Beispiel #1
    def get_posts(self, limit=10, sort="hot", category=None, start=None):
        """ Get multiple posts in an array.

            :param int limit: Limit the list of posts by ``limit``
            :param str sort: Sort the list by "recent" or "payout"
            :param str category: Only show posts in this category
            :param str start: Show posts after this post. Takes an
                              identifier of the form ``@author/permlink``
        from import Post

        discussion_query = {
            "tag": category,
            "limit": limit,
        if start:
            author, permlink = resolve_identifier(start)
            discussion_query["start_author"] = author
            discussion_query["start_permlink"] = permlink

        if sort not in [
                "trending", "created", "active", "cashout", "payout", "votes",
                "children", "hot"
            raise Exception("Invalid choice of '--sort'!")

        func = getattr(self, "get_discussions_by_%s" % sort)
        r = []
        for p in func(discussion_query):
            r.append(Post(p, steemd_instance=self))
        return r
Beispiel #2
    def refresh(self):
        post_author, post_permlink = resolve_identifier(self.identifier)
        post = self.steemd.get_content(post_author, post_permlink)
        if not post["permlink"]:
            raise PostDoesNotExist("Post does not exist: %s" % self.identifier)

        # If this 'post' comes from an operation, it might carry a patch
        if "body" in post and re.match("^@@", post["body"]):
            self.patched = True

        # TODO: Check
        # This field is returned from blockchain, but it's empty. Fill it
        post['reblogged_by'] = [i for i in self.steemd.get_reblogged_by(post_author, post_permlink) if i != post_author]

        # Parse Times
        parse_times = ["active",
        for p in parse_times:
            post[p] = parse_time(post.get(p, "1970-01-01T00:00:00"))

        # Parse Amounts
        sbd_amounts = [
        for p in sbd_amounts:
            post[p] = Amount(post.get(p, "0.000 GBG"))

        # calculate trending and hot scores for sorting
        post['score_trending'] = calculate_trending(post.get('net_rshares', 0), post['created'])
        post['score_hot'] = calculate_hot(post.get('net_rshares', 0), post['created'])

        # turn json_metadata into python dict
        meta_str = post.get("json_metadata", "{}")
        post['json_metadata'] = silent(json.loads)(meta_str) or {}

        post["tags"] = []
        post['community'] = ''
        if isinstance(post['json_metadata'], dict):
            if post["depth"] == 0:
                tags = [post["parent_permlink"]]
                tags += get_in(post, ['json_metadata', 'tags'], default=[])
                tags_set = set(tags)
                post["tags"] = [tag for tag in tags if tag not in tags_set]

            post['community'] = get_in(post, ['json_metadata', 'community'], default='')

        # If this post is a comment, retrieve the root comment
        self.root_identifier, self.category = self._get_root_identifier(post)

Beispiel #3
 def get_replies(self):
     """ Return **first-level** comments of the post.
     post_author, post_permlink = resolve_identifier(self.identifier)
     replies = self.steemd.get_content_replies(post_author, post_permlink)
     return map(silent(Post), replies)
Beispiel #4
 def test_resolveIdentifier(self):
     self.assertEqual(resolve_identifier("A/B"), ("A", "B"))