Beispiel #1
    def action(
        obj: hsim.SceneNode,
        action_name: str,
        actuation_spec: ActuationSpec,
        apply_filter: bool = True,
    ) -> bool:
        r"""Performs the action specified by :py:attr:`action_name` on the object

            obj (hsim.SceneNode): SceneNode to perform the action on
            action_name (str): Name of the action.  Used to index the move_func_map
                to retrieve the function which implements this action
            actuation_spec (ActuationSpec): Specifies the parameters needed by the function
            apply_filter (bool): Whether or not to apply the move_filter_fn after the action

            bool: Whether or not the action taken resulted in a collision
        assert (
            in move_func_map), f"No action named {action_name} in the move map"

        start_pos = obj.absolute_transformation()._translation
        move_func_map[action_name](obj, actuation_spec)
        end_pos = obj.absolute_transformation()._translation

        collided = False
        if apply_filter:
            filter_end = self.move_filter_fn(start_pos, end_pos)
            # Update the position to respect the filter
            obj.translate(filter_end - end_pos)

            dist_moved_before_filter = np.linalg.norm(end_pos - start_pos)
            dist_moved_after_filter = np.linalg.norm(filter_end - start_pos)

            # NB: There are some cases where ||filter_end - end_pos|| > 0 when a
            # collision _didn't_ happen. One such case is going up stairs.  Instead,
            # we check to see if the the amount moved after the application of the filter
            # is _less_ the the amount moved before the application of the filter
            collided = (dist_moved_after_filter +
                        EPS) < dist_moved_before_filter

        return collided
Beispiel #2
def _move_along(scene_node: hsim.SceneNode, distance: float, axis: int):
    ax = scene_node.absolute_transformation()[axis].xyz
    scene_node.translate_local(ax * distance)
def _move_along(obj: hsim.SceneNode, distance: float, axis: int):
    ax = obj.absolute_transformation()[0:3, axis]
    obj.translate_local(ax * distance)