Beispiel #1
# IMPORTS ####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import bytes

import numpy as np

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test

# TESTS ######################################################################

# pylint: disable=protected-access

test_tektds224_name = make_name_test(ik.tektronix.TekTDS224)

def test_tektds224_data_width():
    with expected_protocol(ik.tektronix.TekTDS224,
                           ["DATA:WIDTH?", "DATA:WIDTH 1"], ["2"]) as tek:
        assert tek.data_width == 2
        tek.data_width = 1

def test_tektds224_data_source():
    with expected_protocol(ik.tektronix.TekTDS224,
                           ["DAT:SOU?", "DAT:SOU MATH"], ["CH1"]) as tek:
        assert tek.data_source == ik.tektronix.tektds224._TekTDS224Channel(
            tek, 0)
        tek.data_source = tek.math
Module containing tests for generic SCPI function generator instruments

# IMPORTS ####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import

import quantities as pq

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test

# TESTS ######################################################################

test_scpi_func_gen_name = make_name_test(ik.generic_scpi.SCPIFunctionGenerator)

def test_scpi_func_gen_amplitude():
    with expected_protocol(ik.generic_scpi.SCPIFunctionGenerator, [
            "VOLT:UNIT?", "VOLT?", "VOLT:UNIT VPP", "VOLT 2.0",
            "VOLT:UNIT DBM", "VOLT 1.5"
    ], ["VPP", "+1.000000E+00"],
                           repeat=2) as fg:
        assert fg.amplitude == (1 * pq.V, fg.VoltageMode.peak_to_peak)
        fg.amplitude = 2 * pq.V
        fg.amplitude = (1.5 * pq.V, fg.VoltageMode.dBm)

        assert[0].amplitude == (1 * pq.V,
                                           fg.VoltageMode.peak_to_peak)[0].amplitude = 2 * pq.V

# IMPORTS ####################################################################

import pytest

import instruments as ik
from instruments.abstract_instruments.comm import GPIBCommunicator
from instruments.units import ureg as u
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test, unit_eq

# TESTS ######################################################################

# pylint: disable=no-member,protected-access

test_srsdg645_name = make_name_test(ik.srs.SRSDG645)


def test_srsdg645_channel_init():
    _SRSDG645Channel: Ensure correct errors are raised during
    initialization if not coming from a DG class.
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        ik.srs.srsdg645._SRSDG645Channel(42, 0)

def test_srsdg645_channel_init_channel_value():
Beispiel #4
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

## IMPORTS ####################################################################

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test, unit_eq

import cStringIO as StringIO
import quantities as pq
import numpy as np

## TESTS ######################################################################

test_scpi_multimeter_name = make_name_test(ik.generic_scpi.SCPIMultimeter)
def test_scpi_multimeter_mode():
    with expected_protocol(
        ] , [
            "FRES +1.000000E+01,+3.000000E-06"
    ) as dmm:
        assert dmm.mode == dmm.Mode.fourpt_resistance
        dmm.mode = dmm.Mode.current_ac

def test_scpi_multimeter_trigger_mode():
from hypothesis import (
    strategies as st,
import numpy as np
import pytest

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test

# TESTS #######################################################################

# pylint: disable=protected-access

test_tekdpo4104_name = make_name_test(ik.tektronix.TekDPO4104)


def test_data_source():
    """Get / set data source for waveform transfer."""
    with expected_protocol(
            "DAT:SOU CH1",  # set a string
            "DAT:SOU REF2",  # set value of an enum
            "DAT:SOU MATH",  # set a math channel
Module containing tests for generic SCPI function generator instruments

# IMPORTS ####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import

import quantities as pq

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test

# TESTS ######################################################################

test_scpi_func_gen_name = make_name_test(ik.agilent.Agilent33220a)

def test_agilent33220a_amplitude():
    with expected_protocol(ik.agilent.Agilent33220a, [
            "VOLT:UNIT?", "VOLT?", "VOLT:UNIT VPP", "VOLT 2.0",
            "VOLT:UNIT DBM", "VOLT 1.5"
    ], ["VPP", "+1.000000E+00"]) as fg:
        assert fg.amplitude == (1 * pq.V, fg.VoltageMode.peak_to_peak)
        fg.amplitude = 2 * pq.V
        fg.amplitude = (1.5 * pq.V, fg.VoltageMode.dBm)

def test_agilent33220a_frequency():
    with expected_protocol(ik.agilent.Agilent33220a,
                           ["FREQ?", "FREQ 1.005000e+02"],
Module containing tests for generic SCPI function generator instruments

# IMPORTS ####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import

import quantities as pq

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test

# TESTS ######################################################################

test_scpi_func_gen_name = make_name_test(ik.agilent.Agilent33220a)

def test_agilent33220a_amplitude():
    with expected_protocol(
            "VOLT:UNIT VPP",
            "VOLT 2.0",
            "VOLT:UNIT DBM",
            "VOLT 1.5"
        ], [
Module containing tests for generic SCPI function generator instruments

# IMPORTS ####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import

import quantities as pq

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test

# TESTS ######################################################################

test_scpi_func_gen_name = make_name_test(ik.generic_scpi.SCPIFunctionGenerator)

def test_scpi_func_gen_amplitude():
    with expected_protocol(
            "VOLT:UNIT VPP",
            "VOLT 2.0",
            "VOLT:UNIT DBM",
            "VOLT 1.5"
        ], [
Beispiel #9
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

## IMPORTS ####################################################################

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test, unit_eq

import cStringIO as StringIO
import quantities as pq
import numpy as np

## TESTS ######################################################################

test_scpi_multimeter_name = make_name_test(ik.hp.HP6632b)

def test_hp6632b_display_textmode():
    with expected_protocol(
            "DISP:MODE TEXT"
        ] , [
    ) as psu:
        assert psu.display_textmode == False
        psu.display_textmode = True

def test_hp6632b_display_text():
Module containing tests for the Rigol DS1000

# IMPORTS ####################################################################

import numpy as np
import pytest

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test

# TESTS ######################################################################

# pylint: disable=protected-access

test_rigolds1000_name = make_name_test(ik.rigol.RigolDS1000Series)


def test_channel_initialization():
    """Ensure correct initialization of channel object."""
    with expected_protocol(ik.rigol.RigolDS1000Series, [], []) as osc:
        channel =[0]
        assert channel._parent is osc
        assert channel._idx == 1

def test_channel_coupling():
    """Get / set channel coupling."""
    with expected_protocol(ik.rigol.RigolDS1000Series,
# IMPORTS ####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import bytes

import numpy as np

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test

# TESTS ######################################################################

# pylint: disable=protected-access

test_tektds224_name = make_name_test(ik.tektronix.TekTDS224)

def test_tektds224_data_width():
    with expected_protocol(
            "DATA:WIDTH 1"
        ], [
    ) as tek:
        assert tek.data_width == 2
        tek.data_width = 1
import instruments as ik
from instruments.optional_dep_finder import numpy
from instruments.tests import (

# TESTS #######################################################################

# pylint: disable=protected-access

test_tektds5xx_name = make_name_test(ik.tektronix.TekTDS5xx)


@pytest.mark.parametrize("msr", [it for it in range(3)])
def test_measurement_init(msr):
    """Initialize a new measurement."""
    meas_categories = ['enabled', 'type', 'units', 'src1', 'src2', 'edge1',
                       'edge2', 'dir']
    meas_return = "0;UNDEFINED;\"V\",CH1,CH2,RISE,RISE,FORWARDS"
    data_expected = dict(zip(meas_categories, meas_return.split(';')))
    with expected_protocol(
Beispiel #13
Module containing tests for generic SCPI instruments

# IMPORTS ####################################################################

from hypothesis import given, strategies as st
import pytest

from instruments.units import ureg as u

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test, unit_eq

# TESTS ######################################################################

test_scpi_multimeter_name = make_name_test(ik.generic_scpi.SCPIInstrument)

def test_scpi_instrument_scpi_version():
    """Get name of instrument."""
    retval = "12345"
    with expected_protocol(ik.generic_scpi.SCPIInstrument, ["SYST:VERS?"],
                           [f"{retval}"]) as inst:
        assert inst.scpi_version == retval

@pytest.mark.parametrize("retval", ("0", "1"))
def test_scpi_instrument_op_complete(retval):
    """Check if operation is completed."""
    with expected_protocol(ik.generic_scpi.SCPIInstrument, ["*OPC?"],
                           [f"{retval}"]) as inst:
Beispiel #14
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

## IMPORTS ####################################################################

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test, unit_eq

from cStringIO import StringIO
import quantities as pq

## TESTS ######################################################################

test_srsdg645_name = make_name_test(ik.srs.SRSDG645)
def test_srsdg645_output_level():
    SRSDG645: Checks getting/setting unitful ouput level.
    with expected_protocol(ik.srs.SRSDG645,
                "LAMP? 1",
                "LAMP 1,4.0",
            ], [
    ) as ddg:
        unit_eq(ddg.output['AB'].level_amplitude, pq.Quantity(3.2, "V"))
        ddg.output['AB'].level_amplitude = 4.0
Module containing tests for Agilent 34410a

# IMPORTS ####################################################################

import pytest

import instruments as ik
from instruments.optional_dep_finder import numpy
from instruments.tests import (expected_protocol, iterable_eq, make_name_test,
from instruments.units import ureg as u

# TESTS ######################################################################

test_agilent_34410a_name = make_name_test(ik.agilent.Agilent34410a)

def test_agilent34410a_read():
    with expected_protocol(
            ik.agilent.Agilent34410a, ["CONF?", "READ?"],
        ["VOLT +1.000000E+01,+3.000000E-06", "+1.86850000E-03"]) as dmm:
        unit_eq(dmm.read_meter(), +1.86850000E-03 * u.volt)

def test_agilent34410a_data_point_count():
    with expected_protocol(ik.agilent.Agilent34410a, [
    ], [
    ]) as dmm:
Module containing tests for generic SCPI multimeter instruments

# IMPORTS ####################################################################

from __future__ import absolute_import

import quantities as pq

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test, unit_eq

# TESTS ######################################################################

test_scpi_multimeter_name = make_name_test(ik.generic_scpi.SCPIMultimeter)

def test_scpi_multimeter_mode():
    with expected_protocol(ik.generic_scpi.SCPIMultimeter,
                           ["CONF?", "CONF:CURR:AC"],
                           ["FRES +1.000000E+01,+3.000000E-06"]) as dmm:
        assert dmm.mode == dmm.Mode.fourpt_resistance
        dmm.mode = dmm.Mode.current_ac

def test_scpi_multimeter_trigger_mode():
    with expected_protocol(ik.generic_scpi.SCPIMultimeter,
                           ["TRIG:SOUR?", "TRIG:SOUR EXT"], ["BUS"]) as dmm:
        assert dmm.trigger_mode == dmm.TriggerMode.bus
        dmm.trigger_mode = dmm.TriggerMode.external
Beispiel #17
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

## IMPORTS ####################################################################

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test, unit_eq

import cStringIO as StringIO
import quantities as pq
import numpy as np

## TESTS ######################################################################

test_agilent_34410a_name = make_name_test(ik.agilent.Agilent34410a)
def test_agilent34410a_read():
    with expected_protocol(
        ] , [
            "VOLT +1.000000E+01,+3.000000E-06",
    ) as dmm:
        unit_eq(, +1.86850000E-03 * pq.volt)
def test_agilent34410a_data_point_count():
Beispiel #18
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

## IMPORTS ####################################################################

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test, unit_eq

from cStringIO import StringIO
import quantities as pq

from import raises

## TESTS ######################################################################

test_cc1_name = make_name_test(ik.qubitekk.CC1)
def test_cc1_unknown_command():
    CC1: Checks that invalid commands are properly turned into exceptions.
    with expected_protocol(ik.qubitekk.CC1,
            ], [
                "Unknown command"
    ) as cc1:
from hypothesis import (
    strategies as st,
import pytest

import instruments as ik
from instruments.optional_dep_finder import numpy
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test
from instruments.units import ureg as u

# TESTS #######################################################################

# pylint: disable=protected-access

test_tekawg2000_name = make_name_test(ik.tektronix.TekAWG2000)


channels_to_try = range(2)
channels_to_try_id = [f"CH{it}" for it in channels_to_try]

@pytest.mark.parametrize("channel", channels_to_try, ids=channels_to_try_id)
def test_channel_init(channel):
    """Channel initialization."""
    with expected_protocol(ik.tektronix.TekAWG2000, [], []) as inst:
        assert[channel]._tek is inst
        assert[channel]._name == f"CH{channel + 1}"
        assert[channel]._old_dsrc is None
Beispiel #20
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

## IMPORTS ####################################################################

import instruments as ik
from instruments.tests import expected_protocol, make_name_test, unit_eq

from cStringIO import StringIO
import quantities as pq

from import raises

## TESTS ######################################################################

test_cc1_name = make_name_test(ik.qubitekk.CC1)

def test_cc1_unknown_command():
    CC1: Checks that invalid commands are properly turned into exceptions.
    with expected_protocol(ik.qubitekk.CC1, ["FTN"],
                           ["Unknown command"]) as cc1: