def test_patches_describedBy_to_set_nonlocal():
    template = \
{% set describedBy = "" %}
{% set describedBy = describedBy + '-hint' %}
{% if ((describedBy | length) > 0) %}{% endif %}
{% macro x(params) %}
  {{ params.describedBy }}
{% endmacro %}
    "describedBy": describedBy,
    describedBy: describedBy,
    assert (njk_to_j2(template) == """
{%- set nonlocal = namespace() -%}
{% set nonlocal.describedBy = "" %}
{% set nonlocal.describedBy = nonlocal.describedBy + '-hint' %}
{% if ((nonlocal.describedBy | length) > 0) %}{% endif %}
{% macro x(params) %}
  {{ params.describedBy }}
{% endmacro %}
    "describedBy": nonlocal.describedBy,
    'describedBy': nonlocal.describedBy,
def test_patches_iteration_of_attributes(object):
    assert (njk_to_j2(
        "{%- for attribute, value in "
        ".attributes %}{% endfor -%}") == "{%- for attribute, value in "
            ".attributes.items() %}{% endfor -%}")
def test_replaces_items_getattr_with_getitem():
    assert (njk_to_j2("""
{% for item in params.items %}
{% endfor %}
""") == """
{% for item in params.items__njk %}
{% endfor %}
def test_replaces_add_max_words_with_concatenate():
    assert (njk_to_j2("""
{{ macro({
  text: 'You can enter up to ' + (params.maxlength or params.maxwords) + (' words' if params.maxwords else ' characters')
}) }}
""") == """
{{ macro({
  'text': 'You can enter up to ' ~ (params.maxlength or params.maxwords) ~ (' words' if params.maxwords else ' characters')
}) }}
def test_replaces_add_loop_index_with_concatenate():
    assert (njk_to_j2("""
{% for item in items %}
  "item " + loop.index
{% endfor %}
""") == """
{% for item in items %}
  "item " ~ loop.index
{% endfor %}
def test_quotes_dictionary_keys():
    assert (njk_to_j2("""
{{ macro({
  param: 'foo',
  value: 'bar'
}) }}
""") == """
{{ macro({
  'param': 'foo',
  'value': 'bar'
}) }}
def test_patches_anyRowHasActions_to_set_nonlocal():
    template = \
{% set anyRowHasActions = false %}
{% set anyRowHasActions = true if row.actions.items else anyRowHasActions %}
{% elseif anyRowHasActions %}
    assert (njk_to_j2(template) == """
{%- set nonlocal = namespace() -%}
{% set nonlocal.anyRowHasActions = false %}
{% set nonlocal.anyRowHasActions = true if row.actions.items__njk else nonlocal.anyRowHasActions %}
{% elif nonlocal.anyRowHasActions %}
def test_patches_isConditional_to_set_nonlocal():
    template = \
{% set isConditional = false %}
{% set isConditional = true %}
{%- if isConditional %} data-module="radios"{% endif -%}>
{%- if isConditional %} govuk-radios--conditional{% endif -%}
    assert (njk_to_j2(template) == """
{% set nonlocal.isConditional = false %}
{% set nonlocal.isConditional = true %}
{%- if nonlocal.isConditional %} data-module="radios"{% endif -%}>
{%- if nonlocal.isConditional %} govuk-radios--conditional{% endif -%}
def main(argv=None):
    parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument("input", metavar="DIR", default=".",
                        help="path to directories containing .njk files")
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", nargs="?", const=True,
                        help="save output")
    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    input_path = Path(args.input)
    if args.output:
        if args.output is True:
            output_path = input_path
            output_path = Path(args.output)

    pipeline = iter_njk_templates(input_path)
    pipeline = ((path, njk_to_j2(template)) for path, template in pipeline)
    if args.output:
        save_templates(pipeline, output_path=output_path)
def test_adds_nonlocal_namespace_if_template_includes_describedBy(template):
    assert "    {%- set nonlocal = namespace() -%}" in njk_to_j2(template)
def test_patches_govuk_fieldset_definition():
    assert (njk_to_j2("{% macro govukFieldset(params) %}{% endmacro %}") ==
            "{% macro govukFieldset(params, caller=none) %}{% endmacro %}")
def test_adds_nonlocal_namespace_if_template_includes_isConditional():
    # govukRadios and govukCheckboxes both set describedBy before isConditional
    # so we should have nonlocal set via our describedBy patch
    template = """{% set describedBy = "" %}{% set isConditional = false %}"""
    assert "{%- set nonlocal = namespace() -%}" in njk_to_j2(template)
def test_adds_nonlocal_namespace_if_template_includes_anyRowHasActions():
    template = """{% set anyRowHasActions = false %}"""
    assert "{%- set nonlocal = namespace() -%}" in njk_to_j2(template)
Beispiel #14
def test_patches_iteration_of_params_attributes():
    assert (
            "{%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %}{% endfor -%}") ==
        "{%- for attribute, value in params.attributes.items() %}{% endfor -%}"