Beispiel #1
def get_collection(coll_id=None, transform_id=None, relation_type=None, session=None):
    Get a collection or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param coll_id: The id of the collection.
    :param transform_id: The transform id related to this collection.
    :param relation_type: The relation between this collection and its transform,
                          such as Input, Output, Log and so on.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no request is founded.

    :returns: Collection.

        if coll_id:
            coll_select = """select * from atlas_idds.collections where coll_id=:coll_id
            stmt = text(coll_select)
            result = session.execute(stmt, {'coll_id': coll_id})
            coll_select = """select * from atlas_idds.collections
                             where transform_id=:transform_id and relation_type=:relation_type
            stmt = text(coll_select)
            result = session.execute(stmt, {'transform_id': transform_id, 'relation_type': relation_type})
        collection = result.fetchone()

        if collection is None:
            raise exceptions.NoObject('collection(coll_id: %s, transform_id: %s, relation_type: %s) cannot be found' %
                                      (coll_id, transform_id, relation_type))

        collection = row2dict(collection)
        if collection['coll_type'] is not None:
            collection['coll_type'] = CollectionType(collection['coll_type'])
        if collection['relation_type'] is not None:
            collection['relation_type'] = CollectionRelationType(collection['relation_type'])
        if collection['status'] is not None:
            collection['status'] = CollectionStatus(collection['status'])
        if collection['locking'] is not None:
            collection['locking'] = CollectionLocking(collection['locking'])
        if collection['coll_metadata']:
            collection['coll_metadata'] = json.loads(collection['coll_metadata'])

        return collection
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject('collection(coll_id: %s, transform_id: %s, relation_type: %s) cannot be found: %s' %
                                  (coll_id, transform_id, relation_type, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #2
def get_collections(scope, name, transform_ids=None, session=None):
    Get collections by request id or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param scope: collection scope.
    :param name: collection name, can be wildcard.
    :param transform_id: list of transform id related to this collection.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no collections are founded.

    :returns: list of Collections.
        if transform_ids:
            select = """select * from atlas_idds.collections where scope=:scope
                        and name like :name and transform_id in :transform_ids"""
            stmt = text(select)
            stmt = stmt.bindparams(bindparam('transform_ids', expanding=True))
            result = session.execute(stmt, {'scope': scope, 'name': '%' + name + '%',
                                            'transform_ids': transform_ids})
            select = """select * from atlas_idds.collections where scope=:scope
                        and name like :name"""
            stmt = text(select)
            result = session.execute(stmt, {'scope': scope, 'name': '%' + name + '%'})

        collections = result.fetchall()
        ret = []
        for collection in collections:
            collection = row2dict(collection)
            if collection['coll_type'] is not None:
                collection['coll_type'] = CollectionType(collection['coll_type'])
            if collection['relation_type'] is not None:
                collection['relation_type'] = CollectionRelationType(collection['relation_type'])
            if collection['status'] is not None:
                collection['status'] = CollectionStatus(collection['status'])
            if collection['locking'] is not None:
                collection['locking'] = CollectionLocking(collection['locking'])
            if collection['coll_metadata']:
                collection['coll_metadata'] = json.loads(collection['coll_metadata'])
        return ret
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject('No collection with  scope(%s), name(%s), transform_ids(%s): %s' %
                                  (scope, name, transform_ids, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #3
def convert_request_to_dict(request):
    request = row2dict(request)
    if request['errors']:
        request['errors'] = json.loads(request['errors'])
    if request['request_metadata']:
        request['request_metadata'] = json.loads(request['request_metadata'])
    if request['request_type'] is not None:
        request['request_type'] = RequestType(request['request_type'])
    if request['status'] is not None:
        request['status'] = RequestStatus(request['status'])
    if request['locking'] is not None:
        request['locking'] = RequestLocking(request['locking'])
    if request['processing_metadata']:
        request['processing_metadata'] = json.loads(
    return request
Beispiel #4
def get_processing(processing_id, session=None):
    Get processing or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param processing_id: Processing id.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no processing is founded.

    :returns: Processing.

        select = """select * from atlas_idds.processings where processing_id=:processing_id"""
        stmt = text(select)
        result = session.execute(stmt, {'processing_id': processing_id})
        processing = result.fetchone()

        if processing is None:
            raise exceptions.NoObject(
                'Processing(processing_id: %s) cannot be found' %

        processing = row2dict(processing)
        if processing['granularity_type'] is not None:
            processing['granularity_type'] = GranularityType(
        if processing['status'] is not None:
            processing['status'] = ProcessingStatus(processing['status'])
        if processing['locking'] is not None:
            processing['locking'] = ProcessingLocking(processing['locking'])
        if processing['processing_metadata']:
            processing['processing_metadata'] = json.loads(
        if processing['output_metadata']:
            processing['output_metadata'] = json.loads(

        return processing
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject(
            'Processing(processing_id: %s) cannot be found: %s' %
            (processing_id, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #5
def get_processings_by_transform_id(transform_id=None, session=None):
    Get processings or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param tranform_id: Transform id.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no processing is founded.

    :returns: Processings.

        select = """select * from atlas_idds.processings where transform_id=:transform_id"""
        stmt = text(select)
        result = session.execute(stmt, {'transform_id': transform_id})
        processings = result.fetchall()

        ret = []
        for processing in processings:
            processing = row2dict(processing)
            if processing['granularity_type'] is not None:
                processing['granularity_type'] = GranularityType(
            if processing['status'] is not None:
                processing['status'] = ProcessingStatus(processing['status'])
            if processing['locking'] is not None:
                processing['locking'] = ProcessingLocking(
            if processing['processing_metadata']:
                processing['processing_metadata'] = json.loads(
            if processing['output_metadata']:
                processing['output_metadata'] = json.loads(

        return ret
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject(
            'Processings(transform_id: %s) cannot be found: %s' %
            (transform_id, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #6
def get_collections_by_transform_ids(transform_ids=None, session=None):
    Get collections by transform id or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param transform_id: list of transform ids related to this collection.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no collections are founded.

    :returns: list of Collections.
        if transform_ids:
            select = """select * from atlas_idds.collections where transform_id in :transform_ids"""
            stmt = text(select)
            stmt = stmt.bindparams(bindparam('transform_ids', expanding=True))
            result = session.execute(stmt, {'transform_ids': transform_ids})
            raise exceptions.WrongParamterException("Transform_ids are None.")

        collections = result.fetchall()
        ret = []
        for collection in collections:
            collection = row2dict(collection)
            if collection['coll_type'] is not None:
                collection['coll_type'] = CollectionType(collection['coll_type'])
            if collection['relation_type'] is not None:
                collection['relation_type'] = CollectionRelationType(collection['relation_type'])
            if collection['status'] is not None:
                collection['status'] = CollectionStatus(collection['status'])
            if collection['locking'] is not None:
                collection['locking'] = CollectionLocking(collection['locking'])
            if collection['coll_metadata']:
                collection['coll_metadata'] = json.loads(collection['coll_metadata'])
        return ret
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject('No collections with  transform_ids(%s): %s' %
                                  (transform_ids, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #7
def get_transform(transform_id, session=None):
    Get transform or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param transform_id: Transform id.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no transform is founded.

    :returns: Transform.

        select = """select * from atlas_idds.transforms where transform_id=:transform_id"""
        stmt = text(select)
        result = session.execute(stmt, {'transform_id': transform_id})
        transform = result.fetchone()

        if transform is None:
            raise exceptions.NoObject(
                'Transform(transform_id: %s) cannot be found' % (transform_id))

        transform = row2dict(transform)
        if transform['transform_type']:
            transform['transform_type'] = TransformType(
        if transform['status'] is not None:
            transform['status'] = TransformStatus(transform['status'])
        if transform['locking'] is not None:
            transform['locking'] = TransformLocking(transform['locking'])
        if transform['transform_metadata']:
            transform['transform_metadata'] = json.loads(

        return transform
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject(
            'Transform(transform_id: %s) cannot be found: %s' %
            (transform_id, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #8
def get_transforms(request_id, session=None):
    Get transforms or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param request_id: Request id.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no transform is founded.

    :returns: list of transform.
        select = """select * from atlas_idds.transforms where transform_id in
                    (select transform_id from atlas_idds.req2transforms where request_id=:request_id)
        stmt = text(select)
        result = session.execute(stmt, {'request_id': request_id})
        transforms = result.fetchall()
        new_transforms = []
        for transform in transforms:
            transform = row2dict(transform)
            if transform['transform_type']:
                transform['transform_type'] = TransformType(
            if transform['status'] is not None:
                transform['status'] = TransformStatus(transform['status'])
            if transform['locking'] is not None:
                transform['locking'] = TransformLocking(transform['locking'])
            if transform['transform_metadata']:
                transform['transform_metadata'] = json.loads(
        return new_transforms
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject(
            'No transforms attached with request id (%s): %s' %
            (request_id, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #9
def get_collections_by_status(status, relation_type=CollectionRelationType.Input, time_period=None,
                              locking=False, bulk_size=None, session=None):
    Get collections by status, relation_type and time_period or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param status: The collection status.
    :param relation_type: The relation_type of the collection to the transform.
    :param time_period: time period in seconds since last update.
    :param locking: Wheter to retrieve unlocked files.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no collections are founded.

    :returns: list of Collections.
        if status is None:
            raise exceptions.WrongParameterException("status should not be None")
        if not isinstance(status, (list, tuple)):
            status = [status]
        new_status = []
        for st in status:
            if isinstance(st, CollectionStatus):
                st = st.value
        status = new_status

        select = """select * from atlas_idds.collections where status in :status"""
        params = {'status': status}

        if relation_type is not None:
            if isinstance(relation_type, CollectionRelationType):
                relation_type = relation_type.value
            select = select + " and relation_type=:relation_type"
            params['relation_type'] = relation_type
        if time_period is not None:
            select = select + " and updated_at < :updated_at"
            params['updated_at'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=time_period)
        if locking:
            select = select + " and locking=:locking"
            params['locking'] = CollectionLocking.Idle.value
        if bulk_size:
            select = select + " and rownum < %s + 1 order by coll_id asc" % bulk_size

        stmt = text(select)
        stmt = stmt.bindparams(bindparam('status', expanding=True))
        result = session.execute(stmt, params)

        collections = result.fetchall()
        ret = []
        for collection in collections:
            collection = row2dict(collection)
            if collection['coll_type'] is not None:
                collection['coll_type'] = CollectionType(collection['coll_type'])
            if collection['relation_type'] is not None:
                collection['relation_type'] = CollectionRelationType(collection['relation_type'])
            if collection['status'] is not None:
                collection['status'] = CollectionStatus(collection['status'])
            if collection['locking'] is not None:
                collection['locking'] = CollectionLocking(collection['locking'])
            if collection['coll_metadata']:
                collection['coll_metadata'] = json.loads(collection['coll_metadata'])
        return ret
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject('No collections with  status(%s), relation_type(%s), time_period(%s): %s' %
                                  (status, relation_type, time_period, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #10
def get_processings_by_status(status, period=None, locking=False, bulk_size=None, session=None):
    Get processing or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param status: Processing status of list of processing status.
    :param period: Time period in seconds.
    :param locking: Whether to retrieve only unlocked items.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no processing is founded.

    :returns: Processings.

        if not isinstance(status, (list, tuple)):
            status = [status]
        new_status = []
        for st in status:
            if isinstance(st, ProcessingStatus):
                st = st.value
        status = new_status

        select = """select * from atlas_idds.processings where status in :status"""
        params = {'status': status}

        if period:
            select = select + " and updated_at < :updated_at"
            params['updated_at'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=period)
        if locking:
            select = select + " and locking=:locking"
            params['locking'] = ProcessingLocking.Idle.value
        if bulk_size:
            select = select + " and rownum < %s + 1 order by processing_id asc" % bulk_size

        stmt = text(select)
        stmt = stmt.bindparams(bindparam('status', expanding=True))
        result = session.execute(stmt, params)

        processings = result.fetchall()

        if processings is None:
            raise exceptions.NoObject('Processing(status: %s, period: %s) cannot be found' %
                                      (status, period))

        new_processings = []
        for processing in processings:
            processing = row2dict(processing)
            if processing['granularity_type'] is not None:
                processing['granularity_type'] = GranularityType(processing['granularity_type'])
            if processing['status'] is not None:
                processing['status'] = ProcessingStatus(processing['status'])
            if processing['processing_metadata']:
                processing['processing_metadata'] = json.loads(processing['processing_metadata'])
            if processing['output_metadata']:
                processing['output_metadata'] = json.loads(processing['output_metadata'])

        return new_processings
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject('No processing attached with status (%s): %s' % (status, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #11
def get_contents(scope=None,
    Get content or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param scope: The scope of the content data.
    :param name: The name of the content data.
    :param coll_id: Collection id.

    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no content is founded.

    :returns: list of contents.

        if status is not None:
            if not isinstance(status, (tuple, list)):
                status = [status]
            new_status = []
            for st in status:
                if isinstance(st, ContentStatus):
            status = new_status

        if scope and name:
            if coll_id:
                if status is not None:
                    select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where coll_id=:coll_id and
                                scope=:scope and name like :name and status in :status"""
                    stmt = text(select)
                    stmt = stmt.bindparams(bindparam('status', expanding=True))
                    result = session.execute(
                        stmt, {
                            'coll_id': coll_id,
                            'scope': scope,
                            'name': '%' + name + '%',
                            'status': status
                    select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where coll_id=:coll_id and
                                scope=:scope and name like :name"""
                    stmt = text(select)
                    result = session.execute(
                        stmt, {
                            'coll_id': coll_id,
                            'scope': scope,
                            'name': '%' + name + '%'
                if status is not None:
                    select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where scope=:scope and name like :name and status in :status"""
                    stmt = text(select)
                    stmt = stmt.bindparams(bindparam('status', expanding=True))
                    result = session.execute(stmt, {
                        'scope': scope,
                        'name': '%' + name + '%',
                        'status': status
                    select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where scope=:scope and name like :name"""
                    stmt = text(select)
                    result = session.execute(stmt, {
                        'scope': scope,
                        'name': '%' + name + '%'
            if coll_id:
                if status is not None:
                    select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where coll_id=:coll_id and status in :status"""
                    stmt = text(select)
                    stmt = stmt.bindparams(bindparam('status', expanding=True))
                    result = session.execute(stmt, {
                        'coll_id': coll_id,
                        'status': status
                    select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where coll_id=:coll_id"""
                    stmt = text(select)
                    result = session.execute(stmt, {'coll_id': coll_id})
                if status is not None:
                    select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where status in :status"""
                    stmt = text(select)
                    stmt = stmt.bindparams(bindparam('status', expanding=True))
                    result = session.execute(stmt, {'status': status})
                    raise exceptions.WrongParameterException(
                        "Both (scope:%s and name:%s) and coll_id:%s status:%s are not fully provided"
                        % (scope, name, coll_id, status))

        contents = result.fetchall()
        rets = []
        for content in contents:
            content = row2dict(content)
            if content['content_type'] is not None:
                content['content_type'] = ContentType(content['content_type'])
            if content['status'] is not None:
                content['status'] = ContentStatus(content['status'])
            if content['content_metadata']:
                content['content_metadata'] = json.loads(
        return rets
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject(
            'No record can be found with (scope=%s, name=%s, coll_id=%s): %s' %
            (scope, name, coll_id, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #12
def get_match_contents(coll_id,
    Get contents which matches the query or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param coll_id: collection id.
    :param scope: The scope of the request data.
    :param name: The name of the request data.
    :param min_id: The minimal id of the content.
    :param max_id: The maximal id of the content.
    :param content_type: The type of the content.

    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no content is founded.

    :returns: list of Content ids.

        if content_type is not None and isinstance(content_type, ContentType):
            content_type = content_type.value

        if content_type is not None:
            if content_type == ContentType.File.value:
                select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where coll_id=:coll_id and
                            scope=:scope and name=:name and content_type=:content_type"""
                stmt = text(select)
                result = session.execute(
                    stmt, {
                        'coll_id': coll_id,
                        'scope': scope,
                        'name': name,
                        'content_type': content_type
                select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where coll_id=:coll_id and
                            scope=:scope and name=:name and content_type=:content_type
                            and min_id<=:min_id and max_id>=:max_id"""
                stmt = text(select)
                result = session.execute(
                    stmt, {
                        'coll_id': coll_id,
                        'scope': scope,
                        'name': name,
                        'content_type': content_type,
                        'min_id': min_id,
                        'max_id': max_id
            if min_id is None or max_id is None:
                select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where coll_id=:coll_id and
                            scope=:scope and name=:name"""
                stmt = text(select)
                result = session.execute(stmt, {
                    'coll_id': coll_id,
                    'scope': scope,
                    'name': name
                select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where coll_id=:coll_id and
                            scope=:scope and name=:name and min_id<=:min_id and max_id>=:max_id"""
                stmt = text(select)
                result = session.execute(
                    stmt, {
                        'coll_id': coll_id,
                        'scope': scope,
                        'name': name,
                        'min_id': min_id,
                        'max_id': max_id

        contents = result.fetchall()
        rets = []
        for content in contents:
            content = row2dict(content)
            if content['content_type'] is not None:
                content['content_type'] = ContentType(content['content_type'])
            if content['status'] is not None:
                content['status'] = ContentStatus(content['status'])
            if content['content_metadata']:
                content['content_metadata'] = json.loads(
        return rets
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject(
            'No match contents for (coll_id: %s, scope: %s, name: %s, content_type: %s, min_id: %s, max_id: %s): %s'
            % (coll_id, scope, name, content_type, min_id, max_id, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #13
def get_content(content_id=None,
    Get content or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param content_id: Content id.
    :param coll_id: Collection id.
    :param scope: The scope of the request data.
    :param name: The name of the request data.
    :param min_id: The minimal id of the content.
    :param max_id: The maximal id of the content.
    :param content_type: The type of the content.

    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no content is founded.

    :returns: Content.

        if not content_id:
            content_id = get_content_id(coll_id=coll_id,
        select = """select * from atlas_idds.contents where content_id=:content_id"""
        stmt = text(select)
        result = session.execute(stmt, {'content_id': content_id})
        content = result.fetchone()

        if content is None:
            raise exceptions.NoObject(
                'content(content_id: %s, coll_id: %s, scope: %s, name: %s, content_type: %s, min_id: %s, max_id: %s) cannot be found'
                % (content_id, coll_id, scope, name, content_type, min_id,

        content = row2dict(content)
        if content['content_type'] is not None:
            content['content_type'] = ContentType(content['content_type'])
        if content['status'] is not None:
            content['status'] = ContentStatus(content['status'])
        if content['content_metadata']:
            content['content_metadata'] = json.loads(

        return content
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject(
            'content(content_id: %s, coll_id: %s, scope: %s, name: %s, content_type: %s, min_id: %s, max_id: %s) cannot be found: %s'
            % (content_id, coll_id, scope, name, content_type, min_id, max_id,
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #14
def get_transforms_by_status(status,
    Get transforms or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param status: Transform status or list of transform status.
    :param period: Time period in seconds.
    :param locking: Whether to retrieved unlocked items.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no transform is founded.

    :returns: list of transform.
        if not isinstance(status, (list, tuple)):
            status = [status]
        new_status = []
        for st in status:
            if isinstance(st, TransformStatus):
                st = st.value
        status = new_status

        select = """select * from atlas_idds.transforms where status in :status"""
        params = {'status': status}

        if period:
            select = select + " and updated_at < :updated_at"
            params['updated_at'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow(
            ) - datetime.timedelta(seconds=period)
        if locking:
            select = select + " and locking=:locking"
            params['locking'] = TransformLocking.Idle.value
        if bulk_size:
            select = select + " and rownum < %s + 1 order by transform_id" % bulk_size

        stmt = text(select)
        stmt = stmt.bindparams(bindparam('status', expanding=True))
        result = session.execute(stmt, params)

        transforms = result.fetchall()
        new_transforms = []
        for transform in transforms:
            transform = row2dict(transform)
            if transform['transform_type']:
                transform['transform_type'] = TransformType(
            if transform['status'] is not None:
                transform['status'] = TransformStatus(transform['status'])
            if transform['locking'] is not None:
                transform['locking'] = TransformLocking(transform['locking'])
            if transform['transform_metadata']:
                transform['transform_metadata'] = json.loads(
        return new_transforms
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject(
            'No transforms attached with status (%s): %s' % (status, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error
Beispiel #15
def get_transforms_with_input_collection(transform_type,
    Get transforms or raise a NoObject exception.

    :param transform_type: Transform type.
    :param transform_tag: Transform tag.
    :param coll_scope: The collection scope.
    :param coll_name: The collection name.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no transform is founded.

    :returns: Transform.

        if isinstance(transform_type, TransformType):
            transform_type = transform_type.value
        select = """select t.transform_id, t.transform_type, t.transform_tag, t.priority, t.status,
                    t.locking, t.retries, t.created_at, t.started_at, t.finished_at, t.expired_at,
                    from atlas_idds.transforms t join atlas_idds.collections c
                    on t.transform_type=:transform_type and t.transform_tag=:transform_tag
                    and t.transform_id=c.transform_id and c.scope=:scope and
                    and c.relation_type=:relation_type
        stmt = text(select)
        result = session.execute(
            stmt, {
                'transform_type': transform_type,
                'transform_tag': transform_tag,
                'relation_type': CollectionRelationType.Input.value,
                'scope': coll_scope,
                'name': coll_name
        transforms = result.fetchall()
        ret = []
        for transform in transforms:
            transform = row2dict(transform)
            if transform['transform_type']:
                transform['transform_type'] = TransformType(
            if transform['status'] is not None:
                transform['status'] = TransformStatus(transform['status'])
            if transform['locking'] is not None:
                transform['locking'] = TransformLocking(transform['locking'])
            if transform['transform_metadata']:
                transform['transform_metadata'] = json.loads(
        return ret
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as error:
        raise exceptions.NoObject(
            'Transform(transform_type: %s, transform_tag: %s, coll_scope: %s, coll_name: %s) cannot be found: %s'
            % (transform_type, transform_tag, coll_scope, coll_name, error))
    except Exception as error:
        raise error