Beispiel #1
    def test_current_grade_levels_no_school_year(self):
        """When there is no school year, no grade levels are returned."""
        school = SchoolFactory()

        grade_levels = school.get_current_grade_levels()

        assert list(grade_levels) == []
Beispiel #2
    def test_current_grade_levels(self):
        """The school gets any current grade levels for the school year."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        grade_level = GradeLevelFactory(school_year__school=school)

        grade_levels = school.get_current_grade_levels()

        assert list(grade_levels) == [grade_level]
    def test_break_in_school_year(self):
        """The school break must fit in the school year."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)
        cases = [
                str(school_year.start_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_year.start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_year.end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_year.end_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
        for case in cases:
            with self.subTest(case[0]):
                data = {
                    "school_year": str(,
                    "start_date": case[1],
                    "end_date": case[2],
                form = SchoolBreakForm(user=school.admin, data=data)

                is_valid = form.is_valid()

                assert not is_valid
                assert (
                    "A break must be in the school year." in form.non_field_errors()[0]
    def test_school_break_overlap_with_itself(self):
        """A school break is permitted to overlap with itself when updating."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_break = SchoolBreakFactory(school_year__school=school)
        data = {
            "school_year": str(,
            "start_date": str(school_break.start_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
            "end_date": str(school_break.end_date),
        form = SchoolBreakForm(user=school.admin, instance=school_break, data=data)

        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert is_valid
    def test_start_before_end(self):
        """The start date must be before the end date."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)
        data = {
            "school_year": str(,
            "start_date": str(school_year.end_date + datetime.timedelta(days=3)),
            "end_date": str(school_year.start_date),
        form = SchoolBreakForm(user=school.admin, data=data)

        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert not is_valid
        assert "The start date must be before the end date." in form.non_field_errors()
Beispiel #6
    def test_validate_one_week_day(self):
        """A school year must run on at least one day per week."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        data = {
            "school": str(,
            "start_date": "9/1/2020",
            "end_date": "6/1/2021",
        form = SchoolYearForm(user=school.admin, data=data)

        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert not is_valid
        assert ("A school year must run on at least one week day."
                in form.non_field_errors())
Beispiel #7
    def test_invalid_start_date(self):
        """An invalid start date records a form error."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        data = {
            "school": str(,
            "start_date": "bogus",
            "end_date": "6/1/2021",
            "monday": True,
        form = SchoolYearForm(user=school.admin, data=data)

        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert not is_valid
        assert "start_date" in form.errors
    def test_school_year_overlap_with_itself(self):
        """A school year is permitted to overlap with itself when updating."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)

        data = {
            "school": str(,
            "start_date": str(school_year.start_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
            "end_date": str(school_year.end_date),
            "monday": True,
        form = SchoolYearForm(user=school.admin, instance=school_year, data=data)

        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert is_valid
Beispiel #9
    def test_max_length(self):
        """A school year has a maximum allowed length."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        data = {
            "school": str(,
            "start_date": "1/1/2020",
            "end_date": "12/31/2022",
            "monday": True,
        form = SchoolYearForm(user=school.admin, data=data)

        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert not is_valid
        assert ("A school year may not be longer than 500 days."
                in form.non_field_errors())
Beispiel #10
    def test_create(self):
        """A school break is created."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)
        data = {
            "school_year": str(,
            "start_date": str(school_year.start_date),
            "end_date": str(school_year.start_date),
        form = SchoolBreakForm(user=school.admin, data=data)
        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert is_valid
        assert school_year.breaks.count() == 1
Beispiel #11
    def test_only_school_for_user(self):
        school = SchoolFactory()
        user = self.make_user()
        data = {
            "school": str(,
            "start_date": "1/1/20",
            "end_date": "12/31/20",

        with self.login(user):
            response ="core:start-school-year", data=data)

        form = self.get_context("form")
        assert form.non_field_errors() == [
            "A school year cannot be created for a different school."
Beispiel #12
    def test_no_overlapping_school_years(self):
        """A school year's dates may not overlap with another."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)
        cases = [
                str(school_year.start_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_year.end_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_year.start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_year.end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_year.start_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_year.end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_year.start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_year.end_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),

        for case in cases:
            with self.subTest(case[0]):
                data = {
                    "school": str(,
                    "start_date": case[1],
                    "end_date": case[2],
                    "monday": True,
                form = SchoolYearForm(user=school.admin, data=data)

                is_valid = form.is_valid()

                assert not is_valid
                assert (
                    "School years may not have overlapping dates."
                    in form.non_field_errors()[0]
Beispiel #13
    def test_no_overlapping_breaks(self):
        """Two school breaks may not overlap."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_break = SchoolBreakFactory(school_year__school=school)
        cases = [
                str(school_break.start_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_break.end_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_break.start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_break.end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_break.start_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_break.end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_break.start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
                str(school_break.end_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),

        for case in cases:
            with self.subTest(case[0]):
                data = {
                    "school_year": str(,
                    "start_date": case[1],
                    "end_date": case[2],
                form = SchoolBreakForm(user=school.admin, data=data)

                is_valid = form.is_valid()

                assert not is_valid
                assert (
                    "School breaks may not have overlapping dates."
                    in form.non_field_errors()[0]
Beispiel #14
    def test_school_break_create_applies_to_one_student(self):
        """A school break is specific to a single student."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)
        enrollment = EnrollmentFactory(grade_level__school_year=school_year)
        data = {
            "school_year": str(,
            "start_date": str(school_year.start_date),
            "end_date": str(school_year.start_date),
            f"student-{}": str(,
        form = SchoolBreakForm(user=school.admin, data=data)

        school_break = school_year.breaks.first()
        student_on_break = school_break.students.first()
        assert enrollment.student == student_on_break
Beispiel #15
    def test_at_least_one_enrolled(self):
        """When students are enrolled, at least one must be on a break."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_break = SchoolBreakFactory(school_year__school=school)
        enrollment = EnrollmentFactory(
        data = {
            "school_year": str(,
            "start_date": str(school_break.start_date),
            "end_date": str(school_break.end_date),
        form = SchoolBreakForm(user=school.admin, instance=school_break, data=data)

        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert not is_valid
        assert "At least one student must be on break." in form.non_field_errors()[0]
Beispiel #16
    def test_no_date_change_with_breaks(self):
        """A school year must contain any breaks."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)
        start = school_year.start_date
        end = school_year.end_date
        SchoolBreakFactory(school_year=school_year, start_date=start, end_date=start)
        SchoolBreakFactory(school_year=school_year, start_date=end, end_date=end)
        data = {
            "school": str(,
            "start_date": str(start + datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
            "end_date": str(end - datetime.timedelta(days=1)),
            "monday": True,
        form = SchoolYearForm(user=school.admin, instance=school_year, data=data)

        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert not is_valid
        errors = form.non_field_errors()
        assert "You have a school break before the school year's start date." in errors
        assert "You have a school break after the school year's end date." in errors
Beispiel #17
    def test_school_break_edit_switches_student_break(self):
        """A school break will switch student who is on break."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)
        enrollment_1 = EnrollmentFactory(grade_level__school_year=school_year)
        enrollment_2 = EnrollmentFactory(grade_level__school_year=school_year)
        start = school_year.start_date
        school_break = SchoolBreakFactory(
            school_year=school_year, start_date=start, end_date=start
        data = {
            "school_year": str(,
            "start_date": str(start),
            "end_date": str(start),
            f"student-{}": str(,
        form = SchoolBreakForm(user=school.admin, instance=school_break, data=data)

        assert school_break.students.first() == enrollment_2.student
Beispiel #18
    def test_school_year_days_superset_of_courses_days(self):
        """The days of a school year must be a superset of each course's days."""
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)
        grade_level = GradeLevelFactory(school_year=school_year)
        course = CourseFactory(
            grade_levels=[grade_level], days_of_week=Course.MONDAY + Course.TUESDAY
        data = {
            "school": str(,
            "start_date": "1/1/2020",
            "end_date": "12/31/2020",
            "monday": True,
        form = SchoolYearForm(user=school.admin, instance=school_year, data=data)

        is_valid = form.is_valid()

        assert not is_valid
        assert (
            "The school year days must include any days that a course runs."
            " The following courses run on more days than the school year:"
            f" {course}" in form.non_field_errors()
Beispiel #19
    def test_has_admin(self):
        user = self.make_user()
        school = SchoolFactory(admin=user)

        assert school.admin == user
Beispiel #20
    def test_factory(self):
        school = SchoolFactory()

        assert school is not None
    def test_has_school(self):
        school = SchoolFactory()
        student = StudentFactory(school=school)

        assert == school
Beispiel #22
    def test_has_school(self):
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)

        self.assertEqual(, school)
Beispiel #23
    def test_has_school(self):
        school = SchoolFactory()
        student = StudentFactory(school=school)

        self.assertEqual(, school)
    def test_str(self):
        school = SchoolFactory()

        assert in str(school)
Beispiel #25
    def test_school(self):
        user = self.make_user()
        school = SchoolFactory(admin=user)

        assert == school
Beispiel #26
    def test_school(self):
        user = self.make_user()
        school = SchoolFactory(admin=user)

        self.assertEqual(, school)
Beispiel #27
    def test_has_students(self):
        school = SchoolFactory()
        student = StudentFactory(school=school)

        self.assertEqual(list(school.students.all()), [student])
Beispiel #28
    def test_has_students(self):
        school = SchoolFactory()
        student = StudentFactory(school=school)

        assert list(school.students.all()) == [student]
Beispiel #29
    def test_has_school(self):
        school = SchoolFactory()
        school_year = SchoolYearFactory(school=school)

        assert == school
Beispiel #30
    def test_has_admin(self):
        user = self.make_user()
        school = SchoolFactory(admin=user)

        self.assertEqual(school.admin, user)