Beispiel #1
    def test_error_open_bamfile(self):
        Provide onyl file with no content - error shoud be raised.
        bam_fname = get_temp_file_name()

        message = r"Error opening BAM file: .*"
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, message):
            xlsites._processs_bam_file(bam_fname, self.metrics, 50, self.tmp)
Beispiel #2
    def test_no_nh_tag(self):
        data_no_nh = {
            'chromosomes': [('chr1', 3000)],
            'segments': [
                # No NH tag is set
                ('name5', 0, 0, 0, 50, [(0, 0)], {})
        bam_fname = make_bam_file(data_no_nh)

        message = r'"NH" tag not set for record: .*'
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, message):
            xlsites._processs_bam_file(bam_fname, self.metrics, 10, self.tmp)
Beispiel #3
 def test_low_quality(self):
     Unmapped read (FLAG=4):
     bam_fname = make_bam_file({
         'chromosomes': [('chr1', 3000)],
         'segments': [('name1', 0, 0, 0, 3, [(0, 0)], {})],
     self.metrics.lowmapq_recs = 0
     self.metrics.used_recs = 0
     xlsites._processs_bam_file(bam_fname, self.metrics, 10, self.tmp)
     self.assertEqual(self.metrics.lowmapq_recs, 1)
     self.assertEqual(self.metrics.used_recs, 0)
Beispiel #4
    def test_pos_neg_strand(self):
        positive, negative strnad
        len %2 == 0  na negativnem stnadu
        and not %2
        bam_fname = make_bam_file({
            'chromosomes': [('chr1', 3000)],
            'segments': [
                # (qname, flag, refname, pos, mapq, cigar, tags)
                ('_:rbc:AAA', 16, 0, 50, 255, [(0, 100)], {
                    'NH': 1
                ('_:rbc:CCC', 0, 0, 50, 255, [(0, 101)], {
                    'NH': 1
        grouped = xlsites._processs_bam_file(bam_fname, self.metrics, 10,

        expected = {
            ('chr1', '-'): {
                150: {
                    'AAA': [(99, 50, 100, 1, 0)]
            ('chr1', '+'): {
                49: {
                    'CCC': [(100, 150, 101, 1, 0)]
        self.assertEqual(grouped, expected)
Beispiel #5
    def test_diff_barcodes(self):
        Different barcodes on same position.
        bam_fname = make_bam_file({
            'chromosomes': [('chr1', 3000)],
            'segments': [
                # (qname, flag, refname, pos, mapq, cigar, tags)
                ('_:rbc:AAA', 0, 0, 50, 255, [(0, 101)], {'NH': 1}),
                ('_:rbc:CCC', 0, 0, 50, 255, [(0, 101)], {'NH': 1}),
                ('_:rbc:CCC', 0, 0, 50, 255, [(0, 101)], {'NH': 1}),
                ('_:rbc:GGG', 0, 0, 50, 255, [(0, 101)], {'NH': 1}),
        }, rnd_seed=0)
        grouped = list(xlsites._processs_bam_file(bam_fname, self.metrics, 10, self.tmp))

        expected = [
            (('chr1', '+'), 0.0167, {
                49: {
                    'AAA': [(100, 150, 101, 1, 0)],
                    'CCC': [(100, 150, 101, 1, 0), (100, 150, 101, 1, 0)],
                    'GGG': [(100, 150, 101, 1, 0)],
        self.assertEqual(grouped, expected)
Beispiel #6
 def test_unmapped(self):
     Unmapped read (FLAG=4):
     bam_fname = make_bam_file({
         'chromosomes': [('chr1', 3000)],
         'segments': [('name1', 4, 0, 0, 0, [(0, 0)], {})],
     }, rnd_seed=0)
     self.metrics.all_recs = 0
     self.metrics.notmapped_recs = 0
     self.metrics.used_recs = 0
     list(xlsites._processs_bam_file(bam_fname, self.metrics, 0, self.tmp))
     self.assertEqual(self.metrics.notmapped_recs, 1)
     self.assertEqual(self.metrics.all_recs, 1)
     self.assertEqual(self.metrics.used_recs, 0)