Beispiel #1
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    wind = constant_wind(1., 0)
    water = Water()
    w = Waves(wind, water)

    json_ = w.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    w2 = Waves.deserialize(json_)
    assert w2.wind == Wind.deserialize(json_['wind'])
    assert w2.water == Water.deserialize(json_['water'])
    assert w == w2
Beispiel #2
def test_get_emulsification_wind():
    wind = constant_wind(3., 0)
    water = Water()
    w = Waves(wind, water)

    print w.get_emulsification_wind(start_time)
    assert w.get_emulsification_wind(start_time) == 3.0
Beispiel #3
def test_call_no_fetch_or_height():
    "fully developed seas"
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, default_water)

    H, T, Wf, De = w.get_value(start_time)

    print H, T, Wf, De

    print "Need to check reasonable numbers"
Beispiel #4
def test_compute_H():
    """can it compute a wave height at all?

       fetch unlimited
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, default_water)
    H = w.compute_H(5)  # five m/s wind

    print H
Beispiel #5
def test_pseudo_wind(U):
    should reverse the wave height computation
    at least for fetch-unlimited
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, default_water)

    print "testing for U:", U
    # 0.707 compensates for RMS wave height
    assert round(w.pseudo_wind(w.compute_H(U) / 0.707), 5) == round(U, 8)
Beispiel #6
def test_mean_wave_period(U):
    test the wave period
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, default_water)

    print "testing for U:", U

    f = w.mean_wave_period(U)

    print f
Beispiel #7
def test_compute_H_fetch():
    """can it compute a wave height at all?

       fetch limited case
    water = copy(default_water)
    water.fetch = 10000  # 10km
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)  # 10km
    H = w.compute_H(5)  # five m/s wind

    print H
Beispiel #8
def test_call_fetch():

    water = copy(default_water)
    water.fetch = 1e4  # 10km
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)

    H, T, Wf, De = w.get_value(start_time)

    print H, T, Wf, De

    print "Need to check reasonable numbers"
Beispiel #9
def test_compute_H_fetch_huge():
    With a huge fetch, should be same as fetch-unlimited
    water = copy(default_water)
    water.fetch = 1e100  # 10km
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)
    H_f = w.compute_H(5)  # five m/s wind
    w.fetch = None
    H_nf = w.compute_H(5)

    assert H_f == H_nf
Beispiel #10
def test_call_height():
    """ call with specified wave height """

    water = copy(default_water)
    water.wave_height = 1.0
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)

    H, T, Wf, De = w.get_value(start_time)

    print H, T, Wf, De

    assert H == 1.0
Beispiel #11
def test_call_height():
    """ call with specified wave height """

    water = copy(default_water)
    water.wave_height = 1.0
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)

    H, T, Wf, De = w.get_value(start_time)

    print H, T, Wf, De

    assert H == 1.0
Beispiel #12
def test_call_height():
    """ call with specified wave height """

    water = copy(default_water)
    water.wave_height = 1.0
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)

    H, T, Wf, De = w.get_value(None, start_time)

    print H, T, Wf, De

    assert H == .707	# returns root mean square wave height
Beispiel #13
def test_compute_H_fetch():
        can it compute a wave height at all?
        fetch limited case
    water = copy(default_water)
    water.fetch = 10000  # 10km

    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)  # 10km
    H = w.compute_H(5)  # five m/s wind

    print H
Beispiel #14
def test_compute_H_fetch_huge():
    With a huge fetch, should be same as fetch-unlimited
    water = copy(default_water)
    water.fetch = 1e100  # 10km
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)
    H_f = w.compute_H(5)  # five m/s wind
    w.fetch = None
    H_nf = w.compute_H(5)

    assert H_f == H_nf
Beispiel #15
def test_period_fetch(U):
    Test the wave period
    water = copy(default_water)
    water.fetch = 1e4  # 10km
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)  # 10km fetch

    print "testing for U:", U

    T = w.comp_period(U)

    print T
Beispiel #16
def test_mean_wave_period_with_fetch(U):
    Test the wave period
    print "testing for U:", U

    water = copy(default_water)
    water.fetch = 1e4  # 10km
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)  # 10km fetch

    T = w.mean_wave_period(U)

    print T
Beispiel #17
def test_period_fetch(U):
    Test the wave period
    water = copy(default_water)
    water.fetch = 1e4  # 10km
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)  # 10km fetch

    print "testing for U:", U

    T = w.comp_period(U)

    print T
Beispiel #18
def test_peak_wave_period(wind_speed, expected):
    "fully developed seas"
    series = np.array((start_time, (wind_speed, 45)),
                      dtype=datetime_value_2d).reshape((1, ))
    test_wind = Wind(timeseries=series, units='meter per second')

    w = Waves(test_wind, default_water)

    print 'Wind speed:', w.wind.get_value(start_time)

    T_w = w.peak_wave_period(start_time)

    assert np.isclose(T_w, expected)
Beispiel #19
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    wind = constant_wind(15., 0)
    waves = Waves(wind, Water())
    e = NaturalDispersion(waves)
    json_ = e.serialize()
    json_['waves'] = waves.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_ = NaturalDispersion.deserialize(json_)
    assert d_['waves'] == Waves.deserialize(json_['waves'])
    d_['waves'] = waves
    assert e.waves is waves
Beispiel #20
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    wind = constant_wind(15., 0)
    waves = Waves(wind, Water())
    e = NaturalDispersion(waves)
    json_ = e.serialize()
    json_['waves'] = waves.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_ = NaturalDispersion.deserialize(json_)
    assert d_['waves'] == Waves.deserialize(json_['waves'])
    d_['waves'] = waves
    assert e.waves is waves
Beispiel #21
def build_waves_obj(wind_speed, wind_units, direction_deg, temperature):
    # also test with lower wind no dispersion
    wind = constant_wind(wind_speed, direction_deg, wind_units)
    water = Water(temperature=temperature)
    waves = Waves(wind, water)

    return waves
Beispiel #22
def sample_model_weathering(sample_model_fcn,
    model = sample_model_fcn['model']
    rel_pos = sample_model_fcn['release_start_pos']

    # update model the same way for multiple tests
    model.uncertain = False     # fixme: with uncertainty, copying spill fails!
    model.duration = timedelta(hours=4)

    et = gnome.spill.elements.floating(substance=oil)
    start_time = model.start_time + timedelta(hours=1)
    end_time = start_time + timedelta(seconds=model.time_step*3)
    spill = gnome.spill.point_line_release_spill(num_les,
    model.spills += spill

    # define environment objects that weatherers require
    model.environment += [constant_wind(1, 0), Water(), Waves()]

    return model
def test_sort_order():
    'test sort order for Biodegradation weatherer'
    wind = constant_wind(15., 0)
    waves = Waves(wind, Water())
    bio_deg = Biodegradation(waves)

    assert weatherer_sort(bio_deg) == 11
Beispiel #24
def allWeatherers(timeStep, start_time, duration, weatheringSteps, map, uncertain, data_path, curr_path, wind_path, map_path, reFloatHalfLife, windFile, currFile, tidalFile, num_elements, depths, lat, lon, output_path, wind_scale, save_nc, timestep_outputs, weatherers, td):
    print 'initializing the model:'
    model = Model(time_step=timeStep, start_time=start_time, duration=duration)
    print 'adding the map:'
    map_folder = os.path.join(data_path, map_path)
    if not(os.path.exists(map_folder)):
        print('The map folder is incorrectly set:', map_folder)
    mapfile = get_datafile( os.path.join(map_folder,map) ) = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=reFloatHalfLife)
    print 'adding a renderer'
    model.outputters += Renderer(mapfile, output_path, size=(800, 600), output_timestep=timedelta(hours=1))
    if save_nc:
        nc_outputter = NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='most', output_timestep=timedelta(hours=1))
        model.outputters += nc_outputter
    print 'adding a wind mover:'
    wind_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(data_path, wind_path, windFile))
    wind = GridWindMover(wind_file)
    wind.wind_scale = wind_scale
    model.movers += wind
    print 'adding a current mover: '
    curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(data_path, curr_path, currFile))
    model.movers += GridCurrentMover(curr_file, num_method='RK4')
    if td:
        random_mover = RandomMover(diffusion_coef=10000)
        model.movers += random_mover
    print 'adding spill'
    model.spills += point_line_release_spill(num_elements=num_elements, start_position=(lon, lat, 0), release_time=start_time, end_release_time=start_time + duration)
    print 'adding weatherers'
    water = Water(280.92)
    wind = constant_wind(20.0, 117, 'knots')
    waves = Waves(wind, water)
    model.weatherers += Evaporation(water, wind)
    model.weatherers += Emulsification(waves)
    model.weatherers += NaturalDispersion(waves, water)
    return model
Beispiel #25
def test_sort_order():
    'test sort order for Dissolution weatherer'
    wind = constant_wind(15., 0)
    waves = Waves(wind, Water())
    diss = Dissolution(waves)

    assert weatherer_sort(diss) == 8
def test_init():
    wind = constant_wind(15., 0)
    waves = Waves(wind, Water())
    bio_deg = Biodegradation(waves)

    assert all([(at in bio_deg.array_types)
                for at in ('mass', 'droplet_avg_size')])
Beispiel #27
def test_whitecap_fraction(U):
    Fraction whitcapping -- doesn't really check values
    but should catch gross errors!
    print "testing for U:", U

    w = Waves(test_wind_5, default_water)
    f = w.whitecap_fraction(U)

    assert f >= 0.0
    assert f <= 1.0

    if U == 4.0:
        # assert round(f, 8) == round(0.05 / 3.85, 8)
        # included the .5 factor from ADIOS2
        assert round(f, 8) == round(0.05 / 3.85 / 2, 8)
Beispiel #28
def test_wave_energy(H, expected):
    Test the dissipative wave energy
    print "testing for H:", H

    water = copy(default_water)
    water.fetch = 1e4  # 10km
    w = Waves(test_wind_5, water)  # 10km fetch

    De = w.dissipative_wave_energy(H)

    print De

    # Note: Right now we are just documenting the results that we are
    #       getting.  The expected values need to be checked for validity.
    assert np.isclose(De, expected, rtol=0.01)
Beispiel #29
def test_init():
    'test initialization'
    wind = constant_wind(15., 0)
    waves = Waves(wind, Water())
    diss = Dissolution(waves)

    print diss.array_types
    assert all([(at in diss.array_types)
                for at in ('mass', 'viscosity', 'density')])
Beispiel #30
    def deserialize(cls, json_):
        ChemicalDispersion could include 'waves'.
        schema = cls._schema()
        _to_dict = schema.deserialize(json_)
        if "waves" in json_ and json_["waves"] is not None:
            _to_dict["waves"] = Waves.deserialize(json_["waves"])

        return _to_dict
Beispiel #31
    def deserialize(cls, json_):
        ChemicalDispersion could include 'waves'.
        schema = cls._schema()
        _to_dict = schema.deserialize(json_)
        if 'waves' in json_ and json_['waves'] is not None:
            _to_dict['waves'] = Waves.deserialize(json_['waves'])

        return _to_dict
Beispiel #32
def test_full_run_no_evap(sample_model_fcn2, oil, temp, expected_balance):
    test dissolution outputs post step for a full run of model. Dump json
    for 'weathering_model.json' in dump directory
    low_wind = constant_wind(1., 270, 'knots')
    low_waves = Waves(low_wind, Water(temp))
    model = sample_model_weathering2(sample_model_fcn2, oil, temp)
    model.environment += [Water(temp), low_wind, low_waves]
    # model.weatherers += Evaporation(Water(temp), low_wind)
    model.weatherers += NaturalDispersion(low_waves, Water(temp))
    model.weatherers += Dissolution(low_waves, low_wind)

    print ('Model start time: {}, Duration: {}, Time step: {}'
           .format(model.start_time, model.duration, model.time_step))

    for sc in model.spills.items():
        print '\nSpill dict keys: ', sc.__dict__.keys()
        print '\nSpill data arrays: ', sc._data_arrays

        print 'num spills:', len(sc.spills)
        print ('spill[0] amount: {} {} ({})'
               .format(sc.spills[0].amount, sc.spills[0].units,
        original_amount = sc.spills[0].amount

    # set make_default_refs to True for objects contained in model after adding
    # objects to the model

    dissolved = []
    for step_num, step in enumerate(model):
        for sc in model.spills.items():
            if step['step_num'] > 0:
                assert (sc.mass_balance['dissolution'] > 0)
                assert (sc.mass_balance['natural_dispersion'] > 0)
                assert (sc.mass_balance['sedimentation'] > 0)


            print ('\n#Step: {}'.format(step_num))
            print ("Dissolved: {0}".
            print ("Mass: {0}".
            print ("Mass Components: {0}".

    print ('Fraction dissolved after full run: {}'
           .format(dissolved[-1] / original_amount))

    assert dissolved[0] == 0.0
    assert np.isclose(dissolved[-1], expected_balance)
Beispiel #33
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    "test serialize/deserialize for webapi"
    wind = constant_wind(1.0, 0)
    water = Water()
    w = Waves(wind, water)
    json_ = w.serialize()
    json_["wind"] = wind.serialize()
    json_["water"] = water.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_ = Waves.deserialize(json_)
    print "d_"
    print d_
    assert d_["wind"] == Wind.deserialize(json_["wind"])
    assert d_["water"] == Water.deserialize(json_["water"])
    d_["wind"] = wind
    d_["water"] = water
    assert w.wind is wind
    assert w.water is water
Beispiel #34
def test__deserialize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    wind = constant_wind(15., 0)
    water = Water()
    waves = Waves(wind, water)

    diss = Dissolution(waves, wind)
    json_ = diss.serialize()

    assert json_['waves'] == waves.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_ = Dissolution.deserialize(json_)
    assert d_['waves'] == Waves.deserialize(json_['waves'])

    d_['waves'] = waves

    assert diss.waves is waves
Beispiel #35
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'
    wind = constant_wind(15., 0)
    water = Water()
    waves = Waves(wind, water)

    diss = Dissolution(waves)
    json_ = diss.serialize()

    assert json_['waves'] == waves.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_ = Dissolution.deserialize(json_)
    assert d_['waves'] == Waves.deserialize(json_['waves'])

    d_['waves'] = waves

    assert diss.waves is waves
def test_serialize_deseriailize():
    'test serialize/deserialize for webapi'

    wind = constant_wind(15., 0)
    water = Water()
    waves = Waves(wind, water)

    bio_deg = Biodegradation(waves)
    json_ = bio_deg.serialize()

    assert json_['waves'] == waves.serialize()

    # deserialize and ensure the dict's are correct
    d_ = Biodegradation.deserialize(json_)
    assert d_['waves'] == Waves.deserialize(json_['waves'])

    d_['waves'] = waves

    assert bio_deg.waves is waves
Beispiel #37
    def make_model_incomplete_waves(self):
        create a model with waves objects with no referenced wind, water.
        Include Spill so we don't get warnings for it
        model = Model(start_time=self.start_time)
        model.spills += Spill(Release(self.start_time, 1))

        waves = Waves()
        model.environment += waves

        return (model, waves)
Beispiel #38
def test_get_emulsification_wind_with_wave_height():
    wind = constant_wind(3., 0)
    water = Water()
    water.wave_height = 2.0
    w = Waves(wind, water)

    print w.get_value(start_time)

    print w.get_emulsification_wind(start_time)
    # input wave height should hav overwhelmed
    assert w.get_emulsification_wind(start_time) > 3.0
Beispiel #39
def test_get_emulsification_wind_with_wave_height2():
    wind = constant_wind(10., 0)
    water = Water()
    water.wave_height = 2.0
    w = Waves(wind, water)

    print w.get_value(start_time)

    print w.get_emulsification_wind(start_time)
    # input wave height should not have overwhelmed wind speed
    assert w.get_emulsification_wind(start_time) == 10.0
def test_make_default_refs():
    ensure make_default_refs is a thread-safe operation
    once object is instantiated, object.make_default_refs is an attribute of
    model = Model()
    model1 = Model()
    wind = Wind(timeseries=[(t, (0, 1))], units='m/s')
    water = Water()

    waves = Waves(name='waves')
    waves1 = Waves(name='waves1', make_default_refs=False)
    model.environment += [wind, water, waves]
    model1.environment += waves1

    # waves should get auto hooked up/waves1 should not
    assert waves.wind is wind
    assert waves.water is water
    with pytest.raises(ReferencedObjectNotSet):
Beispiel #41
def test_weatherer_sort():
    Sample model with weatherers - only tests sorting of weathereres. The
    Model will likely not run
    model = Model()

    skimmer = Skimmer(100, 'kg', efficiency=0.3,
                      active_start=datetime(2014, 1, 1, 0, 0),
                      active_stop=datetime(2014, 1, 1, 0, 3))
    burn = Burn(100, 1, active_start=datetime(2014, 1, 1, 0, 0))
    c_disp = ChemicalDispersion(.3,
                                active_start=datetime(2014, 1, 1, 0, 0),
                                active_stop=datetime(2014, 1, 1, 0, 3),
    weatherers = [Emulsification(),
                              constant_wind(1, 0)),

    exp_order = [weatherers[ix] for ix in (3, 4, 2, 1, 0)]

    model.environment += [Water(), constant_wind(5, 0), Waves()]
    model.weatherers += weatherers

    # WeatheringData and FayGravityViscous automatically get added to
    # weatherers. Only do assertion on weatherers contained in list above
    assert model.weatherers.values()[:len(exp_order)] != exp_order


    assert model.weatherers.values()[:len(exp_order)] == exp_order

    # check second time around order is kept
    assert model.weatherers.values()[:len(exp_order)] == exp_order

    # Burn, ChemicalDispersion are at same sorting level so appending
    # another Burn to the end of the list will sort it to be just after
    # ChemicalDispersion so index 2
    burn = Burn(50, 1, active_start=datetime(2014, 1, 1, 0, 0))
    exp_order.insert(3, burn)

    model.weatherers += exp_order[3]  # add this and check sorting still works
    assert model.weatherers.values()[:len(exp_order)] != exp_order


    assert model.weatherers.values()[:len(exp_order)] == exp_order
Beispiel #42
def test_exception():
    w = Waves()

    # wind object undefined
    with pytest.raises(ReferencedObjectNotSet):

    w.wind = test_wind_0

    # water object undefined
    with pytest.raises(ReferencedObjectNotSet):
Beispiel #43
    def test_set_efficiency(self):
        for wave height > 6.4 m, efficiency goes to 0
        # make wind large so efficiency goes to 0
        waves = Waves(constant_wind(0, 0), water=Water())
        c_disp = ChemicalDispersion(self.spill_pct, active_range, waves=waves)
        pts = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
        c_disp._set_efficiency(pts, self.spill.release_time)
        assert c_disp.efficiency == 1.0

        c_disp.efficiency = 0
        waves.wind.timeseries = (waves.wind.timeseries[0]['time'], (100, 0))
        c_disp._set_efficiency(pts, self.spill.release_time)
        assert np.all(c_disp.efficiency == 0)
Beispiel #44
def test_sort_order():
    'test sort order for Dissolution weatherer'
    wind = constant_wind(15., 0)
    waves = Waves(wind, Water())

    diss = Dissolution(waves, wind)
    disp = NaturalDispersion(waves=waves, water=waves.water)
    weathering_data = WeatheringData(water=waves.water)

    # dissolution is dependent upon droplet distribution generated by
    # natural dispersion
    assert weatherer_sort(disp) < weatherer_sort(diss)

    # dissolution needs to happen before we treat our weathering data
    assert weatherer_sort(diss) < weatherer_sort(weathering_data)