Beispiel #1
    def get_projected_coordinates(feature_type, feature_coordinates, protein,
        for a given polar feature, the nearest h-bonding partner on the protein is located.
        :param protein: a :class:`ccdc.protein.Protein` instance
        :return: feature_coordinates for hydrogen-bonding partner
        if feature_type == 'donor':
            atms = [a for a in protein.atoms if a.is_acceptor]
            atms = [a for a in protein.atoms if a.is_donor]

        near_atoms = {}
        for atm in atms:
            dist = Helper.get_distance(atm.coordinates, feature_coordinates)
            if dist < settings.max_hbond_dist:
                if dist in near_atoms.keys():
                    near_atoms.update({dist: [atm]})
        if len(near_atoms.keys()) == 0:
            return None

            closest = sorted(near_atoms.keys())[0]
            select = near_atoms[closest][0]
            return select.coordinates
Beispiel #2
    def neighbourhood(i, j, k, high, catchment=1):
        find the neighbourhood of a given indice. Neighbourhood is defined by all points within 1 step of the
        specified indice. This includes the cubic diagonals.

        :param i: i indice
        :param j: j indice
        :param k: k indice
        :param catchment: number of steps from the centre

        :type i: int
        :type j: int
        :type k: int
        :type catchment: int

        :return: indices of the neighbourhood
        :rtype: list
        low = (0, 0, 0)

        i_values = [
            a for a in range(i - catchment, i + catchment + 1)
            if low[0] <= a < high[0]
        j_values = [
            b for b in range(j - catchment, j + catchment + 1)
            if low[1] <= b < high[1]
        k_values = [
            c for c in range(k - catchment, k + catchment + 1)
            if low[2] <= c < high[2]

        return [[a, b, c] for a in i_values for b in j_values for c in k_values
                if Helper.get_distance([a, b, c], [i, j, k]) == 1]
Beispiel #3
    def deduplicate(self, major, threshold=12, tolerance=2):
        method to deduplicate two grids, used for charged-polar deduplication
        :param `ccdc.utilities.Grid` major: overriding grid
        :param int threshold: values above this value
        :param int tolerance: search radius for determining feature overlap
        if self.bounding_box[0] != major.bounding_box[0] or self.bounding_box[1] != major.bounding_box[1]:
            self = major.common_boundaries(self)

        all_islands = set([jsland for jsland in self.islands(threshold=threshold)])
        bin_islands = set([jsland for jsland in all_islands
                           for island in major.islands(threshold=threshold)
                           if jsland.contains_point(island.centroid(), tolerance=tolerance)
                           or jsland.count_grid() <= 8
                           or Helper.get_distance(jsland.centroid(), island.centroid()) < 4])

        retained_jslands = list(all_islands - bin_islands)

        if len(retained_jslands) == 0:
            blank = major.copy_and_clear()
            return blank
            temp = Grid.super_grid(0, *retained_jslands)
            blank = self.copy_and_clear()
            return blank.common_boundaries(temp)
Beispiel #4
        def get_priority_atom(self, molecule):
            Select priority atom. Select polar atom. If multiple polar atoms, select the one furthest from the centre of
            geometry. If no polar atoms, select atom furthest from centre of geometry

            :param molecule: a :class: `ccdc.molecule.Molecule` instance
            :return: a :class: `ccdc.molecule.Molecule` instance, str atom type
            c = molecule.centre_of_geometry()
            polar_atoms = [
                a for a in molecule.atoms if a.is_donor or a.is_acceptor
            atom_by_distance = {}
            if len(polar_atoms) > 0:
                for a in polar_atoms:
                    d = Helper.get_distance(c, a.coordinates)
                    atom_by_distance[d] = a
                for a in molecule.atoms:
                    d = Helper.get_distance(c, a.coordinates)
                    atom_by_distance[d] = a

            greatest_distance = sorted(atom_by_distance.keys())[0]
            priority_atom = atom_by_distance[greatest_distance]

            pa_type = None
            if priority_atom.formal_charge != 0:
                if priority_atom.formal_charge < 0:
                    pa_type = "negative"
                elif priority_atom.formal_charge > 0:
                    pa_type = "positive"
                if priority_atom.is_acceptor:
                    pa_type = "acceptor"
                elif priority_atom.is_donor:
                    pa_type = "donor"
                    pa_type = "apolar"

            return priority_atom, pa_type
def get_polar_cluster_hits(hits_df, clusters_df, hits_dir):

    :param hits_df:
    :param clusters_df:
    clust_hitlist = {}
    fu_id_list = []
    fu_smiles_list = []
    mean_hs_scores = []

    for i, row in hits_df.iterrows():
        scored_mols = Path(hits_dir, row['followup_id'],
        pose = int(row['pose_id'].split('_')[-1])
        ccdc_lig = MoleculeReader(str(scored_mols))[pose]
        for ic, rowc in clusters_df.iterrows():
            probe_type = rowc['probe_type']
            if probe_type == 'acceptor':
                tar_atoms = [a for a in ccdc_lig.heavy_atoms if a.is_acceptor]
            elif probe_type == 'donor':
                tar_atoms = [a for a in ccdc_lig.heavy_atoms if a.is_donor]

            c_coords = rowc['centre_of_mass']
            if type(c_coords) is str:
                x_coord = float(c_coords.split('x=')[1].split(',')[0])
                y_coord = float(c_coords.split('y=')[1].split(',')[0])
                z_coord = float(c_coords.split('z=')[1].split(')')[0])
                c_coords = Coordinates(x=x_coord, y=y_coord, z=z_coord)
            dists = [
                Helper.get_distance(at.coordinates, c_coords)
                for at in tar_atoms
            if (len(dists) > 0) and (min(dists) < rowc['cluster_radius'] + 1):
                hit = 1
                hit = 0
                # clust_hitlist[rowc['cluster_id']].append((min(dists)))
            except KeyError:
                # clust_hitlist[rowc['cluster_id']] = [(min(dists))]
                clust_hitlist[rowc['cluster_id']] = [hit]

    scored_df = pd.DataFrame()
    cols = clusters_df['cluster_id'].values

    scored_df['followup_id'] = fu_id_list
    scored_df['followup_smiles'] = fu_smiles_list
    scored_df['mean_hs_score'] = mean_hs_scores
    for cl in cols:
        scored_df[cl] = clust_hitlist[cl]
    hits_list = []
    for _, rowr in scored_df.iterrows():
        num_hits = sum(rowr[co] for co in cols)
    scored_df['number_hits'] = hits_list
    return scored_df