Beispiel #1
    def _inset_floor_surfaces( _floor_surface, _inset_dist, _ghenv ):
        '''Shrinks/Insets the surface by the specified amount '''

            rh_srfc = from_face3d(_floor_surface.geometry)
        except Exception as e:
            msg = 'Error. Can not convert floor surface: "{}" to Rhino geometry?'.format( _floor_surface )
            _ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(ghK.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, msg)
            return None

        if _inset_dist < 0.001:
            return rh_srfc
        srfcPerim = ghc.JoinCurves( ghc.BrepEdges(rh_srfc)[0], preserve=False )
        # Get the inset Curve
        srfcCentroid = Rhino.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(rh_srfc).Centroid
        plane = ghc.XYPlane(srfcCentroid)
        srfcPerim_Inset_Pos = ghc.OffsetCurve(srfcPerim, _inset_dist, plane, 1)
        srfcPerim_Inset_Neg = ghc.OffsetCurve(srfcPerim, _inset_dist*-1, srfcCentroid, 1)
        # Choose the right Offset Curve. The one with the smaller area
        srfcInset_Pos = ghc.BoundarySurfaces( srfcPerim_Inset_Pos )
        srfcInset_Neg = ghc.BoundarySurfaces( srfcPerim_Inset_Neg )
        area_Pos = ghc.Area(srfcInset_Pos).area
        area_neg = ghc.Area(srfcInset_Neg).area
        if area_Pos < area_neg:
            return srfcInset_Pos
            return srfcInset_Neg
Beispiel #2
 def depth(self):
     '''Used for non-res lighting evaluation. The room depth(m) from the main window wall '''
     if self._depth:
         return self._depth
     worldXplane = ghc.XYPlane( Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0,0,0) )
     # Find the 'short' edge and the 'long' egde of the srfc geometry
     srfcEdges = ghc.DeconstructBrep(self.surface).edges
     segLengths = ghc.SegmentLengths(srfcEdges).longest_length
     srfcEdges_sorted = ghc.SortList(segLengths, srfcEdges).values_a
     endPoints = ghc.EndPoints(srfcEdges_sorted[-1])
     longEdgeVector = ghc.Vector2Pt(endPoints.start, endPoints.end, False).vector
     shortEdgeVector = ghc.Rotate(longEdgeVector, ghc.Radians(90), worldXplane).geometry
     # Use the edges to find the orientation and dimensions of the room
     srfcAligedPlane = ghc.ConstructPlane(ghc.Area(self.surface).centroid, longEdgeVector, shortEdgeVector)
     srfcAlignedWorld = ghc.Orient(self.surface, srfcAligedPlane, worldXplane).geometry
     dims = ghc.BoxProperties( srfcAlignedWorld ).diagonal
     dims = [dims.X, dims.Y]
     width = min(dims)
     depth = max(dims)
     return depth
Beispiel #3
    def _getheight(obj):
        geomlist = [x for n in obj for x in n]
        te = ghc.BrepJoin(geomlist).breps
        sm = ghc.MergeFaces(te).breps
        pt = ghc.Area(sm).centroid

        return pt.Z
Beispiel #4
 def _get_plane_aligned_to_surface(_surface):
     """Finds an Aligned Plane for Surface input
     Note, will try and correct to make sure the aligned plane's Y-Axis aligns 
     to the surface and goes 'up' (world Z) if it can.
         _surface: The Rhino surface to align with
         srfcPlane: A single Plane object, aligned to the surface
     # Get the UV info for the surface
     srfcPlane = rs.SurfaceFrame(_surface, [0.5, 0.5])
     centroid = ghc.Area(_surface).centroid
     uVector = srfcPlane.XAxis
     vVector = srfcPlane.YAxis
     # Create a Plane aligned to the UV of the srfc
     lineU = ghc.LineSDL(centroid, uVector, 1)
     lineV = ghc.LineSDL(centroid, vVector, 1)
     srfcPlane = ghc.Line_Line(lineU, lineV)
     # Try and make sure its pointing the right directions
     if abs(round(srfcPlane.XAxis.Z, 2)) != 0:
         srfcPlane =  ghc.RotatePlane(srfcPlane, ghc.Radians(90))
     if round(srfcPlane.YAxis.Z, 2) < 0:
         srfcPlane =  ghc.RotatePlane(srfcPlane, ghc.Radians(180))
     return srfcPlane
    def getGHSrfNormal(GHSrf):

        centroid = ghc.Area(GHSrf).centroid

        normalVector = ghc.EvaluateSurface(GHSrf, centroid).normal

        return normalVector, GHSrf
def getWindowBasics(_in):
    with idf2ph_rhDoc():
        # Get the Window Geometry
        geom = rs.coercegeometry(_in)
        windowSurface = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(geom)

        # Inset the window just slightly. If any windows touch one another or the zone edges
        # will failt to create a proper closed Brep. So shink them ever so slightly. Hopefully
        # not enough to affect the results.
        windowPerim = ghc.JoinCurves(ghc.DeconstructBrep(windowSurface).edges,
            windowPerim = ghc.OffsetonSrf(
                windowPerim, 0.004,
                windowSurface)  # 0.4mm so hopefully rounds down
            windowPerim = ghc.OffsetonSrf(windowPerim, -0.004, windowSurface)
        windowSurface = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(windowPerim)

        # Pull in the Object Name from Rhino Scene
        windowName = None
            windowName = rs.ObjectName(_in)
            warning = "Can't get the Window name from Rhino for some reason?\n"\
            "If you are passing in Rhino Geometry, double check you have named all the surfaces?\n"\
            "If you are passing in Grasshopper geometry though, ignore this message."
                ghK.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, warning)

        windowName = windowName if windowName != None else 'Unnamed_Window'
        windowName = cleanUpName(windowName)

        # Double check that the surface Normal didn't get flipped
        c1 = ghc.Area(geom).centroid
        n1 = rs.SurfaceNormal(geom, c1)

        c2 = ghc.Area(windowSurface).centroid
        n2 = rs.SurfaceNormal(windowSurface, c2)

        normAngleDifference = ghc.Degrees(ghc.Angle(n1, n2).angle)
        if round(normAngleDifference, 0) != 0:
            # Flip the surface if it doesn't match the source
            windowSurface = ghc.Flip(windowSurface).surface

        return windowName, windowSurface
Beispiel #7
def roomCenterPt(_srfcs):

    srfcCenters = []

    for eachSrfc in _srfcs:


    roomCenter = ghc.Average(srfcCenters)

    return roomCenter
Beispiel #8
    def set_surface_values(self, _srfc_guids):
        """Pulls Rhino Scene parameters for a list of Surface Object Guids
        Takes in a list of surface GUIDs and goes to Rhino. Looks in their
        UserText to get any user applied parameter data. Will also find the
        surface area of each surface in the list. 
        Calculates the total surface area of all surfaces in the list, as well as
        the area-weighted U-Value of the total.
        Will return tuple(0, 0) on any trouble getting parameter values or any fails
            _flrSrfcs (list): A list of Surface GUIDs to look at in the Rhino Scene
            totalFloorArea, floorUValue (tuple): The total floor area (m2) and the area weighted U-Value

        if _srfc_guids == None:
            return 0, 0

        if len(_srfc_guids) > 0:
            floorAreas = []
            weightedUvales = []

            for srfcGUID in _srfc_guids:
                # Get the Surface Area Params
                srfcGeom = rs.coercebrep(srfcGUID)
                if srfcGeom:
                    srfcArea = ghc.Area(srfcGeom).area

                    # Get the Surface U-Values Params
                    srfcUvalue = self._get_surface_U_value(srfcGUID)
                    weightedUvales.append(srfcUvalue * srfcArea)

                    warning = 'Error: Input into _floor_surfaces is not a Surface?\n'\
                    'Please ensure inputs are Surface Breps only.'
                        ghK.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, warning)

            totalFloorArea = sum(floorAreas)
            floorUValue = sum(weightedUvales) / totalFloorArea

            totalFloorArea = 0
            floorUValue = 0

        self.floor_area = totalFloorArea
        self.floor_U_value = floorUValue
def inset_rhino_surface(_srfc, _inset_dist=0.001, _srfc_name=""):
    """ Insets/shrinks a Rhino Brep some dimension 
        _srfc: A Rhino Brep
        _inset_dist: float: Default=0.001m
        _srfc_name: str: The name of the surface, used for error messages
        new_srfc: A new Rhino surface, shrunk/inset by the specified amount

    # Get all the surface params needed
    srfc_Center = ghc.Area(_srfc).centroid
    srfc_normal_vector = brep_avg_surface_normal(_srfc)
    srfc_edges = ghc.DeconstructBrep(_srfc).edges
    srfc_perimeter = ghc.JoinCurves(srfc_edges, False)

    # Try to inset the perimeter Curve
    inset_curve = rs.OffsetCurve(srfc_perimeter, srfc_Center, _inset_dist, srfc_normal_vector, 0)

    # In case the new curve goes 'out' and the offset fails
    # Or is too small and results in multiple offset Curves
    if len(inset_curve)>1:
        warning = 'Error. The surface: "{}" is too small. The offset of {} m"\
            "can not be done. Check the offset size?'.format(_srfc_name, _inset_dist)
        inset_curve = rs.OffsetCurve(srfc_perimeter, srfc_Center, 0.001, srfc_normal_vector, 0)
        inset_curve = rs.coercecurve( inset_curve[0] )
        inset_curve = rs.coercecurve( inset_curve[0] )

    new_srfc = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(inset_curve)

    return new_srfc
Beispiel #10
 def center_point(self):
     cps = [ ghc.Area(tfa_srfc).centroid for tfa_srfc in self.space_tfa_surfaces ]
     cp = ghc.Average(cps)
     return rs.CreatePoint(*cp)
Beispiel #11
 def _getz(obj):
     geomlst = [x for n in obj for x in n]
     te = ghc.BrepJoin(geomlst).breps
     cnt = ghc.Area(te).centroid
     return cnt.Z
Beispiel #12
 def get_surface_area(_srfc):
     return ghc.Area(_srfc.geometry)[0]
Beispiel #13
def find_reveal_shading(_phpp_window_obj, _shadingGeom, _extents=99):
    WinCenter = ghc.Area(_phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface).centroid
    edges = _phpp_window_obj._get_edges_in_order( _phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface )
    surface_normal = _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal

    #Create the Intersection Surface for each side
    Side1_OriginPt = ghc.CurveMiddle( from_linesegment3d(edges.Left) )
    Side1_NormalLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side1_OriginPt, surface_normal, _extents)
    Side1_Direction = ghc.Vector2Pt(WinCenter, Side1_OriginPt, False).vector
    Side1_HorizLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction, _extents)
    Side1_IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(Side1_NormalLine, Side1_HorizLine)
    #Side2_OriginPt = SideMidPoints[1] #ghc.CurveMiddle(self.Edge_Left)
    Side2_OriginPt = ghc.CurveMiddle( from_linesegment3d(edges.Right) )
    Side2_NormalLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side2_OriginPt, surface_normal, _extents)
    Side2_Direction = ghc.Vector2Pt(WinCenter, Side2_OriginPt, False).vector
    Side2_HorizLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction, _extents)
    Side2_IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(Side2_NormalLine, Side2_HorizLine)
    #Find any Shader Objects and put them all into a list
    Side1_RevealShaderObjs = []
    testStartPt = ghc.Move(WinCenter, ghc.Amplitude(surface_normal, 0.1)).geometry #Offsets the test line just a bit
    Side1_TesterLine = ghc.LineSDL(testStartPt, Side1_Direction, _extents) #extend a line off to side 1
    for i in range(len(_shadingGeom)):
        if ghc.BrepXCurve(_shadingGeom[i],Side1_TesterLine).points != None:
    Side2_RevealShaderObjs = []
    Side2_TesterLine = ghc.LineSDL(testStartPt, Side2_Direction, _extents) #extend a line off to side 2
    for i in range(len(_shadingGeom)):
        if ghc.BrepXCurve(_shadingGeom[i],Side2_TesterLine).points != None:
    # Calc Shading reveal dims
    NumShadedSides = 0
    if len(Side1_RevealShaderObjs) != 0:
        Side1_o_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side1_RevealShaderObjs, Side1_IntersectionSurface, Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction)[0]
        Side1_d_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side1_RevealShaderObjs, Side1_IntersectionSurface, Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction)[1]
        Side1_CheckLine = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side1_RevealShaderObjs, Side1_IntersectionSurface, Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction)[2]
        NumShadedSides = NumShadedSides + 1
        Side1_o_reveal =  None
        Side1_d_reveal = None
        Side1_CheckLine = Side1_HorizLine
    if len(Side2_RevealShaderObjs) != 0:
        Side2_o_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side2_RevealShaderObjs, Side2_IntersectionSurface, Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction)[0]
        Side2_d_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side2_RevealShaderObjs, Side2_IntersectionSurface, Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction)[1]
        Side2_CheckLine = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side2_RevealShaderObjs, Side2_IntersectionSurface, Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction)[2]
        NumShadedSides = NumShadedSides + 1
        Side2_o_reveal =  None
        Side2_d_reveal = None
        Side2_CheckLine = Side2_HorizLine
    # TODO: how to handel asymetrical reveals????

    o_reveal = Side1_o_reveal#(Side1_o_reveal + Side2_o_reveal )/ max(1,NumShadedSides)
    d_reveal = Side1_d_reveal#(Side1_d_reveal + Side2_d_reveal )/ max(1,NumShadedSides)

    return o_reveal, d_reveal, Side1_CheckLine, Side2_CheckLine
Beispiel #14
def find_overhang_shading(_phpp_window_obj, _shadingGeom, _extents=99):
    # Figure out the glass surface (inset a bit) and then
    # find the origin point for all the subsequent shading calcs (top, middle)
    glzgCenter = ghc.Area(_phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface).centroid
    glazingEdges = _phpp_window_obj._get_edges_in_order( _phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface )
    glazingTopEdge = from_linesegment3d(glazingEdges.Top)
    ShadingOrigin = ghc.CurveMiddle(glazingTopEdge)
    # In order to also work for windows which are not vertical, find the 
    # 'direction' from the glazing origin and the top/middle ege point
    UpVector = ghc.Vector2Pt(glzgCenter, ShadingOrigin, True).vector
    # First, need to filter the scene to find the objects that are 'above'
    # the window. Create a 'test plane' that is _extents (99m) tall and 0.5m past the wall surface, test if
    # any objects intersect that plane. If so, add them to the set of things
    # test in the next step
    depth = float(_phpp_window_obj.install_depth) + 0.5
    edge1 = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, UpVector, _extents)
    edge2 = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal, depth)
    intersectionTestPlane = ghc.SumSurface(edge1, edge2)
    OverhangShadingObjs = (x for x in _shadingGeom 
                    if ghc.BrepXBrep(intersectionTestPlane, x).curves != None)
    # Using the filtered set of shading objects, find the 'edges' of shading 
    # geom and then decide where the maximums shading point is
    # Create a new 'test' plane coming off the origin (99m in both directions this time).
    # Test to find any intersection shading objs and all their crvs/points with this plane
    HorizontalLine = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal, _extents)
    VerticalLine = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, UpVector, _extents)
    IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(HorizontalLine, VerticalLine)
    IntersectionCurves = (ghc.BrepXBrep(obj, IntersectionSurface).curves 
                            for obj in OverhangShadingObjs
                            if ghc.BrepXBrep(obj, IntersectionSurface).curves != None)
    IntersectionPointsList = (ghc.ControlPoints(crv).points for crv in IntersectionCurves)
    IntersectionPoints = (pt for list_of_pts in IntersectionPointsList for pt in list_of_pts)
    # If there are any intersection Points found, choose the right one to use to calc shading....
    # Find the top/closets point for each of the objects that could possibly shade
    smallest_angle_found = 2 * math.pi
    key_point = None
    for pt in IntersectionPoints:
        if pt == None:        
        # Protect against Zero-Length error
        ray = ghc.Vector2Pt(ShadingOrigin, pt, False).vector
        if ray.Length < 0.001:
        this_ray_angle = ghc.Angle(_phpp_window_obj.surface_normal , ray).angle
        if this_ray_angle < 0.001:
        if this_ray_angle <= smallest_angle_found:
            smallest_angle_found = this_ray_angle
            key_point = pt
    # Use the 'key point' found to deliver the Height and Distance for the PHPP Shading Calculator
    if not key_point:
        d_over = None
        o_over = None
        CheckLine = VerticalLine
        d_over = key_point.Z - ShadingOrigin.Z                              # Vertical distance
        Hypot = ghc.Length(ghc.Line(ShadingOrigin, key_point))              # Hypot
        o_over = math.sqrt(Hypot**2 - d_over**2)                            # Horizontal distance
        CheckLine = ghc.Line(ShadingOrigin, key_point)
    return d_over, o_over, CheckLine
Beispiel #15
def brep_area(brep, plane):
    """ Computes plane area of a brep"""
    section_curve = ghc.BrepXPlane(brep,plane)[0]
    area = ghc.Area(section_curve)[0]
    return area