = np.arange(float(-width + grid_size)/2, float(width + grid_size)/2, grid_size)
        ys = np.arange(float(-length + grid_size)/2, float(length + grid_size)/2, grid_size)

        # Convert to coordinate
        index = 1
        start = geopy.Point(lat0, lon0)
        for _x in xs:
            for _y in ys:
                # Get Coordinate of (_x, _y) with (lat0, lon0) at (0, 0)
                north = gd.VincentyDistance(kilometers=_y)
                east = gd.VincentyDistance(kilometers=_x)
                point = north.destination(east.destination(start, 90), 0)
                self.grids.update({index: (point[0], point[1])})
                # Update index
                index += 1
Beispiel #2
def get_gains():
    """Returns lat and lon gain

    Gain is space between circles.
    start = Point(*get_map_center())
    base = config.SCAN_RADIUS * math.sqrt(3)
    height = base * math.sqrt(3) / 2
    dis_a = distance.VincentyDistance(meters=base)
    dis_h = distance.VincentyDistance(meters=height)
    lon_gain = dis_a.destination(point=start, bearing=90).longitude
    lat_gain = dis_h.destination(point=start, bearing=0).latitude
    return abs(start.latitude - lat_gain), abs(start.longitude - lon_gain)
Beispiel #3
def getPoints(lat0, lon0, x, y):
    Convert x,y (in km) to lat,long with given (lat, lon) represents (0,0) in km


        lat0, lon0:     coordinates of (0, 0) in km
        x, y (iterables such as list or ndarray): coordinates of points in km.

        the coordinate(s) in lat, lon
    start = geopy.Point(lat0, lon0)
    points = []
    for _x, _y in zip(x, y):
        north = gd.VincentyDistance(kilometers=_y)
        east = gd.VincentyDistance(kilometers=_x)
        points.append(north.destination(east.destination(start, 90), 0))
    lats, lons = zip(*points)[:2]
    return lats, lons
Beispiel #4
    def get_queryset(self):
        if not self.request.query_params:
            return Party.objects.all()
            user =
            lat = self.request.query_params.get('lat')
            lng = self.request.query_params.get('lng')
            if lat is None or lng is None:
                return Party.objects.none()

            d = self.request.query_params.get('d')
            if d is None:
                d = 10.0
            d = convert_mile_to_kilometer(float(d))

            origin = Point(lat, lng)
            north = distance.VincentyDistance(kilometers=d).destination(
                origin, 0)
            east = distance.VincentyDistance(kilometers=d).destination(
                origin, 90)
            south = distance.VincentyDistance(kilometers=d).destination(
                origin, 180)
            west = distance.VincentyDistance(kilometers=d).destination(
                origin, 270)

            north_lat = north.latitude
            east_lng = east.longitude
            south_lat = south.latitude
            west_lng = west.longitude

            q = Party.objects\
                .filter(lat__gte=south_lat, lat__lte=north_lat)\
            # edge case around the anti-meridian
            if west_lng > east_lng:
                # it seems like you can't chain Q-object queries with regular queries
                return q.filter(Q(lng__gte=west_lng) | Q(lng__lte=east_lng))
                return q.filter(lng__gte=west_lng, lng__lte=east_lng)
Beispiel #5
def getAngle(angleAttempts, fromA, toB):
    start = Point(toB['lat'], toB['lng'])
    travelDistance = gDistance.VincentyDistance(kilometers=0.01)

    def worker(acc, bearing):
        destination = travelDistance.destination(point=start, bearing=bearing)
        distancePoint = gDistance.distance(
            Point(fromA['lat'], fromA['lng']),
            Point(destination.latitude, destination.longitude)).km
        if (distancePoint > acc['distance']):
            return {'bearing': bearing, 'distance': distancePoint}
        return acc

    r = reduce(worker, angleAttempts, {'bearing': -1, 'distance': -1})
    return r['bearing']
Beispiel #6
def get_bounding_box_of_circle(center_lon, center_lat, radious):
    start = geopy.Point(latitude=center_lat, longitude=center_lon)
    d = distance.VincentyDistance(kilometers=radious)

    # bearing=0 -> north
    # bearing=90 -> east
    # bearing=180 -> south
    # bearing=270 -> west
    east_north_point = {
        'longitude': d.destination(point=start, bearing=90).longitude,
        'latitude': d.destination(point=start, bearing=0).latitude

    west_south_point = {
        'longitude': d.destination(point=start, bearing=270).longitude,
        'latitude': d.destination(point=start, bearing=180).latitude

    return west_south_point, east_north_point
Beispiel #7
def get_coordinates(start_point, end_point, distance_meters):
    Calculates the new coordinates between two points depending
    of the specified distance and the calculated bearing.

    start_point: geopy.Point
    end_point: geopy.Point
    distance_meters: float

    point: geopy.Point
        A new point between the start and the end points.
    bearing = get_bearing(start_point, end_point)

    distance_km = distance_meters / 1000
    d = geo_dist.VincentyDistance(kilometers=distance_km)
    destination = d.destination(point=start_point, bearing=bearing)

    return geopy.Point(destination.latitude, destination.longitude)
Beispiel #8
    def get_nearest(self, num=5):
        "Returns the nearest X people, but only within the same continent"
        # TODO: Add caching

        people = list(
        if len(people) <= num:
            # Not enough in country
            # use people from the same continent instead
            people = list(DjangoPerson.objects.filter(

        # Sort and annotate people by distance
        for person in people:
            person.distance_in_miles = distance.VincentyDistance(
                (self.latitude, self.longitude),
                (person.latitude, person.longitude)

        # Return the nearest X
        people.sort(key=lambda x: x.distance_in_miles)
        return people[:num]
Beispiel #9
    filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/guifinetstudio/detail/26494.cnml')
    nid = 33968  # MLGInvisible
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        nid, filename = sys.argv[1:2]

    # Parse CNML file
    cnmlp = CNMLParser(filename)
    from_node = cnmlp.getNode(nid)
    from_coord = (from_node.latitude, from_node.longitude)
    nodes = cnmlp.getNodes()
    distances = []

    # Calculate distance to every node in the same zone
    for to_node in nodes:
        to_coord = (to_node.latitude, to_node.longitude)
        dist = distance.VincentyDistance(from_coord, to_coord)
        bearing = calcBearing(from_node.latitude, from_node.longitude,
                              to_node.latitude, to_node.longitude)
        distances.append((, from_node.title, to_node.title, bearing))

    # Sort by distance
    for d in sorted(distances):
        if d[0] >= 1:
            dist_metric = '%.3f Km' % d[0]
            dist_metric = '%d m' % (d[0] * 1000)
        print('{} -> {}: {} (Az: {:.2f})'.format(d[1], d[2], dist_metric,
Beispiel #10
    train = df.query('Sold  < @d')
    test = df.query('Sold == @d')
    actual += list(test['PRICE'])
    # Model 1 : Full Variance
    ybar = train['lPRICE'].mean()
    model1 += [ybar] * len(test.index)
    # Model 2 : Simple OLS
    m2 = LinearRegression()[pcols], train[['lPRICE']])
    ypred = m2.predict(test[pcols])
    model2 += list(ypred.ravel())
    for i in list(test.index):
        tgt_lat = test['LATITUDE'][i]
        tgt_lon = test['LONGITUDE'][i]
        c1 = (tgt_lat, tgt_lon)
        train['Dist'] = map(lambda x, y: gd.VincentyDistance(c1, (x, y)).miles,
                            train['LATITUDE'], train['LONGITUDE'])
        train['dWgt'] = 1 / train['Dist']
        train['dWgt'] = np.where(train['dWgt'] > 25, 25, train['dWgt'])
        train['Wgt'] = train['tWgt'] * train['dWgt']
        # Model 3 : Weighted OLS
        m3 = LinearRegression()[pcols], train[['lPRICE']], np.array(train['Wgt']))
        ypred = m3.predict(test[pcols].query('index == @i'))
        model3 += list(ypred.ravel())
        # Model 4 : Weighted SVR
        # TODO: need to standardize the data, then use SVR

        m4 = SVR(C=0.1)[pcols], train[['lPRICE']], np.array(train['Wgt']))
        ypred = m4.predict(test[pcols].query('index == @i'))