def create_simple_cc(self):
        contexts = {}
        types_manager = TypesManager(self.dataset_management, None, None)
        t_ctxt = ParameterContext('time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float64')))
        t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 1900-01-01'
        t_ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(name='time', parameter_context=t_ctxt.dump())
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_context, t_ctxt_id)
        contexts['time'] = t_ctxt, t_ctxt_id

        temp_ctxt = ParameterContext('temp', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32')), fill_value=fill_value)
        temp_ctxt.uom = 'deg_C'
        temp_ctxt.ooi_short_name = 'TEMPWAT'
        temp_ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(name='temp', parameter_context=temp_ctxt.dump(), ooi_short_name='TEMPWAT')
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_context, temp_ctxt_id)
        contexts['temp'] = temp_ctxt, temp_ctxt_id

        func = NumexprFunction('offset', 'temp + offset', ['temp','offset'])
        types_manager.get_pfunc = lambda pfid : func
        func = types_manager.evaluate_pmap('pfid', {'temp':'temp', 'offset':'CC_coefficient'})

        func_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_function('offset', func.dump())
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_function, func_id)

        offset_ctxt = ParameterContext('offset', param_type=ParameterFunctionType(func), fill_value=fill_value)
        offset_ctxt.uom = '1'
        offset_ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context('offset', offset_ctxt.dump(), parameter_function_id=func_id)
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_context, offset_ctxt_id)

        contexts['offset'] = offset_ctxt, offset_ctxt_id

        return contexts
    def test_lookup_value_check(self):
        func = NumexprFunction("f", "coeff_a * x", ["coeff_a", "x"], param_map={"x": "x", "coeff_a": "coeff_a"})
        func.lookup_values = ["abc123"]
        test_context = ParameterContext("test", param_type=ParameterFunctionType(func))

        tm = TypesManager(None, None, None)
        self.assertEquals(tm.get_lookup_value_ids(test_context), ["abc123"])
 def create_simple_cc_pdict(self):
     types_manager = TypesManager(self.dataset_management, None, None)
     contexts = self.create_simple_cc()
     context_ids = [i[1] for i in contexts.itervalues()]
     pdict_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_dictionary('offset_dict', parameter_context_ids=context_ids, temporal_context='time')
     self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_dictionary, pdict_id)
     return pdict_id
Beispiel #4
    def test_lookup_value_check(self):
        func = NumexprFunction('f', 'coeff_a * x', ['coeff_a','x'], param_map={'x':'x', 'coeff_a':'coeff_a'})
        func.lookup_values = ['abc123']
        test_context = ParameterContext('test', param_type=ParameterFunctionType(func))

        tm = TypesManager(None,None,None)
        self.assertEquals(tm.get_lookup_value_ids(test_context), ['abc123'])
Beispiel #5
    def test_lookup_value_check(self):
        func = NumexprFunction('f',
                               'coeff_a * x', ['coeff_a', 'x'],
                                   'x': 'x',
                                   'coeff_a': 'coeff_a'
        func.lookup_values = ['abc123']
        test_context = ParameterContext('test',

        tm = TypesManager(None, None, None)
        self.assertEquals(tm.get_lookup_value_ids(test_context), ['abc123'])
    def create_simple_qc_pdict(self):
        types_manager = TypesManager(self.dataset_management,None,None)
        contexts = self.create_simple_qc()
        context_ids = [i[1] for i in contexts.itervalues()]
        for qc_context in contexts['temp'][0].qc_contexts:
        pdict_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_dictionary('simple_qc', parameter_context_ids=context_ids, temporal_context='time')
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_dictionary, pdict_id)

        return pdict_id
    def create_simple_qc_pdict(self):
        types_manager = TypesManager(self.dataset_management,None,None)
        contexts = self.create_simple_qc()
        context_ids = [i[1] for i in contexts.itervalues()]
        for qc_context in contexts['temp'][0].qc_contexts:
        for qc_context in contexts['pressure'][0].qc_contexts:
        context_names = [self.dataset_management.read_parameter_context(i).name for i in context_ids]
        qc_names = [i for i in context_names if i.endswith('_qc')]
        ctxt_id, pc = types_manager.make_propagate_qc(qc_names)
        pdict_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_dictionary('simple_qc', parameter_context_ids=context_ids, temporal_context='time')
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_dictionary, pdict_id)

        return pdict_id
    def create_simple_qc(self):
        contexts = {}
        types_manager = TypesManager(self.dataset_management,None,None)
        t_ctxt = ParameterContext('time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float64')))
        t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 1900-01-01'
        t_ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(name='time', parameter_context=t_ctxt.dump())
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_context, t_ctxt_id)
        contexts['time'] = (t_ctxt, t_ctxt_id)
        temp_ctxt = ParameterContext('temp', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32')), fill_value=-9999)
        temp_ctxt.uom = 'deg_C'
        temp_ctxt.ooi_short_name = 'TEMPWAT'
        temp_ctxt.qc_contexts = types_manager.make_qc_functions('temp','TEMPWAT',lambda *args, **kwargs : None)
        temp_ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(name='temp', parameter_context=temp_ctxt.dump(), ooi_short_name='TEMPWAT')
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_context, temp_ctxt_id)
        contexts['temp'] = temp_ctxt, temp_ctxt_id

        return contexts
    def get_coverage_parameter(cls, parameter_context):
        Creates a Coverage Model based Parameter Context given the 
        ParameterContext IonObject.

        Note: If the parameter is a parameter function and depends on dynamically
        created calibrations, this will fail.
        # Only CF and netCDF compliant variable names = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_',
        from import TypesManager
        # The TypesManager does all the parsing and converting to the coverage model instances
        tm = TypesManager(None, {}, {})
        # First thing to do is create the parameter type
        param_type = tm.get_parameter_type(
        # Ugh, I hate it but I did copy this section from
        # ion/processes/bootstrap/
        context = ParameterContext(, param_type=param_type)
        # Now copy over all the attrs
        context.uom = parameter_context.units
            if isinstance(context.uom, basestring):
        except UdunitsError:
            log.warning('Parameter %s has invalid units: %s',, context.uom)
        # Fill values can be a bit tricky...
        context.fill_value = tm.get_fill_value(parameter_context.fill_value, 
        context.reference_urls = parameter_context.reference_urls
        context.internal_name  =
        context.display_name   = parameter_context.display_name
        context.standard_name  = parameter_context.standard_name
        context.ooi_short_name = parameter_context.ooi_short_name
        context.description    = parameter_context.description
        context.precision      = parameter_context.precision
        context.visible        = parameter_context.visible
        return context
    def create_simple_qc(self):
        contexts = {}
        types_manager = TypesManager(self.dataset_management,None,None)
        t_ctxt = ParameterContext('time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float64')))
        t_ctxt.uom = 'seconds since 1900-01-01'
        t_ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(name='time', parameter_context=t_ctxt.dump())
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_context, t_ctxt_id)
        contexts['time'] = (t_ctxt, t_ctxt_id)
        temp_ctxt = ParameterContext('temp', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32')), fill_value=fill_value)
        temp_ctxt.uom = 'deg_C'
        temp_ctxt.ooi_short_name = 'TEMPWAT'
        temp_ctxt.qc_contexts = types_manager.make_qc_functions('temp','TEMPWAT',lambda *args, **kwargs : None)
        temp_ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(name='temp', parameter_context=temp_ctxt.dump(), ooi_short_name='TEMPWAT')
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_context, temp_ctxt_id)
        contexts['temp'] = temp_ctxt, temp_ctxt_id

        press_ctxt = ParameterContext('pressure', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.dtype('float32')), fill_value=fill_value)
        press_ctxt.uom = 'dbar'
        press_ctxt.ooi_short_name = 'PRESWAT'
        press_ctxt.qc_contexts = types_manager.make_qc_functions('pressure', 'PRESWAT', lambda *args, **kwargs : None)
        press_ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(name='pressure', parameter_context=press_ctxt.dump(), ooi_short_name='PRESWAT')
        self.addCleanup(self.dataset_management.delete_parameter_context, press_ctxt_id)
        contexts['pressure'] = press_ctxt, press_ctxt_id
        lat_ctxt = ParameterContext('lat', param_type=SparseConstantType(base_type=ConstantType(value_encoding='float64'), fill_value=fill_value), fill_value=fill_value)
        lat_ctxt.uom = 'degree_north'
        lat_ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(name='lat', parameter_context=lat_ctxt.dump())
        contexts['lat'] = lat_ctxt, lat_ctxt_id

        lon_ctxt = ParameterContext('lon', param_type=SparseConstantType(base_type=ConstantType(value_encoding='float64'), fill_value=fill_value), fill_value=fill_value)
        lon_ctxt.uom = 'degree_east'
        lon_ctxt_id = self.dataset_management.create_parameter_context(name='lon', parameter_context=lon_ctxt.dump())
        contexts['lon'] = lon_ctxt, lon_ctxt_id

        return contexts
    def get_coverage_parameter(cls, parameter_context):
        Creates a Coverage Model based Parameter Context given the 
        ParameterContext IonObject.

        Note: If the parameter is a parameter function and depends on dynamically
        created calibrations, this will fail.
        # Only CF and netCDF compliant variable names = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_',
        from import TypesManager
        # The TypesManager does all the parsing and converting to the coverage model instances
        tm = TypesManager(None, {}, {})
        # First thing to do is create the parameter type
        param_type = tm.get_parameter_type(
            parameter_context.parameter_type, parameter_context.value_encoding,
            parameter_context.parameter_function_map, {
                'target_dataset': parameter_context.target_dataset,
                'target_name': parameter_context.target_name
        # Ugh, I hate it but I did copy this section from
        # ion/processes/bootstrap/
        context = ParameterContext(,
        # Now copy over all the attrs
        context.uom = parameter_context.units
            if isinstance(context.uom, basestring):
        except UdunitsError:
            log.warning('Parameter %s has invalid units: %s',
              , context.uom)
        # Fill values can be a bit tricky...
        context.fill_value = tm.get_fill_value(
            parameter_context.fill_value, parameter_context.value_encoding,
        context.reference_urls = parameter_context.reference_urls
        context.internal_name =
        context.display_name = parameter_context.display_name
        context.standard_name = parameter_context.standard_name
        context.ooi_short_name = parameter_context.ooi_short_name
        context.description = parameter_context.description
        context.precision = parameter_context.precision
        context.visible = parameter_context.visible
        return context
Beispiel #12
 def setUp(self):
     self.types_manager = TypesManager(None,None,None)
Beispiel #13
class TestTypes(PyonTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.types_manager = TypesManager(None, None, None)

    def get_context(self, ptype, encoding, fill_value, codeset=None):
        ptype = self.types_manager.get_parameter_type(ptype, encoding, codeset)
        context = ParameterContext(name='test', param_type=ptype)
        context.fill_value = self.types_manager.get_fill_value(
            fill_value, encoding, ptype)
        return context

    def get_pval(self, context):
        return get_value_class(context.param_type, SimpleDomainSet((20, )))

    def rdt_to_granule(self, context, value_array, comp_val=None):
        time = ParameterContext(
            name='time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.float64))

        pdict = ParameterDictionary()
        pdict.add_context(time, is_temporal=True)

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(param_dictionary=pdict)
        rdt['time'] = np.arange(len(value_array))
        rdt['test'] = value_array

        granule = rdt.to_granule()
        rdt2 = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(granule)

        testval = comp_val if comp_val is not None else value_array
        actual = rdt2['test']

        if isinstance(testval, basestring):
            self.assertEquals(testval, actual)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(testval, actual)

    def cov_io(self, context, value_array, comp_val=None):
        cov = _make_cov('test_data', [context], nt=0)
        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, cov.persistence_dir)
        value_array = np.asanyarray(value_array)

        data_dict = {
            'time': NumpyParameterData('time', np.arange(len(value_array))),
            'test': NumpyParameterData('test', value_array)

        comp_val = comp_val if comp_val is not None else value_array
        testval = cov.get_parameter_values(['test']).get_data()['test']
        if isinstance(testval, np.recarray):
            testval = testval.view(np.ndarray)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(testval, comp_val)
            print repr(value_array)

    def test_quantity_type(self):
        ptype = 'quantity'
        encodings = [
            'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32',
            'uint64', 'float32', 'float64'
        fill_value = '9'

        for encoding in encodings:
            context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
            paramval = self.get_pval(context)
            paramval[:] = np.arange(20)
            self.assertTrue((paramval[:] == np.arange(20)).all())
        self.rdt_to_granule(context, np.arange(20))
        self.cov_io(context, np.arange(20))

    def test_string_type(self):
        ptype = 'string'
        encoding = 'S8'
        fill_value = 'empty'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)
        paramval[:] = ['hi'] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'hi') for i in xrange(20)]

        ptype = 'str'
        encoding = 'vlen'
        fill_value = 'empty'

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, ['hi'] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, ['hi'] * 20)

    def test_string_arrays(self):
        ptype = 'string'
        encoding = 'str'
        fill_value = 'none'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)
        paramval[:] = ['hi'] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'hi') for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, ['hi'] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, ['hi'] * 20)

    @unittest.skip("Array types are incomplete")
    def test_array_type(self):
        ptype = 'array<quantity>'
        encoding = 'int32'
        fill_value = '-9999'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)


        testval = np.array([1, 2, 3] * 20).reshape(20, 3)

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [[1, 2, 3]] * 20, testval)
        self.cov_io(context, testval)

    @unittest.skip("Category types are incomplete")
    def test_category_type(self):
        ptype = 'category<int8:str>'
        encoding = 'int8'
        codeset = '{0: "off", 1: "on"}'
        fill_value = '0'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value, codeset)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        for key in context.param_type.categories:
            self.assertIsInstance(key, np.int8)

        paramval[:] = [None] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'off') for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'off') for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [1] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'on') for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [1] * 20, ['on'] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, [1] * 20, ['on'] * 20)

    def test_const_str(self):
        ptype = 'constant<str>'
        encoding = 'S12'
        fill_value = 'empty'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = context.fill_value
            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)

        paramval[:] = 'hi'
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'hi') for i in xrange(20)]

        long_str = 'this string is too long'

        paramval[0] = long_str
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], long_str[:12]) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, ['hi'])
        self.cov_io(context, ['hi'])

    def test_const(self):
        ptype = 'constant<quantity>'
        encoding = 'uint8'
        fill_value = '12'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)

        paramval[:] = 2
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 2) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [2])
        self.cov_io(context, [2])

    def test_boolean(self):
        ptype = 'boolean'
        encoding = 'int8'
        fill_value = 'false'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = context.fill_value
            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)

        paramval[:] = [1] * 20
        [self.assertTrue(paramval[i]) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.assertEquals(self.types_manager.get_fill_value('true', encoding),
                          1, ptype)

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [1] * 20, [True] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, [1] * 20, [True] * 20)

    def test_bad_codeset(self):
        ptype = 'category<int8:str>'
        encoding = 'int8'
        codeset = '{{0:"hi"}'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          ptype, encoding, codeset)

    def test_invalid_str_len(self):
        ptype = 'constant<str>'
        encoding = 'Sfour'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          ptype, encoding)

        ptype = 'constant<str>'
        encoding = 'int8'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          ptype, encoding)

        ptype = 'quantity'
        encoding = 'Sfour'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          ptype, encoding)

    def test_str_fill(self):
        ptype = 'quantity'
        encoding = 'S8'
        fill_value = 'now'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'now') for i in xrange(20)]

    def test_invalid_fill(self):
        encoding = 'opaque'
        fill_value = 'a'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_fill_value,
                          fill_value, encoding)

    def test_record_type(self):
        ptype = 'record<>'
        encoding = ''
        fill_value = ''

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], None) for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [{0: 'a'}] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], {0: 'a'}) for i in xrange(20)]

        testval = [{0: 'a'}] * 20

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [{0: 'a'}] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, testval)

    def test_bad_ptype(self):
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          'flimsy', '', '')

    def test_lookup_value_check(self):
        func = NumexprFunction('f',
                               'coeff_a * x', ['coeff_a', 'x'],
                                   'x': 'x',
                                   'coeff_a': 'coeff_a'
        func.lookup_values = ['abc123']
        test_context = ParameterContext('test',

        tm = TypesManager(None, None, None)
        self.assertEquals(tm.get_lookup_value_ids(test_context), ['abc123'])

    def test_bad_units(self):
        tm = TypesManager(None, None, None)
        self.assertRaises(UdunitsError, tm.get_unit, 'something')
Beispiel #14
class TestTypes(PyonTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.types_manager = TypesManager(None,None,None)
    def get_context(self, ptype, encoding, fill_value, codeset=None):
        ptype = self.types_manager.get_parameter_type(ptype, encoding, codeset)
        context = ParameterContext(name='test', param_type=ptype)
        context.fill_value = self.types_manager.get_fill_value(fill_value, encoding, ptype)
        return context

    def get_pval(self, context):
        return get_value_class(context.param_type, SimpleDomainSet((20,)))

    def rdt_to_granule(self, context, value_array, comp_val=None):
        time = ParameterContext(name='time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.float64))
        pdict = ParameterDictionary()
        pdict.add_context(time, is_temporal=True)

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(param_dictionary=pdict)
        rdt['time'] = np.arange(len(value_array))
        rdt['test'] = value_array

        granule = rdt.to_granule()
        rdt2 = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(granule)

        testval = comp_val if comp_val is not None else value_array
        actual = rdt2['test']

        if isinstance(testval, basestring):
            self.assertEquals(testval, actual)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(testval, actual)

    def cov_io(self, context, value_array, comp_val=None):
        cov = _make_cov('test_data', [context], nt=0)
        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, cov.persistence_dir)
        value_array = np.asanyarray(value_array)

        data_dict = {
            'time' : NumpyParameterData('time', np.arange(len(value_array))),
            'test' : NumpyParameterData('test', value_array)

        comp_val = comp_val if comp_val is not None else value_array
        testval = cov.get_parameter_values(['test']).get_data()['test']
        if isinstance(testval, np.recarray):
            testval = testval.view(np.ndarray)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(testval, comp_val)
            print repr(value_array)

    def test_quantity_type(self):
        ptype      = 'quantity'
        encodings  = ['int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'float32', 'float64']
        fill_value = '9'

        for encoding in encodings:
            context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
            paramval = self.get_pval(context)
            paramval[:] = np.arange(20)
            self.assertTrue((paramval[:] == np.arange(20)).all())
        self.rdt_to_granule(context, np.arange(20))
        self.cov_io(context, np.arange(20))

    def test_string_type(self):
        ptype      = 'string'
        encoding   = 'S8'
        fill_value = 'empty'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)
        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]
        paramval[:] = ['hi'] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'hi') for i in xrange(20)]
        ptype      = 'str'
        encoding   = 'vlen'
        fill_value = 'empty'

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, ['hi'] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, ['hi'] * 20)

    def test_string_arrays(self):
        ptype = 'string'
        encoding = 'str'
        fill_value = 'none'
        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)
        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]
        paramval[:] = ['hi'] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'hi') for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context,['hi'] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, ['hi'] * 20)

    @unittest.skip("Array types are incomplete")
    def test_array_type(self):
        ptype      = 'array<quantity>'
        encoding   = 'int32'
        fill_value = '-9999'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)

        self.assertEquals(context.param_type.inner_encoding, np.dtype('int32').str)

        testval = np.array([1,2,3]*20).reshape(20,3)

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [[1,2,3]] * 20, testval)
        self.cov_io(context, testval)

    @unittest.skip("Category types are incomplete")
    def test_category_type(self):
        ptype      = 'category<int8:str>'
        encoding   = 'int8'
        codeset    = '{0: "off", 1: "on"}'
        fill_value = '0'
        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value, codeset)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)
        for key in context.param_type.categories:

        paramval[:] = [None] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'off') for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'off') for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [1] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'on') for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [1] * 20, ['on'] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, [1]* 20, ['on'] * 20)

    def test_const_str(self):
        ptype      = 'constant<str>'
        encoding   = 'S12'
        fill_value = 'empty'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)
        paramval[:] = context.fill_value
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = 'hi'
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'hi') for i in xrange(20)]

        long_str = 'this string is too long'

        paramval[0] = long_str
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], long_str[:12]) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, ['hi'])
        self.cov_io(context, ['hi'])

    def test_const(self):
        ptype      = 'constant<quantity>'
        encoding   = 'uint8'
        fill_value = '12'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = 2
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 2) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [2])
        self.cov_io(context, [2])

    def test_boolean(self):
        ptype      = 'boolean'
        encoding   = 'int8'
        fill_value = 'false'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)
        paramval[:] = context.fill_value
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [1] * 20
        [self.assertTrue(paramval[i]) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.assertEquals(self.types_manager.get_fill_value('true',encoding), 1, ptype)

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [1] * 20, [True] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, [1] * 20, [True] * 20)


    def test_bad_codeset(self):
        ptype      = 'category<int8:str>'
        encoding   = 'int8'
        codeset    = '{{0:"hi"}'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, ptype, encoding, codeset)

    def test_invalid_str_len(self):
        ptype = 'constant<str>'
        encoding = 'Sfour'
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, ptype, encoding)
        ptype = 'constant<str>'
        encoding = 'int8'
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, ptype, encoding)
        ptype = 'quantity'
        encoding = 'Sfour'
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, ptype, encoding)

    def test_str_fill(self):
        ptype      = 'quantity'
        encoding   = 'S8'
        fill_value = 'now'

        context = self.get_context(ptype,encoding,fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'now') for i in xrange(20)]

    def test_invalid_fill(self):
        encoding = 'opaque'
        fill_value = 'a'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_fill_value,fill_value, encoding)

    def test_record_type(self):
        ptype = 'record<>'
        encoding = ''
        fill_value = ''

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], None) for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [{0:'a'}] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], {0:'a'}) for i in xrange(20)]

        testval = [{0:'a'}] * 20

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [{0:'a'}] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, testval)

    def test_bad_ptype(self):
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, 'flimsy','','')
    def test_lookup_value_check(self):
        func = NumexprFunction('f', 'coeff_a * x', ['coeff_a','x'], param_map={'x':'x', 'coeff_a':'coeff_a'})
        func.lookup_values = ['abc123']
        test_context = ParameterContext('test', param_type=ParameterFunctionType(func))

        tm = TypesManager(None,None,None)
        self.assertEquals(tm.get_lookup_value_ids(test_context), ['abc123'])

    def test_bad_units(self):
        tm = TypesManager(None,None,None)
        self.assertRaises(UdunitsError,tm.get_unit, 'something')
Beispiel #15
class TestTypes(PyonTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.types_manager = TypesManager(None, None, None)

    def get_context(self, ptype, encoding, fill_value, codeset=None):
        ptype = self.types_manager.get_parameter_type(ptype, encoding, codeset)
        context = ParameterContext(name="test", param_type=ptype)
        context.fill_value = self.types_manager.get_fill_value(fill_value, encoding, ptype)
        return context

    def get_pval(self, context):
        return get_value_class(context.param_type, SimpleDomainSet((20,)))

    def rdt_to_granule(self, context, value_array, comp_val=None):

        pdict = ParameterDictionary()

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(param_dictionary=pdict)
        rdt["test"] = value_array

        granule = rdt.to_granule()
        rdt2 = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(granule)

        testval = comp_val if comp_val is not None else value_array
        actual = rdt2["test"]

        if isinstance(testval, basestring):
            self.assertEquals(testval, actual)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(testval, actual)

    def cov_io(self, context, value_array, comp_val=None):
        pdict = ParameterDictionary()
        time = ParameterContext(name="time", param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.float64))
        pdict.add_context(time, True)
        # Construct temporal and spatial Coordinate Reference System objects
        tcrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.TIME])
        scrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.LON, AxisTypeEnum.LAT])

        # Construct temporal and spatial Domain objects
        tdom = GridDomain(GridShape("temporal", [0]), tcrs, MutabilityEnum.EXTENSIBLE)  # 1d (timeline)
        sdom = GridDomain(
            GridShape("spatial", [0]), scrs, MutabilityEnum.IMMUTABLE
        )  # 0d spatial topology (station/trajectory)

        # Instantiate the SimplexCoverage providing the ParameterDictionary, spatial Domain and temporal Domain
        cov = SimplexCoverage(
            "sample coverage_model",
        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, cov.persistence_dir)

        cov.set_parameter_values("test", tdoa=slice(0, len(value_array)), value=value_array)
        comp_val = comp_val if comp_val is not None else value_array
        testval = cov.get_parameter_values("test")
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(testval, comp_val)
            print repr(value_array)

    def test_quantity_type(self):
        ptype = "quantity"
        encodings = ["int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "float32", "float64"]
        fill_value = "9"

        for encoding in encodings:
            context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
            paramval = self.get_pval(context)
            paramval[:] = np.arange(20)
            self.assertTrue((paramval[:] == np.arange(20)).all())
        self.rdt_to_granule(context, np.arange(20))
        self.cov_io(context, np.arange(20))

    def test_string_type(self):
        ptype = "quantity"
        encoding = "S8"
        fill_value = "empty"

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]
        paramval[:] = ["hi"] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], "hi") for i in xrange(20)]

        ptype = "str"
        encoding = "vlen"
        fill_value = "empty"

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]
        paramval[:] = ["hi"] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], "hi") for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, ["hi"] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, ["hi"] * 20)

    def test_string_arrays(self):
        ptype = "array<quantity>"
        encoding = "str"
        fill_value = "none"

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]
        paramval[:] = ["hi"] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], "hi") for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, ["hi"] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, ["hi"] * 20)

    def test_array_type(self):
        ptype = "array<quantity>"
        encoding = "int32"
        fill_value = "empty"

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]
        paramval[:] = [[1, 2, 3]] * 20
        [np.testing.assert_array_equal(paramval[i], [1, 2, 3]) for i in xrange(20)]
        testval = np.array([None] * 20)
        for i in xrange(20):
            testval[i] = [1, 2, 3]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [[1, 2, 3]] * 20, testval)
        self.cov_io(context, testval)

    def test_category_type(self):
        ptype = "category<int8:str>"
        encoding = "int8"
        codeset = '{0: "off", 1: "on"}'
        fill_value = "0"

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value, codeset)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        for key in context.param_type.categories:
            self.assertIsInstance(key, np.int8)

        paramval[:] = [None] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], "off") for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], "off") for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [1] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], "on") for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [1] * 20, ["on"] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, [1] * 20, ["on"] * 20)

    def test_const_str(self):
        ptype = "constant<str>"
        encoding = "S12"
        fill_value = "empty"

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = context.fill_value
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = "hi"
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], "hi") for i in xrange(20)]

        long_str = "this string is too long"

        paramval[0] = long_str
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], long_str[:12]) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, "hi")
        self.cov_io(context, "hi")

    def test_const(self):
        ptype = "constant<quantity>"
        encoding = "uint8"
        fill_value = "12"

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = 2
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 2) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, 2)
        self.cov_io(context, [2])

    def test_boolean(self):
        ptype = "boolean"
        encoding = "int8"
        fill_value = "false"

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = context.fill_value
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [1] * 20
        [self.assertTrue(paramval[i]) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.assertEquals(self.types_manager.get_fill_value("true", encoding), 1, ptype)

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [1] * 20, [True] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, [1] * 20, [True] * 20)

    def test_range_type(self):
        ptype = "range<quantity>"
        encoding = "int32"
        fill_value = "(-9999, -9998)"

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]
        paramval[:] = (0, 1000)
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], (0, 1000)) for i in xrange(20)]
        testval = np.array([None])
        testval[0] = (0, 1000)
        self.rdt_to_granule(context, (0, 1000), testval)
        testval = np.array([None] * 20)
        for i in xrange(20):
            testval[i] = (0, 1000)

        self.cov_io(context, paramval, testval)

    def test_bad_codeset(self):
        ptype = "category<int8:str>"
        encoding = "int8"
        codeset = '{{0:"hi"}'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, ptype, encoding, codeset)

    def test_invalid_str_len(self):
        ptype = "constant<str>"
        encoding = "Sfour"

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, ptype, encoding)

        ptype = "constant<str>"
        encoding = "int8"

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, ptype, encoding)

        ptype = "quantity"
        encoding = "Sfour"

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, ptype, encoding)

    def test_invalid_range(self):
        ptype = "range<str>"
        encoding = ""

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, ptype, encoding)

    def test_str_fill(self):
        ptype = "quantity"
        encoding = "S8"
        fill_value = "now"

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], "now") for i in xrange(20)]

    def test_invalid_fill(self):
        encoding = "opaque"
        fill_value = "a"

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_fill_value, fill_value, encoding)

    def test_invalid_range_fill(self):
        ptype = "range<quantity>"
        encoding = "int32"
        fill_value = "-9999"

        ptype = self.types_manager.get_parameter_type(ptype, encoding)

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_fill_value, fill_value, encoding, ptype)

    def test_record_type(self):
        ptype = "record<>"
        encoding = ""
        fill_value = ""

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], None) for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [{0: "a"}] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], {0: "a"}) for i in xrange(20)]

        testval = [{0: "a"}] * 20

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [{0: "a"}] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, testval)

    def test_bad_ptype(self):
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type, "flimsy", "", "")

    def test_lookup_value_check(self):
        func = NumexprFunction("f", "coeff_a * x", ["coeff_a", "x"], param_map={"x": "x", "coeff_a": "coeff_a"})
        func.lookup_values = ["abc123"]
        test_context = ParameterContext("test", param_type=ParameterFunctionType(func))

        tm = TypesManager(None, None, None)
        self.assertEquals(tm.get_lookup_value_ids(test_context), ["abc123"])

    def test_bad_units(self):
        tm = TypesManager(None, None, None)
        self.assertRaises(UdunitsError, tm.get_unit, "something")
Beispiel #16
class TestTypes(PyonTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.types_manager = TypesManager(None, None, None)

    def get_context(self, ptype, encoding, fill_value, codeset=None):
        ptype = self.types_manager.get_parameter_type(ptype, encoding, codeset)
        context = ParameterContext(name='test', param_type=ptype)
        context.fill_value = self.types_manager.get_fill_value(
            fill_value, encoding, ptype)
        return context

    def get_pval(self, context):
        return get_value_class(context.param_type, SimpleDomainSet((20, )))

    def rdt_to_granule(self, context, value_array, comp_val=None):

        pdict = ParameterDictionary()

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(param_dictionary=pdict)
        rdt['test'] = value_array

        granule = rdt.to_granule()
        rdt2 = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(granule)

        testval = comp_val if comp_val is not None else value_array
        actual = rdt2['test']

        if isinstance(testval, basestring):
            self.assertEquals(testval, actual)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(testval, actual)

    def cov_io(self, context, value_array, comp_val=None):
        pdict = ParameterDictionary()
        time = ParameterContext(
            name='time', param_type=QuantityType(value_encoding=np.float64))
        pdict.add_context(time, True)
        # Construct temporal and spatial Coordinate Reference System objects
        tcrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.TIME])
        scrs = CRS([AxisTypeEnum.LON, AxisTypeEnum.LAT])

        # Construct temporal and spatial Domain objects
        tdom = GridDomain(GridShape('temporal', [0]), tcrs,
                          MutabilityEnum.EXTENSIBLE)  # 1d (timeline)
        sdom = GridDomain(GridShape('spatial',
                                    [0]), scrs, MutabilityEnum.IMMUTABLE
                          )  # 0d spatial topology (station/trajectory)

        # Instantiate the SimplexCoverage providing the ParameterDictionary, spatial Domain and temporal Domain
        cov = SimplexCoverage('test_data',
                              'sample coverage_model',
        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, cov.persistence_dir)

                                 tdoa=slice(0, len(value_array)),
        comp_val = comp_val if comp_val is not None else value_array
        testval = cov.get_parameter_values('test')
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(testval, comp_val)
            print repr(value_array)

    def test_quantity_type(self):
        ptype = 'quantity'
        encodings = [
            'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32',
            'uint64', 'float32', 'float64'
        fill_value = '9'

        for encoding in encodings:
            context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
            paramval = self.get_pval(context)
            paramval[:] = np.arange(20)
            self.assertTrue((paramval[:] == np.arange(20)).all())
        self.rdt_to_granule(context, np.arange(20))
        self.cov_io(context, np.arange(20))

    def test_string_type(self):
        ptype = 'quantity'
        encoding = 'S8'
        fill_value = 'empty'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)
        paramval[:] = ['hi'] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'hi') for i in xrange(20)]

        ptype = 'str'
        encoding = 'vlen'
        fill_value = 'empty'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)
        paramval[:] = ['hi'] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'hi') for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, ['hi'] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, ['hi'] * 20)

    def test_string_arrays(self):
        ptype = 'array<quantity>'
        encoding = 'str'
        fill_value = 'none'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)
        paramval[:] = ['hi'] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'hi') for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, ['hi'] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, ['hi'] * 20)

    def test_plain_array_type(self):
        ptype = 'array<quantity>'
        encoding = ''
        fill_value = 'empty'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)
        paramval[:] = [[1, 2, 3]] * 20
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(paramval[i], [1, 2, 3])
            for i in xrange(20)
        testval = np.array([None] * 20)
        for i in xrange(20):
            testval[i] = [1, 2, 3]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [[1, 2, 3]] * 20, testval)
        self.cov_io(context, testval)

    def test_array_type(self):
        ptype = 'array<quantity>'
        encoding = 'int32'
        fill_value = '-9999'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)


        #TODO: Fill value not supported
        #paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        #[self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value) for i in xrange(20)]
        paramval[:] = [[1, 2, 3]] * 20
                                      np.array([1, 2, 3] * 20).reshape(20, 3))
        # None not supported
        #testval = np.array([None] * 20)
        #for i in xrange(20):
        #    testval[i] = [1,2,3]
        testval = np.array([1, 2, 3] * 20).reshape(20, 3)

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [[1, 2, 3]] * 20, testval)
        self.cov_io(context, testval)

    def test_category_type(self):
        ptype = 'category<int8:str>'
        encoding = 'int8'
        codeset = '{0: "off", 1: "on"}'
        fill_value = '0'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value, codeset)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        for key in context.param_type.categories:
            self.assertIsInstance(key, np.int8)

        paramval[:] = [None] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'off') for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [context.fill_value] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'off') for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [1] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'on') for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [1] * 20, ['on'] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, [1] * 20, ['on'] * 20)

    def test_const_str(self):
        ptype = 'constant<str>'
        encoding = 'S12'
        fill_value = 'empty'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = context.fill_value
            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)

        paramval[:] = 'hi'
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'hi') for i in xrange(20)]

        long_str = 'this string is too long'

        paramval[0] = long_str
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], long_str[:12]) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, 'hi')
        self.cov_io(context, 'hi')

    def test_const(self):
        ptype = 'constant<quantity>'
        encoding = 'uint8'
        fill_value = '12'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)

        paramval[:] = 2
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 2) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, 2)
        self.cov_io(context, [2])

    def test_boolean(self):
        ptype = 'boolean'
        encoding = 'int8'
        fill_value = 'false'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        paramval[:] = context.fill_value
            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)

        paramval[:] = [1] * 20
        [self.assertTrue(paramval[i]) for i in xrange(20)]

        self.assertEquals(self.types_manager.get_fill_value('true', encoding),
                          1, ptype)

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [1] * 20, [True] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, [1] * 20, [True] * 20)

    def test_range_type(self):
        ptype = 'range<quantity>'
        encoding = 'int32'
        fill_value = '(-9999, -9998)'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

            self.assertEquals(paramval[i], context.fill_value)
            for i in xrange(20)
        paramval[:] = (0, 1000)
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], (0, 1000)) for i in xrange(20)]
        testval = np.array([None])
        testval[0] = (0, 1000)
        self.rdt_to_granule(context, (0, 1000), testval)
        testval = np.array([None] * 20)
        for i in xrange(20):
            testval[i] = (0, 1000)

        self.cov_io(context, paramval, testval)

    def test_bad_codeset(self):
        ptype = 'category<int8:str>'
        encoding = 'int8'
        codeset = '{{0:"hi"}'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          ptype, encoding, codeset)

    def test_invalid_str_len(self):
        ptype = 'constant<str>'
        encoding = 'Sfour'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          ptype, encoding)

        ptype = 'constant<str>'
        encoding = 'int8'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          ptype, encoding)

        ptype = 'quantity'
        encoding = 'Sfour'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          ptype, encoding)

    def test_invalid_range(self):
        ptype = 'range<str>'
        encoding = ''

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          ptype, encoding)

    def test_str_fill(self):
        ptype = 'quantity'
        encoding = 'S8'
        fill_value = 'now'

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], 'now') for i in xrange(20)]

    def test_invalid_fill(self):
        encoding = 'opaque'
        fill_value = 'a'

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_fill_value,
                          fill_value, encoding)

    def test_invalid_range_fill(self):
        ptype = 'range<quantity>'
        encoding = 'int32'
        fill_value = '-9999'

        ptype = self.types_manager.get_parameter_type(ptype, encoding)

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_fill_value,
                          fill_value, encoding, ptype)

    def test_record_type(self):
        ptype = 'record<>'
        encoding = ''
        fill_value = ''

        context = self.get_context(ptype, encoding, fill_value)
        paramval = self.get_pval(context)

        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], None) for i in xrange(20)]

        paramval[:] = [{0: 'a'}] * 20
        [self.assertEquals(paramval[i], {0: 'a'}) for i in xrange(20)]

        testval = [{0: 'a'}] * 20

        self.rdt_to_granule(context, [{0: 'a'}] * 20)
        self.cov_io(context, testval)

    def test_bad_ptype(self):
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.types_manager.get_parameter_type,
                          'flimsy', '', '')

    def test_lookup_value_check(self):
        func = NumexprFunction('f',
                               'coeff_a * x', ['coeff_a', 'x'],
                                   'x': 'x',
                                   'coeff_a': 'coeff_a'
        func.lookup_values = ['abc123']
        test_context = ParameterContext('test',

        tm = TypesManager(None, None, None)
        self.assertEquals(tm.get_lookup_value_ids(test_context), ['abc123'])

    def test_bad_units(self):
        tm = TypesManager(None, None, None)
        self.assertRaises(UdunitsError, tm.get_unit, 'something')
Beispiel #17
 def setUp(self):
     self.types_manager = TypesManager(None, None, None)
Beispiel #18
 def test_bad_units(self):
     tm = TypesManager(None, None, None)
     self.assertRaises(UdunitsError, tm.get_unit, 'something')