Beispiel #1
def runPipelineWithConfig(taskName, name, pipeline, conf, queue):
    This is for internal use only
    templateDir = os.path.join(conf("dirs.clovr_pipelines_template_dir"), pipeline.TEMPLATE_NAME)
    templateConfig = os.path.join(templateDir, "pipeline_tmpl.config")
    templateLayout = os.path.join(templateDir, "pipeline.layout")

    foutName = os.path.join("/tmp", str(time.time()))
    fout = open(foutName, "w")
    for line in handleIncludes(open(templateConfig)):
        fout.write(config.replaceStr(line, conf) + "\n")


    cmd = ["", "--config=" + foutName, "--templatelayout=" + templateLayout, "--taskname=" + taskName]

    if queue:
        cmd.append("--queue=" + queue)

    cmd = " ".join(cmd)
    res = []
    exitCode = runSingleProgram(cmd, res.append, None)

    # If we got a weird exit code or more than one line was print or nothing was printed
    # then something bad happened
    if exitCode != 0 or len(res) > 1 or not res:
        raise ProgramRunError(cmd, exitCode)

    # This should be the pipeline ID
    return createPipeline(taskName, name, res[0].strip(), pipeline, conf)
Beispiel #2
def resumePipeline(pipeline, queue=None):
    cmd = ["", "--pipeline_id=" +, "--taskname=" + pipeline.taskName]

    if queue:
        cmd.append("--queue=" + queue)

    cmd = " ".join(cmd)
    res = []
    exitCode = runSingleProgram(cmd, res.append, None)

    # If we got a weird exit code or more than one line was print or nothing was printed
    # then something bad happened
    if exitCode != 0 or len(res) > 1 or not res:
        raise ProgramRunError(cmd, exitCode)

    return pipeline
Beispiel #3
def resumePipeline(pipeline, queue=None):
    cmd = [
        '', '--pipeline_id=' +,
        '--taskname=' + pipeline.taskName

    if queue:
        cmd.append('--queue=' + queue)

    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
    res = []
    exitCode = runSingleProgram(cmd, res.append, None)

    # If we got a weird exit code or more than one line was print or nothing was printed
    # then something bad happened
    if exitCode != 0 or len(res) > 1 or not res:
        raise ProgramRunError(cmd, exitCode)

    return pipeline
Beispiel #4
def runPipelineWithConfig(taskName, name, pipeline, conf, queue):
    This is for internal use only
    templateDir = os.path.join(conf('dirs.clovr_pipelines_template_dir'),
    templateConfig = os.path.join(templateDir, 'pipeline_tmpl.config')
    templateLayout = os.path.join(templateDir, 'pipeline.layout')

    foutName = os.path.join('/tmp', str(time.time()))
    fout = open(foutName, 'w')
    for line in handleIncludes(open(templateConfig)):
        fout.write(config.replaceStr(line, conf) + '\n')


    cmd = [
        '', '--config=' + foutName,
        '--templatelayout=' + templateLayout, '--taskname=' + taskName

    if queue:
        cmd.append('--queue=' + queue)

    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
    res = []
    exitCode = runSingleProgram(cmd, res.append, None)

    # If we got a weird exit code or more than one line was print or nothing was printed
    # then something bad happened
    if exitCode != 0 or len(res) > 1 or not res:
        raise ProgramRunError(cmd, exitCode)

    # This should be the pipeline ID
    return createPipeline(taskName, name, res[0].strip(), pipeline, conf)
Beispiel #5
def runSingleProgramEx(conf, cmd, stdoutf, stderrf):
    cmd = replaceStr(cmd, conf)
    exitCode = runSingleProgram(cmd, stdoutf, stderrf)
    if exitCode != 0:
        raise ProgramRunError(cmd, exitCode)
Beispiel #6
def runSingleProgramEx(conf, cmd, stdoutf, stderrf):
    cmd = replaceStr(cmd, conf)
    exitCode = runSingleProgram(cmd, stdoutf, stderrf)
    if exitCode != 0:
        raise ProgramRunError(cmd, exitCode)
Beispiel #7
def runSystemEx(cmd):
    """This just ignores all stdout"""
    code = runSingleProgram(cmd, None, errorPrintS)
    if code != 0:
        raise ProgramRunError(cmd, code)
def runSystemEx(cmd):
    """This just ignores all stdout"""
    code = runSingleProgram(cmd, None, errorPrintS)
    if code != 0:
        raise ProgramRunError(cmd, code)