Beispiel #1
def dc_user_modal_form(request):
    Ajax page for updating, removing and adding user.
    qs = request.GET.copy()

    if request.POST['action'] == 'update':
        user = get_edited_user(request, request.POST['adm-username'])
        user = None

    form = AdminUserModalForm(request, user, request.POST, prefix='adm')

    if form.is_valid():
        args = (form.cleaned_data['username'],)
        status =

        if status == 204:
            return HttpResponse(None, status=status)
        elif status in (200, 201):
            if form.action == 'create':
                messages.success(request, _('User was successfully created'))
                return redirect('dc_user_profile', username=form.cleaned_data['username'])
                messages.success(request, _('User profile was successfully updated'))
                return redirect('dc_user_list', query_string=qs)

    return render(request, 'gui/dc/user_dc_form.html', {'form': form})
Beispiel #2
def dc_user_modal_form(request):
    Ajax page for updating, removing and adding user.
    qs = request.GET.copy()

    if request.POST['action'] == 'update':
        user = get_edited_user(request, request.POST['adm-username'])
        user = None

    form = AdminUserModalForm(request, user, request.POST, prefix='adm')

    if form.is_valid():
        args = (form.cleaned_data['username'],)
        status =

        if status == 204:
            return HttpResponse(None, status=status)
        elif status in (200, 201):
            if form.action == 'create':
                messages.success(request, _('User was successfully created'))
                return redirect('dc_user_profile', username=form.cleaned_data['username'])
                messages.success(request, _('User profile was successfully updated'))
                user = user.__class__.objects.get(  # Reload user object from DB (modified in API)
                # You can modify yourself and lose access to /dc - Issue #108
                if request.user == user and not user.is_admin(dc=request.dc):
                    redirect_to = '/'
                    redirect_to = 'dc_user_list'

                return redirect(redirect_to, query_string=qs)

    return render(request, 'gui/dc/user_dc_form.html', {'form': form})
Beispiel #3
def dc_user_profile_sshkey_modal_form(request, username, action):
    Ajax page for adding or deleting SSH keys.
    user = get_edited_user(request, username)

    if action == 'add':
        sform = SSHKeyForm(request, None, request.POST)
        if sform.is_valid():
            status ='create', args=(user.username, sform.cleaned_data['name']))
            if status == 201:
                messages.success(request, _('SSH key was successfully saved'))
                return redirect('dc_user_profile', user.username)

        return render(request, 'gui/profile/profile_sshkey_form.html', {
            'user': user,
            'sform': sform
        }, status=200)

    elif action == 'delete':
        res = SSHKeyForm.api_call('delete', None, request, args=(user.username, request.POST.get('name')))
        status = res.status_code
        if status == 200:
            messages.success(request, _('SSH key was successfully removed'))
            return redirect('dc_user_profile', user.username)

        return render(request, 'gui/profile/profile_sshkey_list.html', {
            'user': user,
            'ssh_keys': user.usersshkey_set.all().order_by('id')
        }, status=status)
Beispiel #4
def dc_user_profile_apikeys(request, username):
    Ajax page for displaying API keys.
    user = get_edited_user(request, username)
    display = get_boolean_value(request.GET.get('display', False))

    return render(request, 'gui/profile/profile_api_keys_list.html', {
        'user': user,
        'display_keys': display
Beispiel #5
def dc_user_profile_form(request, username):
    Ajax page for updating user profile.
    user = get_edited_user(request, username, sr=('dc_bound', 'userprofile'))
    profile = user.userprofile

    if request.POST['action'] == 'update':
        uform = AdminUserForm(request, user, request.POST)
        upform = AdminUserProfileForm(request, profile, request.POST)

        if uform.is_valid() and upform.is_valid(
        ):  # The real validation is not happening here but below
            args = (uform.cleaned_data['username'], )
            # The validation happens in these two forms and they inform about the result which we process.
            # However, if upform save fails, uform is saved already and we cannot do anything about that.
            # FIXME bad design here and in gui.profile.views.update
            ustatus ='update', args=args)
            upstatus ='update', args=args)

            if (ustatus == 200
                    and upstatus in (200, 204)) or (upstatus == 200
                                                    and ustatus in (200, 204)):
                                 _('User profile was successfully updated'))
                user = user.__class__.objects.get(
            # Reload user object from DB (modified in API)
                # You can modify yourself and lose access to /dc - Issue #108
                if request.user == user and not user.is_admin(dc=request.dc):
                    redirect_to = '/'
                    redirect_to = 'dc_user_list'

                return redirect(redirect_to)

        uform = AdminUserForm(request, user, init=True)
        upform = AdminUserProfileForm(request, profile, init=True)

    context = {
        'uform': uform,
        'upform': upform,
        'user': user,
        'profile': profile,
        'ssh_keys': user.usersshkey_set.all().order_by('id'),

    if not request.user.is_staff:
        context['disabled_api_key'] = True

    return render(request, 'gui/dc/profile/profile_page.html', context)
Beispiel #6
def dc_user_profile_password_modal_form(request, username):
    Ajax page for changing user password.
    user = get_edited_user(request, username)
    status = 200
    pform = AdminChangePasswordForm(user, request.POST)

    if pform.is_valid():
        status =
        if status == 200:
            messages.success(request, _('User password was successfully changed'))
            return redirect('dc_user_profile', user.username)

    return render(request, 'gui/dc/profile/profile_password_form.html', {
        'user': user,
        'pform': pform,
    }, status=status)
Beispiel #7
def dc_user_profile(request, username):
    User Profile management.
    user = get_edited_user(request, username, sr=('dc_bound', 'userprofile'))
    profile = user.userprofile
    context = collect_view_data(request, 'dc_user_list')
    context['uform'] = AdminUserForm(request, user, init=True)
    context['upform'] = AdminUserProfileForm(request, profile, init=True)
    context['pform'] = AdminChangePasswordForm(user)
    context['sform'] = SSHKeyForm(request, user)
    context['user'] = user
    context['profile'] = profile
    context['ssh_keys'] = user.usersshkey_set.all().order_by('id')
    if not request.user.is_staff:
        context['disabled_api_key'] = True

    return render(request, 'gui/dc/profile/user_profile.html', context)
Beispiel #8
def dc_user_profile_form(request, username):
    Ajax page for updating user profile.
    user = get_edited_user(request, username, sr=('dc_bound', 'userprofile'))
    profile = user.userprofile

    if request.POST['action'] == 'update':
        uform = AdminUserForm(request, user, request.POST)
        upform = AdminUserProfileForm(request, profile, request.POST)

        if uform.is_valid() and upform.is_valid():
            args = (uform.cleaned_data['username'],)
            ustatus ='update', args=args)
            upstatus ='update', args=args)

            if (ustatus == 200 and upstatus in (200, 204)) or (upstatus == 200 and ustatus in (200, 204)):
                messages.success(request, _('User profile was successfully updated'))
                return redirect('dc_user_list')

        uform = AdminUserForm(request, user, init=True)
        upform = AdminUserProfileForm(request, profile, init=True)

    context = {
        'uform': uform,
        'upform': upform,
        'user': user,
        'profile': profile,
        'ssh_keys': user.usersshkey_set.all().order_by('id'),

    if not request.user.is_staff:
        context['disabled_api_key'] = True

    return render(request, 'gui/dc/profile/profile_page.html', context)