Beispiel #1
 def action_insert_node(self, parent, child_index, node):
     next_sibling = get_child(parent, child_index)
     insert_or_append(parent, node, next_sibling)
     # add node to ins_nodes
     assert node.parentNode is not None
     node.orig_parent = parent
     node.orig_next_sibling = next_sibling
Beispiel #2
 def insert(self, location, node):
     # write insertion to the edit script
     # actually insert the node
     node_copy = node.cloneNode(deep=False)
     parent = get_location(self.old_dom, location[:-1])
     next_sibling = get_child(parent, location[-1])
     insert_or_append(parent, node_copy, next_sibling)
     # insert from the top down, parent before children, left to right
     for child_index, child in enumerate(node.childNodes):
         self.insert(location + [child_index], child)
def add_changes_markup(dom, ins_nodes, del_nodes):
    Add <ins> and <del> tags to the dom to show changes.
    # add markup for inserted and deleted sections
    for node in reversed(del_nodes):
        # diff algorithm deletes nodes in reverse order, so un-reverse the
        # order for this iteration
        insert_or_append(node.orig_parent, node, node.orig_next_sibling)
        wrap(node, 'del')
    for node in ins_nodes:
        wrap(node, 'ins')
    # Perform post-processing and cleanup.
    remove_nesting(dom, 'del')
    remove_nesting(dom, 'ins')
    merge_adjacent(dom, 'del')
    merge_adjacent(dom, 'ins')
Beispiel #4
def add_changes_markup(dom, ins_nodes, del_nodes):
    Add <ins> and <del> tags to the dom to show changes.
    # add markup for inserted and deleted sections
    for node in reversed(del_nodes):
        # diff algorithm deletes nodes in reverse order, so un-reverse the
        # order for this iteration
        insert_or_append(node.orig_parent, node, node.orig_next_sibling)
        wrap(node, 'del')
    for node in ins_nodes:
        wrap(node, 'ins')
    # Perform post-processing and cleanup.
    remove_nesting(dom, 'del')
    remove_nesting(dom, 'ins')
    merge_adjacent(dom, 'del')
    merge_adjacent(dom, 'ins')