Beispiel #1
    def test_inactive_cards_url_when_http_error(self, mock_url_open):
        """ Test that when there is an HTTP error during retrieval, it returns an empty list as inactive cards. """
        mock_url_open.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(
            None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual([], trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id'))
Beispiel #2
    def test_datetime_http_error(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the datetime returns the last day of activity of all retrieved boards. """
        mock_url_read.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id', 'b2_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime.min, result)
Beispiel #3
    def test_url(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the url of the Trello board. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('https://xxx', trello_board.url('board_id'))
Beispiel #4
    def test_url_empty_board_id(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the Trello board returns the default url, when empty board id is provided. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('', trello_board.url(''))
Beispiel #5
    def test_ignored_lists(self):
        """ Test the ignored lists are initialised correctly. """
        ignored_lists = ['A list name']
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('unimportant',

        self.assertEqual(ignored_lists, trello_board.ignored_lists())
Beispiel #6
    def test_url_empty_board_id(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the Trello board returns the default url, when empty board id is provided. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('', trello_board.url(''))
Beispiel #7
    def test_url(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the url of the Trello board. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('https://xxx', trello_board.url('board_id'))
Beispiel #8
    def test_datetime_http_error(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the datetime returns the last day of activity of all retrieved boards. """
        mock_url_read.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(
            None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id', 'b2_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime.min, result)
Beispiel #9
    def test_datetime(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly filled and returned. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 5, 11), result)
Beispiel #10
    def test_inactive_cards_url_without_last_activity(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that it raises key error exception when there is no dateLastActivity. """

        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                     '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", "due": null}]}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id'))
Beispiel #11
    def test_datetime(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly filled and returned. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 5, 11), result)
Beispiel #12
    def test_datetime_(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime when incorrect board id is given. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('id_of_not_retrieved_board')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime.min, result)
Beispiel #13
    def test_inactive_cards_url_without_last_activity(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that it raises key error exception when there is no dateLastActivity. """

        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                     '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", "due": null}]}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

                          lambda: trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id'))
Beispiel #14
    def test_datetime_(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime when incorrect board id is given. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('id_of_not_retrieved_board')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime.min, result)
Beispiel #15
    def test_datetime_already_filled(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly returned when it is pre-filled by other action."""
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime()

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 5, 11), result)
Beispiel #16
    def test_datetime_two_boards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the datetime returns the last day of activity of all retrieved boards. """
        mock_url_read.side_effect = ['{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}',
                                     '{"id": "b2_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", '
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}']
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id', 'b2_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 6, 11), result)
Beispiel #17
    def test_datetime_already_filled(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly returned when it is pre-filled by other action."""
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime()

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 5, 11), result)
Beispiel #18
    def test_inactive_cards_url_when_empty(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that when there are no cards at all it returns an empty list as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #19
    def test_inactive_cards_url_when_empty(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that when there are no cards at all it returns an empty list as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #20
    def test_over_due_cards_url_without_due_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card without a due date is not considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #21
    def test_over_due_cards_url_without_due_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card without a due date is not considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #22
    def test_datetime_two_boards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the datetime returns the last day of activity of all retrieved boards. """
        mock_url_read.side_effect = [
            '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
            '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}',
            '{"id": "b2_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", '
            '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id', 'b2_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 6, 11), result)
Beispiel #23
    def test_nr_of_over_due_cards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card with the due in the past is considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = self.trello_board.nr_of_over_due_cards('board_id')

        self.assertEqual(1, result)
Beispiel #24
    def test_inactive_cards_url_custom_term(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card is considered active or inactive according to the custom interval. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id', days=15)

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #25
    def test_inactive_cards_url_with_last_activity_null(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that the card with dateLastActivity equal to null is not counted as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.max = datetime.max

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": null, "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #26
    def test_inactive_cards_url_less_without_due_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the urls for the over due cards. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-15T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #27
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_list_excluded(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test excludes cards belonging to the ignored lists. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [{"id": "list_id", "name": "Excluded"}], ' \
                                         '"cards": [{"idList": "list_id", "name": "Test card!", ' \
                                         '"shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", "due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX',

            result = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #28
    def test_inactive_cards_url_invalid_last_activity_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the cards without due date and invalid last activity date are not considered inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.max = datetime.max

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-99-88T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #29
    def test_inactive_cards_url_with_last_activity_null(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that the card with dateLastActivity equal to null is not counted as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.max = datetime.max

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": null, "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #30
    def test_inactive_cards_url_custom_term(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card is considered active or inactive according to the custom interval. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id', days=15)

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #31
    def test_inactive_cards_url_less_without_due_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the urls for the over due cards. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-15T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #32
    def test_inactive_cards_url_already_due(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card already due and with last activity before (default) 14 days is considered as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-20T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '15 dagen')], result)
Beispiel #33
    def test_inactive_cards_url_invalid_last_activity_date(
            self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the cards without due date and invalid last activity date are not considered inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.max = datetime.max

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-99-88T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #34
    def test_inactive_cards_url_already_due(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card already due and with last activity before (default) 14 days is considered as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-20T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '15 dagen')],
Beispiel #35
    def test_over_due_cards_fetches_only_once(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the calls on trello board are repeatable without retrieving data again. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result1 = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')
            result2 = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '3 dagen')],
        self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
Beispiel #36
    def test_inactive_cards_url_more_boards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the inactive cards of more than one board are returned together. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.side_effect = ['{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": '
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", '
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}',
                                         '{"id": "x2", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_2", "idList": '
                                         '"l2", "name": "Card 2", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl2", '
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-01T11:00:00.000Z"}]}']
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('x', 'x2')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '15 dagen'),
                          ('http://shortUrl2', "Card 2", '19 dagen')], result)
Beispiel #37
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_list_excluded(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test excludes cards belonging to the ignored lists. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [{"id": "list_id", "name": "Excluded"}], ' \
                                         '"cards": [{"idList": "list_id", "name": "Test card!", ' \
                                         '"shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", "due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX', lists_to_ignore=['Excluded'])

            result = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)
Beispiel #38
    def test_inactive_cards_url_more_boards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the inactive cards of more than one board are returned together. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.side_effect = [
                '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
                '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": '
                '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", '
                '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}',
                '{"id": "x2", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
                '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_2", "idList": '
                '"l2", "name": "Card 2", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl2", '
                '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-01T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('x', 'x2')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '15 dagen'),
                          ('http://shortUrl2', "Card 2", '19 dagen')], result)
Beispiel #39
    def test_over_due_cards_url(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card with the due in the past is considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '3 dagen')], result)
Beispiel #40
    def test_over_due_cards_fetches_only_once(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the calls on trello board are repeatable without retrieving data again. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result1 = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')
            result2 = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '3 dagen')], result1)
        self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
Beispiel #41
 def test_inactive_actions_url(self, mock_inactive_cards_url):
     """ Test the inactive_actions_url is alias for inactive_cards_url. """
     TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX').inactive_actions_url('board_id')
Beispiel #42
    def test_datetime_no_board_date_last_activity(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly filled and returned. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: trello_board.datetime('board_id'))
Beispiel #43
    def test_url_not_retrieved(self):
        """ Test the Trello board returns the default url, when no card retrieval is done. """
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('', trello_board.url('board_id'))
Beispiel #44
class TrelloBoardTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Unit tests for the Trello board class. """

    def test_ignored_lists(self):
        """ Test the ignored lists are initialised correctly. """
        ignored_lists = ['A list name']
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('unimportant', 'unimportant', lists_to_ignore=ignored_lists)

        self.assertEqual(ignored_lists, trello_board.ignored_lists())

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime_no_board_date_last_activity(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly filled and returned. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: trello_board.datetime('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly filled and returned. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 5, 11), result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime_(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime when incorrect board id is given. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('id_of_not_retrieved_board')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime.min, result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime_already_filled(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly returned when it is pre-filled by other action."""
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime()

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 5, 11), result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime_two_boards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the datetime returns the last day of activity of all retrieved boards. """
        mock_url_read.side_effect = ['{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}',
                                     '{"id": "b2_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", '
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}']
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id', 'b2_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 6, 11), result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime_http_error(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the datetime returns the last day of activity of all retrieved boards. """
        mock_url_read.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id', 'b2_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime.min, result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_url(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the url of the Trello board. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('https://xxx', trello_board.url('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_url_empty_board_id(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the Trello board returns the default url, when empty board id is provided. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('', trello_board.url(''))

    def test_url_not_retrieved(self):
        """ Test the Trello board returns the default url, when no card retrieval is done. """
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('', trello_board.url('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_nr_of_over_due_cards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card with the due in the past is considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = self.trello_board.nr_of_over_due_cards('board_id')

        self.assertEqual(1, result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_nr_of_over_due_cards_when_http_error(self, mock_url_open):
        """ Test that when there is an HTTP error during retrieval, it returns an empty list as overdue cards. """
        mock_url_open.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual(-1, trello_board.nr_of_over_due_cards('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card with the due in the past is considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '3 dagen')], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_fetches_only_once(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the calls on trello board are repeatable without retrieving data again. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result1 = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')
            result2 = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '3 dagen')], result1)
        self.assertEqual(result1, result2)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_due_null(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card with a null due date is not considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", "due": null}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_not_overdue(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card with the due in the future is not considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-10T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_without_due_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card without a due date is not considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_empty(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that when there are no cards at all it returns an empty list as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_list_excluded(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test excludes cards belonging to the ignored lists. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [{"id": "list_id", "name": "Excluded"}], ' \
                                         '"cards": [{"idList": "list_id", "name": "Test card!", ' \
                                         '"shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", "due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX', lists_to_ignore=['Excluded'])

            result = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_http_error(self, mock_url_open):
        """ Test that when there is an HTTP error during retrieval, it returns an empty list as overdue cards. """
        mock_url_open.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual([], trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_nr_of_inactive_cards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the inactive card for exactly 14 days. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.nr_of_inactive_cards('board_id')

        self.assertEqual(1, result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_nr_of_inactive_cards_when_http_error(self, mock_url_open):
        """ Test that when there is an HTTP error during retrieval, it returns an empty list as overdue cards. """
        mock_url_open.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual(-1, trello_board.nr_of_inactive_cards('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_when_http_error(self, mock_url_open):
        """ Test that when there is an HTTP error during retrieval, it returns an empty list as inactive cards. """
        mock_url_open.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual([], trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_when_empty(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that when there are no cards at all it returns an empty list as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the inactive card for exactly 14 days. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '14 dagen')], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_with_last_activity_null(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that the card with dateLastActivity equal to null is not counted as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.max = datetime.max

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": null, "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_without_last_activity(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that it raises key error exception when there is no dateLastActivity. """

        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                     '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", "due": null}]}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_custom_term(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card is considered active or inactive according to the custom interval. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id', days=15)

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_more_boards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the inactive cards of more than one board are returned together. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.side_effect = ['{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": '
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", '
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}',
                                         '{"id": "x2", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_2", "idList": '
                                         '"l2", "name": "Card 2", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl2", '
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-01T11:00:00.000Z"}]}']
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('x', 'x2')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '15 dagen'),
                          ('http://shortUrl2', "Card 2", '19 dagen')], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_less_than_14_days(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that the cards inactive for less than default 14 days are not considered inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-15T11:00:00.000Z", "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_invalid_due_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the cards with invalid due date are not considered inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.max = datetime.max

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-99-77T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_invalid_last_activity_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the cards without due date and invalid last activity date are not considered inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.max = datetime.max

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-99-88T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_less_without_due_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the urls for the over due cards. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-15T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_still_not_due(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that the card that is still not due is not considered inactive, regardless of last activity date. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-22T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_already_due(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card already due and with last activity before (default) 14 days is considered as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-20T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '15 dagen')], result)

    @patch.object(TrelloBoard, 'over_due_cards_url')
    def test_over_due_actions_url(self, mock_over_due_cards_url):
        """ Test the over_due_actions_url is alias for over_due_cards_url. """
        TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX').over_due_actions_url('board_id')

    @patch.object(TrelloBoard, 'inactive_cards_url')
    def test_inactive_actions_url(self, mock_inactive_cards_url):
        """ Test the inactive_actions_url is alias for inactive_cards_url. """
        TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX').inactive_actions_url('board_id')

    @patch.object(TrelloBoard, 'nr_of_over_due_cards')
    def test_nr_of_over_due_actions(self, mock_over_due_cards_url):
        """ Test the nr_of_over_due_actions is alias for nr_of_over_due_cards. """
        TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX').nr_of_over_due_actions('board_id')

    @patch.object(TrelloBoard, 'nr_of_inactive_cards')
    def test_nr_of_inactive_actions(self, mock_inactive_cards_url):
        """ Test the nr_of_inactive_actions is alias for nr_of_inactive_cards. """
        TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX').nr_of_inactive_actions('board_id')
Beispiel #45
class TrelloBoardTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Unit tests for the Trello board class. """
    def test_ignored_lists(self):
        """ Test the ignored lists are initialised correctly. """
        ignored_lists = ['A list name']
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('unimportant',

        self.assertEqual(ignored_lists, trello_board.ignored_lists())

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime_no_board_date_last_activity(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly filled and returned. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: trello_board.datetime('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly filled and returned. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 5, 11), result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime_(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime when incorrect board id is given. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('id_of_not_retrieved_board')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime.min, result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime_already_filled(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly returned when it is pre-filled by other action."""
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime()

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 5, 11), result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime_two_boards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the datetime returns the last day of activity of all retrieved boards. """
        mock_url_read.side_effect = [
            '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
            '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}',
            '{"id": "b2_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", '
            '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id', 'b2_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 6, 11), result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_datetime_http_error(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the datetime returns the last day of activity of all retrieved boards. """
        mock_url_read.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(
            None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        result = trello_board.datetime('board_id', 'b2_id')

        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime.min, result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_url(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the url of the Trello board. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('https://xxx', trello_board.url('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_url_empty_board_id(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the Trello board returns the default url, when empty board id is provided. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('', trello_board.url(''))

    def test_url_not_retrieved(self):
        """ Test the Trello board returns the default url, when no card retrieval is done. """
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('', trello_board.url('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_nr_of_over_due_cards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card with the due in the past is considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = self.trello_board.nr_of_over_due_cards('board_id')

        self.assertEqual(1, result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_nr_of_over_due_cards_when_http_error(self, mock_url_open):
        """ Test that when there is an HTTP error during retrieval, it returns an empty list as overdue cards. """
        mock_url_open.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(
            None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual(-1, trello_board.nr_of_over_due_cards('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card with the due in the past is considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '3 dagen')],

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_fetches_only_once(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the calls on trello board are repeatable without retrieving data again. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result1 = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')
            result2 = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '3 dagen')],
        self.assertEqual(result1, result2)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_due_null(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card with a null due date is not considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", "due": null}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_not_overdue(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card with the due in the future is not considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-10T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_without_due_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card without a due date is not considered as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"idList": "xx", ' \
                                         '"name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_empty(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that when there are no cards at all it returns an empty list as overdue. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_list_excluded(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test excludes cards belonging to the ignored lists. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [{"id": "list_id", "name": "Excluded"}], ' \
                                         '"cards": [{"idList": "list_id", "name": "Test card!", ' \
                                         '"shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", "due": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            self.trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX',

            result = self.trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_over_due_cards_url_when_http_error(self, mock_url_open):
        """ Test that when there is an HTTP error during retrieval, it returns an empty list as overdue cards. """
        mock_url_open.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(
            None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual([], trello_board.over_due_cards_url('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_nr_of_inactive_cards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the inactive card for exactly 14 days. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.nr_of_inactive_cards('board_id')

        self.assertEqual(1, result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_nr_of_inactive_cards_when_http_error(self, mock_url_open):
        """ Test that when there is an HTTP error during retrieval, it returns an empty list as overdue cards. """
        mock_url_open.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(
            None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual(-1, trello_board.nr_of_inactive_cards('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_when_http_error(self, mock_url_open):
        """ Test that when there is an HTTP error during retrieval, it returns an empty list as inactive cards. """
        mock_url_open.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(
            None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual([], trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_when_empty(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that when there are no cards at all it returns an empty list as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 9)
            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the inactive card for exactly 14 days. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '14 dagen')],

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_with_last_activity_null(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that the card with dateLastActivity equal to null is not counted as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.max = datetime.max

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": null, "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_without_last_activity(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that it raises key error exception when there is no dateLastActivity. """

        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                     '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                     '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", "due": null}]}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

                          lambda: trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id'))

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_custom_term(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card is considered active or inactive according to the custom interval. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-06T11:00:00.000Z", "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id', days=15)

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_more_boards(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the inactive cards of more than one board are returned together. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.side_effect = [
                '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
                '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": '
                '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", '
                '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z"}]}',
                '{"id": "x2", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", '
                '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_2", "idList": '
                '"l2", "name": "Card 2", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl2", '
                '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-01T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('x', 'x2')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '15 dagen'),
                          ('http://shortUrl2', "Card 2", '19 dagen')], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_less_than_14_days(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that the cards inactive for less than default 14 days are not considered inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-15T11:00:00.000Z", "due": null}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_invalid_due_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the cards with invalid due date are not considered inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.max = datetime.max

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-99-77T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_invalid_last_activity_date(
            self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the cards without due date and invalid last activity date are not considered inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.max = datetime.max

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-99-88T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_less_without_due_date(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the urls for the over due cards. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-15T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_still_not_due(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test that the card that is still not due is not considered inactive, regardless of last activity date. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-22T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([], result)

    @patch.object(url_opener.UrlOpener, 'url_read')
    def test_inactive_cards_url_already_due(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the card already due and with last activity before (default) 14 days is considered as inactive. """
        from datetime import datetime
        with patch(__name__ + '.datetime.datetime') as mock_date:
   = datetime(2018, 3, 21)
            mock_date.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: datetime(*args, **kw)

            mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "x", "dateLastActivity":"2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"url": "", "lists": [], "cards": [{"id": "card_id", "idList": ' \
                                         '"xx", "name": "Test card!", "shortUrl": "http://shortUrl", ' \
                                         '"dateLastActivity": "2018-03-05T11:00:00.000Z", ' \
                                         '"due": "2018-03-20T11:00:00.000Z"}]}'
            trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

            result = trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id')

        self.assertEqual([('http://shortUrl', "Test card!", '15 dagen')],

    @patch.object(TrelloBoard, 'over_due_cards_url')
    def test_over_due_actions_url(self, mock_over_due_cards_url):
        """ Test the over_due_actions_url is alias for over_due_cards_url. """
        TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX').over_due_actions_url('board_id')

    @patch.object(TrelloBoard, 'inactive_cards_url')
    def test_inactive_actions_url(self, mock_inactive_cards_url):
        """ Test the inactive_actions_url is alias for inactive_cards_url. """
        TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX').inactive_actions_url('board_id')

    @patch.object(TrelloBoard, 'nr_of_over_due_cards')
    def test_nr_of_over_due_actions(self, mock_over_due_cards_url):
        """ Test the nr_of_over_due_actions is alias for nr_of_over_due_cards. """
        TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX').nr_of_over_due_actions('board_id')

    @patch.object(TrelloBoard, 'nr_of_inactive_cards')
    def test_nr_of_inactive_actions(self, mock_inactive_cards_url):
        """ Test the nr_of_inactive_actions is alias for nr_of_inactive_cards. """
        TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX').nr_of_inactive_actions('board_id')
Beispiel #46
    def test_ignored_lists(self):
        """ Test the ignored lists are initialised correctly. """
        ignored_lists = ['A list name']
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('unimportant', 'unimportant', lists_to_ignore=ignored_lists)

        self.assertEqual(ignored_lists, trello_board.ignored_lists())
Beispiel #47
    def test_inactive_cards_url_when_http_error(self, mock_url_open):
        """ Test that when there is an HTTP error during retrieval, it returns an empty list as inactive cards. """
        mock_url_open.side_effect = urllib.error.HTTPError(None, None, None, None, None)
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual([], trello_board.inactive_cards_url('board_id'))
Beispiel #48
 def test_nr_of_inactive_actions(self, mock_inactive_cards_url):
     """ Test the nr_of_inactive_actions is alias for nr_of_inactive_cards. """
     TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX').nr_of_inactive_actions('board_id')
Beispiel #49
    def test_url_not_retrieved(self):
        """ Test the Trello board returns the default url, when no card retrieval is done. """
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertEqual('', trello_board.url('board_id'))
Beispiel #50
    def test_datetime_no_board_date_last_activity(self, mock_url_read):
        """ Test the board datetime is correctly filled and returned. """
        mock_url_read.return_value = '{"id": "board_id", "url": "https://xxx", "lists": [], "cards": []}'
        trello_board = TrelloBoard('appkeyX', 'tokenX')

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: trello_board.datetime('board_id'))