Beispiel #1
 def _plot_(self, opt_dict):
     """ Plot protocol. opt_dict can contain :
          * :param RI: 'R', 'I', 'RI' [ default]
          * :param x_window: (xmin,xmax) or None [default]
          * :param name: a string [default ='']. If not '', it remplaces the name of the function just for this plot.
     return impl_plot.plot_base(self, opt_dict,  r'$\omega$', lambda name : r'%s$(\omega)$'%name, True, list(self.mesh))
Beispiel #2
 def _plot_(self, OptionsDict):
     """ Plot protocol. OptionsDict can contain : 
          * :param RI: 'R', 'I', 'RI' [ default] 
          * :param x_window: (xmin,xmax) or None [default]
          * :param name: a string [default ='']. If not '', it remplaces the name of the function just for this plot.
     has_complex_value = False
     return impl_plot.plot_base( self, OptionsDict,  r'$\tau$', lambda name : r'%s$(\tau)$'%name, has_complex_value ,  list(self.mesh) )